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Full text of "The registers of St. Martin Outwich, London"

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PROVO.  uTAl-i 


rpHIS  Volume  contains  the  Registers  of  the  Baptisms,  Marriages,  and 
-^  Burials  at  the  Church  of  St.  Martin  Outwich,  London,  from  1670 
to  1873.  The  transcript  of  the  original  Registers,  which  form  this 
Volume,  was  made  some  years  ago  by  the  Rev.  J.  A.  Lumb  Airey,  M.A., 
and  the  whole  of  it  has  been  carefully  revised  with  the  original  Registers. 
The  following  description  and  particulars  of  the  Church  is  taken 
from  pp.  14  and  15  of  "  London  City  Churches  destroyed  since 
A.D.  1800,  OR  now  threatened  "'^  : — 


'  On  the  south  part  of  Three  Needle  Street,  at  the  east  end,  by  the  well  with 
two  buckets,  is  the  parish  church  of  S*  Martin,  called  Oteswich,  of  Martin  de 
Oteswich,  and  others  of  that  name,  new  founders  thereof.'!  Thus  John  Stow 
described  the  position  of  what  was  then  a  newly-built  church,  the  re-building 
dating  from  1540.  John  de  Dalyngton  was  presented  to  the  living  in  1325  by  the 
Earl  of  Surrey.  The  church  of  Stow's  day  escaped  narrowly  the  flames  of  1666, 
and  in  1794  consisted  of  a  nave  and  chancel  and  south  aisle,  with  a  tower  at  the 
south-west  angle  ;J  but  it  had  received  such  serious  injury  from  a  fire  in  Bishops- 
gate  Street,  which  burnt  fifty  houses,  in  1765,  that  it  was  taken  down  in  1795, 
and  re-built  the  following  year  by  Mr.  S.  P.  Cockerell ;  and  again  a  good  deal 
altered  in  1827.  This  building  was  of  very  plain  exterior,  and  built  against  on 
its  western  and  southern  sides.  Occupying  a  veiy  noisy  position,  it  was  found 
advisable  to  admit  light  chiefly  from  the  roof.  The  general  plan  was  elliptical, 
with,  a  recessed  sanctuary,  lighted  by  a  sky-light  which  contained  painted  glass 
saved  from  the  older  church,  showing  several  coats-of-arms — amongst  them  the 
arms  of  Naylor  and  Nevill,  1483,  the  arms  of  Charles  II.,  the  Merchant  Taylors, 
&c.  Several  monuments  were  preserved  from  the  old  church,  of  which  the  finest 
were  that  of  John  Oteswich  and  his  wife,  with  recumbent  effigies  in  alabaster,  and 
that  of  Hugh  Pemberton,  Merchant  Taylor,  who  died  in  1500,  and  his  wife, 
a  canopied  altar-tomb,  with  brasses  at  the  back.      There  were  also  brasses  to 

*  Illustrated  and  described  by  W.  Niven,  F.S.A.,  architect.  (T.  Pettitt  and  Co.,  22  and  23 
Frith  Street,  Shaftesbury  Avenue,  W.,  1887.) 

t  Stow's  Survey. 

X  Allen's  History,  vol.  iii.,  p.  205,  where  a  view  of  the  old  church  is  given,  and  a  plan  as 
in  1760.  A  better  view  of  the  old  church  [here  reproduced — Ed.]  is  given  in  West  and 
Thorn's  London  Churches,  1736.  A  plan  of  the  last  building  is  given  in  Old  and  New  London, 
vol.  i.,  p.  534.  [There  is  also  a  view  of  the  church  given  in  "  Architectura  Ecclesiastica 
Londini,"  by  Charles  Clarke,  F.S.A.  (John  Booth,  Duke  Street,  Portland  Place,  London, 
1820.).— Ed.] 



Nicholas  "Wotton,  who  died  1482,  and  John  Breux,  who  died  1459,  rectors ; 
a  tablet  to  Eich.  Staper,  1608,  &c.  These  monuments  have  been  moved  to 
St.  Helen's  Church,  enriching  what  was  already  a  sumptuous  collection.  Before 
the  repairs  of  1827  the  space  over  the  altar  (which  was  an  elaborate  work  in 
stucco)  was  occupied  by  a  wall-painting  by  Eigaud,  but,  having  become  dilapidated, 
it  was  then  replaced  by  panels  of  imitation  marble !  This  church*  in  its  turn  was 
demolished  in  1874,  the  parish  being  united  with  St.  Helen's." 

For  a  fuller  description  of  the  ancient  Church  the  reader  is  referred  to 
^^  Antique  Remains  from  the  Church  of  St.  Martin  Out^vicll,  London,"t 
wherein  is  contained  a  table  of  Benefactors,  a  List  of  Eectors  and  Patrons, 
and  some  particulars  of  the  Monuments,  with  illustrations. 

The  Registers  are  in  the  custody  of  the  Rector  and  Churchwardens  of 
the  united  parishes  of  St.  Helen's  and  St.  Martin  Outwich,  and  are  kept  in 
an  iron  safe  in  the  Vestry.  No  reference  to  the  earlier  Registers  prior  to 
1670  is  made  on  p.  193  of  the  Parish-Register  Abstract,  ordered  to  be  printed 
14th  February  1834.  The  Editor  has  made  enquiries  from  the  Patrons  of 
the  said  Church  (the  Merchant  Taylors'  Company),  but  without  any  result. 

Space  has  been  saved  in  the  printing  of  this  Volume  by  adopting 
uniformly  the  initial  letters  "s"  and  '^d'^  to  indicate  "son"  and  "daughter," 
and  the  repetition  of  the  formulas  "were  baptized"  or  "married"  or 
"  buried  "  has  also  been  avoided  with  a  similar  result. 

Anything  wdthin  brackets  thus  [  ]  will  of  course  be  understood  as 
explanatory  interpolations  by  the  Editor. 

The  Registers  of  St.  Martin  Outwich  are  written  on  paper,  and  are 
contained  in  seven  volumes,  and  for  easy  reference  are  identified  as  follows  : 




I.— 15  July  1670  to  22  Nov. 

III.— 25  Feb.  1796  to  7  Nov. 

IV.— 17  Jan.  1813  to  5  Jan. 

I.— 11  Sept.  1670  to  23  Mar. 

II.— 30  Autr.  1754  to  25  Nov. 
1812,  with  Banns 
from  1755  to  1776. 

v.— 8  Jan.  1813  to  10  April 
1837  (with  22  entrie.* 
continued  to  25  Mar. 
1855,  but  repeated  in 
Register  VII.). 

VII.— 6  Nov.  1837  to  18  Feb. 

Register  of  Banns  from  1824  to 
1872,  containing  66  entries. 

I.— 5  Autr.  1670  to  23  Nov. 

III.— 20  Feb.  1796  to  4  Dec. 

VI.— 4  Mar.  1813  to  18  April 

None  of  the  Volumes  call  for  any  special  remark. 

*  Vide  View  here  reproduced. — Ed. 

t  By  Robert  Wilkinson.    Cornhill,  5  Jan.  1797.     (R.  Wilkinson,  58  Cornhill,  7  Jan.  1797.) 

PREFACE.  yii 

In  1852  the  churchyard  was  closed.  In  1873  the  Church  was  taken 
down,  and  on  the  oth  of  May  1873  the  Parish  of  St.  Martin  Outwich  was 
conjoined  with  that  of  St.  Helen's,  Bishopsgate. 

The  thanks  of  the  Society  are  due  to  the  Eector  and  Churchwardens 
for  the  kind  permission  to  print  the  Registers ;  to  Philip  Norman,  Esq., 
F.S.A.,  the  Treasurer  of  the  Society  of  Antiquaries  of  London,  for  the 
kind  loan  of  the  old  view  of  the  Church,  from  his  noted  collection  of 
engravings  of  London  Chm-ches ;  and  to  the  Eector  and  Mr.  H.  J.  Davey, 
the  Vestry  Clerk,  for  their  kind  loan  of  the  later  view  of  the  Church,  both 
of  which  views  form  the  Frontispiece  to  this  Volume. 

The  best  thanks  of  the  Society  are  tendered  to  the  Eector,  the  Eev. 
J.  A.  Lumb  Airey,  M.A.,  for  the  kind  loan  of  his  transcript,  the  assistance 
he  has  rendered,  and  the  facilities  of  access  that  he  has  at  all  times  so 
courteously  afforded  to  the  Editor. 


29  September,  1905. 

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[1670,  JrLT  15,  TO  1795,  Notembeb  22.] 

1670  July  15     Henrey  the   Sonn   o£  Eichard  Pigg  and  Ann  his  "Wiff  wase 

baptised  July  the  fiftieth  in  1670 
„      23     Saraw  the  Daughter  of  Henrey  "Webb  and  Maria  his  Wiff  wase 
borne  the  13"i  of  Junu,  baptised  the  23,  1670 
Aug.  18     Justinion  s.  of  John  Whetter  and  Marey  his  wife 
Nov.  30     Mieliaell  s.  of  Michaell  Eolls  and  Sancta  his  wife ;  born  13  Nov. 
Feb.   14     Marey  d.  of  Eichard  Bacar  and  Marey  his  wife 
Mar.  16     William  s.  of  John  Moore  and  Sarah  his  wiff 

1671  April  18     John  s.  of  John  Levett  and  Marey  his  wife  [was  borne  y«  8  of 

Aprill  &t]  wase  Baptised  the  eightenth  [18"']  daye  of  Aprill 
1671  [was  borne  y*^  8  of  Aprill  1671  about  a  Leaven  of  y'' 
a  Clocke  In  y*^  Morningf] 
Isack  s.  of  John  Yanhack  and  Heaster  his  wife 
Ellizabth  d.  of  Samewell  Sadlar  and  Ellizabth  his  wiff 
John  s.  of  John  Prichett  and  Ann  his  vn& 

John  Levett,  P'rish  Clarke 

Judith  d.  of  John  Higgins  and  Judith  his  wife 

Mary   d.   of  Eobert   Stevenson   and  EHzabeth    his    wife  ;    by 

M''  Hollingsworth 
Elizabeth  d.  of  Henry  Lucas  and  Elizabeth  his  wife ;    by  M'' 

Abigaile  Lascells  d.  of  Edward  and  Mary  Lasceles  ;  born  9  June 
John  Smith  s.  of  Thomas  Smith  and  Eachil  his  wife 
Jane  Simson  d.  of  Thomas  Simson  and  Sarah  his  wife 
John  s.  of  John  Clarke  and  Eebekah ;  by  M""  Hollingsworth 
Charls  Littleton  s.  of  Henry  Littleton  and  Zutphania  his  wife ; 

by  M''  Hollingsworth 
Jan.    11     Eebekah  Moyer  d.  of  Samuell  Moyer  and  Eebekah  his  wife ;  by 

Doctor  Eillisson 
„      14     Martha  Peirson  d.  of  Paule  Peirson  and  Martha  his  wife ;  by 

Dean  Smallwood 

*  The  following  Mem.  appears  on  the  fly-leaf  of  this  volume  : — "  Register  Book  of  St.  Martin 
Outwich.  Eebound  March  30'",  1811,  John  Houseman,  Parish  Clerk,  From  the  year  1670  to 

t  Inserted  in  a  different  hand. — Ed, 


Mar.  30 

„  20 

May  17 

„  28 
Aug.  9 

,,  21 

June  10 
Aug.  21 
„  31 
Sep.  15 
Oct.  28 










1671  Feb.     9     Samuell  s.  of  Samuell   Nickcoels  and  Catharine  his  wife;   by 

Deane  Smallwood 
„      11     Mary  Mathews   d.  of   Henry  and   Sarah   his   -wife ;    by  Deane 

„     25     Elyzabeth  Winder  d.  of  John  and  Sarah  his  wife ;  by  Doct'  Masonn 
Mar.     3     Mary  Whitter  d.  of  John  and  Mary  his  wife  ;  by  M'"  Alldridge 

1672  May     4     Miehaell  Eoules  s.  of  Michaell  Roules  and  Sancta  his  wife  ;  by 

Dean  Smallwood 
June  16     John    Higgins   s.  of   John   Higgins   and   Judith  his  wdfe ;   by 
M''  Castell 
„      21     Mary  Andrews  d.  of  Joell  and  Jane  his  wife;  by  M''  Hollings- 
July  11     Faustine  Knight  s.  of  George  Knight  and  Elyzabeth  his  wife; 
by  M>-  Castell 
Richard  Baker  s.  of  Eichard  Baker  and  Mary  his  wife  ;  by  M''  Lye 
Philip  s.  of  Philip  .Jons  and  Ann  his  wife ;  by  M*"  Castle 
Eebeccah  d.  of  John  Clarke  and  Eebeccah  his  wife ;  by  M''  Castle 
Stephen  s.  of  Jasper  Clotterbooke  and  Thomazin  his  wife  ;   by 
M''  Dean  Smallwood 
„      12     Eobert  s.  of  Eobert  Stevenson  and  Elyzabeth  his  wife ;  by  M*" 

Dean  Smallwood 
„      15     John  s.  of  Lewis   James   and   Sarah  his  wife ;    by  M''  Deane 
Jan.     4     George  s.  of  John  Milner  and  Ann  his  wife,  born  4  .Jan. ;  by 
M''  Deane  Smalwood 
.Temima  d.  of  Henry  Lucas  and  Elyzabeth  his  wife;  by  M'"  Castle 
Edmond  s.  of  Paule  Peirson  and  Martha  his  Avife  ;  by  M""  Castle 

1673  May   11     Ann  d.  of  .John  Levett  and  Mary  his  wife,  born  8  May  about 
7  in  the  morning  ;  by  M''  Dean  Smallwood 

Sarah  d.  of  Soloman  Hinchman  and  Alee  his  wife,  born  9  June ; 

by  M^  Castle 
John  s.  of  Michaell  Eoules  and  Sancta  his  wife,  boi'n  13  .Tune  ; 

by  M'-  Castell 
Mary  d.  of  George  Shipside  and  Dorothy  his  wife ;  by  M''  Castell 
Jane  d.  of  George  Stilton  and  Erainces  his  wife ;  by  M""  Castell 
Thomas  s.  of  .Joell  Andrews  and  Jane  his  wife ;  by  M''  Castell 
John  s.  of  Ealph  Lee  and  Ann  his  wife ;  by  M>'  Castell 
Elyzabeth  d.  of  William  Goafe  and  Elizabeth  his  wife ;  by  M' 

Mathew  s.  of  John  Higgins  and  Judith  his  wife ;  by  M*'  Castell 
Jasper  s.  of  Jasper  Clotterbooke  and  Thomazin  his  wife  ;   bv 

M--  Castell 
John  and  Ann,  twinns  of  Henry  Mathews  and  Sarah  his  wif 
William  s.  of  Paull  Peirson  and  Martha  his  wife ;  by  M'  Tuttie 
John  s.  of  John  Blofeilde  and  Mary  his  wife ;  by  M'"  Castle 
John  s.  of  Eobert  Stevenson  and  Elyzabeth  his  wife,  born  12  Feb. ; 

M'-  Castle,  M^i 
Elyzabeth  d.  of  Joseph  Cutts  and  Elyzabeth  his  wife ;  by  M""  Castle 

1674  Aug.  26     Sarah  d.  of  Sarah  and  Thomas  Simson  ;  by  M'"  Calamie 

April  15     Mary  d.  of  George  Knight  and  Elyzabeth  his  wife;,  by  M"" Castle 

1673  July   19     Elyzabeth  d.  of  Eichard  Baker  and  Mary  his  wife,  born  18  July  ; 

by  M''  Lye 

1674  May     9     Eebecca  d.  of  Edward  Lassells  and  Abigail  his  mfe,  born  6  May; 

by  M''  [name  erased. — Ed.] 
.June  17     John  s.  of  .John  Stanton  and  Frances  his  wife  ;  by  M""  Kidder 
July     5     Elyzabeth  d.  of  Phillip  Jones  and  Ann  his  wife 
Aug.     9     Elyzabeth  d.  of  John  Condlev  and  Marv  his  wife,  born  28  July; 

by  M'-  Pellum 
































































1674  Aug.  16     Bartholomew  s.  of  Eichard   Baker   and   Mary  liis  wife,  born 

16  Aug. ;  by  Miu.  Lye 
Sep.    15     Charles  s.  of  Baptist  May  and  Mary  his  wife ;  by  M''  Kidder 
Nov.  26     Ami  d.  of  Mychaell  and  Saucta  Eoales,  born  13  Nov. ;   by  M'" 

Dec.     9     John  s.  of  Anthony  and  Elyzabeth  Parsons  of  S''  Dunston's  in  y^ 
West ;  by  M'  Kidder 
„     13     Thomas  s.  of  Thomas   and   Sarah  Simson,  born  13   Dec. ;   by 

Ml-  Calamy 
„     17     John   s.  of  Ealph  and  Mary  Sherwoode,   born  16   Dec. ;    by 
Ml'  Kidder 
Tryphena  d.  of  John  and  Susanna  Allder ;  by  M'"  Kidder 
Sarah  d.  of  Henry  and  Sarah  Mathews  ;  by  M''  Kidder 
Tliomazeen  d.  of  Jasper  and  Thomazeen  Clotterbooke ;   by  M*" 

William  s.   of  John  and  Judith    Higgins,  born   28   Dec. ;    by 

M'-  Kidder 
Ellenor  d.  of  Eobert  and  Elyzabeth  Stevenson ;  by  M"^  Kidder 
Susan  d.  of  Joell  Andrews  and  Jane  his  wife ;  by  M^"  Kidder 

1675  April  21     Henry  s.  of  Henry  and  Sarah  Williams  ;  by  M^'  Kidder 
Elyzabeth  d.  of  Erancis  and  Eebeeca  Lamm  ;  by  M"-  Kidder 
Dorothy  d.  of  George  Shipside  and  Dorothy  his  wife 
John  s.  of  AVilliam  and  Elyzabeth  Goafe ;  by  M""  Kidder 
William  s.  of  Ealph  and  Mary  Williamson ;  by  M''  Kidder 
Susanna  d.  of  Solomon  and  Alee  Hinchmau ;  by  JNl''  Kidder 
Thomas  s.  of  John  and  Mary  Levett,  born  18  Aug.  betweene 

twell  and  one  of  y*  a  Clocke  in  y*^  Morning  and  was  Baptized 
y^  same  Day  in  y*^  Evening  being  Wendsday  by  M""  Kidder 
Sep.    26     Eosse  d.  of  Henry  and  Eosse  Abbutt  of  Earlescolne  in  y''  County 
of  Essex,  cloather  ;  by  M""  Kidder 
William  s.  of  John  and  Sarah  Purslow ;  by  M""  Margets 
Simon  s.  of  Ealph  and  Ann  Lee  his  wife 

1676  April    5     Mary  d.  of  William  and  Jane  Waters  ;  by  M-"  Kidder 
Edward  s.  of  Edward  and  Abigail  Lassels ;  born  26  March 
Jane  d.  of  Michaell  and  Sancta  Eoales 
Martha  d.  of  Joseph  and  Elyzabeth  Cutts 
Elyzabeth  d.  of  George  and  Dorothy  Shipside 
George  s.  of  Eobert  and  Elyzabeth  Stevenson 
Ann  d.  of  Henry  and  Sarah  Williams 

[There  is  a  blank  space  here. — Ed.] 

Thomas  s.  of  John  and  Ann  Jollife 
Sarah  d.  of  Thomas  and  Sarah  Williams 

EiCHAED  KiDDEE,  Eector 

William  s.  of  William  and  Elyzabeth  Goafe 
Elyzabeth  d.  of  Thomas  and  Elyzabeth  Comes 
Margarett  d.  of  Ealph  and  iNlary  Sherwood 
Ellenor  d.  of  Paull  and  Martha  Peirson 
Eichard  s.  of  Eiehard  and  Elyzabeth  Holt 
Aunamaria  d.  of  Edward  and  Marian  White 
Mai-y  d.  of  Thomas  and  Ann  Johnson 
Jane  d.  of  John  and  Dorothy  Skippwith 

John  s.  of  Edward  and  Martha  West,  Inhabitant  one  y^  Eiver  of 
Piscataque  in  New  England 

1677  „      29     John  s.  of  John  and  Mary  Condley 
Edward  s.  of  John  and  Susanna  Allder 
Mary  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Hills 
Esther  d.  of  Soloman  and  Alee  Hinchman 






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.    8 




1677  May     1     Sarah  d.  of  Thomas  and  Sarah  Asteley 
July  13     Sarauell  s.  of  Edmond  and  [blank^  Garrett 

„      25     Mary  d.  of  Jaspher  and  Thomazeen  Clotterbooke 
„      26     James  and  Eichard   y*^  sonns  of   John  and   Mary  Levett  was 
Baptized  y^  26  of  July  1677  about  twell  of  y'^  aclocke ;  James 
was  borne  betweene  3  and  foure  of  y*^  aclocke  That  morning 
being  Thursday  and  Richard  about  tenn,  being  Twins 
Aug.     3     Eichard  s.  of  John  and  Mary  Blot'eilde 

„      17     William  s.  of  Michaell  and  Sancta  Eoales 
Oct.    29     Elyzabeth  d.  of  Ealph  and  Mary  Williamson 
Nov.  16     Charles  s.  of  Henry  and  Sarah  Williams 
Dec.     8     Grrace  d.  of  Ealj^h  and  Ann  Lee 
„      26    Thomas  s.  of  Thomas  and  Elyzabeth  Comes 

Eichard  Kidder,  Eector 
John  Alder,  Churchwarden 

Jan.     3  Martha  d.  of  Edward  and  Susan  Inns 

,,        6  Thomas  s.  of  Thomas  Dreaton  and  Ann  his  wife 

1678  Mar.  31  Adam  s.  of  William  and  Elyzabeth  Southen 
April    5  William  a.  of  John  and  Sarah  Purslow 

,,        2     Peregrine  s.  of  John  Simmons  of  S'  Georges  p'rish  In  y"^  Hand 
of  Barbadoes,  borne   In  the   p'rish   of   S'  Margarett,   West- 
minster, aged  13  yeeres  Aprill  y°  15,  1678 ;  by  M*'  Kidder 
May     7     Soloman  s.  of  Thomas  and  Sarah  Asteley 
June    2     John  s.  of  John  and  Elyzabeth  Morris 
July   10     Abraham  s.  of  Fetter  and  Mary  Magdalen  Baum 
„      19     Mary  d.  of  Eichard  and  Elyzabeth  Holt ;  born  on  Sunday  7  July 

about  7  at  night 
„      26     Mary  d.  of  W'll.  and  Mary  Smith 
Aug.  24     Mary  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Blofeilde 
„      24     Elyzabeth,  a  foundling  childe,  was  Taken  upp  att  M'^  Eicherdsons 

„      28     Elyzabeth  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Levett,  born  27  Aug.  betweene 
tenn  and  Eleven  of  y*'  aclock  at  night ;  by  M''  Kidder 
Sep.      9     Eichard  s.  of  Jaspher  and  Thomazeen  Clotterbooke 
Oct.    15     Mary  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Griffith 
Jan.    10     John  s.  of  John  and  Mary  Milluer;  born  10  Jan. 
Mar.     2     A  Foundling   Childe   was  taken  Upp  Innses  Doore  y*'  20"'  of 
Eebruary  1678-9,  and  was  named  Johnathan  and  his  Sirname 
to  be  called  Martine 
„      18     Mary  d.  of  Philipe  and  Susanna  Bartlett 

1679  „      27     Jane  d.  of  Thomas  and  Jane  Done 

April  11  Phillipe  s.  of  Edward  and  Abigaile  Lassels  ;  born  11  April 

July  11  Mary  d.  of  Thomas  and  Sarah  Williams;  born  3  July 

,,      15  Elyzabeth  d.  of  Jn°  and  Sarah  Purslow ;  born  15  July 

Oct.      7  Katerine  d.  of  Eichard  and  Elyzabeth  Kidder ;  born  6  Oct. 

„        8  John  s.  of  Jn°  and  Elyzabeth  Morris 

Eichard  Kidder,  Eector 
Eichard  Baker,  Churchwarden 

„      12  John  s.  of  Thomas  and  Ann  Dreaton 

Nov.     3  Mary  d.  of  Eichard  and  Mary  Baker 

„       15  Joseph  8.  of  Joell  and  Jane  Andrews 

Dec.   11  Thomas  s.  of  Jaspher  and  Thomazeen  Clotterbooke 

Jan.    13  Alee  d.  of  William  and  Elyzabeth  Southen 

„      22  Mary  d.  of  Michaell  and  Sancta  Eoales 

Mar.  15  John  s.  of  Eobert  and  Mary  Brown 

1680  May  33  [sic]     Joseph  s.  of  Joseph  and  Elyzabeth  Cutts 





June  17 
„  18 
„  18 
„  20 
„  27 
April  16 
„  18 
May  15 








Sep.    30 
Oct.    16 

„  30 
Nov.  13 
Dec.  30 
Mar.     1 

„  5 
1682     April  23 





July  27 
„  13 
Feb.  4 
Mar.  22 
„  30 
May  29 
Nov.  20 

Dec.     2 




















John  s.  of  Thomas  and  Jobanna  Paulfreman 

Susanna  d.  of  Phillip  and  Susanna  Bartlett ;  born  18  June 

Lusea  d.  of  Ealpb  and  Ann  Lee 

Thomas  s.  of  Thomas  and  Jane  Done 

Robert  s.  of  John  and  Mary  Grriffith 

Robert  s.  of  Jaspher  and  Thomazeen  Clotterbooke 

Sarah  d.  of  Thomas  and  Ann  Richardson 

Charles  s.  of  John  and  Mary  Millner ;  born  11  Feb. 

Sarah  d.  of  Solomon  and  Alee  Hinchman 

Jeremiah  s.  of  Henry  and  Sarah  Williams 

Tobias  Muclegoe,  servant  to  M^'  Thomas  Grifith 

James  s.  of  John  and  Elyzabeth  Morris 

Charles  s.  of  Alwine  and  Mary  Childe 

Mary  d.  of  Jn°  and  Mary  Dines 

Dorothie,  Henry,  and  Gilham  Hills,  children  of  Henry  Hills  5  by 

M--  Kidder 
John  s.  of  John  and  Elyzabeth  Tufnaile ;  born  18  Sep. 
John  s.  of  Phillip  and  Susanna  Bartlet ;  born  16  Oct. 

ElCHAED    KiDDEE,  Recf 

Arthur  s.  of  Arthur  and  Susanna  Nash  ;  by  M""  Kidder 

Roger  s.  of  Roger  and  Grace  Wardmau 

Robert  s.  of  Robert  and  Mary  Brown ;  born  30  Dec. 

Samuell  Bancea ;  by  M''  Kidder 

William  s.  of  AVilliam  and  Elyzabeth  Southen 

A  still  born  Child  Female  of  Jn*"  and  Mary  Levetts  was  Brought 

Into  y"^  world  the  23  of  Aprill  about  nine  of  y^  a  Clock  In  y^ 

Morris  Moseley ;  by  M'"  Kidder 

Elyzabeth  d.  of  Thomas  and  Johanna  Paulfreman ;  born  .  .  Aug. 
Elyzabeth  d.  of  Jn"  and  Mary  Dines 

Samuell  s.  of  John  and  Elyzabeth  Tufnaile ;  born  15  Sep. 
Elyzabeth  d.  of  Pliillip  and  Susanna  Bartlett 
Elyzabeth  d.  of  Edward  and  Susanna  Inns ;  born  .  .  Nov. 
William  s.  of  Jn°  and  Dorothy  Skipwith 
Thomas  s.  of  Roger  and  Grace  Wardman 
John  s.  of  Jn"  and  Mary  Griffith 
Thomas  s.  of  Thomas  and  Ann  Richesson 
Richard  s.  of  Robert  and  Mary  Brown ;  born  4  Feb. 
Ann  d.  of  Jaspher  and  Thomazeen  Clotterbook 
Ann  d.  of  William  and  Elyzabeth  Southen 
Samuell  Phillips 
Sarah  d.  of  Josihas  and  Sarah  Byles  ;  by  M'"  Pygeon 

Richard  Kiddee,  Rector 
Thomas  Legge,  Church  Warden 

Rebecca  d.  of  Jn"  and  Elyzabeth  Tuffnall 

Mary  d.  of  Christopher  Stone  and  Mary  his  wife 

Felysia  d.  of  Samuell  and  Patient  Bolt 

Richard  s.  of  Arthur  and  Susanna  Nash 

John  s.  of  M''  Richard  Kidder  and  Elyzabeth  his   wife,  born 

4  Feb. ;  by  M^"  Deane  Sharpe 
Mary  and  Elyzabeth  (twinns),  daus.  of  Robert  and  Mary  Brown; 

born  4  March 
Jn"  s.  of  Jn"  and  Mary  Dines 

Charles  s.  of  Jn°  and  Mary  Levett ;  born  13  March 
Joseph  s.  of  Mychaell  Willson  and  Frances  his  wife 
Charls  s.  of  Jn°  and  Mary  Griffith 





























1684  May  22     Henry  s.  of  Henry  and  Sarah  Williams 
Elyzabeth  d.  of  Jaspher  and  Thomazeene  Clotterbook 
Mai-y  d.  of  Thomas  and  Johanna  Paulfreeman 
Daniell  s.  of  David  and  Katherine  Israeli 
Sarah  d.  of  Mychaell  and  Sancta  Roals 
Elyzabeth  d.  of  Thomas  and  Elyzabeth  Eowlands 
Katherine  d.  of  Henry  and  Katherine  Soames 

RicHAED  Kidder,  Rect'' 
Daniell  Simons,  Church  "Warden 

Hellen  d.  of  Roger  and  Grace  Wardman 

Mary  d.  of  Jn°  and  Mary  Dare ;  born  19  Jan. 

John  s.  of  Jn°  and  Elyzabeth  Morris 

Samuell  s.  of  Edward  and  Hannah  Timms ;  born  16  Feb. 

1685  July  29     Jane  d.  of  Jaspher  and  Thomazeen  Clotterbooke 
Helleenor  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Grriffith 

[There  is  a  blank  space  here. — Ed.] 

Elyzabeth  d.  of  Henry  and  Katherine  Soames ;  born  15  Sep. 

Jane  d.  of  Robei't  and  Cornelya  Brown,  born  2  Dec. ;  by  M'' 

Charnock  s.  of  Edward  and  Rebecca  Paige 

Mary  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Levett,  borne  at  2  of  y®  a  Clock  one 
Munday  Morning,  being  y"  15  Day  of  February  1685-6,  and 
was  Baptized  y'=  16,  being  Shrove  tuesday,  by  M''  Kidder 

Mary  d.  of  Samuell  and  Mary  Emms ;  born  19  Feb. 

Edward  s.  of  Edward  and  Hannah  Timms ;  born  13  March 

1686  April  21     Elyzabeth  d.  of  Jn"  and  Elyzabeth  Tufuaile 
June  27     William  s.  of  Jn''  and  Mary  Dare 

Richard  Kidder,  Rector 
Tho.  Williams,  Churchwarden 

„     29     Henry  s.  of  Thomas  and  Sarah  Jarvis 
July     2     Richard  s.  of  Thomas  and  .Johanna  Paulfreman 
„       4     Elyzabeth  d.  of  Edmond  and  Elyzabeth  Drayton 
„      13     [blank']  Done  was  Buryed  In  y'=  Vault  in  the  Chauncell  y''  13  of 

July  1686* 
„      11     Frances  d.  of  William  and  Frances  Southen 
Aug.  27     Elyzabeth,  a  foundling  childe,  was  Taken  Upp  at  M''  Roales  dore 

y^  16  of  August 
Sep.      5     Ann  d.  of  M''  Richard  Kidder,  Rector  of  this  Parrish,  and  Elyza- 
beth his  wife  ;  born  4  Sep. 
Oct.    17     Thomas  s.  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Mercer 
Nov.  20     Henry  s.  of  Henry  and  Katherine  Soams  ;  born  20  Nov. 

„      21     Jane  d.  of  Thomas  and  Elyzabeth  Rowlands 
Mar.  14     Ann  d.  of  Edward  and  Hannah  Timms 

1687  „      27     Ann  d.  of  Jn°  and  Mary  Levett ;  born  23  Mar.  being  Wednesday 

between  y^  Hours  of  three  and  four  of  the  A  clock  In  y'^  morning 
April  25     Mary  d.  of  Jn°  and  Elyzabeth  Crundell 
June    5     Lawrence  s.  of  Jaspher  and  Thomazeen  Clotterbooke 

„      26     William  s.  of  John  and  Mary  Griffith 
Oct.      2     John  s.  of  Thomas  and  Ann  Jorden 
Dec.   30     Frances  d.  of  Henry  and  Katherine  Soams 
Feb.    11     Frances  d.  of  Edward  Harvey  of  Combe  In  y^  County  of  Surrey 

and  Elyzabeth  his  wife 
Mar.  14     Agnis  d.  of  William  and  Dorythy  Harvey  of  Chickwell  In  y^ 

County  of  Essex 

1688  „      31     Ann  d.  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Mercer ;  born  31  March 

*  Vide  Register  of  Burials  under  this  date. — Ed. 






















[    3 







BAPTISMS.  ^  7 

1688  May  18     James   Martine,  a   foundling  who  was  taken  upp  at  Maddam 
Delabolaers  Doore  In  Crown  Court  y^  16  of  Marcb 

Ann  d.  of  Edward  and  Hannah  Timms 
Robert  s.  of  Eobert  and  Susanna  Mayor 
Ellennor  d.  of  Edmond  and  Elyzabeth  Drayton 
Mary  d.  of  Thomas  and  Elyzabeth  Rowlands 
Thomas  s.  of  Arthur  and  Susanna  Nash 
Mary  d.  of  William  and  Carolina  Letham 
Elyzabeth  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Grriffith 
Jeremy  s.  of  Henry  and  Katherine  Soams 
Joshuah  s.  of  Joseph  and  Mary  Shepheard 

1689  April    3     Elisabeth  d.  of  William  and  Annah  Garway 
Mary,  a  foundling  Child 
Thomas  s.  of  Eob'  and  Ann  Jackson 
Elhanan  s.  of  Andrew  and  Ann  Tucker  of  Tenderten  in  Kent 

(aged  as  he  aiBrmed),  about  83  yeares 
July   10     A  foundling  Child,  received  the  name  of  Grace 


Thomas  Drayton,  Church  Warden 

Ann  d.  of  Edmund  and  Elisabeth  Drayton 
Nathanael  s.  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Mercer 
Richard  s.  of  Lawrence  and  Mary  (lutterbuck 
Hannah  d.  of  Edward  and  Hannah  Tims 
Susanna  d.  of  James  and  Ann  Anselin 
Elisabeth  d.  of  Thomas  and  Elisabeth  Draper 
Margaret  d.  of  Jaspar  and  Thomasin  Clutterbuck 
Millisent  d.  of  Robert  and  IMillisent  Garrard 
Mary  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Crundell 
John  s.  of  John  and  Judith  Abbot 
Elisabeth  d.  of  Edward  and  Elisabeth  Carr 
Rebeckah  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Levet 
Sarah,  a  foundling  or  parish  child 
John  s.  of  Fraufis  and  Ann  Gelling 
Mary  d.  of  John  and  Ann  Jordan 
Elisabeth  d.  of  William  and  Carolina  Letham 

1690  Mar.  30     Samuel  and  Eleanor,  twins,  y"^  children  of  Willia'  and  Hannah 


Joseph  s.  of  John  and  Mary  Griffith 
Samuel  s.  of  Arthur  and  Susan  Nash 
Mary  d.  of  Henry  and  Katharine  Somes 
Hannah  d.  of  Edward  and  Hannah  Tims 
Thomas  s.  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Ange 
Rob*  s.  of  Clement  and  Elisabeth  Austin 
Mary  d.  of  Christopher  and  Susanna  Dicks 
Elisabeth  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Crundell 
Elisabeth  d.  of  Rob*  and  Ann  Jackson 
Susan  d.  of  Rob'  and  Susan  Mayor 
Elisabeth  d.  of  Thomas  and  Susanna  Morgan 
Susanna  d.  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Mercer 
Walter  s.  of  Peter  and  Isabella  Burwell 
William  s.  of  William  and  Carolina  Letham 
James  s.  of  James  and  Ann  Anselin 
William  s.  of  Christopher  and  Mary  Smith 
Sarah  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Levet 

1691  „      25     Martin  s.  of  Martin  and  Mary  Basil 
John  s.  of  Thomas  and  Elizabeth  Rowland 
Ellen  d,  of  John  and  Judith  Abbot 



June  20 








































































1691  Mav  17     William  s.  of  William  and  Hannah  Scot 
Eobert  s.  of  D"'  Eobert  Plott  and  Eebecca  his  wyfe 
Ann  d.  of  Eobert  and  Millecent  Garrat 
Elisabeth  d.  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Ange 
Elisabeth  d.  of  Francis  and  Ann  God^^-in 
Ann  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Crundell 
Edward  s.  of  Edward  and  Hannah  Timms 
Anne  d.  of  Eobert  and  Anne  Jackson 
Mary  d.  of  Joseph  and  Mary  Shepherd 
Mary  d.  of  Christopher  and  Mary  Smith 
John  s.  of  Henery  and  Katherine  Soames 
Thomas  s.  of  William  and  Mary  Le^"is 
James  s.  of  James  and  Anne  Anseline 

1692  May     1     Susanna  d.  of  Eobert  and  Susanna  Mayor 
Elianor  d.  of  William  and  Carolina  Letham 
Mary  d.  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Ange 
Peter  s.  of  Peter  and  Isabella  Burwell 
Elizabeth  d.  of  Edward  and  Hannah  Timms 
Langham  s.  of  Benjamine  and  Eebecca  Eookeby 
Eichard  s.  of  John  and  Judeth  Abbott 
Eichard  s.  of  Ambrose  and  Jane  Upton 
Gervass  s.  of  Henery  and  Katherine  Soames 
Elizabeth  d.  of  Eobert  and  Sarah  Dawson 
Timothy  s.  of  Timothy  and  Hannah  Pakeman 

1693  ,,      26     Moses  Outwich,  a  child  found  and  taken  up  at  M'  Hooles  door 
April  17     Elizabeth  d.  of  Christopher  and  Marj^  Smith 

John  s.  of  Eobert  and  Melliceut  Garrett 
John  s.  of  John  and  Mary  Crundell 
Eobert  s.  of  John  and  Hannah  Cheek 
Hannah  d.  of  Thomas  and  Elizabeth  Eowland 
William  s.  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Ange 
Elizabeth  d.  of  Joseph  and  Mary  Shepherd 
Anne  d.  of  Samuell  and  Anne  Manship 
Anne  d.  of  James  and  Anne  Anseline 
Jane  d.  of  Eobert  and  Anne  Jackson 
Bedford  s.  of  Bedford  and  Elizabeth  Carr 
Eichard  s.  of  James  and  Elizabeth  Web 
Anne  d.  of  Edward  and  Judeth  Gourney 

1694  April  10    Elizabeth  d.  of  William  and  Hannah  Scott 
Edward  s.  of  Edward  and  Hannah  Timms 
Sarah  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Crundell 
Isabela  d.  of  Peter  and  Isabella  Burwell 
Edward  s.  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Ange 
Simon  s.  of  Christopher  and  Mary  Smith 
Eebecca  d.  of  Eobert  and  Eebecca  Plott 
Hannah  d.  of  Timothy  and  Hannah  Pakeman 
Eobert  s.  of  John  and  Jane  Armstrong 
Jane  d.  of  John  and  Jane  Dewy 
George  s.  of  Georg  and  Elizabeth  Boulton 
Jarvis  s.  of  Henery  and  Katherine  Soame 
Thomas  s.  of  Thomas  and  Sarah  Brown 

Tho.  Beeeow,  Eecf 

Timo.  Pakeman,  Churchward'' 

1695  May  22     Elizabeth  d.  of  John  and  Eebecca  Hopgood 
Aug.  29     Elizabeth  d.  of  Eichard  and  Mary  Bryan 
Dec.     1     Mary  d.  of  James  and  Anne  Anseline 

Jan.    15     Eobert  s.  of  Joseph  and  Mary  Shepherd ;  by  M''  Eichardson 





June  20 















































June  29 





























June  25 




















1695  Peb.  21  Georg  s.  of  James  and  Elizabeth  Web 
Mar.     7  Richard  s.  of  John  and  Mary  Crundell 

1696  „      27  Jeremiah  s.  of  Prancis  and  Elizabeth  Price  ;  by  M''  Eobertson 
July  20  Ralph  JSherwood  Plott  «.  of  Rebecca,  relict  of  D''  Robert  Plott 

„      27  Thomas  Rowland  s.  of  Thomas  and  Elizabeth  Rowland 

Sep.    27  Lucretia  d.  of  William  and  Susanna  Reve 

Oct.      3  Anne  d.  of  William  and  Margerett  Wingood 

Nov.  27  Merrick  s.  of  Peter  and  Isabella  Burrell 

Dec.     8  Joseph  s.  of  Joseph  and  Katherine  Marston 

„      10  John  s.  of  Thomas  Molyneux,  Esq'",  and  Mary  his  wife 

,,      29  Thomas  s.  of  Nicholas  and  Sarah  Simpson 

Jan.    15  William  s.  of  Henery  and  Katharine  Soame 

Peb.   16  Georg  s.  of  Georg  and  Mary  Brumley 

1697  April  15  John  s.  of  John  and  Mary  Martin 

„      23  Mark  s.  of  John  and  Grace  Parker 

May     9  Hester  Martin,  a  child  found  in  the  parish 

June  25  Michaell  s.  of  Michaell  and  Mary  Wilson 

July  15  Anne  d.  of  Joell  and  Anne  Pocock 

Aug.  28  Thomas  Jordan  s.  of  Thomas  and  Anne 

Sep.      8  Isaac  Gerrard  s.  of  Isaac  and  Martha 

Nov.  26  Elizabeth  Edwards  d.  of  Richard  and  Mary 

Dec.   14  William  Wingod  [Wingood]  s.  of  William  and  Margarett 

„      23  John  Beddinfeild  s.  of  Francis  and  Elizabeth 

1698  Mar.  30  Mary  Nelmes  d.  of  Robert  and  Elizabeth 
April  17  John,  a  childe  found  at  M''  Hooles  door 
May     6  Jarvis  s.  of  Joseph  and  Katharine  Marston 
June  23  William  s.  of  James  and  Elizabeth  Web 
Aug.     4  Joseph  s.  of  Thomas  and  Elizabeth  Rowland 
Sep.    18  William  s.  of  James  and  Anne  Anseline 
Oct.      2  Jane  d.  of  Isaac  and  Martha  Gerrard 

„      12  Anne  Cimingham,  a  child  born  in  the  Streets  nere  M''  Nashes  door 

„      16  John  s.  of  John  and  Elizabeth  Turner 

Dec.     4  Elizabeth  d.  of  John  and  Bridgett  Haler 

Jan.      1  Joseph  s.  of  William  and  Mai'garett  Wingood 

„        9  Dorothy  and  Mary  Knight,  daughters  of  John  and  Mary ;  born 

9  Jan. 

„      22  Thomas  [blank'],  a  child  found  iu  the  parish 

Peb.     8  Anne  d.  of  Henery  and  Katharine  Soame 

Tiio.  Bekkow,  Rect"^ 

1699  May     5  Frances  Roche  d.  of  Edward  and  Prances 

„        7  Arthur  Garres  s.  of  Thomas  and  [blank'] 

„      16  Susanna  Pocock  d.  of  Joell  and  Anne 

July     7  Becket  Walker  s.  of  Robert  and  Mary 

„      26  Sarah  Woodbourn  d.  of  Georg  and  Sarah 

„      29  Anne  Martin  Outwich,  &c. 

Aug.  10  Thomas  Martin  Outwich,  &c. 

,,      15  James  Webb  s.  of  James  and  Elizabeth 

Oct.      6  Sarah  Andrewes  d.  of  Thomas  and  Sarah 

Dec.     6  Margarett  Garrard  d.  of  Isaac  and  Martha 

„       10  Elizabeth  Beddingfeild  d.  of  Francis  and  Elizabeth 

Jan.      1  Richard  Martin  Outwich,  a  child  found  in  the  parish 

Peb.   16  Katherine  d.  of  Joseph  and  Katherine  Marston 

1700  April  28  Thomas  s.  of  William  and  Margarett  Wingood 
June  20  Jane  d.  of  Robert  and  Mary  Walker 

Aug.     3  Mary  d.  of  James  and  Elizabeth  Webb 

„      10  Elizabeth  d.  of  John  and  Elizabeth  Turner 

„      26  Mary  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Mullineaux 

Sep.    15  Anne  d.  of  Richard  and  Anne  Stafferton 


1700  Sep.    15     Joell  s.  of  Joell  and  Anne  Pocock 
Michaell  s.  of  Michaell  Brett 

Grace  d.  of  "  James  and  Anseline  "  [?  Ann  Anseline. — Ed.] 
Vere  Martin  Outwich,  a  female  child  found  in  the  parish 
"William  Nelmes  s.  of  Eobert  and  Elizabeth 
John  Haler  s.  of  John  and  Bridgett 
Dorothy  Casson  d.  of  Thomas  and  Elizabeth 
Elizabeth  Maire  d.  of  Eobert  and  Susanna 

1701  May     4     Jane  Andrews  d.  of  Thomas  and  Sarah 
Henery  Webb  s.  of  James  and  Elizabeth 
Eichard  Colegrave  s.  of  Eichard  and  Margarett 
Anne  Marston  d.  of  Joseph  and  Catharine 
Mary  Brampton  d.  of  James  and  Mary 
Martha  Wingood  d.  of  AV™  and  Margarett 
Thomas  Pocock  s.  of  Joell  and  Anne 

1702  Aug.  26     Mary  Cason  d.  of  Thomas  and  Elizabeth 
Elizabeth  Webb  d.  of  James  and  Elizabeth 
Henery  Cooke  s.  of  Henery  and  Sarah 
Anne  Haler  d.  of  John  and  Mary 
Townesend  Andrewes  s.  of  Thomas  and  Sarah 
Arthur  Adams  s.  of  William  and  Sarah 
Craford  Shanks  s.  of  John  and  Anne 

Thomas  Berrow,  Eector 

1703  Mar.  28     Martha  Pocock  d.  of  Joell  and  Anne 
Elizabeth  Nicholls  d.  of  Phillip  and  Jane 
James  Marston  s.  of  .Joseph  and  Katherine 
Esther  d.  of  James  and  Ann  Anseline 
Sarah  AVoodburn  d.  of  George  and  Sarah  Woodburn 
Eachel  d.  of  Edward  and  Mary  Stracy 
Thomas  s.  of  James  and  Elizabeth  AVebb 
Samuel  son  of  Samuel  and  Cassandra  Keightly 
Thomas  s.  of  Henry  and  Sarah  Cook 

NicHO.  ZiNZAN,  Eector 

1704  June  14     Elizabeth  Martin  Outwdch,  foundling 
John  Manwaring  s.  of  John  Manwaring  by  Elizabeth  his  wife 
John  s.  of  John  Bourn  by  Bridget  his  wife 
Thomas  s.  of  John  Ardren  by  Catharine  his  wife 
Thomas  s.  of  .John  Knight  by  Mary  his  wife 
Shrowley  s.  of  Joseph  Sarrige  by  Mary  his  wife 
Ann  d.  of  Eobert  Kennerwell  by  Ann  his  wife 

NicHo.  ZiNZAN,  Eector 

1705  April  27  John  s.  of  Henry  Cook  by  Sarah  his  wife 
May  18  Mary  d.  of  John  and  Hester  Brownsmith 
June  29     Mary  d.  of  Samuel  Blankley  by  Jane  his  wife 

Aug.  12     Cassandra  d.  of  Samuel  Keightly  by  Cassandra  his  wife 
Sep.      2     Edward  s.  of  Edward  Eaton  by  Loetitia  his  wife 

NicHO.  ZiNZAN,  Eector 

Ann  d.  of  Francis  Bracken  by  Sarah  his  wife 
Mary  d.  of  .James  AVebb  by  Elizabeth  his  wife 
Thomas  s.  of  John  Ardren  by  Catharine  his  wife 
Eebecca  d.  of  Joseph  Marston  by  Katherine  his  wife 
Elizabeth  d.  of  Joel  Pocock  by  Ann  his  wife 
Mary  d.  of  Elizabeth  Levet 
John  s.  of  Jonathan  Claridge  by  Elenor  his  wife 
James  s.  of  James  Dunbryon  by  Elizabeth  his  wife 

NiCHO.  ZiNZAN,  Eector 































































June  14 





























BAl»TISMS.  11 

1706  Mar.  26    Henry  s.  of  Ealph  "Wood  by  Mary  his  wife 
William  Martin  Outwich,  foundling 
Thomas  Martin  Outwich,  foundling 
Samuel  s.  of  Samuel  Blankly  by  Jane  his  wife 
G-eorge  s.  of  Joseph  Sarrage  by  Mary  his  yviie 
Mary  d.  of  John  Knight  by  Mary  his  wife 
John  s.  of  James  Anseline  by  Ann  his  wife 
Joseph  s.  of  James  Webb  by  Elizabeth  his  wife 
Robert  s.  of  John  Ardren  by  Catharine  his  wife 
Eichard  s.  of  John  Brownsmith  by  Hester  his  wife 
Joseph  s.  of  James  Dunbryon  by  Elizabeth  his  wife 
Edward  s.  of  Joel  Pocock  by  Ann  his  wife 
Theophilus  s.  of  Samuel  Keitly  by  Cassandra  his  wife 
John  s.  of  Peter  Arabin  Champars  by  Henrietta  his  wife 

N.  ZiyzAN,  Eector 

1707  June  23     Jane  d.  of  Samuel  Blankly  by  Jane  his  wife 
John  s.  of  John  Bourn  bv  Bridget  his  wife 
William  s.  of  WilHam  Head  by  Mary  his  wife 
Ann  d.  of  John  Bennet  by  Mary  his  wife 
Michael  Eolls  s.  of  Eobert  Pierce  by  Sarah  his  wife 
James  s.  of  John  Ardren  by  Catherine  his  wife 
Thomas  s.  of  Joseph  Marston  by  Catherine  his  wife 
Thomas  s.  of  Philip  Nicholds  by  Jane  his  wife 
Elizabeth  d.  of  William  Gribson  by  Martha  his  wife 

NiCH.  ZiNZAN,  Eector 

1708  Mar.  28     Eebeccah  d.  of  Ealph  Wood  by  Mary  his  wife 
Mary  d.  of  Edward  Blunt  by  Ann  his  wife 
Elizabeth  d.  of  Joseph  Sarrage  by  Mary  his  wife 
John  s.  of  John  Brownsmith  by  Hester  his  wife 
Stanly  s.  of  Charles  Goodman  by  Hauuah  his  wife 
John  s.  of  John  Bond  by  Deborah  his  wife 
Catherine  d.  of  Joel  Pocock  by  Ann  his  mfe 
Susannah  d.  of  John  Knight  by  Mary  his  wife 
Thomas  s.  of  Thomas  Barton  by  Mary  his  wife 
John  s.  of  Samuel  Blankley  by  Jane  his  wife 
Mary  d.  of  Samuel  Kiteley  by  Cassandra  his  wife 

N.  ZiNZAy,  Eector 

1709  April  21     Samuel  s.  of  William  Adams  by  Sarah  his  wife 
May     5     George  s.  of  Edward  Stracy  by  Mary  his  wife 

John  s.  of  AVilliam  G-ibson  by  Martha  his  wife 
Edward  s.  of  James  Anselin  by  Ann  his  wife 
Arthur  s.  of  John  Ardren  by  Catherine  his  wife 
Eobert  s.  of  Charles  Kemp  by  Elizabeth  his  wife 
Samuel  s.  of  John  Manwaring  by  Elizabeth  his  wife 
Toilet  s.  of  Philip  Nicholds  by  Jane  his  wife 
George  s.  of  John  Brownsmith  by  Hester  his  wife 
Mary  d.  of  Eichard  Fish  by  ]Martha  his  ^nfe 
Giles  s.  of  Joel  Pocock  by  Ann  his  wife 

1710  Mar.  27     Thomas  s.  of  Thomas  Hodgkins  by  Martha  his  wife 
Catharine  d.  of  John  Ardren  by  Cathai'ine  his  wife 
William  s.  of  Ealph  Wood  by  Mary  his  wife 
Philippa  d.  of  Moses  Bannister  by  Philipjja  his  wife 
John  s.  of  Thomas  Barton  by  Mary  his  wife 
Nicholas  s.  of  James  Haynes  by  Mary  his  ^\•ife 
Mary  d.  of  Samuel  Blankley  by  Jane  his  wife 
Mary  d.  of  William  Hodge  by  Sarah  his  mfe 





















































June  11 



































April  13 







June  11 






1710  Jan.      7     Samuel  s.  of  Samuel  Keitley  hj  Cassandra  his  wife 
Thomas  s.  of  Thomas  Jenkes  by  Alice  his  wife 
Richard  Martin,  exposed  in  y"^  street 
Margaret  d.  of  Richard  Fish  by  Martha  his  wife 

NicH.  ZiNZAN,  Rector 

1711  May  31     Edward  s.  of  John  Ardren  by  Catharine  his  wife 
Moses  s.  of  Moses  Bannister  by  Philippa  his  wife 
Robert  s.  of  John  "Woodman  by  Jane  his  wife 
Sarah  d.  of  Joel  Pococke  by  Ann  his  wife 
Elizabeth  d.  of  Samuel  Turner  by  Elizabeth  his  wife 
Mary  d.  of  Thomas  Barton  by  Mary  his  wife 
Ann  d.  of  Edward  Stracy  by  Mary  his  wife 
Biglay  s.  of  John  Manwaring  by  Elizabeth  his  wife 
George  s.  of  John  Kjiight  by  Mary  his  wife 
Charles  s.  of  Charles  Goodman  by  Mary  his  wife 
John  s.  of  John  Brownsmith  by  Hester  his  wife 

N.  ZiNZAN,  Rector 

1712  April    8     Thomas  Dod  s.  of  Isaac  Iden  by  Eienor  his  wife 
Mary  d.  of  William  Powel  by  Susannah  his  Avife 
Elizabeth  d.  of  George  North  by  Elizabeth  his  wife 
Mary  d.  of  Samuel  Keitley  by  Cassandra  his  wife 
John  Martin  Outwich,  a  parish  child 
William  Martin  Out\Adch,  a  parish  child 
Matthias  Johnson,  one  of  ripe  years,  of  the  parish  of  S^  Andrew 

Elizabeth  d.  of  Thomas  Barton  by  Mary  his  wife 
William  s.  of  John  Joyce  by  Mary  his  wife 
Mathew  s.  of  John  Hickson  by  Elizabeth  his  wife 
Susanna  and  Elizabeth,  twin  daughters  of  John  Nash  by  Rebecca 

his  wife 
Thomas  s.  of  John  Grimes  by  Ann  his  wife 
James  s.  of  Edward  East  by  Elizabeth  his  wife 
Elizabeth  d.  of  Philip  Nicholds  by  Jane  his  wife 

1713  May   13     Anthony  s.  of  Anthony  Dell ico  by  Jane  his  wife 
Cassandra  d.  of  Samuel  Keitly  by  Cassandra  his  wife 
Stephen  s.  of  Stephen  Johnson  by  Elizabeth  his  wife 
James  Angel,  a  foundling 
Eienor  d.  of  Isaac  Iden  by  Eienor  his  wife 
Thomas  s.  of  George  Putchin  by  Frances  his  wife 
Elizabeth  d.  of  William  Rainor  by  Sarah  his  wife 
George  s.  of  George  North  by  Elizabeth  his  wife 

1714  April    9     Robert  s.  of  Jo"  Grimes  by  Ann  his  wife 
Arthur  s.  of  John  Nash  by  Rebecca  his  wife 
Richard  s.  of  Thomas  Barton  by  Mary  his  wife 
John  8.  of  .James  Carpenter  by  Martha  his  wife 
Elizabeth  d.  of  Mary  Evans,  deliver'd  at  y'=  Church  door 
Thomas  s.  of  Thomas  Gwillim  by  Martha  his  wife 

NiCHO.  ZiNZAN,  Rector 

.John  s.  of  John  Woodman  by  Jane  his  wife 
Samuel  s.  of  Samuel  Keitly  by  Cassandra  his  wife 
John  s.  of  Edward  East  by  Elizabeth  his  wife 
Mary  d.  of  Samuel  Tanner  by  Elizabeth  his  wife 
Frederick  s.  of  Isaac  Iden  by  Eienor  his  wife 
Ann  d.  of  William  Adams  by  Sarah  his  wife 
Martha  d.  of  John  Pate  by  Ann  his  wife 



































June  IS 







































April    9 








1     9 

















:b  APT  ISMS.  13 

1714  Jan.    20  Alice  d.  of  Philip  Nicolds  by  Jane  his  wife 

,,      30  Thomas  s.  of  Thomas  Grilbert  by  Elizabeth  his  wife 

Mar.  15  William  s.  of  Robert  Bunny  by  Ann  his  wife 

„      18  John  s.  of  Greorge  Belles  by  Mary  his  wife 

1715  April    1  William  James  s.  of  William  Chambers  by  Elizabeth  his  wife 
June  14  William  s.  of  John  Nash  by  Eebecca  his  wife 

July  23  William  s.  of  Thomas  Barton  by  Mary  his  wife 

Aug.  13  Elizabetli  d.  of  James  Carpenter  by  Elizabeth  his  wdfe 

Sep.    17  Martha  d.  of  John  Woodman  by  Jane  his  wife 

Oct.    28  Crispine  Martin,  an  unknown  child 

Nov.  16  Sarah  Hill,  of  riper  years 

„      20  John  s.  of  John  Manwaring  by  Elizabeth  his  wife 

Dec.     3  Kebecca  AVatson,  of  riper  years 

Jan.      5  Thomas  s.  of  Samuel  Keitley  by  Cassandra  his  wife 

.,       15  Henry  s.  of  Anthony  Dellico  by  Jane  his  wife 

Feb.  20  Sarah  d.  of  Philip  Nicolds  by  Jane  his  vdie 

„      22  Arthur  s.  of  George  North  by  Elizabeth  his  wife 

1716  April  22  Mary  d.  of  James  East  by  Elizabeth  his  wife 
May  28  Elizabeth  d.  of  W™  and  Sarah  Eayner 
July  10  Mary  d.  of  Charles  and  Eliz.  Kemp 

NiCHO.  ZixzAN,  Rector  [sic'].     Josiah  Whately,  Recf^^ 

,,      15  Frederick  s.  of  Isaack  and  Elianor  Iden 

„      22  Frances  d.  of  Edw''  and  Elizabeth  Williams 

Sep.      6  John  s.  of  John  and  Rebecca  Nash 

Oct.    16  Sarah  d.  of  W°i  and  Elizabeth  Chambers 

Sep.    14  Thomas  s.  of  John  and  Jane  Woodman 

„      16  William  s.  of  Dan'  and  Grace  Squire 

Dec.  23  Arabella  d.  of  John  and  Elizabeth  Mamvaring 

„      30  Elizabeth  d.  of  Robert  and  Anne  Bunn 

Feb.     3  George  s.  of  George  and  Mary  Belles 

—  Anna  Maria  d.  of  Elizabeth  North 

Mar.     6  John  s.  of  John  and  Anne  Grimes 

1717  „      28  Cassandra  Miller  d.  of  Sam^  and  Cassandra  Keightly 
,,      28  Sarah  d.  of  Rob'  and  Elizabeth  Morse 

May     5  James  s.  of  James  and  Elizabeth  Carpenter 

June    2  Elizabeth  d.  of  James  and  Elizabeth  East 

July     2  Thomas  s.  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Barton 

Aug.     1  Thomas  s.  of  John  and  Mary  Knight 

Nov.     2  Francis  d.  of  Charles  and  Ann  Crabb 

Jan.    12  William  s.  of  William  and  Elizabeth  Martin 

„      17  Thomas  s.  of  John  and  Elizabetli  Hill 

Feb.   13  Samuel  s.  of  John  and  Eliz.  Edwards 

„      23  Elizabeth  d.  of  Philip  and  Jaue  Nichols 

1718  Mar.  25  Judith  d.  of  John  and  Rebecca  Nash 

„      30  Lydia  d.  of  James  and  Elizabeth  East 

May  24  Hothersill  s.  of  George  and  Elizabeth  North 
July    10     Thomas  s.  of  Daniel  and  Mary  Davis 

Sep.    11  Margaret  Martin  Outwich,  a  parish  child 

„      14  John  s.  of  James  and  Elizabeth  Carpenter 

„      21  William  s.  of  John  and  Sarah  Crook 

Oct.    15  Mary  Miluer  d.  of  Samuel  and  Cassandra  Keightly 

Nov.     9  Samuel  s.  of  Wargent  and  Hannah  Nicholson 
Dec.   26     James  s.  of  John  and  Judith  Grace 
Jan.    14     John  s.  of  John  and  Mary  Crabb 

Feb.     5  John  s.  of  John  and  Elizabeth  Edwards 

„      10     William  s.  of  George  and  Elizabeth  Belles 

JosiAH  Whately,  Rector 


1718  Feb.   15     John  s.  of  William  and  Mary  Dodcester 
Mar.     8     Kichard  s.  of  Eobert  and  Grrace  Jenniug 

1719  Ajjril  12     Mary  Bennet  y"^  child  of  a  strange  woman 
Dorothy  d.  of  John  and  Elizabeth  Hill 
Edward  s.  of  James  and  Elizabeth  East 
John  s.  of  William  and  Elizabeth  Martyn 
Sarah  d.  of  George  and  Elizabeth  Pepys 
Mary  d.  of  Greorge  and  Elizabeth  JN'orth 
William  and  Elizabeth,  twins,  children   of   Jn°   and   Elizabeth 

Sarah  d.  of  James  and  Elizabeth  Carpenter 
John  s.  of  John  and  Judith  Grace 
Sarah  d.  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Barton 
Charles  s.  of  Charles  and  Rebecca  Inwood 
John  s.  of  Robert  and  Ann  Hay 
Daniel  s.  of  W"  and  Mary  Dochester 
Elizabeth  d.  of  Francis  and  Eliza  Emerton 

1720  June  22     Caleb  s.  of  Samuel  and  Cassandra  Keighley 
Ann  d.  of  Charles  and  Ann  Crab 
Mary  d.  of  George  and  Eliza  Bellis 
Solomon  s.  of  James  and  Eliza  East 
Elizabeth  d.  of  George  and  Eliza  Pepys 
Ann  d.  of  Robert  and  Grace  Jennings 
Sarah  d.  of  Charles  and  Mary  Hyatt 
Deborah  d.  of  Francis  and  Eliza  Emerton 
Susanna  d.  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Barton 

1721  May  18     Elizabeth  d.  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Snell 
John  s.  of  John  and  Mary  Knight 
Richard  s.  of  George  and  Elizabeth  Pepys 
James  s.  of  George  and  Elizabeth  North 
Anna  Maria  d.  of  John  and  Elizabeth  Edwards 
Mary  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Casement 
Nathaniel  and  Edmund,  twins,  children   of  George  and  Mary 

®  ^^  Benja.  Caetee,  Rector 

Katherine  d.  of  John  and  Katherine  Martin 
Susanna  d.  of  Philip  and  Susanna  Nicholls 
Sarah  d.  of  Charles  and  Mary  Hyatt 
Ann  d.  of  Fi'ancis  and  Ann  Wyat 

1722  „      25     Richard  s.  of  John  and  Ann  Clark 
Ann  d.  of  Edward  and  Elizabeth  Wright 
Cassandra  Martin,  a  foundling 
George  Martin,  a  foundling 
Charles  s.  of  John  and  Elizabeth  Read 
Richard  s.  of  Nicholas  and  Eliza  Sweeting 
Mary  d.  of  Samuel  and  Elizabeth  Vernon 
Samuel  s.  of  Samuel  and  Elizabeth  Curtis 
John  s.  of  John  and  Rebeckah  Nash 
Elizabeth  d.  of  George  and  Elizabeth  Pepys 
Elizabeth  d.  of  John  and  Katherine  Martin 
Martha  d.  of  James  and  Elizabeth  Carpenter 
William  s.  of  William  and  Mary  Noel 
Mary  d.  of  Thomas  and  Sarah  Snell 
Mary  d.  of  Francis  and  Ann  Wyatt 
James  s.  of  John  and  Elizabeth  Bankin 
Ann  Martin,  a  foundling 

[There  is  an  incomplete  entry  erased  here,  which  appears  to  relate  to  the 
following  Bellis  entry. — Ed.] 






































































































1723  April    4     Mary  d.  of  George  and  Mary  Bellis 

„      28     Edward  s.  of  Charles  and  Mary  Hyatt 
May  15     Henry  s.  of  James  and  Elizabetli  East 

June  9  Elizabeth  Ormston  (a  grown  person)  baptized  according  to  y^ 
form  in  y«  case  prescribed  in  y"^  book  of  Com'on  Prayer,  &c., 
on  a  Sunday,  viz.,  June  9^'' 

[There  is  an  entry  erased  here. — Ed.] 

Beit JA.  Caetee,  Rector 

Mary  Ann  d.  of  Edward  and  Elizabeth  Wright 
William  s.  of  William  and  Mary  Knowles 
Amy  d.  of  George  and  Elizabeth  North 
Ann  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Casement 
Sarah  d.  of  George  and  Elizabeth  Pepys 
Sarah  d.  of  Francis  and  Ann  Wyat 
Edmund  s.  of  George  and  Mary  Bellis 
Francis  s.  of  Francis  and  Elizabeth  Emerton 
Frances  d.  of  Thomas  and  Sarah  Snell 

1724  April    7     [blank]  s.  of  Nicholas  and  Elizabeth  Sweeting 
Ann  d.  of  William  and  Judith  Gearing 
Mary  d.  of  Philip  and  Susanna  Nichols 
James  s.  of  George  and  Susanna  Windemught 
Mary  d.  of  Robert  and  Mary  Truman 
Mary  d.  of  William  and  Elizabeth  Peacock 
Elizabeth  d.  of  William  and  Mary  Knowles 
John  s.  of  John  and  Katherine  Martin 

1725  April  27     John  s.  of  John  and  Hannah  Gore 
John  s.  of  James  and  Elizabeth  Cornwell 
Elizabeth  d.  of  George  and  Mary  Bellis 
Annis  d.  of  Francis  and  Elizabeth  Emmerton 
John  Martin,  a  foundling 
John  Martin,  a  foundling  likewise 

Benja.  Caetee,  Beef 
John  s.  of  William  and  Mary  Knowles 
Peter  William  s.  of  William  and  Judith  Gearing 
Sarah  d.  of  John  and  Sarah  Metcalf 
Josej)h  s.  of  John  and  Katherine  Martin 
Thomas  Martin,  a  foundling 
John  s.  of  Samuel  and  Margaret  Orton 

1726  June    5     Dorothy  d.  of  John  and  Dorothy  Hicklin 
Croswel  s.  of  Thomas  and  Philadelphia  Howard 
Francis  s.  of  Francis  and  Elizabeth  Emerton 
Edmund  s.  of  George  and  Mary  Bellis 

1727  April  19     Elizabeth  d.  of  John  and  Hannah  Gore 
Richard   s.    of    Thomas    [altered  from   John — Ed.]    and   iVlice 

Sarah  d.  of  William  and  Sarah  Baddeley 
Ann  Martin,  a  foundling 
John  s.  of  Francis  and  Elizabeth  Emerton 
Rebecca  d.  of  John  and  Rebecca  Coleby 
Henry  s.  of  John  and  Sarah  Metcalf 
Jane  Frances  d.  of  William  and  Judith  Gearing 
Sarah  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Bellis 
John  s.  of  John  and  Sarah  Hughes 

1728  July     2     Edward  s.  of  Joseph  and  Sarah  Barbareux 
Joseph  s.  of  Joseph  and  Martha  Thomas 
William  s.  of  Jn*^  and  Sarah  Metcalf 














































.    1 



























June  21 




















1728  Nov.     5     Katlierine  d.  of  Jn°  and  Sarah  Skinner 
Ealph  s.  of  David  and  Susaunah  Grhisling 
Samuel  s.  of  Sam^  and  Elizabeth  Vernon 
William  s.  of  John  and  Ami  E-ussel 
Ann  d.  of  George  and  Mary  Bellis 

1729  „      25     Thomas  s.  of  Henry  and  Ann  Jeffreys 
Edwin  s.  of  Greorge  and  Isabella  North 
Sarah  d.  of  Joseph  and  Sarah  Barbareux 
Katharine  d.  of  John  and  Hannah  Gore 
Susannah  d.  of  John  and  Barbara  Holland 
Henrietta  d.  of  John  and  Sarah  Metcalf 
Edward  s.  of  Kichard  and  Elizabeth  Mansfeeld 
John  s.  of  Thomas  and  Philadelphia  Howard 
Katherine  d.  of  William  and  Elizabeth  Mottershed 
Elizabeth  d.  of  George  and  Elizabeth  Townsend 

1730  April  14     Elizabeth  d.  of  Joseph  and  Martha  Thomas 
Sarah  d.  of  Joseph  and  Sarah  Barbareux 
Rosamund  d.  of  William  and  Mary  Looker 
Edward  s.  of  Edward  and  Elizabeth  Grose 

1731  April  13     Susanna  d.  of  George  and  Elizabeth  Townsend 
Anne  d.  of  John  and  Hannah  Gore 
John  s.  of  Simon  and  Elizabeth  Halford 
Anne  d.  of  John  and  Sarah  Metcalf 
Magdalen  d.  of  David  and  Susanna  Ghisling 
Sarah  d.  of  John  and  Sarah  Skinner 
George  s.  of  Charles  and  Dorothy  Crabb 
Anne  d.  of  George  and  Mary  Bellis 
Henry  s.  of  Henry  and  Anne  Jeffereys 

1732  „      28     Susannah  d.  of  Philip  Cartaret  and  Susannah  Webb 
Elizabeth  Martin,  a  foundling 
Elizabeth  d.  of  Simon  and  Elizabeth  Halford 
Hester  d.  of  George  and  Isabella  North 
Edward  s.  of  Eichard  and  Elizabeth  Mansfield 

1733  „      26     George  s.  of  George  and  Elizabeth  Townsend 
James  s.  of  Thomas  and  Philadelphia  Howard 
Phillis  d.  of  William  and  Mary  Looker 
Anne  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Anselin 
Anne  d.  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Metcalfe 
William  s.  of  William  and  EUzabeth  Dalley 
Philip  s.  of  Henry  and  Anne  Jeffereys 
Eobert  s.  of  William  and  Mary  Looker 

Eich''  Biscoe,  Eector 

1734  April    3     Elizabeth  d.  of  George  and  Elizabeth  Townsend 
James  s.  of  John  and  Mary  Anselin 
Samuel  s.  of  Simon  and  Elizabeth  Halford 
Susannah  d.  of  John  and  Hannah  Gore 

1735  Miay  23     Thomas  s.  of  William  and  Elizabeth  Mottershead 
John  s.  of  William  and  Mary  Looker 
Elizabeth  d.  of  William  and  Elizabeth  Eaven 
Mary  d.  of  Edward  and  Elizabeth  Grose 
Veiney  Maria  d.  of  George  and  Elizabeth  Townsend 
John  s.  of  Henry  and  Sarah  Gwillim 
Susannah  d.  of  Charles  and  Olive  Ward 
EHzabeth  d.  of  William  and  Sarah  Mundy 

1736  There  was  not  one  Person  baptized  according  to  the  Eites  of  the  Church 
of  England  during  the  year  1736. 







































April  13 



June  10 





























June  17 










[   3 
























1737  Sep.    14     Elizabeth  d.  of  Nathan  and  Margaret  Rowell 
Dec.   18     Mary  Chester  d.  of  John  and  Sarah  Metcalf 

Jan.    15     Philip  Cartaret  s.  of  Philip  Cartaret  and  Susannah  Webb 

1738  April  30     Anne  d.  of  Charles  and  Dorothy  Crabb 
Aug.  22     William  Barnvelt  s.  of  William  and  Sarah  Mundy 

Mary  Martin,  a  foundling 

Elizabeth  d.  of  Abraham  and  Martha  Edlin 

1739  April  IS     Elizabeth  d.  of  William  and  Elizabetii  Mottershead 
Judith  d.  of  Thomas  and  Elizabeth  Cole 

17-10     Mar.  30     Richard  s.  of  Eichard  and  Elizabeth  Mansfield 
Jemima  Martin  Outwich,  a  foundling 
Thomas  s.  of  Thomas  and  Elizabeth  Cole 
Benjamin  s.  of  Benjamin  and  Mary  Delahay 
Lydia  Booth,  a  foundling 

1741  Nov.     5     Elizabeth  d.  of  William  and  Elizabeth  Legget 
Annabella  d.  of  George  and  Anna  North 
John  s.  of  Henry  and  Elizabeth  Mounier 

1742  Dec.     8     Anna  Maria  d.  of  Richard  and  Mary  Guy 
Rebecca  d.  of  Edward  and  Elizabeth  Grose 
Ann  d.  of  William  and  Mary  Selling 

Eichard  Biscoe,  Rector 

1743  Sep.  23  Sarah  d.  of  Charles  and  Dorothy  Crabb 
Melmoth  s.  of  Eichard  and  Mary  Guy 
Mary  d.  of  John  and  Elizabeth  Knight 

1744  June  20     William  s.  of  William  Russell  Ives  and  Mary  Ives 
Peter  s.  of  James  Cope,  a  foundling 
John  s.  of  Edward  and  Elizabeth  Grosse 
James  s.  of  John  and  Elizabeth  Knight 
William  s.  of  Deal  and  ....  Heasler 
A¥alpole  s.  of  Eichard  and  Mary  Guy 

1745  June  20     Sarah  d.  of  Benjamin  and  Elizabeth  Johnson 
William  s.  of  Samuel  Vernon 
Ann  Betsy  d.  of  James  and  Catharine  Yaughan 

1746  April  23     Susanna  d.  of  Eichard  and  Mary  Cloudsley 
Richard  s.  of  Richard  and  Mary  Guy 
Ann  d.  of  Joseph  and  Mary  Griffin 
Samuel  s.  of  Beeston  and  Sarah  Long 
John  s.  of  William  and  Sarah  Mundy 
Sarah  d.  of  Margaret  Ridge,  a  foundling 
Lydia  d.  of  Joseph  and  Jane  Tasker 
Lucretia  d.  of  William  and  Lucretia  Wilkiuson,  par.  child 

1747  June  17     Richard  s.  of  Richard  and  Mary  Guy 
William  s.  of  William  and  Mary  Selling,  pensioners 
Mary  d.  of  John  and  Susannah  Dobson 
John  s.  of  Richard  and  Martha  Heaviside 
Sarah  d.  of  James  and  Ann  Swift 

1748  July   15     Sarah  Elizabeth  Richmond  d.  of  Sam^  and  Eliz"'  Vickers 
Sarah  d.  of  Richard  and  Mary  G-uy 
Joyse  d.  of  AVilliam  and  Isabella  Rebecca  Whitaker 

N[icHOLAs]  r[AyTiKG],  Rector  July  12'!^  [1748.— Ed.] 

1749  Mar.  26     Sarah  d.  of  Beeston  and  Sarah  Long 
Joshua  Cha^  s.  of  John  Lagier  and  Louisa  Lamotte 
John  s.  of  John  and  Susannah  Dodson 
Bethia  d.  of  AV'"  and  Bethia  Squire 
William  Read  s.  of  George  and  Elizabeth  Monck 
Charles  s.  of  Edward  and  Elizabeth  Grose 





April  IS 





June  27 

























June  20 











June  20 






















































Jan.    27 
Feb.     2 

»         ' 

„      13 

April  12 








April  16 
June  11 
Sep.  10 
„  19 
Dec.     3 

"William  s.  of  TTilliam  and  Isabella  Eebecca  Wbitaker 

Susannah  d.  of  Eicli"*  and  Martha  Heavisside 

Sophia  d.  of  Amos  and  Katharine  Stocker 

Maria  d.  of  Joseph  and  Jane  Ball 

Kichard  s.  of  Eichard  and  Mary  Guy 

George  s.  of  George  and  Mary  Frost 

Eobert  s.  of  Eobert  and  Mary  Baker 

John  s.  of  KoV  and  Priscilla  M'^Gachen 

Anna  Sophia  d.  of  iSTath^  and  Honour  Hardcastle 

William  s.  of  John  and  Susannah  Dodson 

Edward  s.  of  "Will"^  and  Sarah  Taylor 

Beeston  s.  of  Beeston  and  Sarah  Long 

"William  George  s.  of  "W"  and  Bethia  Squire 

William  s.  of  Amos  and  Katharine  Stocker 

Catharine  d.  of  Tho^  and  Catharine  Cooper 

Sarah  Cater  (an  adult  person) 

Xic^  Fatting,  Eector 






Jan.   26*  Edward  W"i  s.  of  W""  and  Isabella  Eebecca  Whitaker 

,.      31  Lettice  d.  of  John  and  Lettice  Alderhead 

April  17  John  Atkins  s.  of  John  and  Ann  Crisp 

May     7  Thomas  Samuel  s.  of  Sam'  and  Eliz*''  Vickers 

,,         7  Eobert  s.  of  Eichard  and  Martha  Heaviside 

June  11  Elizabeth  d.  of  John  and  Susannah  Dodson 

Xov.     3  Charles  s.  of  Beeston  and  Sarah  Long 

Dec.   16  Ann  d.  of  Samuel  and  Elizabeth  Eusbatch 

Feb.   21  Eichard  s.  of  Eicliard  and  Mary  Guy 

June    5  Thomas  s.  of  Will™  and  Bethia  Squire 

„      27  Joseph  s.  of  Tho^  and  Catharine  Cooper 

Aug.  13  Benjamin  s.  of  John  and  Susannah  Dodson 

Xov.  13  George  Chapman  s.  of  Edward  and  Margaret  George 

Dec.     9  Martha  Curtis  d.  of  Will™  and  Mary  Curtis 

Jan.    27  John  s.  of  Joseph  and  Mary  Shepherd 

Feb.   15  Eichard  s.  of  Beeston  and  Sarah  Long 

May   12  Eichard  s.  of  Eichard  and  Martha  Heaviside 

July  24  Susannah  Avarilla  d.  of  George  and  Eliza  Maria  Bristow 

Sep.      7  Joseph  s.  of  John  and  Susaruiah  Dodson 

„        9  Amelia  d.  of  W™  and  Eliz^''  Eeeves 

„      13  Martin  Outwich,  a  foundling,  at  church 

Oct.    29  Peggy  d.  of  Edward  and  Margaret  George 

Is"ov.  27  Hannah  Poland  (a  grown  person) 

Dec.     4  Ann  Elizabeth  d.  of  John  BajDtist  and  Ann  Durand 

Mar.     5  Thomas  s.  of  AVill™  and  Lucretia  Wilkinson 

July     9  George  s.  of  George  and  Eliza  Maria  Bristow 

Oct.    29  Anne  d.  of  John  and  Susannah  Dodson 

Feb.  29  Samuel  s.  of  Eichard  and  Martha  Heaviside 

Mar.  15  Jane  d.  of  Beeston  and  Sarah  Long 

May     2  Stephen  s.  of  Eobert  and  Susannah  Chapman 

„      23  John  s.  of  John  and  Mary  Dickersou 

„      26  Eliz***  Eebecca  d.  of  George  and  Eliza  Maria  Bristow 

Nic^  Fatting,  Eector 

Aug.  12  Tho8  8.  of  W"  and  Mary  Curtis  (said  to  be  born  July  2P^) 

Oct.    27  Lydia  d.  of  Philip  and  Sarah  Sewell 

Jan.    14  Thomas  s.  of  John  and  Susannah  Dodson 

Feb.     3  Martha  Mary  Kitty  d.  of  Edw-i  and  Marg*  George 

"  By  a  change  of  the  stile  the  year  began  upon  Jan-''  1*'. 







































June  14 








1757  Mar.     5     Beeston  s.  of  Beeston  and  Sarah  Long 
iiobert  s.  of  Jolm  and  Mary  Asberrey 

1758  Jan.     4     Abel  s.  of  Thomas  and  Catharine  Cooper 
Robert  s.  of  George  and  Eliza  Maria  Bristow 
Susannah  d.  of  Beeston  and  Sarah  Long 
Edward  s.  of  Edward  and  Margaret  George 
John  s.  of  John  and  Isabella  Taylor 

1759  Oct.    21     Henrietta  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Asberrey 
Elizabeth  d.  of  William  and  Dorothy  Thornton 
Loetitia  d.  of  John  and  Loetitia  Alderhead 
Anthony  Henry  s.  of  Edward  and  Margaret  George 

1760  Jan.    29     Charles  s.  of  Beeston  and  Sarah  Long 
Maria  d.  of  George  and  Eliza  Maria  Bristow 
William  Lewis  s.  of  Anthony  and  Louisa  Andre 

1761  Jan.    31     George  s.  of  Beeston  and  Sarah  Long 
Louisa  d.  of  Edward  and  Margaret  George 
Katharine  d.  of  Joseph  and  Katharine  Mellish 
John  s.  of  John  and  Susannah  Dodson 
Sarah  d.  of  W'"  and  Lucretia  Wilkinson 
James  s.  of  John  and  Mary  Asberrey 
Peggy  d.  of  William  and  Jemima  Manning 

1762  Jan.      3     Sarah  d.  of  Richard  and  Martha  Heaviside 
Mary  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Brewer 
Isabella  d.  of  George  and  Eliza  Maria  Bristow 

April  20     Barbara  Sophia  d.  of  Edward  and  Margaret  George 
Aug.  15     Sarah  d.  of  John  and  Sarah  Grantham 
Dec.     8     Elizabeth  d.  of  David  and  Eliz'''  Jones 

Nic^  Fatting,  Eector 

1763  Mar.  20     Susannah  d.  of  John  and  Susannah  Dodson 
Minerva  d.  of  William  and  Jemima  Manning 
Thomas  Beedham  s.  of  Edward  and  Margaret  George 
James  s.  of  James  and  Mary  Parrot 
William  s.  of  Beeston  and  Sarah  Long 

1764  Mar.     7     James  s.  of  William  and  Lucretia  AVilkinson 
Mary  Susainiah  d.  of  John  and  Sarah  Grantham 
Anne  Maria  d.  of  Francis  and  Anne  Perry 
John  s.  of  John  and  Ann  Beata  Ward 
Charlotte  d.  of  David  and  Elizabeth  Jones 

1765  May     5     Elizabeth  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Brewer 
Thomas  s.  of  Henry  and  Mary  Thorowgood 
Lucy  Jane  d.  of  Francis  and  Anne  Perry 
Jane  d.  of  David  and  Elizabeth  Jones 
William  s.  of  John  and  Mary  Asbury 

1766  Jan.    26     Seth  s.  of  John  and  Ann  Beata  Ward 
lane  d.  of  Francis  and  Elizabeth  Thomijson 

1767  Feb.    19     Juliana  Maria  d.  of  Edw''  and  Marg^  (^eorge 
Susannah  d.  of  John  and  Mary  A  sbury 
Mary  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Brewer 
David  s.  of  David  and  Elizabeth  Jones 
Charles  Abney  s.  of  John  and  Susannah  Dodson 

1768  Feb.    28     Mary  Anne  d.  of  John  and  Anne  Wilsher 
Charles  Gustav  s.  of  Abraham  and  Margaretha  Spalding 
Martha  Anne  d.  of  Samuel  and  Mary  Hodgkin 
Mary  d.  of  John  and  Jane  Hall 
Elizabeth  d.  of  Francis  and  Eliz"'  Thcnnpson 
Anne  d.  of  William  and  Jane  Rutland 

1769  Feb.    15     John  s.  of  John  and  Mary  Gibson 




























































1769  Mar.  15     William  Tooke  s.  of  William  and  Catherine  Eobiuson 
Walter  Coiiyers  s.  of  Eobert  and  Isabel  Couyers 
John  Grale  s.  of  David  and  Elizabeth  Jones 

Nic^  Fatting,  Eector 

James  s.  of  James  and  Elizabeth  Taylor 
Jane  d.  of  John  and  Jane  Hall 

1770  Jan.      7     Greorge  James  Haynes  s.  of  James  and  Mary  Haynes 
James  s.  of  Tho^  and  Esther  Broughton 
Eichard  s.  of  John  and  Ann  Wilsher 
Thomas  s.  of  William  and  Ehodey  Wheatley 
William  Beckford  s.  of  John  and  Mary  Brewer 
Anna  Maria  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Gibson 
John  Peter  s.  of  William  and  Catherine  Eobinson 

1771  May    22     Kitty  Wallis  d.  of  Peter  and  Catherine  Guichenet 
Eobert  Lloyd  s.  of  David  and  Elizabeth  Jones 
John  Eichard  s.  of  Gilson  and  Barbara  Eeeve 
William  s.  of  William  and  Jane  Eutland 
Nathaniel  Woodward  s.  of  Edward  and  Mary  George 
Thomas  s.  of  John  and  Mary  Gibson 
James  Baldwin  s.  of  William  and  Hannah  Page 
Luke  s.  of  William  and  Catherine  Eobinson 
Elizabeth  Mary  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Bennett 
Catharine  d.  of  William  and  Ehodey  Wheatley 

1772  Jan.    19     Benjamin  s.  of  John  and  Jane  Hall 
Peter  Henry  s.  of  Sir  John  Trevelyan,  Baronet,  &  Lady  Louisa 

Marianne  his  Wife  (privately  baptized  Jan^  l**^)  was  publickly 
receiv'd  April  lO"' 
Jane  Hermitage,  a  black  girl,  aged  ab'  14  years 

1773  Feb.     4     Henry  Merrett  s.  of  Edward  and  Mary  George 
Anne  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Brewer 
Sarah  d.  of  Harry  and  Mary  Clarke 
Vevers  s.  of  William  and  Catherine  Eobinson 
.John  s.  of  William  and  Hannah  Page 
Mary  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Gibson 
Mary  d.  of  William  and  Ann  Hampshire 
William  Jones,  a  foundling,  baptiz'd  May  IS*^'' 

N.B. — He  was  found  under  the  Gateway  of  Merch*  Taylors 
Hall  w"'  a  Paper  pinned  to  him  of  y'  Name,  aged  five  months, 
and  found  April  22'',  1773. 

Nic^  Patting,  Eector 

The  last  mentioned  Article  was  thus  entered  in  the  Eegister 
at  the  Eequest  of  M>'  Merry,  the  Church-Warden. 

Mary  d.  of  William  and  Jane  Eutland 

1774  Feb.   10     Benjamin  s.  of  Benjamin  and  Anne  Smith 
Luke  s.  of  William  and  Catherine  Eobinson 
William  s.  of  John  and  Jane  Hall 
Joseph  s.  of  John  and  Anne  Murrell 
William  s.  of  .John  and  Mary  Gibson 
Edward  s.  of  Harry  and  Mary  Clarke 

1775  April    2     Elizabeth  d.  of  Samuel  Hullmer  and  Mary  Harrison 
Eebecca  d.  of  Edward  and  Mary  George  " 
Sophia  d.  of  John  Lewis  and  Sarah  Fleuret 
Anne  d.  of  John  and  Anne  Murrell 

1776  Jan.    IS     Thomas  Chapman  s.  of  David  and  Eliz^''  Jones 
George  s.  of  William  and  Jane  Eutland 



June  22 














































































1    2 












1776  Mar.  25     Joseph  s.  of  John  and  Mary  Gribson 
Sep.      1     Sarah  d.  of  Thomas  and  Sarah  Eobinson 

,,        4  Samuel  Montague  s.  oi  Samuel  and  Jane  Scares 

1777  Jan.    10  Sarah  d.  of  John  Lewis  and  Sarah  f  leuret 
Feb.   13  Eob*  Weeks  s.  of  Edw''  AVeeks  and  Mary  Clarke 
April  23  Mary  d.  of  John  and  Anne  Murrell 

Sep.  19  Hannah  d.  of  W'"  and  Hannah  Page 

Oct.  2  George  Henry  s.  of  Joh  and  Mary  Gibson 

Dec.  1  George  s.  of  George  and  Ann  Sharp 

„  30  Henry  s.  of  Sam'  and  Sarah  Russell 

Nic^  Fatting,  Eector 

1778  Jan.    11     Martha  Kory  d.  of  Henry  and  Sus°  Green 
April    4     Jane  d.  of  John  and  Bridget  Pidding 

10  Elizabeth  d.  of  Tho^  and  Mary  Bodenham 

June    7  Sarah  d.  of  Tho^  and  Rebecca  Harrison 

July   16  Ann  d.  of  Edward  and  Mary  Clarke 

Nov.     8  William  s.  of  W'"  and  Jane  Snailhouse  (?) 

15  Mary  Eliz"'  d.  of  John  and  Jane  Hall 

1779  Jan.    18  Elizabeth  d.  of  W™  and  Jane  Rutland 
Mar.  14  William  s.  of  William  and  Barbara  Hunt 

„  22  John  s.  of  John  and  Agnes  Sparrow 

July  15  Anne  d.  of  Will'"  and  Hannah  Page 

Aug.  1  Jane  d.  of  Will"'  and  Eliz^i'  Hussey 

Sep.  17  Elizabeth  d.  of  Sam^  and  Sarah  Russell 

Oct.  28  Robert  s.  of  Robert  and  Ann  Preston 

1780  „  12  Henry  s.  of  Henry  and  Mary  Burmester 
,,  29  John  s.  of  John  and  Anne  Smith 

Dec.  17  George  s.  of  William  and  Jane  Snelins 

1781  Jan.  14  Samuel  s.  of  Samuel  and  Sarah  Russell 
Mar.  13  Matilda  d.  of  W"'  and  Jane  Rutland 
July  8  Mary  d.  of  Tho^  and  Elizabeth  Rogers 

„        8     Margaret  d.  of  Tho^  and  Margaret  Jones 

Nic^  Fatting,  Rector 

Nov.     2  Marey  Ann  d.  of  Tho^  and  Mary  Newman 

,,      20  Maria  d.  of  Joseph  and  Mary  Devanfre 

Dec.   13  Thomas  s.  of  Henrey  and  Marv  Burmester 

1782  April  28  William  s.  of  John  and  Anne  Smith 

July   18  Charles  Harrison  s.  of  George  and  Anne  Sharp 

„      30  Catharina  Isabella  d.  of  W"'  and  Cath.  Isab.  Vickery 

1783  Jan.    21  Leslie  James  s.  of  Henry  and  Isabella  Grove 
April  26  Frederick  s.  of  Henry  and  Mary  Burmester 
June    8  George  s.  of  Thomas  and  Margaret  Jones 

„      12     Elizt"  d.  of  Edw^>'  and  Eliz*"  Eagleton 

The  Payment  of  three  Pence  by  an  Act  of  Parliament  for  every  Marriage, 
Christening,  and  Burial  which  took  Place  from  the  first  of  Oct''  1783  begins  in  our 
Register  from  this  Time. 

1783  Nov.     2     Thomas  s.  of  Matthew  and  Mary  Slater 
Dec.   28     John  s.  of  Henry  and  Eliz'^'  Gaddsden 

Inspected  &  Duty  received  to  the  second  of  Jan^  1784 

B.  Keene,  Register  of  Births,  etc. 

1784  Mar.     7     Richard  s.  of  Richard  and  Mary  Cotton 

May     1     Marianne  Cecilia  d.  of  Henry  and  Mary  Burmester 
June    6     James  s.  of  John  and  Anne  Smith 
July     5     Jane  d.  of  Will""  and  Jane  Rutland 

Duty  rece'd  to  Sep''  30,  1784.— B.  Keeue,  lusp^' 


1784  Nov.  29     Sarah  d.  of  Edw^  and  Eliz^^  Eagleton 

Inspected  &  Duty  received  to  the  31^'  March  1785.— B.  Keen,  Eeg^'  &  InspeC 

1785  Aug.  16     Martha  d.  of  Eich'^  and  Eliz*^^  Heavy  side 

Nov.  30     John  William  s.  of  Henry  and  Mary  Burmester 

1786  Jan.    17     John  and  Matthew  (Twins),  sons  of  Matthew  and  Mary  Slater 

„      29     George  s.  of  John  and  Anne  Smith 

Inspected  &  Duty  receiv'd  to  Sepf  S0^\  1785,  in  which  the  above  5  are  included. 

B.  Keene,  Inspec"" 

Aug.  27     Greorge  s.  of  Eichard  and  Mary  Cotton 
Sep.    24     Margaret  d.  of  Wil""  and  Sarah  Stedman 

Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to  Sep''  30*^,  1786.— B.  K.,  Insp^ 

1787  Jan.    17     Charlotte  Authonetta  d.  of  John  Urban  and  Eliz"'  Eeybar  (?) 

„      19     Harriot  Elizabeth  d.  of  Eichard  and  Elizabeth  Heaviside 
„       25     Edward  s.  of  Edward  and  Eliz^''  Eagleton 
Feb.     6     Anne  Catherine  d.  of  James  and  Anne  Curchod 
„        8     Alfred  s.  of  Henry  and  Mary  Burmester 

Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to  March  3V\  1787.— B.  K.,  Insp^ 

April  1 1     Charlotte  d.  of  G-eorge  and  Charlotte  Burgess 

„      22     William  s.  of  William  and  Jane  Snelins 
Aug.  12     Jane  d.  of  William  and  Aun  Cross 
.,      18     Beeston  Eichard  s.  of  Beeston  and  Frances  Louisa  Long  (said 
to  be  born  2S^'^  of  July  1787) 

Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to  Sep"^  30'\  1787.— B.  K.,  Insp"^ 

N.  Fatting,  Hector 

1788  Jan.    13     Mary  Ann  d.  of  John  and  Ann  Smith 

Mar.  27     Augustin  Gammon  s.  of  Edward  and  Elizabeth  Eagleton 

Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to  March  31«S  1788.— B.  K.,  Insp>- 

July  16     Frances  Louisa  d.  of  Beeston  and  Frances  Louisa  Long 

Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to  Sep^  30<^  1788.— B.  K.,  Insp^ 
Oct.    12     William  s.  of  John  and  Elizabeth  Loudon 

Nov.     8     Edward   s.  of   Henry  and    Mary  Burmester  (said   to   be   born 
August  21^  1788) 

1789  Jan.    1 8     Ann  d.  of  William  and  Ann  Cross 
Feb.     3     Caroline  d.  of  John  and  Ann  Clayton 

„      15     Francis   William   Johnson   Vickery    s.    of   W"'   and   Catherina 
Isabella  A'ickery  (said  to  be  born  Dec''  25,  1788) 
Mar.     1     Susanna  Heaviside  d.  of  Eichard  and  Elizabeth  Heaviside  (said 
to  be  born  the  13'^  of  January  1789) 
„        4     John  s.  of  Edward  and  Elizabeth  Eagleton  ;  born  3  Feb. 
„        8     Jane  Sarah  d.  of  William  and  Jane  Snelins ;  born  12  Feb. 

Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to  March  SV\  1789.— B.  K.,  Insp»' 
June    4     Albertina  d.  of  George  and  Charlotte  Burgess ;  born  17  April 

„      22     Anna  Maria  d.  of  Edward  and  Elizabeth  Terrey  ;  born  25  May 

Sep.    10     Catharine  d.  of  Beeston  and  Francis  Louisa  Long ;  born  13  Aug. 

Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to  Sep--  30t^  1789.— B.  K.,  Insp' 

Dec.     6     Thomas  s.  of  Thomas  Furley  and  Susannah  Forster ;  born  6  Nov. 

(1)  Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to  March  31^S  1790.— B.  K.,  Insp-^ 

Samuel  Bishop,  Eector 

1790  May     2     Charles  s.  of  William  and  Jane  Snellins  ;  born  12  April 
.July  25     William  s.  of  George  and  Mary  Titterton;  born  26  June 
Aug.    8     John  base  born  s.  of  Susannah  Mardell,  born  30  June ;  pauper 


1790  Sep.    19     Jolin  s.  of  William  and  Ann  Cross  ;  born  30  Aug. 
Dec.      4     Fanny  d.  of  Henry  and  Mary  Burmester  ;  born  2  Oct. 

1791  Jan.      7     Elizabeth  Mary  d.  of  Eicbard  and  Mary  Bickerton ;  born  12  Dec. 

Feb.   26     Samuel  Henry  s.  of  Beeston  and  Frances  Louisa  Long;    born 

27  Jan. 

„      27     Eicbard  s.  of  Eicbard  and  Elizabeth  Heaviside  ;  born  18  Dec.  1790 
Mar.  13     Susannah  Gammon  d.  of  Edward  and  Elizabeth  Eagleton ;  born 
11  Feb. 
„      21     John  Edward  s.  of  Edward  and  Elizabeth  Terrey  ;  born  17  Feb. 
„      27     James  s.  of  William  and  Elizabeth  Luton  ;  born  7  March 

(11)  Inspected  and  duty  paid  to  3P*  March  1791. — W.  Groodwdn,  Lisp. 

June    7     Susannah  d.  of  George  and  Charlotte  Burgess  ;  born  19  May 
July     G     John  Lewis  s.  of  John  Lewis  Theodore  and  Anna  De  Palazieux 
Falconnet ;  born  30  May 

2  Births  up  to  30  Sep»'  1791.— F.  B. 

Nov,     2  William  s.  of  Benjamin  and  Susannah  Bailey  ;  born  28  Sep. 

Dec.     6  Charles  s.  of  Henry  and  Mary  Burmester ;  born  9  Nov. 

Nov.  27  Margaret  Elizabeth  d.  of  Eobert  and  Jane  Smith 

1792  April  22  Sarah  d.  of  William  and  Ann  Cross 

May  20     Susannah  Gammon  d.  of  Edward  and  Elizabeth  Eagleton ;  born 

28  April 

July  13     Charles  Thomas  s.  of  Beeston  and  Frances  Louisa  Long ;  born 
19  June 
„      29     AV^illiam  Bell  s.  of  Samuel  and  Mary  Bury ;  born  30  June 
Sep.      9     Alexander   s.  of   Alexander  and   Mary   Furmage   Eoss  ;    born 
16  Aug.* 

Samuel  Bishop,  Eector 

Oct.    14     John  Dilston,  five  years  of  age,  s.  of  Eich**  and  Deliana  Powles 

„      14     Edmund  Davis  s.  of  Eich''  and  Deliana  Powles  ;  born  18  Sep. 
Nov.  18     Jane  Eliza  d.  of  William  and  Jane  Snellins ;  born  25  Oct. 
„      27     Anna  Henrietta  d.  of  John  Lewis  Theadore  and  Anna  De  Pala- 
zieux Falconet ;  born  23  Oct. 
Dec.   20     Louisa  d  of  Henry  and  Mary  Burmester  ;  born  22  Nov. 
Oct.    10     Henrietta  d.   of  Edward  and  Elizabeth  Terry ;    born   28  Sep., 
Eeceived  16  Feb.  1793,  having  been  half-baptized 

1793  Mar.     3     Thomas  s.  of  William  and  Elizabeth  Luton ;  born  1  Feb. 
May  12     Ann  Esther  d.  of  Thomas  and  Ann  Watkins  ;  born  7  April 
July   28     Sarah   Ann  Hoppe  d.  of  Eicbard  and  Mary  Bickerton  ;   born 

29  June 

Samuel  Bishop,  Eector 

Nov.  21     Thomas  s.  of  Alexander  and  Mary  Eoss  ;  bornf  8  Nov. 

1794  Jan.    19     John  s.  of  William  and  Ann  Cross ;  born  22  Dec.  1793 

„      25     Harriet  d.  of  Beeston  and  Frances  Louisa  Long ;  born  9  Dec. 

Feb.   19     Eliza  Augusta  d.  of  John  Lewis  Theodore  and  Anna  de  Palazieux 

Falconet ;  born  24  Dec.  1793 
Mar.     9     AVilliam  Morrison  Eoss  s.  of  John  and  Ann  Eoss;  born  12  Feb. 
April  27     Alfred  Williams  Powdes  s.  of  Eicbard  and  Deliana  Powles  ;  born 

30  March 

May  11     Elizabeth  d.  of  James  and  Sarah  Bennett ;  bom  15  April 

Samuel  Bishop,  Eector 

*  Three  entries  erased,  viz.,  Snellins,  Falconet,  and  Burmester.     "  Error,  see  the  next  page, 
Samuel  Bishop."— Ed. 

t  "  See  year  1792  "  [in  red  ink].— En. 





















Emma  d.  of  Thomas  and  Ann  Watkins ;  born  5  July 
Samuel  Burrows  s.  of  James  and  Eleanor  Burrows ;  born  7  Aug. 

Inspected  and  duty  paid. — W.  Groodwin 

.James  Samuel  s.  of  James  and  Ann  Tiddswell ;  born  2  Oct. 
George  s.  of  Henry  and  Mary  Burmester ;  bora  11  Nov. 
David  s.  of  Thomas  and  Betsey  Williams ;  born  14  Dec.  1794 
George  s.  of  William  and  Mary  Cross  ;  born  28  March 
bjlizabcth  d.  of  William  and  Elizabeth  Luton  ;  born  25  April 
Bennett — Frances  Sarah  d.  of  James  and  Sarah ;  born  30  Oct. 

[End  of  Kegister  I.] 

[Baptisms,  1790,  Eebruabt  25,  to  1819,  November  7.] 







Year    Maiden 



Feb.  25] 



and  Delia 


25  Feb. 

29  Jan. 




179G     Feb.   26t  John   s.   of   John   Irving,   vintner,   and  Catharine    (Lambeth), 

Bishopsgate  Street ;  b.  28  Dec.  1795 
April  29     William    s.    of   William   Heritage,    gent.,    and    Ann    (Irving), 

Bishopsgate  Street ;  b.  9  April 
May  25     Eleanor  Hale  d.  of   James  Burrows,  apothecary,  and   Eleanor 

Hale  (Burrows),  Bishopsgate  Street ;  b.  20  April 
June    1     Sophia  d.  of  Henry  Burmester,  merchant,  and  Mary  (Maynard), 

Bishopsgate  Street ;  b.  2  May 
Oct.    17     Richard  Hoppe  s.  of  Richard  Bickerton,  shoemaker,  and  Mary 

(Hoppe),  Bishopsgate  Street ;  b.  20  Sep. 
„      26     Emily  d.  of  George  Blundell,  haberdasher,  and  Sarah  (Carpenter), 

Bishopsgate  Street;  b.  11  Sep.  j^^^^  ^^^^^  -^^^^^^ 

1797  April  13     Sophia   Agnes  d.    of    George   Kilgour,   merchant,    and   Sophia 

(Thornborrow),  Bishopsgate  Street;  b.  9  .Ian. 
„      23     Maria  d.  of  William  Luton,  hatter,  and  Eliz*''  (Baker),  Bishops- 
gate Street ;  b.  27  March 
May  12     Charles  Price  s.  of  John  Rose,  Rector  of  this  parish,  and  Ann 
(Bunco),  Rectory  House  J  ;  b.  17  .Jan.  179(j 
12     John  and  Robert  sons  of  John  Rose,  Rector  of  this  parish,  and 
Ann  (Bunco),  Rectory  HouseJ  ;  b.  11  May 
Sep.      5     Harriet  Ann  d.  of  JohuOckley,  vintner,  and  Elizabeth  (Killick), 
Threadneedle  Street ;  b.  4.  Aug.  j^^^  ^^^^^  ^^^^^^ 

1798  Jan.      5     Leonora  d.  of  John  Irving,  vintner,  and  Catherine  (Lambeth), 

Bishopsgate  St. ;  b.  10  Dec.  1797 
„      25     Mary  Ann  d.  of  John  Hoffman  and  Harriet  (Hickson),  Work- 
house, Mile  End;  b.  12  Nov.  1797 
Mar.     7     Eliz*'"   Mary  d.   of   George   Blundell,   haberdasher,   and   Sarah 
(Carpenter),  Bishopsgate  St. ;  b.  27  Jan. 

*  Note  on  fly-leaf  :  "  The  Reverend  John  Rose,  A.M.,  Rector,  inducted  December  26,  1795." 
t  To  save  space  the  tabular  form,  as  shewn  by  the  above  Powles  entry,  has  been  dispensed 

with,  but  all  the  information  is  given,  and  the  mother's  maiden  name  appears  in  brackets  after 

her  Cliristian  name. — Ed. 

X  For  former  children  consult  Margate,  Kent,  and  St.  M"  [Michael],  Queenhithe, 


1798     June  10     John  s.  of  William  Cross,  green  grocer,  and  Elizabeth  (Allboue), 

Bishopsgate  St. ;  b.  11  May 
Sep.    12     Emma  d.  of  John Eose.  Kector,and  Ann  (Bxxnce),Eect6ry  House; 

b.  6  Sep. 
Dee.  26     Ann  Forster  d.  of  James  Tidswell,  carpenter,  and  Ann  (Forster), 
Hoxton,  formerly  Threadneedle  Street ;  b.  10  May 

JoHX  Eose,  A.M.,  Eector 

1799. — Before  the  entrance  of  any  Eegister  f(ir  this  Tear  it  may  be  proper  to 
record  that  a  New  Church  has  been  built  on  the  Scite  of  the  old  One  ;  &  to 
relate  some  particulars  of  both  which  may  interest  Posterity.  The  history  of  the 
old  Church  is  distinctly  arrang'd  in  a  publication  by  Wilkinson  of  Cornhill  under 
the  Title  of  Antique  EE>rAi>"s,*  which  will  be  left  as'parish  property  by  the  present 
Eector,  with  the  Registers  and  other  parish  documents.  The  New  Church  was 
nearly  three  years  from  the  taking  down  of  the  old  one  to  the  reconsecration  in 
XoA-ember  1798.  It  was  built  under  the  direction  of  Trustees  by  an  Act  of  Parlia- 
ment :  the  Money  Avas  borrow'd  on  Annuities  for  a  term,  as  will  be  hereafter 
describ"d  :  a  portion  of  Ground  triangular  whose  base  lay  at  the  N.E.  end  of  the 
building,  measuring  at  the  base  10  ft.  6  inches,  was  thrown  into  the  public  way  for 
general  i^  ccommodation,  and  under  a  stipulated  agreement  with  the  Merchant 
Taylors'  Company  an  entire  neAv  vault  was  added  under  the  west  Arch  :  the 
Eector's  two  vaults  at  the  East  end  were  converted  into  One.  The  Yestry  Eoom 
was  formei'ly  the  front  ground  Parlor  of  the  Eectory  house,  the  removal  of  which 
into  the  Church  Avas  to  have  been  inserted  in  the  Act  of  Parliament,  but  by  some 
means  forgotten  ;  and  the  introduction  of  it  into  the  Commons  being  so  late  in  the 
Session  a  very  great  delay  must  have  ensued  had  the  Eector  refus'd  to  sign  it 
before  the  alteration  could  be  made.  The  removal  therefore  was  privately 
guaranteed  to  him,  and  aftet-Avards  publicly  ratified.  On  this  removal  of  the  Yestry 
Eoom  he  gave  up  all  Claim  to  any  part  of  the  Money  given  by  the  Patrons,  the 
S.  Sea  Compy,  and  the  City  of  London  for  the  triangular  portion  of  Ground  thrown 
into  the  public  Way,  and  the  parish  gave  up  all  Claim  to  the  room  in  the  Eectory. 

Architect,  J.  P.  Cockerell,  Esq. 
Builder,  ....  SteAvart 

John  Eose,  A.M.,  Eector 

The  painting  in  Fresco  at  the  Altar,  by  Eigaud,  E.A.,  of  the  Ascension,  together 
Avith  The  Table,  the  Kails,  and  all  the  Ornaments  Avithin  them  are  the  Gift  of  the 
Architect.  M''  Scott  on  the  opening,  Avhen  reconsecrated  by  Beilby,  Lord  Bishop 
of  London,  gave  a  silver  Communion  dish.  M''  Scott  is  no  parishioner,  but  the 
Vestry  Clerk.  M''  Eoss,  Avho  Avas  Ch.  "Warden  at  the  opening,  gave  a  beadle's 
Staff  Avith  a  solid  silver  top  of  elegant  "Workmanship,  and  the  lac'd  Hat  and  lac'd 
dress  of  the  beadle.  The  ^loney  given  by  others  for  the  portion  of  Ground  and 
towards  Eebuilding  the  Church — 

The  Merchant  Taylors'  Company,  Patrons  £500"]      N.B. — There  was  no 
The  South  Sea  Company      .       ".         .         £200  >  duty  in  the  old  Church 
The  City  of  London     ....         £200  J  for  near  two  years. 
The  Avhole  Charge  of  the  building. 

List  of  the  old  Church  Plate. 
Description  of.  Year.        "Weight.  Given  by. 

Silver  Cup  &  Cover  .     .     .     1654     30  oz.  EoAvdand  "Wilson. 


Silver  Cup  &  Cover      s  •  m  35  oz.  8  10 

A  Silver  flaggon  &  Cover    .     1648     54  oz.  15  0       Ab™  Eeynardson,  Lord  Mayor. 

A  d"  pf  d" 1648     55  7  0  Ab™  Eeynardson,  Lord  Mayor. 

A  Sih^er  strainer  spoon  .     .     1749 

All  these  are  gilt. 
*  This  book  oaonot  be  traced  with  the  parish  documents. — Ed. 


New  Plate. 

Description  of.  Year.        "Weight.  Given  by. 

A  Silver  dish 1798     24  oz.  12  0      I.  Scott,  Vestry  CI. 

Top  of  the  beadle's  staff     .     1798  Alex''  Ross,  Ch.  Warden. 

Money  Boerow'd  fob  the  Rebuilding.* 

Of  whom. 



When  borrow'd. 

When  to  cease. 

1799  April  15     Martha  d.  of  ]?ichard  Biekerton,  cordwainer,  and  Mary  (Hoppe), 

Bishopsgate  Street ;  b.  L')  March 
May   21     John    Love,    a   black    adult   28   years   old,   serv'    to    (x.    Booth 

Barrett,  Esq. 
Aug.  11     John    s.    of   John    Ockley,    vintner,    and    Elizabeth     (Killick), 

Threadneedle  Street ;  b.  <5  May 
Nov.  10     Frederick  s.  of  Joshua  Payne,  hatter,  and  Mary  Maria  (Plintoff), 

Bishopsgate  Street ;  b.  11  Oct. 

John  Rose,  A.M.,  Rector 

1800  Feb.  23     James  s.  of  William  Cross,  green  grocer,  and  Elizabeth  (Albone), 

Bish()])sgate  Street ;  b.  25  Jan. 
Mar.     9     Mary   d.    of   John   Parley   and   Sarah   (Egertoii),  Bishopsgate 

Street ;  b.  12  Sep.  1798 
,,        9     Sarah  Elizabeth  d.  of  John  Parley  and  Sarah  (Egerton),  Bishops- 
gate Street;  b.  12  July  1799 
„      19     George  Henry  s.  of  George  Blundell,  haberdasher,  and  Sarah 

(Carpenter),  Bishopsgate  Street;  b.  15  Feb. 
June  18     Louisa  d.  of  John  Rose,  Rector,  and  Ann   (Bunce),  Rectory 

house  ;  b.  15  June 
Oct.    26     John  Whynante,  a  black  servant  of  Berbice,  about  20  years  of 

Nov.  30     Flora  Jones,  a  native  of  the  East  Indies,  about  18  years  of  age, 

living  with  John  Jones,  Esq.,  of  the  Bengal  Warehouse  E[ast] 

I[ndia]  House 

John  Rose,  A.M.,  Rector 

1801  Oct.      4     Emma   d.    of   John    Ockley,   vintner,  and  Ehzabeth    (Killick), 

Threadneedle  Street;  b.  1  Oct.  1800 
Dec.   10     Mary   d.    of   Alexander   Ross,   hair    manufacturer,    and    Mary 
(Purmage),  Bishopsgate  Street;  b.  16  Nov. 
„      13     Catharine  d.  of  John  Irving,  vintner,  and  Catharine   (Lambeth), 
Bishojisgate  Street;  b.  13  July 

John  Rose,  A.M.,  Rector 

1802  July     4     Mary  d.  of  James  Bennett,  hairdresser,  and  Sarah  (Baxter), 

Crown  Court ;  b.  31  May 

John  Rose,  A.M.,  Rector 

1803  Jan.      3     Henry  Edward  s.  of  George  Blundell,  haberdasher,  and  Sarah 

(Car])enter),  Bishopsgate  Street;  b.  17  Sep.  1802 
„     30     Anna  Martha  d.  of  John  Ockley,  vintner,  and  Elizabeth  (Killick), 
Threadneedle  Street ;  b.  3  Jan. 
Mary  Bunting,  an   adult  and  married  woman,  baptis'd   at    All 
Saints,  Norwich,  19  Oct.  1757,  the  d''  of  Tho^  and  Marg^  Gills ; 
receiv'd  into  the  Church 

*  There  are  no  particulars  given.— Ed, 


1803  Maria  Cornish,  an  adult,  baptis'd  at  Napton  in  Norfolk  1784, 

receiv'd  into  the  Church  mth  the  above  18  March  1803,  d'' 
of  Eobertson  and  Mary  [sic] 

JoH>-  Rose,  A.M.,  Sector 

1804  Jan.   22     Williams,  of  Heury  James,  bookbinder,  and  Elisabeth  (Pritchard), 

Threadueedle  St. ;  b.  26  Dec.  1803 
Mar.  11     Eleanor  Martin,  a  foundling  suppos'd  only  a  few  days  old 
„     30     Ellen  d.  of  Greorge  Blundell,  haberdasher,  and  Sarah  (Carpenter), 
Bishopsgate  St. ;  b.  29  Feb. 
May   13     Mary  d.  of  Richard  Teasdale,  solicitor,  and  Mary  (Burrows), 
Rectory  house;  b.  2  Feb.  1803 
„      13     Henry  Pigeon  s.  of  John  Davies,*  Clk.  to  M[erchants]  T [ay lors'] 
Com.,  and  Couuop  Aldworth  (Watson),  M.  T.  hall ;  b.  11  May 

John  Rose,  A.M.,  Rector 

1805  Feb.     3     Peter  Thomas  s.  of  John  Ockley,  vintner,  and  Elizabeth  (Killick), 

Threadueedle  St. ;  b.  24  Nov.  1804 
„      17     Robert   Forster    s.    of    James    Tidswell,   carpenter,   and    Ann 

(Forster),  late  of  Threadueedle  St.,  now  of  Hoxtou  ;  b.  13  June 

,,      17     Charlotte  d.  of  James  l^idswell,  carpenter,  and  Ann  (Forster), 

late  of  Threadueedle  St.,  now  of  Hoxton ;  b.  18  Jan. 
July   11     Thompson  Baptist  s.  of  John  Davies,  Clk.  to  M.  T.,  and  Couuop 

Aldworth  (Watson),  M.  T.  hall ;  b.  27  May 
„      28     Ethelbert  Bigland  s.  of  John  Rose,  Rector,  and  Ann  (Bunce), 

late  of  the  Rectory,  now  of  Croydon  in  Surrey ;  b.  28  July 
Nov.   17     Martha  Lucas  d.  of  Robert  Kimpton,  haberdasher,  and  Margaret 

(Jones),  Bishopsgate  Street;  b.  21  Sep. 

John  Rose,  A.M.,  Rector 

Oct.      2     Mary  d.  of  George  Blundell, t  haberdasher,  and  Sarah  (Carpenter), 
Bishopsgate  St. ;  b.  31  July 

1806  Mar.     2     Isabella  Bertie  d.  of  Thomas  Jones,  haberdasher,  and  Mary  Ann 

(Bertie),  Camomile  St.  ;  b.  11  Feb. 
„      14     Henry  s.  of  Henry  Devis  and  Elizabeth  (Tippler),  Bishopsgate 
Street ;  b.  10  March 
July   13     Anna  Maria  d.  of  John  Davies,  Clk.  to  M.  T.  C°,  and  Connop 
Aldworth  (Watson),  M.  T.  hall;  b.  11  July 
„      17     Margaret  d.  of  Alexander  Ross,  hairdresser,  and  Mary  (Furmage), 
Bishopsgate  Street ;  b.  25  June 
Aug.     3     Mary  Ann  d.  of  William  Dawkes,  from  Long  and  Co.,  and  Alice 
(Stevenson),  Bishopsgate  St. ;  b.  23  April 

John  Rose,  A.M.,  Rector 

1807  April  26     Caroline   Ann  d.   of  George  Blundell,  haberdasher,  and  Sarah 

(Carpenter),  Bishopsgate  Street;  b.  27  March 
May     2     Robert   Precious    s.    of   John    Brown,   solicitor,  and   Elizabeth 

(Charlesworth),  M.  T.  hall ;  b.  24  Dec.  1806 
Oct.    25     Benjamin  s.  of  William  Holt,  vintner,  and  Sarah  (Westwood), 

Threadueedle  St. ;  b.  16  Sep. 

John  Rose,  A.M.,  Rector 

1808  Feb.     3     William  Charlesworth  s.  of  John  Browne,  solicitor,  and  Elizabeth 

(Charlesworth),  Merc'  Taylors'  hall;  b.  22  Jan. 

*  For  other  children  of  the  Davies  family  consult  St.  Clement  Danes  and  St.  Andrew,  Hol- 
born,  and  for  the  parents'  marriage. 

t  Omitted  by  mistake  and  restor'd  by  me,  J.  Eose,  Rector,  1806. 


1808  May   15     John  s.  of  Joliu  Harris,  butcher,  and  Matilda  (Austin),  Bishops- 

gate  Street ;  b.  25  Jan. 
July  10     Anna  Maria  d.  of  Thomas  Munday,  printer,  and  Anna  Maria 
(Bailey),  Threadneedle  Street ;  b.  16  June 

John  Eose,  D.D.,  Rector 

1809  June  25     Samuel  Cox  s.  of  Samuel  Cox,  gent.,  and  Mary  (Taylor),  Thread- 

needle  Street ;  b.  26  May 
July  18     Thomas    Kearsay   s.    of   John   Brown,   solicitor,  and  Elizabeth 

(Charlesworth),  Merch*  Taylors'  hall;  b.  7  July 
Nov.  23     James  s.  of   John   Harris,  butcher,  and   Matilda    (Austin),  of 
S'  Peter's  in  Cornhill ;  b.  24  Oct. 

John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 

1810  Jan.      7     John  s.  of  Joseph  Wood,  beadle,  and  Eosetta  (Metcalfe),  Thread- 

needle  Street ;  b.  2  Dec.  1809 

John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 

1811  Peb.   24     John  s.  of  Thomas  Munday,  printer,  and  Anna  Maria  (Bailey), 
Threadneedle  Street ;  b.  28  Jan. 

Emma  d.  of  John  Harris,  butcher,  and  Matilda  (Austin),  Bishops- 
gate  Street ;  b.  23  July 

Sara   Sophia   d.    of   George    Blundell,  haberdasher,  and   Sarah 
(Carpenter),  Bishopsgate  Street ;  b.  7  July 

John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 















1812  June  21     Ann  d.  of  Joseph  "Wood,  beadle,  and  Eosetta  (Metcalfe),  Thread- 
needle Street ;  b.  22  Maj 

Mary  Ann  d.  of  Effingham  Wilson,  stationer,  and  Martha  (Hunt), 
Threadneedle  Street ;  b.  27  April 

William  s.   of  William   Tatum,   printer,  and    Mary    (Hasliug), 
llireadneedle  Street ;  b.  17  Sep. 

Eliza  d.  of  John  Grilbert  Laming,  cook,  and  Eliza  (Holt),  Thread- 
needle Street ;  b.  15  Nov. 

John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 

Under  a  new  Act  of  Parliament  the  Eegisters  in  future  are  to  be  kept  in  books 
f  uruish'd  from  the  King's  printer  to  be  uniform  throughout  the  Kingdom ;  but  as 
the  spaces  in  such  books  are  very  small,  as  there  is  no  room  for  recording  the 
birth  nor  the  mother's  maiden  name,  it  is  mj^  intention  to  continue  the  present 
Eegister  upon  the  old  plan  in  addition  to  the  new  one  exacted  by  legislative 
authority. — J.  E. 

[The  following  entries— 1813,  Jan.  17  (Munday)  to  1819,  Nov.  7  (Wood)— 
are  repeated  in  Eegister  lY. — Ed.] 

1813  Jan.    17     Thomas  s.  of  William  Munday,  printer,  and  Ann  Maria  (Bailey), 

Threadneedle  Street ;  b.  7  Dec.  1812 

John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 

1814  May     3     Elizabeth  Mary    d.   of  Eichard   John   Derrett,    victualler,   and 

Elizabeth  Mary  (Bickerton),  Pentonville  ;  b.  8  Oct.  1813 
„        7     Prances  Eliza  d.   of  Eobert  JNIeagle,   silversmith,  and  Prances 

(Wilson),  Bishopsgate  Within;  b.  25  April 
„      14     Mary  Eosa  d.  of  George  Farren,*  solicitor,  and  Mary  (ToUemach), 

Bishopsgate  Within  ;  b.  22  April 

John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 

*  For  other  Registers  of  other  children  consult  St.  George's,  Bloomsbury,  and  St.  Giles, 


1815  Jan,    22     Emma  Eichardsou  d.  of  Thomas  Dean,  printer,  and  Mary  Anne 

(Bailey),  Threadneedle  street;  b.  II  Nov.  1814 
Peb.     7     Eobert  Wilson  s.  of  Eobert  Meagle,  silversmith,  and  Frances 

(Silversmith),  Bishopsgnte  Street;  b.  30  Sep.  1812 
April  30     Mary   Anne  d.   of  Thomas  Munday,    printer,  and  Anna  Maria 

(Bailey),  Threadneedle  Street;  b.  25  March 
July   16     Hariot  Mary  d.  of  John  Gilbert  Laming,  victualler,  and  Eliza 

(Holt),  Threadneedle  Street ;  b.  6  June 
Oct.    19     Thomas  Neufuille  s.  of  Thomas  Crosse,  solicitor,  and  Elizabeth 

Anne  (Grant),  South  Street,  Finsbury  ;  b.  22  Sep. 

John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 

1816  Jan.      7     William  Henry  s.  of  Eobert  Meagle,  silversmith,  and  Frances 

(Wilson),  Bishopsgate  Within  ;  b.  22  Sep.  1815 
June  23     Sarah  Ann  d.  of  Thomas  Dean,  printer,  and  Mary  Ann  (Bailey), 
Threadneedle  Street;  b.  24  May 

JoHX  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 

1817  Jan.    22     Henry  Gompertz,  an  adult,  a  solicitor.  Crown  Ct.,  Threadneedle 

May     4     Edward  Thomas  s.  of  Thomas  Poole,  a  clerk,  and  Ann  (Winch), 

White  Lion  Court,  Cornhill ;  b.  12  April 
June  15     Henry  Jackson  s.  of  Thomas  Munday,  printer,  and  Anna  Maria 

(Bailey),  Threadneedle  Street;  b.  19  May 
iS'ov.  27     Martha  Frances  Cai'oline  Dickons,  an  adult,  from  Hackney 
Dec.     9     Edmund  Leonard  Griffiths,  an  adult,  from  Devonshire  Street 
„        9     John  Granville  Griffiths,  an  adult,  from  Devonshire  Street 

JoHK  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 

1818  April    5     Eliza  d.  of  Eobei't  Meagle,  silversmith,  and  Frances  (Wilson), 

Bishopsgate  Within  ;  b.  2  Jan. 
July   19     John  Gilbert  s.  of  John  Gilbert  Laming,  victualler,  and  Eliza 
(Holt),  Threadneedle  Street ;  b.  24  March  1817 
„      19     AVilliam  s.  of  John  Gilbert  Laming,  victualler,  and  Eliza  (Holt), 
Threadneedle  Street ;  b.  1  March 

John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 

1819  May     9     Eliza  Jane  d.   of  Thomas  Munday,   printer,  and   Anna  Maria 

(Bailey),  Threadneedle  Street ;  b.  7  April 
„      27     Mary  Julia  d.  of  George  Farren,  solicitor,  and  Mary  (Tallemach), 

Threadneedle  Street ;  b.  3  May 
Aug.     4     M arian  d.  of  John  Adrian  Eyma,*  gent., and  Elizabeth  (Morrison) , 

from  the   Island  of   Martinique  and  Merton  in  Surrey;    b. 

2  Marcli  1816 
„        4     Henry  Fitz  John  s.  of  John  Adrian  Eyma,*  gent.,  and  Elizabeth 

(Morrison),  from  the  Island  of  Martinique  and  Merton  in 

Surrey  ;  b.  4  Aug.  1817 
„       4     John  s.  of  John  Adrian  Eyma,*  gent.,  and  Elizabeth  (Morrison), 

from  the  Island  of  Martinique  and  Merton  in  Surrey ;  b.  6  July 
„        5     James    Green   s.   of  William   Ba]-ry,t   stationer,   and   Margaret 

(Green),  Bishopsgate  Within  ;  b.  7  July 
Nov.     7     Joseph  s.  of  .Toseph  Wood,  cutler  and  parish  elk.,  and  Eosetta 

(Metcalfe),  Bishopsgate  Within  ;  b.  8  Oct. 

John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 

*  Marriage  in  Register  of  this  parish. 

t  For  baptism  of  other  children  consult  St.  Margaret  and  St.  John,    West",  and  for  the 
parents'  marriage  St.  Mary,  Lambeth. 



[1813,  Januaet  17,  TO  1873,  Januaey  5.] 

I,  Thomas  Muuday  of  35  Threadneedle  Street  in  the  City  of  London,  maketh 
Oath  and  saith  that  "Thomas  son  of  AVilliam  and  Anna  Maria  Muuday  entered 
of  the  1*^  page,  No.  1  of  the  Baptismal  Kegister  belonging  to  the  JParish  of 
S*  INIartiu  Outwich,  is  an  erroneous  entiy,  the  said  son  of  William  &  Anna  Maria 
Muuday  being  baptized  on  the  17*^  of  January  1813  by  the  Eeverend  Doctor 
Eose,  D.D.,  tbe  then  Eector,  by  tbe  Cbristian  Name  of  William  and  not  Thomas. 

As  Witness  my  Hand  this  27'^  Day  of  December  1826. 

Thomas  Munday. 
Sworn  before  me  at  the  Mansion  House,  the  23*^ 
Day  of  December  1826. — A.  Brown,  Mayor. 

BA.PTISMS  Solemnized  in  the  Pabish  of  St.  Martin  Outwich  in  the 
City  or  London,  in  the  Tear  1813. 





Parents'  Name. 


Trade,  or 

By  whom  the 


was  performed. 



Christian.   Surname. 


son  of 


and  Ann 





John  Rose, 
D.D.,  Rector 

7  Dec. 

17  Jan. 
No.  1* 






1814  May     3t  Eliz"'  Mary  d.  of  Eich'^  John  Derrett,  vintner,  and    Elizabeth 

Mary    (Bickerton),   Pentonville,    b.   8    Oct.    1813 ;   by  John 

Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 
„        7     Prances  Eliza  d.  of  Eobert  Meagie,  silversmith,  and  Prances 

(Wilson),   Bishopsgate  Within,  b.  25  April;   by  John  Eose, 

D.l).,  Eector 
„      14     Mary  Eosa  d.  of  George  Parren,  solicitor,  and  Mary  (Tallemach), 

Bishopsgate  Within,  b.  22  April ;  by  John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 

1815  Jan.    22     Emma  Eichardson  d.  of  Thomas  Dean,  printer,  and  Mary  Ann 

(Bailey),  Threadneedle  Street,   b.   11   Nov.    1814;    by  John 

Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 
Peb.      7     Eobert  Wilson  s.  of  Eobert  Meagie,  silversmith,  and  Prances 

(Wilson),   Bishopsgate  Within,   b.  30  Sep.   1812;    by  John 

Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 
April  30     Mary  Anne  d.  of  Thomas  Munday,  printer,  and  Anna  Maria 

(Bailey),  Threadneedle  Street,  b.  25  March;    by  John  Eose, 

D.D.,  Eector 
July  16     Harriot  Mary  d.  of  John  Gilbert  Laming,  victualler,  and  Eliza 

(Holt),  Threadneedle  Street,  b.  6  June ;  by  John  Eose,  D.D., 

Oct.    19     Thomas  NeufuilJe  s.  of  Thomas  Crosse,  solicitor,  and  Elizabeth 

Anne  (Grant),  South  Street,  Pinsbury,  b.  22  Sep. ;  by  John 

Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 

1816  Jan.      7     William  Henry  s.  of  Eobert  Meagie,  silversmith,  and  Frances 

(Wilson),  Bishopsgate  Within,  b.  22  Sep.  1815;  by  E.  Nixon, 
B.D.,  according  to  Certificate 

*  The  n'lmber  of  each  succeeding  entry  has  been  omitted. — Ed. 

t  To  save  space  the  tabular  form,  as  shewn  by  the  above  Munday  entry,  has  been  dispensed 
wich,  but  all  the  information  is  given,  and  the  mother's  maiden  name  appears  in  parentheses  after 
her  Christian  name. — Ed. 










1816  June  23     Sarah  Anu  d.  of  Thomas  Dean,  printer,  and  Mary  Ann  (Bailey), 

Threadueedle  Street,  b.  24  May ;  by  John  'Rose,  D.D.,  Eector 

1817  Jan.    22     Henry  Gouipertz,  an  adult,  a  solicitor,  Threadueedle  Street;  by 

John  Hose,  D.D.,  Hector 
May     4     Edward  Thomas  s.  of  Thomas  Poole,  a  clerk,  and  Ann  (Winch), 

White  Lion  Court,  Cornhill,  b.  12  Ajml ;  by  John  Eose,  D.D., 

June  15     Henry  Jackson  s.  of  Thomas  Munday,  printer,  and  Anna  Maria 

(Bailey),  Threadueedle  Street,  b.  19  May;  by  John  Eose,  D.D., 

Martha  Frances  Caroline  Dickons,  an  adult ;    by   John  Eose, 

D.D.,  Eector 
Edmund  Leonard  Grifliths,  an  adult ;  by  John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 
John  s.of  Granville  Grifi]ths,an  adult;  by  John  Eose,  D.D., Eector 

1818  April    5     Eliza  d.  of  Eobert  Meagle,  silversmith,  and  Frances  (Wilson), 

Bishopsgate  Within,  b.  2  Jan. ;  by  John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 

John  Gilbert  s.  of  John  Gilbert  Laming,  victualler,  and  Eliza 
(Holt),  Threadueedle  Street,  b.  24  March  1817;  by  John  Eose, 
D.D.,  Eector 
„  19  William  s.  of  John  Gilbert  Laming,  victualler,  and  Eliza  (Holt), 
Threadueedle  Street,  b.  1  March;  by  John  Eose,  D.D., 

1819  May     9     Eliza    Jane    d.   of   Thomas    Munday,   printer,   and    Ann    Maria 

(Bailey),  Threadueedle  Street,  b.  7  April ;  by  John  Eose,  D.D., 

„      27     Mary  Julia  d.  of  George  Earren,  solicitor,  and  Mary  (Tallemach), 

Threadueedle  Street,  b.  3  May;  by  John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 
Aug.     4     JNIarian  d.  of  John  Adrian  Eyma,  gent.,  and  Elizabeth  (Morri- 
son), from  Merton  in  Surrey,  b.  2  March  1816  ;  by  John  Eose, 

D.D.,  Eector 
„        4     Henry  Fitz  John  s.  of  John  Adrian  Eyma,  gent.,  and  Elizabeth 

(Morrison),  from  iNlerton  in  Surrey,  b.  4  Aug.  1817  ;  by  John 

Eose,  D.I).,  Eector 
„        4     John  s.  of  John  Adrian  Eyma,  gent.,  and  Elizabeth  (Morrison), 

from   Merton  in   Surrey,  b.  6    July;    by  John    Eose,   D.D., 

„        5     James    Green   s.   of  William   Barry,    stationer,    and   Margaret 

(Green),  Bishopsgate  Within ;  by  J.  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 
Nov.     7     Joseph  s.  of  .Joseph  Wood,  cutler  and  Parish  Clerk,  and  Eosetta 

(Metcalfe),  Bishopsgate  AVithin  ["  Born  Oct' 8  "  in  pencil.— 'Eb.]  ■ 

by  .John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 

1820  No  Baptism  in  this  year  1820.— John  Eose,  D.D. 

1821  Feb.     4     William  s.  of  James  Evans,  tobacconist,  and  Maria  Susannah 

(Downs),  Bishopsgate  Within  ;  by  D""  Towne 
„      25     Eliza  d.  of  Eobert  Butler,  glover,  and  Mary  Ami  (Atkinson), 

Bishopsgate  Within  ;  by  M''  Salmon 
Mar.     5     Thomas  Septimus  s.  of  Joseph  Hinde,  accountant,  and  Isabella 

(Eichardson),  Bishopsgate  Within;  by  D''  Towne 
May   IS     Frances  Eliza   d.   of  \Yilliam    Barrj',   stationer,  and   Margaret 

(Green),  Bishopsgate  Within;  by  D''  Towne 

1822  April  14     Sarah  d.  of  John  Hall,  cook,  and  Ann  (Swiubourn),  Threadueedle 

Street,  b.  29  June  1821 ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
„  14  Jane  d.  of  George  Hall,  stone  mason,  and  Ann  (Gorrod),  9  Grove 
Place,  City  Road,  b.  1  Aug.  [sic]  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
July  28  George  Alfred  Henry  s.  of  Thomas  Dean,  printer,  and  Mary 
Anu  (Bailey),  Threadueedle  Street,  b.  1  July;  by  .T.  .T.  Ellis, 
M.A„  Eector 


1822  Aug.     2     Richard    s.   of  William   Holt,  solicitor,  and   Amelia   (Bryant), 

Threadneedle  Street,  b.  5  July ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector 
Sep.      3     Seliiia  d.  of  William  Barry,  stationer,  and  Margaret  (Green), 

Bishopsgate  AVithin,  b.  30  July ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector 
Dec.    15     Eleanor  d.  of  Evan  Evans,  tavlor,  and  Ann  (Clark),  Bishopsgate 

Within,  b.  22  Nov.  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector 

1823  Mar.     9     Mary  d.  of  John  Hall,  cook,  and  Ann  (Swinbourn),  Tiireadneedle 

Street,  b.  27  Nov.  1822 ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector 
„        9     George  s.   of  George  Hall,  stone  mason,  and  Ann   (Gorrod), 

9  Grove  Place,  City  Road,  b.  17  Dec.  1822  ;   bv  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Rector 
„        9     .John  s.  of  James  Hall,  labourer  in  the  East  India  House,  and 

Sarah  (Playford),  9  Grove  Place,  City  Hoad,  b.  2  Jan.;   by 

J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector 
„      24     Elizabeth   Ellis  d.  of  Pierce  Humphrey  Mott,  Lieutenant  in  his 

Majesty's  Navy,  and  Charlotte  Frances  (Smith),  Epple  Bay, 

Birchington,  Isle  of  Thanet,  b.  8  Oct.  1822  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

Rector  [No.  41] 

1824  Jan.    18     AVilliam   s.   of   William   Holt,   solicitor,  and  Amelia   (Brvant), 

Threadneedle  Street,  b.  18  Dec.  1823;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  Rector 
[No.  44] 
1823*  April  13     Lewis    s.   of   James    Evans,   tobacconist,  and    Maria   Susannah 

(Downs),  113  Bishopsgate  Within,  b.  22  Feb. ;  by  J.  .L  Ellis, 
Rector  [No.  42] 
*  May  25     Emma  Elizabeth  d.  of  William  Cope,  sea  captain,  aud  Mary  Ann 
(Ockley),  40  Threadneedle  Street,  b.  29  April ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 
Rector  [No.  43] 

1824  Jan.    26     Harriett    d.   of   James   Brown,  Locker,    of   the   Customs,   and 

Elizabeth  (Ball),  25  Threadneedle  Street,  b.  5  March  1805; 

by  J.  J.  Ellis,  Rector.     Witnesses  :  James  Brown  and  Frances 

„     26     Sarah  d.  of  James  Brown,  Locker,  of  the  Customs,  and  Elizabeth 

(Ball),  25  Threadneedle  Street,  b.  6  May  1809;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

Rector.     AVitnesses  :  James  Brown  and  Frances  Brown 
Feb.   23     Louisa  d.  of  William  Barry,  stationer,  aud  Margaret  (Green), 

122  Bishopsgate  AVithin,  b.  26  Jan. ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  Rector 
Nov.  28     William  Henry  s.  of  AVilliam  Penny,  merchant's  clerk,  aud  Mary 

Ann    (Hubbard),    11    Bishopsgate  AVithin,  b.    25    Oct.;    by 

J.  J.  Ellis,  Rector 
Dec.     5     John  Thomas    s.  of  John  Hall,  cook,  and  Ann   (Swinbourn), 

Threadneedle  Street,  b.  6  Sep. ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  Rector 

1825  .Ian.      9     Clarissa   Emily   d.   of  Thomas    Dean,  printer,  and    Alary  Ann 

(Bailey),  Threadneedle  Street,  b.  10  Dec.  1824  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

Feb.   20     Eliza   d.   of   .Tames    Evans,    tobacconist,    aud   Maria   Susannah 

(Downs),  113  Bishopsgate  AVithiu,  b.  13  Feb.  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

April  15     George  s.  of  Richard  Critchett,  gentleman,  and  Elizabeth  (Slack), 

Highgate,  b.  25  March  1817 ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector 
Aug.     7     Henry  s.  of  George  Coggins,   Beadle  of  the  Parish,  aud  Maria 

(Gardener),  4  Acorn'Court,  b.  20  July ;  by  J.  J.  Flllis,  M.A., 

Sep.      4     David  s.  of  James  Trary,  hostler,  Barnes,  Surrey,  and  Sarah 

(Perry),    kitchen   maid,   29   Woolverry   St.,   Hackney   Road, 

b.  12  March  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector 

*  "  These  two  Registers,  No,  42  &  No.  43,  should  have  followed  No,  41  [Elizabeth  Ellis].— 
J.  J.  Ellis,  Rector." 


1825  Sep.    25     Charles    Frede-rick   s.   of  Thomas  Muuday,  printer,   and  Anna 

Maria  (Bailey),  Threadneedle  Street,  b.  29  Aug. ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eeetor 
Oct.      0     Stephen  s.  of  Evan  Evans,  taylor,  and  Ann  (Clark),  Bishopsgate 

Within,  b.  12  Sep. ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Sector 
Nov.  17     Eliza  Mary  d.  of  William  Barry,  stationer,  and  Margaret  (Green) 

Bishopsgate  Within,  b.  19  Oct.  ;  by  John  Ellis,  A.M.,  junr. 

Eel.  of  St.  John's  Coll.,  Oxford 

1826  April    9     Elizabeth  d.  of  William  Holt,  solicitor,  and  Amelia  (Bryant), 

Threadneedle   Street,    b.    9    March;    by   J.   J.    Ellis,    M.A., 

June    5     William  Morrice  s.  of  Edmund  Shaw,  stationer,  and  Anne  Fowle 

(Thomson),  117  Bishopsgate  Street  Within,  b.  21  Sep.  1825; 

by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eeetor 
Dec.     .3     Emma  Susanna  d.  of  Richard  Watson,  servant,  and  Mary  Ann 

(Watson),  2  Catharine  Wheel  Alley,  Bishopsgate,  b.  28  July; 

by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Sector 
„      20     Henry  William  s.  of  John  Bamber  De  Mole,  solicitor,  and  Isabel 

(Maudslay),  Merchant  Taylors'  Hall,  b.  22  Xov. ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eeetor 

1827  July  22     John  William  s.  of  John  Sly,  shoemaker,  and  Elizabeth  (Mabbott), 

49  Museum  Street,  Bloomsbury,  b.  27  Eeb. ;   by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eeetor 
„      22     Alfred  John  s.  of  John  Grabham,  law  clerk,  and  Mary  (Mabbott), 

3  Crown  Court,  Threadneedle  Sti-eet,  b.  20  May;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eeetor 
Aug.  17     Ellen  d.  of  William  Barry,  stationer,  and  Margaret  (Green), 

Bishopsgate    Within,    b.    19    July  ;    by    J.    J.    Ellis,    M.A., 

Dec.     9     William  Ellis  s.  of  William  Eodgers,  marriner,  and  Margaret 

(Eobb),  4  Charles  Street,  Stepney,  b.  10  Nov. ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eeetor 

1828  Jan.      1     Elizabeth  Ann  Comins  d.  of  AVilliam  Eowland  Arnold,  accountant, 

and  Elizabeth  (Crocker).  South  Sea  House,  b.  1  Eeb.  1825  ; 

by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eeetor 
„         1     Emily  Mary  Elvers  d.  of  AVilliam  Eowdand  Arnold,  accountant, 

and  Elizabeth  (Crocker),  South  Sea  House,  b.  19  April  1827  ; 

by  J.  .].  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eeetor 
„      20     Amelia  Louisa  d.  of  William  Holt,  solicitor,  and  Amelia  (Bryant), 

Threadneedle  Street,  b.  1  Dec.  1817  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A., 

„      20     Henrietta   Emily   d.    of    William   Holt,    solicitor,   and   Amelia 

(Bryant),  Threadneedle  Street,  b.  19  April  1819  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eeetor 
„      20     Eleanor  d.  of  William    Holt,   solicitor,  and   Amelia  (Bryant), 

Threadneedle  Street,  b.  20  Nov.  1820 ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A., 

Mar.  12     Frederic  Valentine  s.  of  John  Bamber  De  Mole,  solicitor,  and 

Isabel  (Maudslay),  Merchant  Taylors'  Hall,  b.  14  Feb.;  by 

J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eeetor 
April  27     Lewis  s.  of  Evan  Evans,  taylor,  and  Ann  (Clark),  Bishopsgate 

Within,  b.  22  June  1827  ;  by  J.  J.  EDis,  M.A.,  Eeetor 
June  25     Lui-y  Elizabeth  d.  of  Stephen  Hallett,  porter  in  the  East  India 

Warehouse,    and   Ann    (Manbv),   2   Hertford    Eow,    Battle 

Bridge,  b.  26  Sep.  1823  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eeetor 
July     6     Edwin  John  s.  of  John  Grabham,  law  clerk,  and  Mary  (Mabbott), 

3  Crown  Court,  Threadneedle  Street,  b.  6  June ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eeetor 


1828  Aug.  13     Beevor   s.   of  Beevor  Eoll,   plumber,   and  Mary  (Matthews), 

Threadoeedle  Street,  b.  12  June  ;  by  B.  Harvey,  M.A.,  Curate 

of  S^  Botolph,  Bishopsgate 
Sep.    25     Isabella  d.  of  William    Holt,  solicitor,  and   Amelia  (Bryant), 

Threadneedle  Street,  b.  28  Aug. ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
Oct.    26     "William  s.  of  Richard  Watson,  servant,  and  Mary  Ann  (Watson), 

2  Catharine  AVheel  Alley,  Bishopsgate,b.  17  June;  by  J. J. Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eector 

1829  Eeb.   15     William   s.  of  James   Modlin,  lace   man,   and    Sarah  (Wood), 

11  Bishopsgate  Within,  b.  14  Aug.  1828  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A., 

July    19     Agnes  d.  of  Evan  Evans,  taylor,  and  Ann  (Clark),  Bishopsgate 

Within,  b.  20  June ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
Aug.     9     Erederick  William  Thomas  s.  of  Frederick  Josiah  Dore,  taylor, 

and  Mary  Georgiana  (Hodder),  Bishopsgate  Within,  b.  10  July; 

by  J.  W.  Vivian,  13.D.,  Offs  Minister 
Sep.    17     Isabel  Harriet  d.  of  John  Bamber  De  Mole,  solicitor,  and  Isabel 

(Maudslay),  Merchant  Taylors'  Hall,  b.  20  Aug. ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eector 
„      24     Edmund  s.  of  Edmund  Shaw,  stationer,  and  Anne  Fowle  (Thom- 
son), 124  Eenchurch  Street  and  Hackney,  b.   14  May ;   by 

J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
„      27     Elizabeth  Ellis  d.  of  William  Eodgers,  marriner,  and  Margaret 

(Eobb),   1    Stracey    Street,    Commercial    Eoad,  b.   12   July; 

by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
Dec.   13     William  Skelton  s.  of  AVilliam  Eoland  Arnold,  accountant,  and 

Elizabeth  (Crocker),  South  Sea  House,  b.  5  Eeb. ;  by  J.J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eector 

1830  Jan.    18     Foster   Stable   s.  of   William    Barry,    stationer,  and   Margaret 

(Green),  Bishopsgate  Within,  b.  18  Dec.  1829;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eector 
April  14     AVilliam  s.  of   William   Holt,  solicitor,  and    Amelia  (Bryant), 

Threadneedle  Street,  b.  13  March  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
Oct.    17     Mary  Ann  d.  of  James  Modlin,  lace  man,  and  Sarah  (Wood), 

11  Bishopsgate  Within,  b.  25  Aug. ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.  A.,  Eector 

1831  Jan.    23     John  Garbutt  s.  of  James  John  Warwick,  butcher,  and  Sophia 

(Luton),    43    Threadneedle    Street,    b.    27    Dec.    1830;    by 

J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
„      29     Thomas   s.    of   John   Bamber   De   Mole,    solicitor,   and    Isabel 

(Maudslay),  Merchant  Taylors'  Hall,  b.  29  Jan. ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eector 
April  24     Frederick  Clarence  s.  of  Thomas  Dean,  printer,  and  Mary  (Bailey), 

Threadneedle  Street,  b.  3  March;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
May     2     Meredith  White  s.  of  AVilliam  Thomas  Townsend,  grocer,  and 

Alicia  (Sparrow),  128  Houndsditch,  Aldgate,  b.  1  April ;  by 

J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
Aug.  21     Justina  d.  of  William  Eodgers,  marriner,  and  Margaret  (Eobb), 

32  Charles  Street,  Commercial  Eoad,  b.  25  July;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eector 
Oct.    28     Joseph  Smith  s.  of  John  Wood,  cutler,  and  Maria  (Smith),  East 

Street,  Kent  Eoad,  b.  24  Sep. ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
Nov.     2     Stephenson  s.  of  William  Barry,  stationer,  and  Margaret  (Green), 

Bishopsgate  Within,  b.  6  Oct. ;  by  ,].  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 

1832  Jan.    16     Elizabeth  Barnes  d.  of  Henry  William  Cansdell,  surveyor,  and 

Elizabeth   Cardinal  (Argent),  Grove  Cottage,   Bow,   Middx., 
b.  11  July  1831 ;  by  J.  J.  ElHs,  M.A.,  Eector 
Mar.     4     Eichard   s.   of  William   Holt,   solicitor,   and    Amelia   (Bryant), 
Threadneedle  Street,  b.  16  Feb. ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 


1832  Mar.  18     James  s.  of  William  Farrant,  porter,  and  Catherine  (Grreaves), 

15  Bishopsgate  Within,  b.  23  Jan. ;  by  R.  S.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Curate 
,,      18     Arthur   Mabbott   s.    of   John    Grabham,   law-clerk,  and   Mary 

(Mabbott),  3  Crown  Court,  Threadneedle  SS  b.  2  Jan.;   by 

E.  S.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Curate 
May     6     Louisa  Waterloo  d.  of  Harold  France,  Assistant  Commissary 

General,  and  Charlotte  (Andrews),  4  Billiter  Square,  b.  10  Sep. 

1815  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
„        9     Emilie  Louise  d.  of  John  Bamber  De  Mole,  solicitor,  and  Isabel 

(Maudslay),  Merchant  Taylors'  Hall,  b.  4  April ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eector 
„        9     John  Bamber  s.  of  Stephen  De  Mole,  mineral  water  manufacturer, 

and  Elizabeth  (Bamber),  Margaret  Street,  Cavendish  Square, 

b.  9  May  1798  (birth  proved  by  affidavit)  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A., 

Sep.    11     James  Harry  s.  of  George  Kitchin,  office  keeper,  and  Harriot 

(Stedman),  49  Clifton  Street,  Finsbury  Square,  b.  10  Aug. ; 

by  Ja^  Blenkarne,  M.A.,  Assist"  Minister 
„      19     Beaumont  Ellis  s.  of  Beaumont  Atkinson,  gentleman,  and  Eliza- 
beth (Ellis),  South  Grove,  Hampstead,  b.  15  July;  by  J.  J. 

Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
Oct.    16     William  Sogers  s.  of  William  AVoodworth,  marine  store  dealer, 

and  Mary  (Eogers),  31  White  Chapel  Eoad,  b.  26  July;   by 

J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 

1833  Feb.   17     Hannah  Cooper  d.  of  John  Euddiman,  stationer,  and  Elizabeth 

(Cooper),  Threadneedle   Street,  b.   23  Jan.;    by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eector 
20     Henry  s.  of  Henry  William  Cansdell,  surveyor,  and  Elizabeth 

Cardinal  (Argent),  Grove  Cottage,  Bow,  Middx.,  b.  23  Jan. ; 

by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
Mar    10     Sarah   Ann   d.    of   John    Wood,    cutler,    and    Maria    (Smith), 

15  Norfolk  Street,  Kent  Eoad,  b.  9  Feb. ,  by  J.  J.  EUis,  M.A., 

June  18     Ingham  Foster  s.  of  William  Barry,  stationer,  and   Margaret 

(Green),  Bishopsgate  Within,  b.  12  May;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.  A., 

July  26     Marianne  d.  of  William  Holt,  solicitor,  and  Amelia  (Bryant), 

Threadneedle  Street,  b.  11  June;   by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
Nov      7     George  Edward  s.  of  John  Bamber  De  Mole,  solicitor,  and  Isabel 

(Maudslay),  Merchant  Taylors'  Hall,  b.  6  Oct. ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eector 
„        9     Ada  Mary  d.   of    George  Kitchin,   office  keeper,  and   Harriot 

(Stedman),  49  Clifton  Street,  Finsbury  Square,  b.  14  Oct. ; 

by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 

1834  May  18     Sarah    Hannah  d.  of  William  Farrant,  porter,  and   Catharine 

(Greaves),  15  Bishopsgate  AVithin,  b.  18  April;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eector 
Auo'.  24     Elizabeth    d.    of    John    Euddiman,    stationer,    and   EHzabeth 
°  (Cooper),  Threadneedle  Street,  b.  3  Aug.;  by  Tho^  Simpson 

Evans,  Officiating  Minister 
Sep.    25     Argent  s.  of  Henry  William  Cansdell,  surveyor,  and  Elizabeth 

Cardinal  (Argent),  Grove  Cottage,  Bow,  Middx.,  b.  28  Aug.; 

by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 

1835  Feb    22     Hannah  d.  of  John  Hardiman,  plumber,  and  Mary  (Buffham), 

33  Threadneedle  Street,  b.  23  Jan.;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
Mar   25     Fanny  Elisabeth  d.  of  John  Bamber  De  Mole,  solicitor,  and  Isabel 
(Maudslay),  Merchant  Taylors'  Hall,  b.  1  March;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 
M.A.,  Eector 


1835  June    2     Septimus  s.  of  "William  Barry,  stationer,  and  Margaret  (Green), 

Bishopsgate  "Within,  b.  11  March;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector 
July     5     James  John  s.  of  William  Eowland  Arnold,  accountant,  and 

Elizabeth  (Crocker),  South  Sea  House,  b.  28  May  1834;   by 

J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
Aug.     2     Greorgina  Elizabeth  d.  of  George  Stevenson  Ellis,  gentleman,  and 

Barbara  Frances  (Simpson),  South  Sea  House,  b.  21  July  ;  by 

J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector 
Oct.    25     .John  Page  s.  of  John  Mansfield,  clerk,  and  Maria  (Oldaker), 

42  Threadueedle  Street,  b.  1  Aug. ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M  A.,  Rector 

1836  May     1     Margaret  Jane  d.  of  "William  Rodgers,  marriner,  and  Margaret 

(Robb),  32  Charles  Street,  Commercial  Road,  b.  26  Dec.  1835; 

by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector 
,,     22     Elizabeth  d.  of  Nathaniel  Stephens,  parish  clerk,  and  Susannah 

(Coneu),  29  Threadneedle  Street,  b.  15  Jan. ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Rector 
„      27     John  Argent   s.    of    Henry   "William    Cansdell,    surveyor,  and 

Elizabeth  Cardinal    (Argent),  Grove  Cottage,    Bow,    Middx., 

b.  29  April;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector 

1837  ,,     23     John  Joseph  Ellis  s.   of  Beaumont  Atkinson,  gentleman,  and 

Elizabeth  (Ellis),  South  Grove,  Hampstead,  b.  20  April;   by 
J.  J.  Ellis,  MA.,  Rector 
„      23     Catharine  Frances  d.  of  George  Stevenson  Ellis,  gentleman,  and 
Barbara  Frances   (Simpson),  South  Sea  House,  b.  21  April; 
by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector 

1838  Mar.  14     Harriet  Jane  d.  of  .Tohn  Bamber  De  Mole,  solicitor,  and  Isabel 

(Maudslay),  Merchant  Taylors'  Hall,  b.  27  Jan. ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Rector 
July    11     Ellen  d.  of  Heniy  "William  Cansdell,  sun-eyor,  and  Elizabeth 

Cardinal  (Argent),  Grove  Cottage,  Bow,  Middx.,  b.  10  Feb.  ; 

by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector 
Aug.  25     Nona  d.  of  "William  Barry,  stationer,  and  Margaret  (Green), 

Bishopsgate  "Within,  b.  28  July ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector 

1840  April  19     Caroliue  Elizabeth  d.  of  George  Herring,  ship  broker,  and  Emily 

(Hawks),  12  Bishopsgate  Within,  b.  18  Feb.;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 
M.A.,  Rector 

Aug.  9  Christopher  s.  of"  Christopher  Thompson,  governor  of  the  work- 
house, and  Frances  (Tillson),  Alcester.  Warwickshire, 
b.  27  April  1827;  by  Joseph  White  Xiblock,  D.D.,  Offs 

Nov.  1  Thomas  Price  s.  of  Thomas  Johnson,  tea  dealer,  and  Sarah  (Price), 
47i  City  Garden  Row,  City  Road,  b.  26  July ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 
M.A.,  Rector 

Dec.  20  George  Simpson  s.  of  George  Stevenson  Ellis,  gentleman,  and 
Barbara  Frances  (Simpson),  South  Sea  House,  b.  16  Sep. ;  by 
J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector 

1841  „      30     Ernest  Maudslay  s.   of  John  Bamber  De  Mole,  solicitor,  and 

Isabel  (Maudslay),  Merchant  Taylors'  Hall,  b.  11  Nov. ;  by 
J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector 

1842  .July   11     Henrietta  Jane  d.   of  George  Stevenson  Ellis,  gentleman,  and 

Barbara  Frances  (Simpson),  South  Sea  House,  b.  6  June  ; 
by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector 
„  17  Charles  George  s.  of  George  Herring,  ship  broker,  and  Emily 
(Hawks),  12  Bishopsgate  Within,  b.  17  June;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 
M.A.,  Rector 
1844  Jan.  8  Barbara  Frances  d.  of  George  Stevenson  Ellis,  gentleman,  and 
Barbara  Frances  (Simpson),  20  Dartmouth  Terrace,  Black- 
heath,  b.  19  Nov.  1843  ;  by  J.  J.  Elli;s,  M.A.,  Rector 


1844  June  30     Caroline  Sarah  cl.  of  Henry  Clisby,  baker,  and  Mq,rv  Ann  (Allen), 

14  Bishopsgate  Within,  b.  30  March ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A., 

1845  Dec.     8     Helen  Blanche  d.  of  G-eorge   Stevenson  Ellis,  gentleman,  and 

Barbara  Frances  (Simpson),  20  Dartmouth  Terrace,  Black- 
heath,  b.  29  Oct. ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Hector 

1846  Nov.  12     George  s.   of  James  Corkett,  well  sinker,   and    Sarah  (Bavis), 

Waggon  Horse  Lane,  Tottenham,  b.  21  April  1805;  by  J.  J. 
Ellis,  M. A.,  Eector.  Witnesses:  John  Aires  and  Elizabeth 

1847  May     7     Angelina   Frances   Cranfield  d.  of  Edward   Eden,  dentist,  and 

Angelina  Maria  (Saver),  45  Threadneedle  Street,  b.  21  March 
1844  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A  ,  Eector 
„        7     Charles  Edward  s.  of  Edward  Eden,  dentist,  and  Angelina  Maria 
(Sayer),  45  Threadneedle  Street,  b.  19  Jan.  1846  ;  by  J.  J. 
Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
Dec.   10     Emily  d.  of  Samuel  Howard  Billingay,  ironmonger,  and  Elizabeth 
Ann  Comins  (Arnold),  South  Sea  House,  b.  10  Feb.;  by  J.  J. 
Ellis,  M.A  ,  Eector 
„      12     Ellen  Pratt  d    of  John  and  Frances  Banister,  purveyor  to  the 
Queen,  Threadneedle  Street,  b.  26  Aug.;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A., 

1848  Oct.      8     Sarah  Elizabeth  d.  of  Thomas  Johnson,  tea  dealer,  and  Sarah 

(Price),  47i  City  Garden  Eoav,  City  Eoad,  b.  17  Sep. ;  by  J.  J. 
Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
Dec.   31     Sarah  Ann  d.  of  James  Adams,  -victualler,  and  Elizabeth  (Simp- 
sou),  Twickenham  Common,  b.  14  Nov.  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A., 

1849  Jan.      7     Alice  d.  of    John  Howell,  office   keeper,    and   Lydia    (Parish), 

Cit)^  Chambers.  Bishopsgate  Within,  b.  31  Oct.  1848;  by  J.  J. 
Ellis,  M.A.,  Hector 
„      28     Elizabeth  Ann  d.  of  Isaac  Eevnolds  Hammond,  messenger,  and 
Elizabeth   (Aston),  Coloniaf  Bank,  b.  26  Dec.  1848;  by  J.  J. 
Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
1851     Aug.  28     Matilda  d.  of  Edward  Conen,  carpenter,  and  Matilda  (Barton), 

27  Threadneedle  Street,  b.  28  Sep.  1839;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A., 
Sep.      2     George  s.  of  Edward  Conen,  carpenter,  and  Matilda  (Barton), 
27  Threadneedle  Sti-eet,  b.  31  Oct.  1837  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A., 

1853  Feb.     9     Emily  ]Mary  d.  of  James  and  ^Marianne  Clark,  sent.,  13  Bishops- 

gate  Street  Within,  b.  14  Sep.  1S52  ;  by  Tho.  W.  Wreuch, 
M.A.,  Kector  of  S'  Michael,  Cornhill 

1854  „       12     Joseph  John   s.  of  William  and   Ann    Hichardson,  fisbnionger, 

34  TlnvadneecUe  Street,  b.  14  Jan. ;  by  John  D.  Letts.  Off.  Min. 
June     8     Marianne    Kate  d.   of  James  and   Marianne  Clark,  gentleman, 

13   Bishopsgate    Street,  b.  6    April;    by    J.   J.    Ellis,    M.A., 

1856     April  13     John    s.    of    Adam    and    Sarah     M'^Donald,    police    constable, 

116  Bishopsgate  Street,  b.  12  Feb. ;  by  J.  B.  Deane,  Hector 
Mav  30     Ellen    Agues   d.    of    James   and     ^L'^riaune    Clark,    gentleman, 

13  Bishopsgate  St.  Within,  b.  15  March  ;  by  Eich'i  Wliittingtou, 

Off=  iMinister 
1857*  June  28     Nathaniel  s.  of  Nathaniel  and  Ann  Stephens,  surveyor,  3  Lower 

Dorchester  Place,  New  North  Eoad,  b.  23  May  ;  by  J.  B.  Deane, 


*  See  Register  of  Births,  District  of  Hoxton  Old  Town,  Shoreditcli.— J.  B.  Deane. 


1858  May  16     Joseph  Curtis  s.  of  Joseph  and  Betsy  Stephens,  counting  house 

clerk,  4  Leoniclas  Terrace,  Old  Kent  Road,  Surrey,  b.  31  Jan. ; 

by  J.  B.  Deane,  Rector 
June  27     Joseph  John  s.  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Ann  Baverstock,  servant, 

1  Crown  Court,  b.  31  May  ;  by  J.  B.  Deane,  Rector 
Aug.     1     Elizabeth  d.  of  Adam  and  Sarah    McDonald,  police  constable, 

116  Bishopsgate  Street,  b.  14  March;  by  J.  B.  Deane,  Rector 

1859  Nov.  13     Greorge    Samuel    s.    of    Samuel    and    Caroline    Spratt,    tailor, 

12  Bishopsgate  Street  Within,  b.  27  Aug.  1851;  by  J.  A.  L. 
Airey,  Offe  Min>- 
„      13     Edward  s.  of  Samuel  and  Caroline  Spratt,  tailor,  12  Bishopsgate 
Street  Within,  b.  4  Oct. ;  by  J.  A.  L.  Airey,  Off?  Min*" 

1860  June  10     George   s.    of   Adam   and   Sarah   M*^Donald,    police   constable, 

116  Bishopsgate  S*^  Within,  b.  14  March;  by  J.  B.  Deane,  Rector 
„  10  Catherine  d.  of  Adam  and  Sarah  M'^Donald,  police  constable, 
116  Bishopsgate  S^  Within,  b.  14  March  ;  by  J.  B.  Deane,  Rector 
Dec.  30  Elizabeth  d.  of  Thomas  George  and  Mary  Anne  Collier,  licensed 
victualler,  11  Bishopsgate  Street  Within,  b.  3  Dec;  by 
J.  A.  L.  Airey,  Offe  Min'' 

1861  Aug.  25     Thomas   s.    of   Thomas   and    Mary    Ann    Baverstock,   servant, 

1  Crown  Court,  b.  15  July  1860  ;  by  J.  A.  L.  Airey,  Off^  Min"^ 
Dec.   29     James  Joseph  s.  of  Adam  and  Sarah  M'^Donald,  police  constable, 
116  Bishopsgate  Street  Within,  b.  29  Oct. ;  by  J.  A.  L.  Airey, 
Offg  Min'- 

1862  July   13     Francis  Ernest  s.  of  Alfred  Frederick  and  Maria  Harriett  Jane 

Eden,  optician,  56  Acacia  Road,   S'  John's  Wood,  said  to  be 
born  6  Sep.  1852  ;  by  J.  B.  Deane,  Rector 

1863  May     3     William  Samuel  s.  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Ann  Baverstock,  servant, 

1  Crown  Court ;  by  J.  B.  Deane,  Rector 
,,      17     Mary  Ann  d.  of  William  Marshall  and  Elizabeth   Ann   Rose, 
licensed  victualler,  46  Threadneedle  Street ;  by  J.  A.  L.  Airey, 
Offg  Min'- 

1864  Aug.  28     Alberta  d.  of  Joseph  and  Betsy  Stephens,  Beadle  of  the  Merchant 

Taylors'    Company,    Merchant    Taylors'    School,    b.  4  Aug.  ; 
by  J.  B.  Deane,  Kector 
Nov.  13     AVilliam  Robert  s.  of  Adam  and  Sarah  M'=  Donald,  police  constable, 
116  Bishopsgate  S*  Within  ;  by  J.  B.  Deane,  Rector 

1865  Mar.     2     William  Marshall   s.   of  Williaui   Marshall  and   Elizabeth   Ann 

Rose,  licensed  victualler,  4(5  Threadneedle  Street,  b.  2  Feb. ;  by 
Robert  B.  Gibson,  Rector  of  S*  IMary  Abchurch 

1866  April    1     Charles  s.  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Anne  Baverstock,  house  porter. 

Crown  Court ;  by  J .  B.  Deane,  Rector 

1867  Mar.  24     Sarah  Ann  d.  of  Adam  and  Sarah  M<=Donald,  police  constable, 

116  Bishopsgate  Street,  b.  14  Feb. ;  by  J.  B.  Deane,  Hector 

1868  April  12     Ann  d.  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Ann  Baverstock,  servant,  Crowii 

Court,  Threadneedle  Street,  b.  26  Dec.  1867 ;  by  J.  B.  Deane, 

1869  June  13     William  Thomas  s.  of  William  Evan  and  Mary  Ann  Jones,  house 

porter,  15  Bishopsgate  Street,  b.  24  May ;    by  J.  B.  Deane, 

1870  Aug.  14     Henry  Llewellyn  s.  of  William  Evan  and  Mary  Ann  Jones,  house 

porter,  15  Bishopsgate  Street,  b.  10  June;  by  J.  B.  Deane, 
1873     Jan.     5  *Joseph  Brittan  s.  of  Joseph  and  Mary  Ann  Parker,  housekeeper, 
41  Threadneedle  Street,  b.  23  Nov.  1872  ;  by  Rob^  South,  M.A., 
Offs  Minister 

*  This  is  the  last  baptismal  entry,  and  is  numbered  177  iu  Register  IV. — Ed. 


[1670,  September  11,  to  1754,  Maech  23.] 

1670  Sep.    11     William  Harrnan  and  Ellizabtli  Hicks 

Nov.  10     William  Moodey,  Aldersgate   Street,  London,  and   Margarets 
Parsons,  5  Bartliowlomew,  London ;  by  License 

Mar.     2     Samewell  Mowyer  at  S'  Gills,  Crepplegate,  and  Eebecka  Jollife 
of  S'  Martine  Outtwich,  London;  by  License 
„        9     Thomas  Harper  of  Deptford  and  Jane  Williamson  of  S'  Peter's, 

1671  May  25     James  Atterton  of  S*  Margaett,  Westminster,  and  Marey  Lilley 

of  the  same  Parish  ;  by  License.     Doctor  A  ger 
June  13     Samuell  Paybody  and  Eserbetta  [?  Isabella]  Pharough,  both  of 

thiss  p'rish  ;  by  Lycence 
„      30     Edward  Pigby,  Esq'',  of  Lincoln's  Inn,  and  M'^  Sarah  Young  of 

y^  p'rish  of  S'  Mijells,  Cornhill  [by  Lycence  erased. — Ed.]  ; 

by  Dean  Smalhvood 
July  16     Edward  Warley  of  y"^  j)'rish  of  S'  Botolph,  Aldgate,  and  Anna 

Edmonds  of   S'  Sa-vdour's,  Southworke,  by  Lycence ;   by  M'' 

Oct.    29     Thomas  Yaugham  of  y^  p'rish  of  S'  Oleves,  Southworke,  and 

Elyzabeth  Wentrige  of  y^  p'rish  of  S'  Mary  Abchurch,  by 

Lycence  ;  by  M''  Hollingsworth 
Nor.  28     Joseph  How  of  }*=  p'rish  of  S*  Mary,  Aldermanbury,  and  Sarah 

White  of  y^  p'rish  of  S*  Dunstaine,  by  Lycence;   by  Doctor 

Dec.     7     John  Maddox  and  Ellizabeth  Cole,  both  of  y^  p'rish  of  Christ 

Church,  by  Lycence ;  by  M'  Luke 
Eeb.   27     Henry  Shelley,  Widdower,  of  y^  towne  of  Barwick  upon  tweede, 

and  Hannah  Key  of  y^  p'rish  of  S*^  halholous,  LumV  streete, 

by  Lycence;  by  Doctor  Ancher 

1672  April  23     Edward  Barrett  of  S'  Leonard,  Shordich,  and  Anna  Tim  of  y^ 

p'rish  of  Andrew  Undershaft,  Lond",  by  Lycence;  by  Dean 
„      27     William  Mildmay  of  S'   Giles  in   y^  fedds  and  Francis  Carr, 
■widdow,  of  Hestone,  by  Lycence ;  by  Dean  Smallwood 
May  21     Christopher  Franck  of  S'  Clement's,  Lond",  and  Mary  Taylor  of 

S'  Dunstons  in  y*^  East,  by  Lycence ;  p''  Doctor  Fillison 
July  29     Edward  Taylor  and  Mary  Barker,  both  of  y'=  p'rish  of  S'  Sepul- 
chres, Lond'^,  w'^  Lycence ;  by  M""  Castell 
„      30     William  Cole  of  y*^  p'rish  of  Christ  Chiu'ch,  Lond'^,  and  Lidia 
Dudsbury  of  y«  p'rish  of  Chesliam  in  y'=  Countie  of  Bucks,  w^"^ 
Lycence  ;  by  M""  Castell 
Feb.     6     John  AVilliams  of  y'=  p'rish  of  S'  Christopher's,  Lond.,  and  Sarah 
Bayly  of  S'  Maria,  Islington,  in  y*^  Countie  of  Middlesex,  w"" 
Lycense  ;  by  M''  Castell 
„         6     William  Chapman  of  y"^  p'rish  of  S.  Bridget's,  Lend.,  and  Sarah 

Guy  of  S'  Botolph,  Algate,  w*^'  Lycense;  by  M''  Castell 
„         6     Joseph  Ball  of  \^  p'rish  of  Eeddrith  in  y^  Countie  of  Surry  and 
Mary  Guy  of  S^  Botolph,  Algate,  Lond.,  w'^'  Lycense  ;  by  M"" 


1G73  Dec.  23  Joshua  Turner  of  y^  p'rish  of  Westham  in  y^  Couutie  of  Essex 
and  Katheriue  Care  in  y*  p'rish  of  S'  Michaell  Bashaw,  Lond"; 
by  M""  Holliugsworth 
Feb.  2  Thomas  Wright  of  Stepney  in  y«  Countie  of  Middlesex  and 
Martha  Corbett  of  Westham  in  y''  Couutie  Essex,  w'^'  Lycence ; 
by  M'  Chirk e 

1674  Aug.  30     Thomas  Walker,  Gentileman,  of  y^  temple,  and  Elyzabeth  James 

of  y^  p'rish  of  8'  Martin's  in  y^  feilds  in  y^  Countie  of  Mid- 
dlesex ;  by  M"'  Kidder 

Sep.      8     Lodowicke  Jones  in  y*^  p'rish  of  Westham  in  y^  Countie  of  Essex 
and  Mary  Collin gs  as  aforesaid ;  by  M'  Holliugsworth 
„         8     John  Collings  and  Ann  Randell,  both  in  y^  p'rish  of  Westham  in 
y*^  Countie  of  Essex  ;  by  M''  Holliugsworth 

Oct.  22  Isaac  Ellistone  of  Little  Coggshall  in  y'^  Countie  of  Essex  and 
Elyzabeth  8parhawke  of  great  Coggshall  aforesaid ;  by  M"" 
Natlianvell  iiurrell,  Eector  of  .Sudbury  in  y*^  Countie  of 

Dec.  8  Thomas  Carpenter  in  y«  p'rish  of  S"^  Botolph,  Algate,  and  Elyza- 
beth Harlow  of  this  p'rish,  by  M""  Kidder  ;  w*''  Lycence 

Feb.  15  William  Frost  iu  y'=  p'rish  of  8'  Bridgett  and  Mary  Flintt  in  y'= 
p'rish  of  8*  Ann,  Blackfriers,  Loud",  by  M''  Kidder;  w"' 

Mar.  23  S'  Jonathan  Keate  of  Paul's  Walden  in  y''  Countie  of  Herford- 
shire  and  IM"  Susan  Orlebar  of  8'  Clements  Danes,  Loud", 
by  M""  Kidder  ;  w'*"  Lycence 

1675  April  21     Eichard  Smith  in  y^  p'rish  of  8*  Bridgett's  and  Judith  Surridge 

in  y*^  p'rish  of  8'  Andi'ew,  Holbouriie,  Lond",  by  M""  Kidder ; 

w^"*  Lycence 
June  24     Thomas  Hazell  and  Sarah  Hassard,  both  of  this  p'rish 
,,      29     Mathew  Osborne  of  y''  j^'rish  of  8^  Lawrence  Jury  and  Sarah 

Fisher  of  j"  p'rish  of  S'  Peter's,  Cornhil,  Lond",  by  M''  Kidder ; 

with  Lycence 
July  22     Nicholas  Clarke  of  8'  Mildred,  Poultrey,  and  Anne  Briggs  of 

8'  Giles,  Cripplegate,  Lond"  ;    by  M""  Smithes,  Curate  of  8' 

Giles  aforesaid 
Sep.    27     John  Maryon  of  Braintree  in  y"^  Countie  of  Essex,  Clother,  and 

liose  Abbutt  of  Earles  Colne  in  y"^  Countie  aforesaid,  by  M*" 

Kidder ;  w^*'  Lycence 
„      30     M""  Henry  Margetts  and  M''«  Bridgett  AVaterhouse,  both  of  this 

p'rish,  by  M""  Kidder  ;  w"'  Lycence 
Oct.      8     M'^  Francis  llollingshead,  gentileman,  of  y^  temple,  and  M""^  Ann 

Hamton  of  y^  p'rish  of  8^  Botolph,  Algate,  by  M>'  Kidder;  w"» 

Maurice  Mosely  and  Ann  Groddard ;  by  M''  Kidder 

1676  „      30     Thomas  Eyley  and  Ann  Plee  ;  by  M""  Kidder 
Adam  Prince  and  Sarah  Elmes 
Lawrence  Lorn  ax  and  Letitia  Harris 

RrcHAED  Kidder,  Rector 

(?)  John  Old''o,  Church  warden 

Thomas  Rands  and  Margarett  Frue 

William  Taylor  and  Rebecca  Sherbrooke 

Dauiell  Browne  and  Susanna  Welch 

Edward  Loyd  and  Elyzabeth  Attwood 

Richard  Strutt  and  Elyzabeth  Knightsbridge 

Doctor  Benjamin  Woodroffe  and  Dorothy  Stonehouse 

Samuell  Lee  and  Elyzabeth  Gwilliams 

Phillip  Harris  and  Sarah  DufEeilde 






















































[    2 














1676  Dec.  21     Joliii  Elmms  and  Sarali  Fanner 
John  Thomas  and  Mary  Earle 
Francis  Lygo  and  Ann  King 

1677  May  29     Edward  Man  and  Ann  Marriott 
Phillip  Bartlett  and  Susanna  Harmer 
AYalter  Attwood  and  Anna  Lawson 
Ealph  Benton  and  Margarett  Savage 
Eichard  Turner  and  Dorothea  Watts 
Thomas  Dawtrey  and  Sarah  Bright 
Charles  Hearle  and  Elyzabeth  Moore 
Samuel]  Millett  and  Katharine  Salter 
Thomas  Beardsworth  and  Dyna  Guttridge 
Joseph  Welch  and  Frances  ]?epeys 
John  Brown  and  Jane  How 

1678  April    2     John  Eedmayne  and  Mary  Salter 
Thomas  Done  and  Jane  Grifith 
Eichard  Moseley  and  Mary  Cooke 
S""  Anthony  Deane  and  Dame  Christian  Dawes 
James  Abbott  and  Mary  Packeinah 
Ezechiell  Wright  and  Mary  Griffith 
John  Sorrell  and  Ann  Ligo 

ErcHAED  KiDDEE,  Eecf^ 
Eichard  Baker,  Churchwarden 

Mar.  17     Christopher  Kaly  and  Sarah  Browne 

1679  April  21     William  Adams  and  Sarah  Cramphorne 
May     2     John  Head  and  xVnn  Dawes 

Isaac  Jackson  and  Margarett  Washington 
Jn°  Cooper  and  Ann  Chalkley 
Jn°  Eaven  and  Sarah  Fenton 
Nathaniell  Mott  and  Mary  Burroughs 
William  Jolley  and  Margarett  Nash 
John  Warren  and  Bridgett  Sambache 
Jn°  Combes  and  Katherine  Thorneton 
Joseph  Willson  and  Ann  Blayney 
Bartholomew-  Young  and  Katherine  Green 
Edward  Walter  and  Priscilla  Woodley 
Peter  Eenen  [?  Eeneu]  and  Elizabeth  Cox 
John  Packe  and  Hanna  Eichardson 
Henry  Burman  and  Eebecca  Sherwood 
William  Andrews  and  Ann  Allen 
Phillipp  Leman  and  Catharine  Carter 
Christopher  Tomms  and  Ann  Heard 

1680  AprH  12     Peter  Clark  and  Ann  Hatch 
Thomas  Escourt  and  Mary  Smith 
John  AVilkinson  and  Ann  Hoare 
William  Wastfeild  and  Sarah  Barton 
Gibbons  Bagnall  and  Sarah  AYilson 
Thomas  Gandy  and  Hannah  Seymar 
Jn°  Eigden  and  Elyzabeth  Willborougham 
William  Smith  and  Elyzabeth  Arden 
David  Aston  and  Dorcas  Hancook 
Eobert  Snow  and  Eebecca  Golty 
John  Tufnaile  and  Elyzabeth  Jollife 
Eichard  Bell  and  Elyzabeth  Hazell 
Henry  Lee  and  Margarett  Weyman 
Eichard  Day  and  Elyzabeth  Langdon 

BiCHABD  KiDDEE,  Eector 





































June  10 
























1680  Feb.  28     Hieronimo  Newbolt  and  Sarah  Atkins 
John  Sheppard  and  Elyzaheth  Willson 

1681  June    2     Abraham  Keene  and  Mary  Liveing 
Edward  Willson  and  Jane  Newtor  [?  Newton] 
Thomas  Burton  and  Edeth  Batley 
Thomas  Howe  and  Mary  Priaulx 
Thomas  Kemp  and  Jane  Gibbs 
William  Harvey  and  Dorothie  Dicer  allias  Harvey 
Dauiell  Biddle  and  Elyzabeth  Stavely 
William  Pratt  and  Margarett  Jenks 
Joseph  Moore  and  Sarah  Walker 
Thomas  Browne  and  Katherine  Turner 
Bichard  Peirce  and  Ann  Burdett 

1682  July  13     Jacob  Brand  and  Judith  Vincent 
G-eorge  Carter  and  Elyzabeth  Peirson 
Charles  Herle  and  Sarah  Buller 
William  Samborne  and  Elyzabeth  Heape 
Henry  Blackborow  and  Mary  James 
John  Symkin  and  Susanna  Pickering 
Thomas  NeAvland  and  Mary  Gardner 
John  Balderston  and  Elyzabeth  Dickeson 
Edward  Parsons  and  Elyzabeth  Ward 
Michaell  W^ood  and  Mary  Ockly 
Edward  Cole  and  Elyzabeth  Thomas 
John  Blackborough  and  Martha  James 
William  Bird  and  Martha  Barnardiston 
Joseph  Millner  and  Ann  Goodenough 

!RiCHARD  Kidder,  Eector 
Adonijah  [Wi]lds,  Churchwarden 

.Joseph  Eisher  and  Elyzabeth  Guy 

1683  May     8     Beujamine  Hechstetter  and  Ann  Ince 
Samuell  Eryse  and  Abigail  Shieres 
The  Eight  Hon'"'''  James,  Earle  of  Salsbury,  and  M'^  Frances 

Bennett ;  by  M''  Fuller,  Chaplin 

Gooding  Berrington  and  Elyzabeth  Poyner.     [M']  Newcome 

Isaac  Cleve  and  Constance  Fearing.     M''  Newcome 

William  Wright  and  Dorothea  Dunch 

Bobert  Hookes  and  y*^  Lady  .Judith  Heme 

Jonathan  Dodsworth  and  Elyzabeth  Clark 

John  Bagshaw  and  Elyzabeth  Clerke 

Stephen  Charman  and  Elyzabeth  Gostwyke ;  by  M'"  Eesberry 

Francis  Weston  and  Elizabeth  Kidder 

Thomas  Eowland  and  Elizabeth  Woodley 

William  Eymer  and  Francis  Crayle 

George  Young  and  Susanna  Bennett 

Benjamine  Eokeby  and  Eebecca  Langham 

Anthony  Wilks  and  Elyzabeth  Holder 

John  Stubbing  and  Dorothea  Cole 

Thomas  Bassley  and  Elyzabeth  Griffith 

Daniell  Small  and  Elyzabeth  Poulter 

John  Lloyd  and  Hanna  Sandsbury 

Francis  Yates  and  Mary  llussell 

EiCHABD  KiDDEE,  Eector 
Daniell  Simons,  ChurchAvarden 

1684  „      26     Thomas  Foster  and  Mary  Lewis 
Thomas  Hillman  and  Alice  Tomes 
William  Bostall  and  Isabell  Jennings 






!     2 
































































































.    6 




1684  April  17     Thomas  Middleton  and  Elvzabeth  Sell 
Edward  "Wilkinson  and  Sarah  Hodgkin 
John  Busfeiid  and  Ann  Barlew 
Thomas  Ashby  and  Elyzabeth  Baker 
M'^  Peter  Fisher  and  Elrzaheth  Dawes 
Joseph  Collins  and  Elvzabeth  Shardlow 
John  Peachey  and  Elvzabeth  Combes  [?  Comber] 
Isaac  Jennr  and  Sarah  Storton 
Eobert  Exton  and  ilarv  Cooper 
Tho^  Bottle V  and  Elyzabeth  Parker 
William  Courthop  and  Annie  Godfrey 
Jn"  Levett  and  Xary  Stokes 
John  Foster  and  Eaehell  Logett 
Thomas  Carr  and  Dorothea  Babham 
James  Bowyer  and  Elyzabeth  Faleutt 
Simon  Eouse  and  Elyzabeth  Alohome 
Eobert  Hughs  and  Lydia  Gunmun 
John  Cormell  and  Ann  Peters 
William  Kenvell  and  Margarett  Moore 
William  Hubbold  and  Elyzabeth  Mills 

EicHABD  Ejddeb,  Bector 
Thomas  [Legjge,  Chxirch  Wardden 

Nicholas  Turner  and  Mary  Clark 
Eobert  Smith  and  Mary  Gatward 
Anthony  Twyne  and  Ann  Poulter 
John  Price  and  Susanna  Middleton 
Heritage  Lenten  and  Prudence  Bagshawe 
Eobert  Brown  and  Cornelia  Salisbury 

1685  „      31     Eobert  Gregory  and  Hannah  Foster 
Eichard  Bonsey  and  Sarah  Lane,  by  M^  Smithys ;  Lycence 
Ann  Blandf  ord  and  Thomas  Jorden 
Daniell  Clarkson  and  Sarah  Fludyer 
John  Williams  and  Mar^rett  Huntt 
John  Sweetaple  and  Mary  Sherloe 
SamueU  Perrv  and  Marv  Stileman 
Henry  Hartford  and  Mary  Berbutt 
Eobert  Huckle  and  Ann  Hiekes 

William  Sherwill  and  Sarah  Throughton  ;  by  M'^  Hayes 
James  Arther  and  Elyzabeth  Birde 
John  Lampard  and  Elyzabeth  Blake 
M.  Mantio  Callis  and  Alee  Hughes 
Thomas  Witham  and  Hanna  Moore 
William  Bird  and  Judith  Brown 
George  Black  and  Mary  Crocker 

1686  ,,      26     Edmund  Anderson  and  Elyzabeth  Deane 
Jacob  Haselbom  and  Elizabeth  Bridge 
Thomas  Harrison  and  Elyzabeth  Seymor 
Daniell  Hoston  and  Mary  Smith 
Jacob  DeliUers  and  Ellen  Juyce  [Joyce] 
Philipp  Hooper  and  Elyzabeth  Hooper 
Thomas  Barber  and  Elyzabeth  Dodson 
Jn°  Blanc kley  and  Alice  Pardwick 
Francis  Emerton  and  Hanna  Croker 

16S7     Mar.  28     Thomas  Eichards  and  Phcebe  Palmer 
.John  Cloath  and  Ann  Wright 
Henry  Quanteck  and  Ann  Greenhill 
Jn°  Acton  and  Margarett  Cutta 

April  17 











































































































1687  June  29     William  Doby  and  Esther  Webblin 
Greorge  Pope  and  Mary  Waters 
William  Morris  and  Mary  Lower 
Jn"  Way  and  Katharine  Ogle 
Benjamine  Baynham  and  Sarah  Stanly 
John  Bigaale  and  Elyzabeth  Kidder 
Thomas  Atkins  and  Hanna  Wilson 
Thomas  Weekes  and  Sarah  Baker 
Hatton  Dawyes  and  Judith  Baldwine 
Sebastian  Gombault  and  Diana  .Tames 
Edward  Northey  and  Ann  JoUiffe 
John  Boads  and  Mary  Figh 
Samuell  Seaton  and  Ann  Pearson 
Thomas  Harrison  and  Mary  Hodgkin 
Thomas  Jarmau  and  Ann  Wilkinson 
Henry  Turner  and  Mary  Ereweu 
John  Mills  and  Martha  Workefeild 
Greorge  Barrett  and  Susanna  Greene 
William  Kidder  and  Alice  Warren 
John  Heath  and  Mary  Davis 
James  Hancock  and  Elyzabeth  Hilliard 

1688  April  15     Edward  Carr  and  Elyzabeth  Westbrooke 
Thomas  Fortyn  and  Margarett  Ellitt 
Daniell  Richards  and  Catharine  Foulis 
Jn°  Dewe  and  Jane  Green 
Francis  Bagshaw  and  Ann  Samwell 
Thomas  Saunders  and  Jane  Bowles 
Thomas  King  and  Mary  Moore 
Bichard  Aldred  and  Anne  Long 
John  AVightman  and  Sarah  Shardlow 
Thomas  Hammond  and  Sarah  Elmes 
Jacob  Flanders  and  Margai'et  Harding 
Henry  Manning  and  Elyzabeth  Jones 
Lazarous  Stiles  and  Mary  Comes 
John  Meadors  and  Jane  Hibbard 

1689  April    2     Sarah  Hoxton  and  Nicolas  Simson 
Hauameel  Colly er   of   S*^   Mary  Aldermary  and  Elisabeth  Ash 

of  S'  Katharine  Coleman  ;  by  licence  from  the  B''  of  London 
William  iSurse  and  Elisabeth  Lake  of  Woolwich 
M''  William  Smith,  Clerk,  and  Mary  Perkins  of  Mark's  Hall  in 

Essex,  Widow 
30     Henry   Gotfry   and   Esther   Seymour   of   S*    Mary  Woolnoth, 



Thomas  Drayton,  Churchwarden 

John  Harrison  of  Stepney  and  Sarah  Drye 
.loseph  Wilcox  and  Hope  Martin 
Clement  Austine  and  Elisabeth  Bobinson 
Thomas  Hill  and  Sarah  Wightman 
John  Chapman  and  Mary  Briagherst 

John  Gore  of   S'  Andi'ew  Undershaft,   Lond.,  and   Elisabeth 
Peterson  of  y*^  same 
„        5     John  Trenchard  and  Elisabeth  Brereton,  both  of  S'  Olave's,  Hart 
Street,  Lond. 
Dec.     5     Thomas  Weston  of  Westminster  and  Ann  Fletcher  of  Farnham, 

Jan.    30     John  Holland  and  Hannah  Tipton,  Widow 

June  29 









































April  15 



























April   2 




















1689  Feb.   20     Philip  Gurdon,  Esq.,  of  Assingtou  in  the  County  of  Suffolk,  and 

M"  Lucy  Stewart,   Widow,  of  Haslingfield  in  the  County  of 
Abraham  Kempe  and  Hannah  Essington 

1690  Mar.  31     S''  [?  S*]  Nicolas  Watts  and  Kebeckah  Hartley 
William  Garrat  and  Elisabeth  Earle 

James  Jacobs  of  S*  M.  Abby  iti  Surrey  and  Jane  Eose  of  London 
Nicolas  Bourn  and  Elisabeth  Smart  of  S'  Gyles,  Crijjplegate 
M''  James  Barker  and  M^'^  Sarah  Williams 
William  Wilkinson  and  Elisabeth  Hooke 
John  La  we  and  Frances  Walton 
John  Sandford  of  Stortford  in  Herfordshire  and  xlnn  Denny  of 

the  same 
John  Haws  and  Isabella  Hudson,  widow 
Jacques  Pignei  and.  Judith  Larchevesque 
Thomas  Parnal  and.  Elisabeth  Milles,  widow 
Kobert  Eoane  of  S*  Magnus,  London,  and  Elizabeth  Bartelott 

1691  Aug.  25     Isaak  Lutnian  of  Clielmesford  and  Elisabeth  Eowse  of  High 

M""  Xathauael  Eesbury  and  Mary  Cordel,  Widow 
D^  Antony  Walker  and  M''^  Margaret  Masham 
Eichard  Shuckburgh  and  Susanna  Tudway 

1692  Mar.  29     AVilliam  Piggott  and  Elyzabeth  Wiggins  " 
Gualtero  [Christopher  erased]  Kuight  and  Naomia  Blagrave 
John  Jenkins  and  Elyzabeth  Hudson 
William  Godfrey  and  Elyzabeth  Tonge 
Francis  Wivell  and  Catharine  Gunman 
John  Travell  and  Frances  Blagrave 

1693  April  18     Henry  Beesley  and  Hannah  Dobbins 
Samuell  Quesseubrough  and  Mary  Ball 
AV^illiam  Mason  of  the  parish  of  All  Hallows  the  Great,  London, 

and  Susanna  AV'^oodyer  of  Chichester 
Sep.    21     Josias  Nicholson  of  the  parish  of  All  Hallows  the  great,  London, 

and  Christiana  Cholmeley  of  the  parish  of  S*^  Olave,  Southwark, 

Jan.    16     AV^illiam  Wooley  and    Elizabeth  Hall,  both   of   the   parish   of 

S'  Audrewes,  Holbourne 

Tho.  Bereow,  Eector 
Arthur  Nash,  Church  warden 

Feb.   13     Charles  Mathewes  of  the  parish  of  S'  Saviour's,  Southwarke, 

and  Anne  Hatton  of  the  parish  of  S'  Augustine's,  London ; 

by  M''  Smithies 
„      19     John    Hunt   of  the   parish   of  S^    Buttolph,   Algate,   and   Alice 

Salisbury    Lewen    of   the    parish    of    S'    Paul,   Shadwell ;    by 

D''  Eesbury 
Mar.  22     Edward  Mompesson  of  the  parish  of  S^   Edmund  of  the  King, 

London,   and   Jane   Gardiner  of  the  parish    of    S'    Peter   in 

1691     Sep.      1     Thomas  NichoUs  of  the  parish  of  S*  Dunstan  in  the  West  and 

Martha  Tavlor  of  the  parish  of  S'  Michael  Quern,  London  ; 

by  M'-  Eusbatch 
Oct.    16     Solomon  Hougham   of  the  parish  of  All  Hallowes  the  great, 

London,    and    Mildred    Milles    of    the    parish   of    S'    Mary 

Mar.  10     Abraham  Austin  of   the  parish   of   Stepny  in  the  County  of 

Midlesex  and  Eebecca   Williams  of  the  parish  of  S'  Martin 








June  26 







































April  18 






1695  May  21     Dieterich  Barnevelt  of  the  parish  of  S'  James,  Westminst*",  and 

Elizabeth  Horneck  of  the  parish  of  S'^  Margarett,  Westminster ; 

by  the  Bp  of  Bath  &  Wells 
iSep.      4     John  Newby  of  the  parish  of  S*  Giles,  Criplegate,  and  Isabella 

Wilson  of  S*^  Magnus  parish 
„      22     Benjamine   Strong   of    S'    Nicholas   Olave's   parish   and    Mary 

Haron  of  the  parish  of  S*  Clement's  Danes  ;  by  M"'  Rusbatch 
Oct.    17     John   Satchwell  and  Barbara  Hussey,  both,   of   the   parish  of 

IS'  Olave's,  Southwarke 

1696  Aug.    9     Edward  Deane  of  the  parish '  of   S*    Sepulcher,    London,   and 

Hannah  Timmes  of  the  parish  of  S*  Martin  Outwich 
(Sep.    10     John  Lipscombe  of  the  parish  of  S'  Dunstan  in  the  west  and 

Martha  Peirson  of  Hackney 
„      15     Benjamine  AV^ebster  of  the  parish  of  S*  Bride's,  London,  and 

Isabella  Jones  of  the  parish  of  8*  James,  Westminster;   by 

M''  Colton,  Kecf  of  IStanbridge  parva  in  Essex 
Oct.    29     Thomas  Griffin  of  the  parish  of  IS'  Peter  Poor  and  Katharine 

Eston  of  Battersea 
Jan.      7     William  Barwell  of  8'  Christopher's  parish  in  London  and  Mary 

Gruuwin  of  Hodsden  in  Hertfordshire 

Tho.  Beeeow,  Eect'" 

Eeb.     2     James   Francis  Henoulbett  of  the  parish  of   S'  Paul,   Covent 

Garden,  and  Maria  Martha  Leruould  of  the  parish  of  S'  Mary, 

„      16     Eichard  Dunkin  and  Mary  Farr,  Widow,  both  of  the  parish  of 

„      16     Joseph  Cowslade,  Esq'',  of  the  Midle  Temple,  and  M'"'  Margarett 

Hon'or  of  Hackney  ;  by  M''  Durham 

1697  May  20     Henery  Berry  and  Sarah  Sturges  of  Battersea  ;  by  M''  Howe 
Aug.  17     James  Man  and  Hester  Wick,  both  of  the  parish  of  «'  Martin 

in  the  feilds  ;  by  M''  JVelson 
Dec.     7     Eichard  Dixon  of  S'  Martin  Vintrey  parish,  London,  and  Brid- 
gett  Eoberts  of  the  parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich,  London 
„      27     William  Hunt  of  the  parish  of  S'  Botolph,  Bishopsgate,  Loudon, 

and  Elizabeth  Cliffe  of  S'  Martin  Outwich,  London 
„      30     Steven  Pope  of  Stepney  Parish  and  Eose  Home  of  S'  Martin 
Outwich  jjarish,  London 
Feb.   17     William  Norrington  and  Susanna  Mayres,  both  of  the  parish  of 
Gravesend  in  the  County  of  Kent 

1698  .  July     3     Thomas   Haygarth   and   Jane    Brown,   both   of    the   parish    of 

S'  Gyles  in  the  Fields  ;  by  M""  Nelson 
Aug.  11     Nathaniell  Canning  of  the  parish  of   S*  Paul,   Shadwell,  and 

Susanna  Clarke  of  the  parish  of  S'  John,  Wapping 
Oct.    29     Jeremiah  Catling  and  Hannah  Eosemary,  both  of  the  parish  of 

S'  Austin's,  London ;  by  M''  Durham 
Dec.     8     William   Pickering  of  S'   Nicholas   Lane,   London,   and   Anne 

White,  Widdow,  of  Eichmond  in  the  County  of  Surrey 
Jan.    —     Eobert  Fawdery  of  the  parish  of  S'  Bottolph,  Aldersgate,  London, 

and  Martha  Blackborow,  Widdow,  of  the  same  parish 
„      27     James  Wetherley  and  Anne  Gladman,  both  of  the   parish  of 

Eyslip  in  the  County  of  Middlesex ;  by  M''  Nelson 
Mar.     7     Lewis  Andrew  of  the  parish  of  Stepney  and  Elizabeth  Connett 

of  S'  Bride's  parish,  London 

1699  June  —     Edmund  Tibby  of  the  parish  of  S'  Giles,  Criplegate,  and  Elizabeth 

Clarke  of  the  towne  of  S'  Albanes  in  the  County  of  Hertford 
Oct.    —     Thomas  Edwards  of  the  parish  of  S'  Swithuns,   London,   and 
Hannah  Garvell  of  the  parish  of  All  Hallowes  the  Great 


1699  Oct.      8     Thomas  Smith  of  the  parish  of  S*  Martin's  in  the  feilds  and 

Eebecca  Turner  of  S'  Stephen's,  "Walbrooke 

Tho.  Beeeow,  Eecf  of  S'  Martin  Outwich 

„     28     Owen  Swinney  and  Martha  Stellme,  both  of  the  parish  of  S* 

James  in  the  feilds 
Jan.    21     James  Salvin  of  Lincoln's  Inne  and  Eiith  Carter  of  the  parish  of 

S*  Clement's  Danes 
„      31     John   Henstridge   and  Mary  Crowcher,  both  of  the  parish  of 

Eltham  in  Kent 

1700  Mar.  26     Noah  Web  of  the  parish  of  Stepney  and  Martha  Mueklebury  of 

the  parish  of  Hackney 
May     7     Thomas  Folkingham  and  Elizabeth  Denny,  both  of  the  parish  of 

S*  Mary  Wool  church 
„      13     John  Edwards  of  S'  Leonard,  Foster  Lane,  and  Mary  Terrill  of 

the  parish  of  S*  Martin  Outwich 
July  _     Thomas  Turner  of  Buntingford  in  the  County  of  Hertford  and 

Jane  Deane  of  the  parish  of  S*  Andrew,  Holbourn 
Sep.    25     George  Harbert  of  Buntingford  in  the  County  of  Hertford  and 

Bridgett  Twitty  of  S*  Andrewes,  Holbourn,  London 
Oct.    22     Edward   Searle  and  Bridgett  Gardiner,  both  of  the  parish  of 

S*  Peter,  Cornhill 
Nov.     5     Jacob  Heucle  of  the  parish  of  S'  Clement's,   Eastcheap,  and 

Anne  Pardoe  of  the  parish  of  S*  Mathew,  Fryday  Street ;  by 

D^'  Thomson 
„      13     James  Studwell  of  Kingston  upon  Thames  and  Elizabeth  Wyatt 

of  Battersea ;  by  M''  How 
Feb.     4    Thomas  West  and  Avis  Plater,  both  of  Battersea  in  Surrey  ;  by 

M"-  How 
Mar.     2     Samuell  Marsingall  and  Elizabeth  Ford,  both  of  the  parish  of 

Stepney;    by  M'"  Nelson,  Cur^  of   the  parish  of  S*  Martin 


1701  May     1     Jacob  Brompton  of  the  parish  of  S*  Martin  Out«dch  and  Mary 

French  of  S*  Mary,  Whitecbapple 
„        8     Bray  Lane  of  the  parish  of  S*  Andrew's,  Holbourn,  and  Hannah 

Barngley  of  S*  Dunstanes  in  the  East 
Sep.    21     Christopher  Hauch  off  the  parish  of  S'  Mildred,  Bread  Street, 

and    Thomazine   Wily   of    S*   Mary,   White    Chappell  ;    by 

M'"  Durham 
Oct.      5     Gilbert  Cutler  of  the  parish  of  S^  Martin  Outwich  and  Mary 

Moore  of  the  parish  of  8*  Buttolph,  Bishopgate 
Jan.      8     Edward  Eovalld  and  Philadelpliia  Sheppard,  both  of  the  parish 

of  S'  Marv,  Whitechappell 
Feb.   12     John  Spicer  of  the  parish  of  Hampton  in  the  County  of  Middlesex, 

Widdower,  and  Ellen er  Bratt  of  the  parish  of  S^  Mildred, 

Breadstreet ;  by  M''  Durham 

Tho.  Beeeow,  Eecf  of  S*^  Martin  Outwich 

1702  Mar.  31     George  Story  and  Freelove  Clark,  both  of  the  parish  of  S'  John, 

April    7     John  Weeks  of  the  parish  of  S*  Nicholas  Cole  Abby  and  Martha 

Moless  of  Cornhill,  London 
July     7     George  Burford  of  the  parish  of  S*  Anne,  Blackfryers,  London, 

and  Mary  Spicer  of  the  parish  S*  Clement  Danes  in  Middlesex 
Oct.    21     Cornelius    Butcher   and   Mary  Wyatt,  both   of  the  parish  of 

S'  Andrew  Wardrobe,  London 
Jan.    12     John  Toother  of  S*  Giles',  Criplegate,  and  Anne  Rootcliffe  of  the 

parish  of  S'  Anne,  Aldersgate 


1702  Jan.    26     Steeven  Killerby  of  S'  John  at  Wapping  and  Elizabeth  Grundy 

of  the  same  parish  ;  by  M""  Nelson 
Feb.     2     Jonathan  Crowchfeild,  a  silversmith,  of  the  parish  of  S*^  James, 
Garlick  Hithe,  and  Sarah  Branson  of  the  parish  of  S'  Mildred, 
Breadstreet ;  by  M''  Durham 
„         9     William  Langfoi-d,  a  fishmonger,  and  Sarah   Smith,  both  of  the 
parish  of  S*  Dunstan's  in  the  West ;  by  M''  Jones 

1703  April  10     Henry  Lea  of  S.  Martin's  in  y"^  Fields  and  Elizabeth  Sherborne 

of  the  same 
May  23     John  Forster  of  Upton  in  y^  County  of  Southampton  and  Ann 

Guyon  of  S.  Andrew,  Holborn 
Nov.     5     William  Woodburn  of  S.  Clement's  Danes  and  Sarah  Scarborough 

of  Greenwich 
Dec.   23     Henry  Boane  of  S'  Martin's  in  y«  Fields  and  Eliz'  Boswoth  of 

the  same 
Jan.   —     AVilliam   Merriman   of  S*  Martin's   in  y"^  fields  and  Margaret 

Kerns  of  the  same 
Feb.   2-1     Richard  Pickton  of  Camberwel  in  Surry  and  Martha  Day  of  the 


[In  margin,  N.Z.  [Nicholas  Zinzau]  began. — Ed.] 

Mar.     9     Thomas  Dodson  of  S*  Gregory,  Lond.,  and  Elizabeth  Hayes  of 
the  same 
„      21     John  Knapp  of  y*^  Parish  of  S'  Martin  in  the  Fields  and  Elenor 
Hill  of  S^  Mary  Magdalen,  Lond. 

NicHO^  ZiNZAK,  Eector 

1704  June    5     John  Brownsmith  and  Hester  Gilbourn,  both  of  this  Parish 

„      20     William  Pattishall  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Mary  Magdalen,  Old  Fish 

Street,  Lond.,  and  Mary  Armstrong  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Gregory 

July  28     Peter  De  Modys  of  Stepny  and  .Jane  Guillot  of  this  Parish 

Aug.  13     Edmund  Curl  of  S'  Clement's  Danes  and  Ann  Rowel  of  the  same 

Sep.    14     Thomas  Brown   of   S'  Mary  Savoy  and  Elizabeth  Benskin  of 

S*  Clement's  Danes 

„      17     Robert  Smith  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Sepulcres  and  Ann  Grymes  of 

the  same 
„      19     Henry    James    of    S*-   Paul's,    Covent    Garden,    and    Margaret 
Whitfield  of  S*  Peter  Poor 
Oct.      8     Henry  Edge  of  Epsoin  in  Surry  and  Mary  Ashly  of  Henly  in 
the  County  of  Warwick 
„      22     .Joseph  Lampson  of  S.  Benedict,  Paul's  Wharfe,  and  Elizabeth 
Edwards  of  S.  Martin  in  y^  Fields 
Nov.     9     Daniel  Baylie  of  S*  Bartholomew  the  less  and  Elizabeth  Pemble 

of  the  same 
Jan.      1     Henry   Husey  of    Highworth   in  Wilts,   Gent.,  and   Elizabeth 

Foxcroft  of  S.  Andrew,  Holborn,  Lond.,  Spinster 
Feb.   11     Edward  Wilder  of  S*  Alhallows  in  the  wall,  Lond.,  and  Ann 
Yaughan  of  this  Parish  ;  by  Banns 
„      18     Thomas  Ayscough  of  S*  George^,  Southwark,  and  JNIary  Hare  of 
S'  Saviour^,  Southwark 

N.  ZiNZAN,  Rector 

1705  April    7     William  Andrews  of  S*  Mary  Somerset  and  Sarah  Larkin  of 

S^  Michael  the  Quern 
„      26     Yard  Eastly  of  Marleton  in  Devonshire  and  Mary  Descelec  of  y^ 
City  of  Norwich  in  Norfolk 

NicHO.  ZiKZAN,  Rector 

May     1     Thomas  Mew  of  S.  Margaret,  Loathbury,  and  Susannah  Wil- 
liamson of  Trinity  Parish,  Lond. 


1705  June  17     Eowlaud  Etheridge   of   S.  Mary   Aldermanbury,  Lond.,  cane- 

chairman,  and  Margaret  Henly  of  the  Parish  of  S.  Bridgett, 
July  29     Eobert  Seale  of  S.  Martin's  in  the  Fields  and  Elizabeth  Huttson 
of  S.  James,  "Westminster,  Chairman  to  y^  Lord  Treasurer 
„      30     Robert  Lee  of  the  Parish  of  IS.  Grregory,  Lond.,  joyner.  Great 
Carter  Lane,  and  Avice  Maynard  of  the  same 
Nov.  22     Edward  Biscoe  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Mary  AVoolchurch,  Lond., 
and  Elizabeth  Johnson  of  S*^  James,  Clerkenwell 
„      27     Thomas  Thomson  of  S'  Leonard  in  Shoreditch,  shoemaker,  and 
Sarah  Hudson  of  S'  Bridget,  London 
Dec.   18     Henry  Allridge  of  S'  Clement's  Danes,  surgeon,  Norfolk  Street, 

and  Sarah  Johnson  of  y^  same 
Mar.     2     John   Hutt   of  y^  Parish   of  S*  Gregory,  Lond.,  Upholsterer, 
Little  Knighrider  Street,  and  Elizabeth  Pain  of  S'  Dunstan  in 
y«  West 
„      17     "William   Nelson    of    S*   Botolph,   Bishopsgate,   and    Elizabeth 
Wright  of  St  Giles,  Cripplegate  ^_  ^ikzak,  Eector 

1706  „      27     George  Ederingame  of  S*  Michael,  Queenhith,  cooper,  and  Mary 

Eide  of  S'  Olave's,  Southwark 
May     1     Job  Yate  of  y«  Middle  Temple,  Lond.,  and  Elizabeth  Bradshaigh 

of  S'  Ann's,  Westminster 
July  25     Thomas  Honywood  of  S^  Dunstan's  in  y^  East,  Lond.,  and  Mary 

Hawley  of  S'  Ann's,  Westminster 
Aug.  13     John  Lee  of  Totenham  Highcross  and  Mabel  Durance  of  S*  Olave, 

Old  Jury,  Lond. 
Oct.    21     Thomas  Merchant  of  y«  Parish  of  S*^  Margaret,  Westminster, 

and  Elizabeth  Merchant  of  Barking  in  Essex 
Nov.  26     Benjamin  Warner  of  y®  Parish   of  S'  George  the  Martyr  in 

Southwark  and  Susannah  Crayford  of  S*  Giles  in  Midd^ 
Dec.     2     John  Eastman  of  the  Parish  of  Westgate  in  y^  County  of  Kent 

and  Mary  Farmestone  of  Great  Allhallows,  Lond. 
„      16     Richard  Hare  of  the  Parish  of  Westham  in  Essex  and  Ann 

Holdred  of  the  Parish  of  Edmonton  in  Midd'^ 
„      21     Robert  Maddison  of  the  Parish  of  S*^  Benedict,  Grace  Church, 

Lond.,  and  Margaret  Philips  of  y^  Parish  of  S.  Christopher, 

Lond.  ,-r  r,  T^ 

NiCHO.  ZiNZAN,  Rector 

„     31     Henry   Humphrys   of   y^   Parish   of    S*   John,   Wapping,   and 

Catharine  Davee  of  the  same 

Feb.   11     Thomas  Pitcher  of  the  Parish  of  S*   Faith  and  Ann  Fryer  of 

Christ  Church 

Mar.  11     Edward  Berrow  of  S'  Peter's  Cheap,  Lond.,  and  Elizabeth  Dyons 

of  the  Parish  of  S'  Swithin,  London  -^-r    r,  -n. 

N.  ZiNZAN,  Rector 

1707  May     4     John  Brown  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Giles,  Cripplegate,  and  Jane 

Coleman  of  the  Parish  of  S'  James,  Garlickhith 
„     20     William  Beauchamp  of  the  Parish  of  S'  [blanki  and  Philippa 

Elliot  of  the  Parish  of  Greemvich  in  y^  County  of  Kent 
July     8     William  Biscoe  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Margaret,  "Westminster,  and 

Sarah   Pawlett   of  y^    City   of  Winchester  in  y®  County  of 

„      22     John  Dell  of  S*  Martin's  in  the  Fields  and  Phoebe  Weed  of  the 

Parish  of  S*  Paul,  Covent  Garden 
Oct.     2     Leonard  Lake  of  y^  Parish  of  Barkin,   Essex,   and  Elizabeth 

Boulter  of  the  same 


1707  Nov.  27     Gilbert  Aughtie  of  the  Parish  o£  S*  Saviour,  Southwark,  and 

G-race  Good  of  the  Parish  of  S*^  Botolph,  Bishopgate 
Dec.     5     Michael  Bough  of  the  Parish  of  S.  James,  Westing  and  Mary- 
Morris  of  the  same 
„      18     George  Brooks  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Vedast  aVs  Foster  and  Ann 

Stokely  of  the  Parish  of  S*^  Botolphi,  Bishopgate 
„     25     John   Terry   of   the   Parish    of   S^^  Gregory,  Lond.,  and  Mary 

Mortimer  of  the  Parish  of  S*^  John  at  Hackney,  Midd'' 
„      25     William  Tregea  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Saviour,  Southwark,  and 
Mary  Baldwin  of  the  same  Parish 
Jan.   29     John  Heaford  of  the  Parish  of  S^  Paul,  Shadwell,  and  Elenor 

Selby  of  S*  John,  Wappiug 
Mar.     8     Robert  Potter  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Gregory,  Lond.,  and  Mary 
Burcombe  of  S*  Mary  Somerset 
„      17     Isaac  Burbidge  of  the  Parish  of  S*^  Margaret  Pattons,  Lond.,  and 

Elizabeth  Saunders  of  the  same  -..x   r»  -n    x 

N.  ZiNZAN,  Eector 

1708  April  15     Benjohau  Furly  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Swithin,  Lond.,  and  Martha 

Wright  of  y^  same  ^.  „  -n     ^ 

°  •'  IS  icifo.  ZiNZAN,  Eector 

May   13     William   Gill  of  Honiton  in  y'^  County  of  Devon   and  Susan 

Passemer  of  the  same 
„      16     William  Wyne  of  S*^  Andrew,  Holborn,  and  Mary  Baynes  of 

S*  Dunstan,  Stepny 
June  17     John  Beard  of  Epsom  in  y^  County  of  Surry  and  Martha  Reeve 

of  the  same 
„     17     Joseph  Carr  of  S.  Dunstan,  Stepny,  and  Elizabeth  Hewes  of 

S.  Martin  Outwich  ;  by  Banns 
July     1     Alexander  Berne  of  S*^  Dunstan  in  y«  West  and  Christian  Deane 

of  y«  Parish  of  S'  Sepulcres 
Aug.     8     Boyle  Smith  of  S.  James,  Westminster,  and  Arabella  Wiseman 

of  the  same 
„      14     Andrew  Card  of  Gray's  Inn  and  Ann  Card  aVs  Wood  of  y^  same 
Sep.    16    Thomas  Eisher  of  S.  Margaret,  Westminster,  and  Ann  Cock  of 

y*^  Parish  of  Christ  Church 
Nov.     4     Thomas   Radley   of  the   Parish  of   S,    Christopher  and  Susan 

Anselin  of  this  Parish 
Dec.  28     Thomas  Light  of  the  Parish  of  S.  Martin  in  y^  Fields  and  Ann 

Gillaway  of  the  Parish  of  S.  .lames,  Westminster 
Jan,      6     Jonathan  Jones  of  the  Parish   of  S.  Saviour,  Southwark,  and 

Ann  Coles  of  the  Parish  of  S.  Michael,  Queen  Hith 
„     21     Thomas  Smith   of   York  Hill  in  y^    County  of    Hereford  and 

Elizabeth  Barnsley  of  Rumford  in  y"^  County  of  Essex 
„      31     George  Bell  of  S.  Gyles  in  the  Fields  and  Frances  Hudson  of  the 


Feb.  24     John  Walley  of  S.  Mary  Magdalen,  Bermondsy,  in  Surry,  and 

Sarah  Randall  of  y^  same  ^^  _  -r^     . 

NicHO.  ZiNZAN,  Rector 

1709  May  26     Stephen  Day  of  S'  Giles,  Cripplegate,  and  Mary  Garlington  of 

S*^  Botolph,  Bishopsgate 
July     8     James  Callhowu  of  the  Parish  of  S'  James,  Westminster,  and 
Ann  Walker  of  S'  Giles,  Cripplegate 
„      24     Thomas  Cock  of  S*  Ethelburg,  Lond.,  and  Elizabeth  Simpson  of 

this  Parish 
„     26    Richard  Harrow  of  S*  Andrew,  Holborn,  and  Margaret  Cutler  of 
the  same 

NicHo.  ZiNZAK,  Rector 


1709  Aug.  12     William  Myers  of  the  Parish  of  Gravesend,  Kent,  and  Elizabeth 

Lloyd  of  the  same 
„     25     William  Pursill  of  S*  Sepulcre,  Lond.,  and  Lucy  Embry  of  the 

Sep.    18     Nicholas  Elmes  of  S'  James,  Westminster,  and  Mary  Hart  of 

S'  James,  Garlick  Hith 
„      22     Thomas  Beaumont  of  High  Easter  in  Essex  and  Mary  Prior  of 

S*  Dunstan  in  the  West 
Oct.    10     Edmund  Everih  of  the  Parish  of  Drent  in  y^  County  of  Kent 

and  Ann  Burchwood  of  the  same 
Dec.     7    Edward   Aspinwall   of   S^  James,   Westminster,  and  Elizabeth 

Freeman  of  the  same 
„        8     Eichard  Wright   of   S'   Mary   Bothaw   and   Mary   Warner  of 

S*  Grabriel,  Fenchurch 
Jan.    19     William  Wood  of  Shiere  in  Surry  and  Amy  Killeck  of  Nutfield 

near  Rygate 
Feb.     2     Joshua  Pembrok  of  S*^  Albans  in  the  County  of  Hertford  and 

Jane  Loft  of  the  same 
Mar.  19     Grilbert  Cutler  of  this  Parish  and  Jane  Eloss  of  the  same 
Oct.    23     John  Dowse  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Mary  Magdalen  and  Elizabeth 

Eastling  of  the  same  ^^^^^  Zixzan,  Eector 

1710  April  30     Benjamin  Beresford  of  S.  Olave's,  Southwark,  and  Jane  Lowen 

of  v*^  Parish  of  Cheshunt,  Hertfordshire  ;   "  entered  too  soon, 

vide  1711  "* 
May  20     Henry  Peckham  of  the  City  of  Chichester  and  Elizabeth  Albery 

of  the  same  city  ;  "  entered  too  soon,  ^dde  1711  "* 
June  17     Henry  Yandeuren  of  the  Parish  of  White  Chappel,  Mid^,  and 

Elizabeth  Holmes  of  the  same  Parish 
„      15     Thomas  Hardiman  of  y'^  Parish  of  Hampton,  Mid^,  and  Mary 

Bolton  of  the  said  Parish    •  ^^^^^_  Zinzan,  Eector 

July  23     William  Eichard  Elworthy  of  S^  Bnedict,  Paul's  Wharfe,  and 
Elizabeth  Jervice  of  the  same 
„      23     Thomas  Tayler  of  y«  Parish  of  Christ  Church  in  Surrey  and  Amie 
South  of  S^  G-regory's,  Lond. 
Aug.  24     Nicholas  Lewis  Maundell  of  S*  Martin  in  y«  Fields  and  Clemens 
Bringfield  of  y^  same 
„      24     James  McEnen  of  Edinborough  in  Scotland  and  Elizabeth  Darey 
of  y*  Parish  of  S*  Gregory  in  London 
Sep.      5     James  Legrand  of  Chiswick  in  Middle*  and  Catharine  Verdier 
of  S*  Giles«  in  the  Fields 
„      21     John    Gregory   of   S'   Sa\aourS    Southwarke,   in  y^   County  of 
Surrey,  and  Mary  Cumberbage  of  y^  same 
Dec.     9     George  Welham  of  S*  Mary  Magdalen,  Lond.,  and  Alice  Gee  of 
S^  Giles  in  y^  Fields 
„      12     Edward  Thiirsfield  of  y«  Parish  of  S^  Ethelburg  and  Edith  Pearce 
of  S"^  Buttolph^  Bishopsgate 
Feb.     8     Daniel  Ehodo  of  S'  JamesS  Westminster,  and  Amicia  Mines  of 
S'  Martin's  in  y«  Fields 
„      23     Samuel  Widowson  of  S^  Peter's,  CornhiU,  and  Margaret  Yanwike 
of  r  same  Parish  j^  Zikzai^,  Eector 

1711     April    3     Edmund  Calverley  of  S*  Saviour's  in  Southwark  and  Elizabeth 

Cuer  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Olave  in  Southwark 
„      30  *Benjamin  Beresford  of  S*  Olave's,  Southwark,  and  Jane  Lowen 
of  Cheshunt  in  Hertfordshire 


1711  May  16     John  Rowland  of  S*  Paul's,  Convent   Garden,   and   Elizabeth 

Pugh  of  S*  Saviour's  in  South wark 
„      20  *Henry  Peckham  of  y^  City  of  Chichester  and  Elizabeth  Albery 

of  the  same  City 
Aug.  31     Henry  Dann  of  S'  Dunstan^  Stepney,  and  Sarah  Beverley  of 

the  same  Parish 
Nov.     2     Nathaniel  Eobinson  of  S*  Edmund  y^  King  and  Mary  Douxsaint 

of  the  Parish  of  S'  Mary  Magdalen,  Old  fish  street 
Dec.  16     John  Grimes  of  this  Parish  and  Ann  Jackson  of  the  same 

NicHO.  ZiNZAN,  Eector 

Jan.   25     William  Clovell  of  S*  Botolph,  Aldgate,  and  Mary  James  of  y^ 
Parish  of  Stepney,  Midd'' 
„     29     Laurence  Singleton  of  S*  Sepulcre^  and  Mary  Pretty  of  the  same 
Mar.     1     Richard  Beckington  of  S*  Alhallows  in  y^  wall  and  Mary  Lyle  of 
y^  same  Parish 
„       2     John  Barrow  of  S'  Gregory,  Lond.,  and  Mary  Cantrell  of  the 
same  Parish  -^^^^^  Zinzan,  Rector 

1712  April    6    Thomas  Duncomb  of  S'  Gregory,  Lond.,  and  Elenor  Carnall  of 

Stepney  in  Midd" 
„     15     Henry  AUworth  of  Stepney,  Mid'',  and  Elizabeth  Markland  of 
the  same 
May  29     Walter  Carson  of  S*^  Paul's,  Shadwell,  and  Sarah  Alsop  of  the 

same  Parish 
June  22     William  Jones  of  S*  JamesS  Westm"",  and  Elizabeth  Broadway  of 

the  same  Parish 
July     6     John  Sone  of  S'  Bridget  Parish,  Lond.,  and  Mary  Milner  of  y« 
Parish  of  S^  Martin  Outwich,  Lond. 
„        8     John  Jenkins  of  S*  Stephen's,   Coleman  street,  and  Elizabeth 
Sutcliffe  of  y^  same  Parish 
Oct.      5     Joseph  Hawkins  of  Whitechappel  in  Middlesex  and  Hannah 
Bowyer  of  y^  Parish  of  S'  Gregory,  Lond. 
„       7     Thomas  Wandell  of  S*  Saviour's,  Southwark,  and  Ann  Lade  of 

y*^  same  Parish 
„      29     Henry  Gibb  of  S*  Saviour's,  Southwark,  and  Frances  Moon  of 
y^  same  Parish 
Nov.  13     John  Bishop  of  y«  Parish  of  Goudhurst  in  Kent  and  Jocosa 

Maybank  of  S'  Ann^  Westm'' 
Dec.     7     Thomas  Wardroper  of  S^  Paul's,  Convent  Garden,  and  Elizabeth 
Sandys  of  S*  Mary  in  y^  Savoy 
„      23     Edward  Stables  of  Lincoln's  Inn  and   Susanna   De   Berdt   of 
Wandsworth  in  Surrey  -^^^^^  2inzan 

Feb.     2     Joshua  Smalshaw  and  Hannah  Draught,  both  of  this  Parish 

1713  May  28     Roger  Foster  of  y^  Parish  of  S*  Botolph,  Aldgate,  and  Aretaphile 

Todd  of  y^  same  Parish 
June  20     Henry  Walden  of  Portmouth  in  y^  County  of  Southampton  and 

Elizabeth  Brown  of  S*  Saviour's  in  Southwark 
Aug.     6    Robert  Banks  of  the  Parish  of  Eltham  in  y«  County  of  Kent 

and  Sarah  Brown  of  the  same  Parish 
Sep.    15     James  Payton  of  S'  Botolph's,  Bishopsgate,  and  Ann  Buckingham 

of  the  same  Parish 
„      24     John  Starkey  of  Stepny,  Midd^,  and  Mary  Hawkins  of  the  same 

„      27     John  Keltridge  of  y^  Parish  of  White  Chappel  and  Mary  Tucker 

of  the  same 


1713  Dec.   15     Eichard  Haynes  of   S*  Botolpli%   Bishopsgate,   and    Margaret 

Hanscomb  of  S*  Mary  Magdalen,  Old  fish  street 
26     Simon  Barwell  of  S'  Clement's  Danes  and  Ann  Bradley  of  S' 
Paul's,  Convent  Garden 
Jan.     6     William  Allen  of  S*  Sepulcres  and  Mary  Andrews  of  S*  John*  at 
"Wapping  in  Mid'^ 
7     John  Holland  of  the  Parish  of  S*  John  Zachary  and  Matilda 
Straw  of  S'  Saviour's,  Southwark 
20    William  Cooper  of  Teddington  in  Mid''  and  Alice  Arthur  of  the 
same  Parish 
Feb.     4     William  Eoss  of  S^  John«  at  Wapping  and  Margaret  Coulson  of 
S*  Margaret  Pattons 
13     William   Chowne   of   S''   Saviour's,   Southwark,   and   Elizabeth 
Davies  of  the  same  Parish 

NicHo.  ZiNZAK,  Eector 

1714  Mar.  30     John  Burt  of  S*  Saviour's,  Southwark,  and  Ann  Metcalfe  of 

Stoak  Newington  in  Mid^ 
April  13     Peter  Flatman  of  S'  Botolp¥,  Bishopsgate,  and  Elizabeth  Alvey 
of  the  same  Parish 
16     John  Faldo  of  Bedford  and  Elizabeth  Terry  of  S*  Bartholmew 

the  great 
20     Abraham  De  Agar  of  S*  Martin^  in  y^  Fields  and  Susanna  Judith 
De  Croiiy  of  the  Old  Artillery  ground,  Lond. 
June  17     Eichard  Bloxam  of  S^  Saviour's,  Southwark,  and  Mary  Talden 
of  the  same  Parish 

Nicholas  Zinzan,  Eector 

July  29     Benjamin  Ibbott  of  Lambeth  in  y«  County  of  Surrey  and  Susan 

Powel  of  S'  Mary  Wolnorth  in  London 
Aug.     1     Samuel  De  Croiiy  in  y^  Tower  Libarty  and  Frances  Lalonde  of 

the  said  Liberty 

29  James  Hetheridge  of  S^  JamesS  Westm^  and  Joan  Biddle  of  the 

same  Parish  . 

Sep.    26     Thomas  Crane  of  S*  Sepulcres  and  Mary  Whitaker  of  this  Parish 
Aug.  3L     John  Bellamy  of  S*  Dunstan*  at  Stepney  and  Elizabeth  Hajward 

of  the  same  Parish 
Oct.      5     Thomas  Lane  of  Islington  in  Midd*  and  Mary  Crockford  of  the 

said  Parish 
Nov.     4     John  Sandell  of  S*  OlaveS  Southwark,  and  Sarah  Spriggs  ot  the 

same  Parish 
16     John  Hill  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Thomas  in  Southwark  and  Ann 

Hayward  of  S'  Saviour's  in  Southwark 
Dec.   19     William  Wheeler  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Margaret  Moses  and  Ann 

Padbury  of  S'  Gregorys  Lond. 

23  Francis  Warter  of  y''  Parish  of  S^  Gregory  and  Ann  Hardy  ot 

the  same  Parish  .       , 

30  Eichard  Johnson  of  S*  Sepulcre^  and  Mary  Parker  of  S'  Saviour  s 

in  Southwark 
Feb.   23     Edward  Seamor  of  the  Parish   of   S'   Andrew,   Holborn,  and 
Eebecca  Dean  of  S'  Nicholas  Coleabby 
1715     April  18     John  Meryet  of  y^  Parish  of  Hampton  in  Mid"  and  Mary  Loton 

of  the  said  Parish  .     -yr-jj 

21     John  Loadman  of  the  Parish  of  S'  John  at  Wapping  m  Midd'= 

and  Margaret  Foster  of  the  said  Parish 
21     Thomas    Berry   of   this    Parish    and   Mary   Spackman   of   the 

same  i  /->  it. 

24  James  AUingham  of  Nutfield  in  y^  County  of  Surrey  and  Cathe- 

rine Franks  of  y^  same 


1715  May     2    Eoger  Tuckfield  of  S'  Andrew's,  Holborn,  and  Elizabeth  North- 

leigh  of  Exminster  in  y^  County  of  Devon 

JS'iCHO,  ZiNZAN,  Eector 

„      24     Robert  Chater  of  y^  Parish  of  S^  John  at  Wapping  and  Margaret 

Eldridge  of  y^  same  Parish 
„      28     Joseph  Style  of  S*  Alban's,  "Woodstreet,  and  Mary  Straw  of  y^ 
Parish  of  S'  Saviour  in  Southwark 
June  21     William  Smith  of  S^  Magnus  y^  Martyr  and  Prances  Gribb  of 

S'  Saviour's  in  Southwark 
July  27     Henry  Page  of  Twickenham  in  Middlesex  and  Rachael  Edwards 

of  S'  Saviour's  in  Southwark 
Aug.  25     William  Harrison  of  S*  John^  Parish  at  Wapping  and  Elizabeth 

House  of  S'  Bottolph  without,  Aldgate 
Sep.    20     Richard   Barber   of   S'   Saviour^   in   Southwark   and  Elizabeth 
Coming  of  S'  Olave's,  Southwark 
„        8     Edward  Davis  of  y'=  parish  of  S*  Gregory  and  Mary  Cole  of 

Greenwich  in  Kent 
„      18     Edmund  Newson  of  White  Chappell  and  Ann  Sumner  of  S* 
Botolph,  Aldgate 
Oct.    13     Edward  Crew  of  S*^  Saviour's  in  Southwark  and  Mary  Severne  of 
the  said  Parish 
„      16     John  liobiick  of  S^  Martin's,  Ironmonger  Lane,  and  Elizabeth 

Eisher  of  y<=  same  Parish 
,,      20     Robert  Right  of  y^  Parish  of  S''  Gregory  and  Elizabeth  Rayney 

of  S^  Paul's,  Convent  garden 
„      30     John  Rider  of  S*  Saviour's  in  Southwark  and  Elizabeth  Tayler 
of  j*^  same  Parish 
Dec.  29     Samuel  Burroughs  of  S'  Botolph's,  Aldgate,  and  Rebecca  Wild- 
bore  of  Hackney  in  Midd" 

NicHo.  ZiNZAN,  Rector 

Mar.  24     Benjamin  Walton  of  y'=  Parish  of  S*  George  in  Southwark  and 
Mary  Lester  of  S'  Botolph^,  Bishopsgate 

1716  May   19     John  Pinckard  of  S''  xMary^  at  JS'ewington  in  Surrey  and  Susanna 

Davis  of  S"^  Saviour's  in  Southwark 
July  10     William  Buckingham  of  y*^  Parish  of  Waltom  Stone  and  Franciss 

Day  of  y^  same  Parish 
„      28     Bartholomew  Harwood  of  y^^  Parish  of  S*  Sav",  Soutwark,  and 

Sarah  AVarren  of  y"^  same  parish 
Sep.    18     Samuel  Darby  of  y*^  Parish  i)f  S'  Sav",  Southwark,  and  Catherine 

Lupart  of  S'  Mary  Le  Bow,  Lond. 
Oct.    11     John  Galton  of  y"^  Parish  of  S*  Thomas,  Soutwark,  and  Mary 

Hall  of  S*^  Saviour's,  Southwark 
„        2     Francis  Murton  of  y'=  Parish  of  S^  Paul's,  Shadwell,  Midd^,  and 

Anne  Wingood  of  y'^  Parish  of  East-ham  in  Essex 
Jan.    10     Stephen  Watts  of  y^  Parish  of  S'  Andrew's,  Holburn,  and  Rachel 

Wright  of  S*  Sepulcre's 
„      17     Peter  Scott  of  S'  Saviour's  in  Southwark  and  Anne  Hace  of 

S''  Olave's,  Southwark 
„      29     Richard  Scott  of  S'  Catharine's  and  Alice  Hunt  of  S*  Saviour's, 

Feb.   12     Thomas  Noldrett  of  S*  Mary  Magdalen,  Bermondsey,  and  Mary 

Hull  of  S*  Saviour's,  Soutwark 
Dec.   14     Jacob  Temple  of  the  Parish  of  Bursted  in  Essex  and  Elizabeth 

Pallister  of  the  said  Parish 

1717  April  28     John  Brocksbank  of  y*^  Parish  of  Norton  folgate  in  Midd*  and 

Sarah  Bigg  of  the  parish  of  Stepney 


1717     April  26     Eichard  Harrison  of  S*  John,  Wapping,  Midd*,  and  Elizabeth 

Gibson  of  y^  same  parish 
May  11     John  Norris  of  y*^  parish  of  Walthainstow,  Count.  Essex,  and 

Elizabeth  Norfolk  of  y*^  same  parish 
July  31     George  Bridger  of  S*  Botolph,  Algate,  and  Mary  Hulstone  of  y* 
same  parish 
Isaac  Watson  of  S*  Thomas,  Southwark,  and  Dorothy  "Wharton 

of  S'  Sav",  Southwark 
Antonio  Wilton   of   the   parish   of    Deptford    in    Surrey   and 
Mercia  Carver  of  S*  James,  Westminster 

JosiAH  Whatelt,  Eector 

John  Valley  of  S^  Mary  Magdalen,  Bermondsey,  in  Southwark, 

and  Mary  Ery  of  the  Parisli  of  Deptford  in  Kent 
Jacob  Speller  of  y^  parish  of  S'  Dunstan's,  Stepney,  and  Mary 

Lunn  of  y^  said  Parish 
William  Maiden  of  y^  Parish  of  Westham,  Essex,  and  Grace 

Harrit  of  y^  same  Parish 
ly     John   Pepper   of   y^   parish   of   S'   Dunstan's    in   y^   West, 

Middlesex,  and  Ann  Colwell  of  y^  same  parish 
Matthew  Wright  of  S'  Stephen,  Coleman  Street,  in  Middesex, 

and  Eleonara  Swettingham  of  y^  same  parish 
George  Pitt  of  y®  parish  of  Weymouth  in  y^  County  of  Dorset- 
shire and  Elizabeth  Taylor  of  Eotherhith  in  y«  County  of 

John  Clare  of  y^  parish  of  Eotherhith  in  y^  County  of  Surrey 

and  Virtue  Pitt  of  y^  same  Parish 
William  Eolkes  of  y^  Parish  of  S'  Saviour's,  Southwark,  and 

Eliz.  Freeman  of  y*^  same  Parish 
Edward  Pyke  of  y^  Parish  of  S*  Sav''^,  Southwark,  in  Surrey,  and 

Ann  Halsey  of  y^  same  parish 
Francis  Southwell  of  y^  Parish  of  All  Saints,  Barking,  London, 

and  Letitia  Sanders  of  y*^  same  parish 
William  Whately  of  y^  Parish  of  Bromley  S*  Leonard's  in  y« 

County  of  Middlesex  and  Henrietta  Warren  of  S*^  Dunstan's, 

Stepney,  in  y^  s**  County 
John  Wayland   of  y^  Parish   of  S*^   Margaret's,  Westminster, 

Middlesex,  and  Ann  Waldron'  of  y^  same  parish 
John  Markham  of  y«  Parish  of  S*  Faith's,  London,  and  Eliza- 
beth  Haywood   of  y^   Parish  of  Hampton  in  y^  County  of 

Mar.     3     John  Norris  of  y^  Parish  of  S'  Andrew  Undershaft,  London,  and 

Sarah  Saywer  [?  Sawyer]  of  S'  Sepulchre's,  London 
1719     April  10     AVilliam  Hinleside  of  y^  Parish  of  S'  Olave,  Southwark,  and 

Martha  Wheatley  of  S^  Saviour's,  Southwark 
„      26     Thomas  Johnson  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Sepulcre's,  London,  and 

Jane  Hane  of  the  same 
May  21     William   Perkins   of   y^   Parish   of   S'   Michael,    Queen  Hyth, 

London,  and  Judith  Frances  Warren  of  y^  Parish  of  Stepney 

in  Middlesex 
Aug.  24     Isaac  Terrel  of  Uxbridge  in  Middlesex  and  Deborah  Williams  of 

S*  John's,  Hackney,  in  y^  same  County 
Sep.      3     James  Eoberts  of  y^  Parish  of  S*  Saviour,  Southwark,  and  Eliza- 
beth Lawndy  of  y^  same 
Oct.    21     Thomas    Carlwood   of   y^   Parish   of   S'    Christopher   and   Ann 

Morton  of  All  Hallows,  Thamestreet,  London 

Benja.  Cartee,  Eector 

Aug.  29 

Sep.  3 

Nov.  21 

Jan.  16 

Feb.  20 


Easter  D 


Dec.  21 

Mar.  20 


May  1 

June  19 

„   20 

Sep.  23 

Oct.  16 

»   20 

Dec.  20 


1719  Xov,  12     James  Shorthose  and  Susanna  Paul  of  Weymouth  in  the  County 

of  Dorset 
Dec.     3     Eobert  "Wharton  and  Ann  Grimes,  both  of  y«  Parish  of  S'  Martin 

Feb.   18     John  Scott  of  y''  Parish  of  S*  Martin  in  y^  fields  and  Elizabeth 
Hanvard  of  Westham  in  Essex 
„      26     Francis  AVoodward  of  y^  parish  of  S'  Dionis  Backchurch  and 

Gartwright  White  of  y^  same 
„      27     Thomas  Gothall  of  Staple's  Inn  and  Margarett  Bell  of  y^  parish 
of  S*  James,  Westminster 

1720  April  19    AYilliam  Hanson  of  y'^  parish  of  S*  John,  Hackney,  and  Elizabeth 

Eobinson  of  S*^  Anne  within  Aldersgate 
July     1     Thomas  Eobinson  of  Trinity  Parish  and  Elizabeth  Ogilvie  of  y^ 
parish  of  S'  Gyles,  Cripplegate,  Lond. 
„      31     William  Wood  of  y^  Parish  of  Shereness  in  y^  County  of  Kent 
and  Sarah  Edes  of  y^  parish  of  Deptford  in  y*  s**  County 
Oct.    11     John  Hudson  and  Hannah  Holden ;   after  banns  thrice  duly 
„      20     Seth  Jones  of  y«  Parish  of  Stepney  in  y^  County  of  Middsx.  and 
Sarah  Clayton  of  Westham  in  Essex 
Nov.     1     Edward  Whitehouse  of  y*^  Parish  of  S'  Thomas,  Southwark,  and 
Mary  Tockfield  of  the  same 
„        5     John  Millard  of  y^  Parish  of  S*  SaA-iour,  Southwark,  and  Hannah 
Eeynolds  of  Stepney  in  Middsx. 
Dec.   18     Joseph  Eaton  and  Elizabeth  Eowley ;   after  Banns  thrice  duly 

V^^^^^^^i  Benja.  Caeteb,  Eecf^ 

Feb.  21     William  Hester  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Olave's,  Hartstreet,  London, 
and  Sarah  Beavens  of  y*  Parish  of  Westham,  Essex 

1721  April    9     Edward  Eandal  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Michael,  Queenhith,  and 

Mary  Clark  of  y^  Parish  of  Al hallows  the  Great,  Lond. 
„      24     John  Speary  and  Elizabeth  Law,  both  of  y'^  Parish  of  S'  Saviour's, 

May  12     Thomas  Bray  of  the  parish  of  S*  Botolph  Without,  Bishopsgate, 

and  Susanna  Martin  of  parish  of  S'  Saviour,  Southwark 
June  18     John    Eowden,    Clerk    of    y*^    Parish   of    S'    Martin    Outwich, 

and  Joanna  Hitchcock  of  y*  parish  of  S*^  Botolph,  Aldgate, 

July     9     George  Cook,  Clerk  of  y^  Parish  of  Warfield  in  y^  County  of 

Berks,  and  Hellen  Burges  of  y^  Parish  of  Mesley  in  y^  County 

of  Essex 
„      27     William  Paradise  of  y«  parish  of  S*  Michael,  Woodstreet,  and 

Mary  Turner  of  S'  Giles,  Cripplegate,  Lond. 
Oct.    2G     Daniel  Ireson  of  y^  Parish  of  S'  Botolj)h  Without,  Aldgate,  and 

Elizabeth  Bridge  of  y^  same  parish 
Dec.   19     Jonathan  Brand  of  the  parish  of  Woodham  AVaters  in  Essex  and 

Frances  King  of  S*  Clement's  Danes  in  Middlesex 
Jan.    19     Thomas  Allett,  Clerk  of  y"^  parish  of  South  fleet  in  y*  County  of 

Kent,  and  Catherine  Wentworth  of  S'  Margaret's,  Westminster 
Feb.     1     Pendlebury   Spring   of  y^   parish   of   S*   John,  Wapping,   and 

Catherine  Payne  of  S*^  Paul,  Shadwell 
„      28     Andrew  Card  of  the  parish  of  S'  Andrew,  Holbourn,  and  Dorothy 

Pritchard  of  y^  same 

1722  Mar.  27     George   Ellis   of  y^  parish   of  S'  Martin,  Ludgate,  and   Ann 

Dallinson  of  S'  Bennet,  Grace  Church 
April    8     Lucking  Dean  and  Ann  Kich,  both  of  this  Parish  ;  p.  Banns 

Benja.  Caetee,  Eector 


1722  April  24     John  Caswall  of  S'  Edmimd  the  King,  Lond.,  and  Prances  Town 

of  Stratford  le  Bow,  Middlesex 
„      24     Thomas   Pryor   of   S*   Mary    Woolnoth   and    Sarah    Cutler   of 
S'  Botolph  Without,  Bishopsgate,  Lond. 
May     8     Theodore  Baker  of  S^  Mary  Ax,  Lond.,  and  Elizabeth  Briggs  of 
East  Greenwich  in  Kent 
„      15     John  Finch  of  y«  parish  of  Layton  in  Essex  and  Ann  Humphreys 
of  Bromley  in  Middlesex 
June  10    John  Cole  of  y^  parish  of  S'  Botolph  without,  Bishopsgate,  and 
Martha  Hanney  of  S*  Laurence,  old  Jewry 
„      12     John  Whitaker  of  y^  parish  of  Low  Layton  in  Essex  and  Ann 
Crimell  ofy^  same 
Sep.      4     William  Gamblee  of  y^  Parish  of  S'  Martin  in  y«  Fields  and 
Ann  Teage  of  S^  Saviour's,  Southwark 
„      12     William  Price  of  Kingston  upon  Thames  and  Mary  Dawson  of 

y^  same 
„     27     John   Badger,    Clerk,    of   Bishop's   Cleeve   in   the    County    of 
Gloucester,  and  Ann  Wise  of  y^  parish  of  Barking  in  y^  County 
of  Essex 
Oct.    13     Brandon  Hatch  of  y^  parish  of  S*  Magnus  y«  Martyr,  Lond.,  and 

Mary  Ballard  of  S*^  Saviour's,  Southwark 
Dec.   12     Abraham  Shettleworth  of  y*^  parish  of  DoA^'nham  in  Essex  and 
Mary  Beck-\\dth  of  Brentwood  in  y^  s"^  County 
„      12     Robert  Beckwith  of  Brentwood  in  Essex  and  Sarah  Buckingham 
of  Stratford  in  y^  s''  County 
Jan.      1     James  Slade  of  y^  Parish  of  S'  Mary  Aldermary,  London,  and 
Elizabeth  B-ichards  of  y^  same 

Benj,  Caetee,  Eect^" 

„      29     John   Mackelean   of  the   parish   of  S*   Botolph,  Aldgate,  and 

Hannah  Ireson  of  the  same 
Feb.     5     William  Woodcock  of  S*  Michael's   parish  in  Coventry  in  y^ 

County  of  Warwick  and  Elizabeth  Marleton  of  S'  Peter's, 

Cornhill,  London 
„      23     George  Ward  of  the  parish  of  S'  Saviour,  Southwark,  and  Sarah 

Church  of  the  same 

1723  April  18     Thomas  Machan  of  S*  Martin's  in  y^  fields  and  Mary  Hibbirt ; 

after  banns  thrice  duly  published 
„     23     Stephen  Knipe  of  S*  Martin  Outwich  and  Martha  Wingood  of 
the  same  parish 
May     6     John  Eogers   of  y^  parish  of  S'  Dunstan,   Stepney,  and  Ann 

Raine  of  y^  same 
July     9     John  Grubb,  Esq.,  of  y^  parish  of  Camberwell  in  Surrey,  and 
Elizabeth  Sloper  of  S*  Mary,  Whitechappel,  Middsx. 
„      23     William  Combs  of  S*^  Catharine  Cree  Church,  Lond.,  and  Sarah 
Speary  of  S'  Saviour's,  Southwark 
Aug.  13     Thomas  Morson  of  y^  parish  of  S*^  Peter's,  Cornhill,  Lond.,  and 
Henrietta  Bedell  of  this  parish 
„      13     Robert  Tothill  of  y^  parish  of  S'  Faith  y^  Virgin  and  Olive 

Matthew  of  S'  James,  Clerkenwell 
„      19     John  Amos  of  S*  Dunstan  in  y^  West  and  Catharine  Mangey  of 
S*  Martin's  in  y^  Fields 

Benja.  Caetee,  Rector 

„     20    John  Lewis  of  y^  Parish  of  S'  Sepulchre's,  Lond.,  and  Susanna 
Collier  of  S*  John  at  Hackney  in  Middsx. 
Sep.      2     Abraham  Castle  of  y^  Parish  of  S'  Dunstan,  Stepney,  and  Ann 
J3,mes  of  S'  Mary,  White-chappel 



1723  Sep,    29     William  French  of  S*  Bennet,  Gracechurch,  Lond.,  and  Mary 

Hyland  of  y^  Parish  of  S^  Saviour,  Southwark 
Nov.     5     Thomas  Morrison  of  S'  Mary,  Whitechappel,  and  Ann  Moor  of 

S^  Botolph  without,  Bishopsgate 
„      21     William  Street  of  y*  parish  of  Stretham  in  the  County  of  Surrey 

and  Elizabeth  Turner  of  this  parish 
„      30     Henry  Gould  of  y^  parish  of  S*^  Peter's,   Cornhill,  and  Mary 

Breamer  of  S*  Dunstan,  Stepney 
Dec.  21     Eichard  Thorn  of.Epping  in  the  County  of  Essex  and  Mary 

Hewitt  of  Walthamstow  parish  in  y^  s^  County 
„      23     James   Hassel   of   Allhallows,   Barking,   and    Sarah    Ward    of 

Croydon  in  Surrey 
„      26    William  Hams  of  the  parish  of  S*'  Mary,  Whitechappel,  and 

Rebecca  Turner  of  S*^  Alban's,  Woodstreet 
Jan.      3     Henry  Boughton  of  the  parish  of  Lavingham  in  Suffolk  and 

Mary  Beachcroft  of  Warmsworth  in  Surrey 
„        5     Thomas  Lyly  of  y^  parish  of  S'^  Dunstan  in  the  West  and  Mary 

Small  of  S'  Mary,  Whitechappel  Benja.  Caeteb,  Eecf 

Feb.     6     John  Evans  and  Mary  Badger  of  this  parish  ;  after  Banns  thrice 

duly  published 
„      11     William  Hancock  of  the  parish  of  S*  James,  Westminster,  and 

Ann  Lawrence  of  S'  Andrew,  Holbourn 
„      18     John    Porter   of   S*^    Peter's,    Cornhill,   and   Martha    Baker   of 

S*  Vedast  aVs  Forster 
Mar.     2     Charles  Bacon  of  Stepney  parish  in  Middsx.  and  Jane  Palmer  of 

S'  James,  Garlick  Hyth,  Lond. 
„        3     John   Bristow   of   Conton   in   y^   County   of   Nottingham    and 

Bridget  Clarke  of  y^  parish  of  S*  Giles  in  y^  Fields 
„      15     Walter  Hardyman  of  S*^  Giles,  Cripplegate,  and  Mary  Bosley  of 

S*  Botolph,  Bishopsgate 

1724  April    7     John  Milner  of  this  Parish  and  Hannah   Child  of   S*  Mary, 

„      18     Francis  Porter  of  y^  parish  of  S-  Saviour,  Southwark,  and  Hannah 
Court  of  S'  James,  Westminster 
June  18     Richard  Osborn  of  y^  parish  of  S*  Botolph  without,  Aldgate,  and 

Elizabeth  Ware  of  S'  Botolph  without,  Bishopsgate 
Aug.  11     Richard  Stevenson  of  y^  parish  of  S*  Margaret,  Lothbury,  and 
Sarah  Wheatley  of  S^  Saviour,  Southwark 
„      11     John  Hobson  of  y^  parish  of  Streatham  in  y^  County  of  Surrey 
and  Mary  Stanbridge  of  y^  same  Benja.  Carter,  Rector 

Sep.      6    Furley  Hawkins  of  this  Parish  and  Rebecca  Bliss  of  S*'  Mary  Le 
„        8     John  Beet  of  S'  Botolph  without,  Aldgate,  and  Priscilla  Bright 

of  y"  same  Parish 
„      13     Richard  Turner  of  y^  Parish  of  S*^  John,  Hackney,  and  Rachel 

Watts  of  j'^  same 
„      25     Thomas  Mitchenen  of  y^  parish  of  S'  Mary's  in  Warwick  and 
Margaret  Cubbidge  of  S*  John's  at  Hackney  in  Middlsx. 
Oct.      7     John  Grigs  of  y^  parish  of  Walthamstow  in  Essex  and  Frances 

Buckingham  of  y^  same 
Nov.     9     Richard  Birch  of  y'=  parish  of  S*  Bartholomew  y^  less  and  Elizabeth 
Baylie  of  the  same 
„      26     William  Watts  of  y*^  parish  of  S'  Martin  Vintrey  and  Elizabeth 
Munn  of  S'  Mary,  Whitechappel 
Dec.  17     John  Pope  of  S*^  Mary  Magdalen's,  Bermondsey,  in  Surrey,  and 
Amy  Porter  of  y«  parish  of  S*  Sa,viour,  Southwajrl^ 


1724  Jan.    12     John  Thomas  of  y«  parish  of  S'  Mary  Magdalen,  Bermondsey, 

in  ye  County  of  Surrey,  and  Ann  Martin  of  S'  Saviour's  in 
y^  s*^  Coiinty 
„      12     William   Hall   of   S'   Olave's   parish   and    Elizabeth  "Ward   of 
S*  Saviour's,  Southwark 
Peb.   11     WiUiam  Neilson  of  y^  parish  of  S*  Paul,  Shadwell,  and  Ann 
Fairman  of  y®  same 

1725  April    1     Isaac  Piggot  of  y^  Parish  of  S'  Clement  Danes  and  Ann  Garret 

of  y"  «^^e  Bekja.  Caetee,  Eector 

„        3    "William  Southwell  of  y^  parish  of  S*  James,  Duke  place,  and 

Elizabeth  Mansell  of  y^  parish  of  S*  Dunstan,  Stepney 
May  18     Eobert  Scott  of  y®  parish  of  S'  Margaret,  New  Fish  Street,  and 

Jemima  Bedell  of  this  parish 
„      18     Moses  Grratwich  of  Dunstable  in  Bedfordshire  and  Sarah  Becking 

of  "Windsor  in  Berkshire 
July  22     Samuel  Calverley  of  y«  parish  of  S'  Saviour,  Southwark,  and 

Catharine  Nutt  of  y^  same 
Aug.  10     Philip  Jones  of  S*^  Bennet,  Paul's  "Wharf,   and   Mary   Crane 

within  y«  Liberty  of  y^  Tower 
Sep.    14     Joseph  Taylor  of  y«  parish  of  S'  Giles,  Cripplegate,  and  Susanna 

HHl  of  S*  Bennet,  Paul's  Wharf 
Oct.    28     Henry  Winteringham  of  the  parish  of  Westham  in  Essex  and 

Jane  Gubbs  of  y^  same 
Nov.  11     John  Morris  of  y^  Parish  of  Walthamstow  in  Essex  and  Mary 

Allerton  of  y^  same 
„      20     Peter  Cartwright  of  y^  parish  of  Low  Leyton  in  Essex  and  Mary 

Dennet  of  y<=  parish  of  W^althamstow  in  y*^  s'^  County 
„      25     James  AVilliamson  of  the  parish  of  Edmonton  in  y^  County  of 

Middlesex  and  Catharine  Brown  of  y®  same 

Benja.  Caetee,  Rector 

Dec.     2     James  Hibben  of  the  parish  of  S'  Saviour,  Southwark,  and  Jane 
Round  of  Shoreham  in  y^  County  of  Kent 
„      21     Thomas  Crooks  of  Stokes  Dile  in  Northamptonshire  and  Eliza- 
beth Carter  of  South  mims  in  Hertfordshire 
Jan.   15     John  Pollett  of  the  Inner  Temple,  Gent.,  and  Mary  Comock  of 
S^  Giles  in  the  fields 
„      26    Richard  Lawrence  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Mary,  Whitechappel,  in 
Middsx.,  and  Ruth  Barker  of  S'  Saviour,  Southwark 
Feb.  10     William  Pank  of  Eye  in  y^  County  of  Northampton  and  Hester 
"Villeneau  of  y^  parish  of  S*  Saviour,  Southwark 
„      17     Richard  AVilson  of  y^  parish  of  S'  Saviour,  Southwark,  and  Ann 
Quartermain  of  y**  same 
Mar.     8     WiUiam  CartwTight  of  Seavenokes  in  y^  County  of  Kent  and 
Ann  Pattenden  of  the  same 
„      12     John  Willis  of  the  parish  of  S'  Saviour,  Southwark,  and  Dorothy 

Court  of  S*  James,  Westminster 
„      24     John  Broiholme  of  y«  parish  of  S*   Bennet   Fink   and   Mary 
Anselin  of  this  parish  Benja.  Caetee,  Rector 

1726    April  19     George  Kenneir  of  S'  Paul's,  Covent  Garden,  and  Abigail  Lane 

of  S'  Martin's  in  y^  fields 
„      23     William  Wright  of  S*  Saviour's,  Southwark,  and  Ann  Harrison 
of  S'  Mary,  Newington  Butts,  in  y"^  County  of  Surrey 
May     1     Alexander  Weller  of  Romford  in  Essex  and  Hannah  Russell  of 

Lewis  in  y^  County  of  Sussex 
June    9     William  Benson  of  Allhallows,  Breadstreet,  and  Mary  Cotes  of 

ye  gd  paxish 


1726     June  17    William  Bramston  of  y^  parish  of  S*  Andrew,  Holbourn,  and 
Ann  North  of  y^  same 
Sep.    15     William  Netherclift  of  Esengton  in  y^  County  of  Hertford  and 
Martha  Jones  of  Westham  in  Essex 
17    William  Wall  of  the  parish  of  S*  Martin  Outwich  and  Elizabeth 
Fletcher  of  S*  Dionis  Backchurch 
„      18     Abraham  Foresee  of  y^  parish  of  S*  Mary  hill  and  Elizabeth 

Cooper  of  y^  same 
„      27    William  Taylor  of  y^  parish  of  S'  Griles,  Cripplegate,  and  Eleanor 
George  of  S*  Saviour's,  Southwark 
29     John  Meadows  of  y^  parish  of  Westham  in  Essex  and  Elizabeth 
Hutchinson  of  y^  same 
Oct.      2     Thomas  Berridge  of  y^  parish  of  S*  Andrew,  Holbourn,  and 

Mary  Segus  of  S*^  Michael  Bassishaw 
Nov.  10    John  Hayward  of  the  parish  of  S*  Saviour,  Southwark,  and 
Elizabeth  Freeman  of  y^  same 

Benja.  Caeteb,  Eector 

Dec.  26    Francis  Smith  of  y^  parish  of  S*  Mildred,  Breadstreet,  Lond., 

and  Sarah  Fowle  of  S*  Saviour's,  Southwark 
Feb.     5     Thomas  Lincoln  of  Epping  in  y^  County  of  Essex  and  Amy 
Wood  of  y^  same  place 
14    William  Sanders  of  Eashbourn  in  y'=  County    of   Sussex  and 
Martha  Wood  of  S*  Saviour's,  Southwark 
1727     Mar.  27     George  Slaughter  of  y^  Tower  Hamlets,  Lond.,  aud  Ann  Peck  of 
y*^  Town  of  Bedford  in  Bedfordshire 
28     John  Burnett  of  Chigwell  in  Essex  and  Koberta  Stephens  of 
Walthamstow  in  y«  s'^  County 
April    2     George   Fowler  of   Allhallows,  Barking,    Lond.,   and   Eebecca 
Bullman  of  St.  John's,  Wapping,  in  Middlesex 
4     John  Clark  of  y*'  parish  of  Christ  Church,  London,  and  Hester 
Dance  of  Hillington  in  y'^  County  of  Middlesex 
July  28     John  Canham  of  y<=  parish  of  S*  John,  Wapping,  in  Middlsx,  and 

Hester  Carter  of  y*=  parish  of  Westham  in  Essex 
Aug.     1     John  Limman  of  S^  Mary  Magdalen,  Bermondsey,  in  the  County 
of  Surrey,  and  Elizabeth  Hope  of  y^  same 
„      13     Edward  Peck  of  y^  parish  of  S'  Olave's,  Southwark,  and  Ann 

Neal  of  S*  Saviour's,  Southwark 
„      17     Thomas  Farrin  of  S*  Saviour's,  Southwark,  and  Ann  Pickax  of 
y*=  same 
Sep.      6     John  Davis  of  y^  parish  of  Westham  in  y<^  County  of  Essex  and 
Eachel  Throgmorton  of  y*^  same 
„      17     Philip  Sydenham  of  y^  parish  of  S^  James,  Westminster,  and 
Ann  AVeston  of  S'  Gyles,  Cripplegate  ;  p*'  License 
Oct.    12     Thomas  Evitt  of  Westham  in  y"=  County  of  Essex  and  Mary 

Compere  of  y"^  same ;  p''  Licence 
Jan.     1     Richard  Marriott  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Michael  Bassishaw,  London, 
and  Elizabeth  Whiting  of  the  same 
„      13     John  Phillips  of  y*^  parish  of  S*  Gregory,  London,  and  Margaret 
Longford  of  Highgate  in  the  County  of  Middlesex 
Feb.  14     Nicolas  Apthorpe  of  Gamlingay  in  the  County  of  Cambridge 
and   Catherine   Berkeley   of    Eynesbury   in    the   County   of 
„      20    Thomas  Astley  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Faith,  London,  and  Susannah 

Burrow  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Gregory,  London 
„      23     John  Collier  of  Hampton  Wick  in  the  Parish  of  Hampton  in  the 
County  of  Middlesex,  AVidower,  and  Catherine  Waters  of  the 
Parish  of  Kingston  in  the  County  of  Surry 


1728     April  23     "William  Searle  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Mary  "Woolnoth,  London, 

Widower,  and  Margaret  Peake  of  the  Parish  Olave,   Silver 

street,  London 
May  23     Jonathan  Holland  of  the  Parish  of  Christ's  Church,  London,  and 

Sarah  Elmes  of  the  same  Parish 
„      28     William  Greenhow  of  Uxbridge  in  the  County  of  Middlesex  and 

Mary  Tredway  of  the  Parish  of  S*^  Botolph,  Aldgate,  London 
June    2     Harrison  Colby  of  the  Parish  of  S*^  Martin  Outwich,  London, 

and  Mary  Staverton  of  the  Parish  of  S*^  Margaret  Pattons, 

„        4     John  Bayley  of  the  Parish  of  S*^  Leonard,  Shoreditch,  in  y«  County 

of  Middlesex,  and  Mary  Anderson  of  the  same  Parish 
July     9     Paul  Jordis  of  the  Parish  of  All  Saints,  Staining,  London,  and 

Mary  Tarrant  of  the  Parish  of  S^  Benedict,  near  Paul's  Wharf, 

Aug.  22     Thomas  Brown  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Mary,  Staining,  London,  and 

Sarah  Nicholls  of  the  Parish  of  Christ's  Church,  London 
Dec.   12     John  Hayne  of  the  Parish  of  Cranley  in  the  County  of  Surrey 

and  Katherine  Wakeford  of  Dorking  in  the  same  County 
„      29     Charles  Broncorst  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Martin  Outwich,  London, 

and  Mary  Bennet  of  the  same  Parish 
Jan.     6    Eichard  Heydon  of  the  Parish  of  S'   Clement  Danes  in  the 

County  of  Middlesex  and  Thomazine  Worseley  of  the  Parish 

of  S*  Bennet,  Grace  Church,  London 
„      23     John  Diaper  of  the  Parish  of  S*  James  in  the  City  of  Bristol  and 

Johanna  Hill  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Andrew  Hubbard,  London 
Feb.     6     Edmund    Shall    of  the    Parish    S'   Sariour,  Southwark,  in   the 

County  of  Surrey,  and  Hannali  Wheatley  of  the  same  Parish 
„      13     Thomas  "^Lawford  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Olave,  Southwark,  in  the 

County  of   Surrey,  and   Mary  Brathwaite  of  the   Parish  of 

S*  Saviour,  Southwark,  in  the  County  of  Surrey 
Mar.  11     Joseph    Delafield   of   the   Parish    of    S*    Michael,    Queenhithe, 

London,  and  Hannah  Vincent  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Margaret 

Pattens,  London 

EiCH''  BiscoE,  Eector 

1729  „      28     William  Adams  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Olave,  Southwark,  in  the 

County   of   Surrey,   and    Martha   Halsey   of   the    Parish   of 

S*  Saviour,  Southwark,  in  the  County  afores'' 
April  15     AVilliam  Barber  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Mary  le  Strand  in  the  County 

of  Middlesex  and  Jane  Guy  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Clement  Danes 

in  the  same  County 
Dec.  15     Thomas  Green  of  the  Parish  of  S*  James,  Westminster,  in  the 

County  of  Middlesex,  and  Eelief  Croxell    of  the  Parish  of 

S*  Martin  in  the  Fields  in  the  County  of  Middlesex 
Nov.  27     Stephen    Austen   of   the    Parish   of   S'    Gregory,  London,  and 

Elizabeth  Waters  of  the  Parish  of  S*  John,  Clerkenwell,  in  the 

County  of  Middlesex 
Jan.   29     Abraham   Wright   of   the   Parish   of   S^  Botolph,  Bishopsgate, 

London,  and  Hannah  Pearse   of   the  Parish  of  S'  Michael, 

Cornhill,  London 

1730  July     1     Thomas  Waikrill  of  the  Parish  of  Maulden  in  the  County  of 

Essex  and  Mary  Brown  of  the  Parish  of  S*^  Leonard,  Shore- 
ditch,  in  the  County  of  Middlesex 
Aug.  12     Joseph  Mace  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Stephen,  Walbrook,  London, 
and  Alice  Clarke  of  Ashford  in  the  County  of  Kent 
„      18     James  Tobin  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Edmund  the  King,  London,  and 
Elizabeth  Carter  of  Westham  in  the  County  of  Essex 


1730  Sep.    10    "William  Eogers  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Dionis  Backchurch,  London, 

and  Dorothy  Chalkley  of  the  Parish  of  Hackney  in  the  County 

of  Middlesex 
„      17     John  Mumford  of  the  Parish  of  Eythrop  Euden  in  the  County 

of  Essex  and  Anne  Pord  of  jS'azeing  in  the  County  of  Essex 
„      17     Thomas  "Ward    of  Bromley  in   the   County  of   Middlesex  and 

Bridget  Sedgewick  of  "Westham  in  the  County  of  Essex 

EicH"  BiscoE,  Eector 

,,      22     John  Wilkins  of  the  Parish  of  All  Saints,  Oxford,  and  Katharine 

Marston  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Mary  Hill,  London 
Oct.      8     Thomas  Thornton  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Olave,  Southwark,  in  the 

County  of  Surry,  and  Mary  Harrison  of  the  same  Parish 
Dec.  29     Charles  Coe  of  Maiden  in  the  County  of  Essex  and  Eachael 

Eaynham  of  Colchester  in  the  same  County 
Jan.    12     John  Phillips  of  the  Parish  of  Westham  in  the  County  of  Essex 

and  Frances  White  of  the  same  Parish 
„      28     Eichard   Corfield   of   Lewisham   in   the   County  of   Kent   and 

Susanna  Marishall  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Mary  at  Hill,  London 
Feb.   25     William  AV right  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Bennet  Sheerhog,  London, 

and  Elizabeth  Cheney  of  the  Parish  of  Hackney  in  the  County 

of  Middlesex 
J,      26     Thomas  Palmer  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Bennet  Finke,  Loudon,  and 

Eebecca  Pickard  of  the  Parish  of  Cheshunt  in  the  County  of 

„      26     Jonathan  Clarke  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin,  Ironmonger  Lane, 

London,  and  Anne  Pickard  of  the  Parish  of  Cheshunt  in  the 

County  of  Hertford 
Mar.     1     James   L^gher  of  the  Parish  of  S*^  Martin  in  the  Fields  in  the 

County  of  Middlesex  and  Patient  Gardiner  of  the  Parish  of 

S'  Griles,  Criplegate,  London 
„        2     Josias  Johannot  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Magnus  the  Martyr,  London, 

and  Mary  Wright  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich,  London 
„      11     Nathaniel  Hobson  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Stephen,  Coleman  Street, 

London,  and    Christian  Langton    of   the   Parish  of  S'  Mary 

Magdalen,  Bermondsey,  in  the  County  of  Surrey 

EiCH''  BiscoE,  Eector 

1731  „      25     John  Bucklaud  of  Dorchester  in  y^  County  of  Dorset  and  Sarah 

Shippey  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Mary  Woolnoth,  London 
„      25     James  Carter  of  the  Island  of  Barbadoes  in  the  West  Indies  and 

Mary  Carter  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Mary  Hill,  Loudon 
April  29     Samuel  Pye  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Duustan,  Stepney,  in  y^  County 

of  Middlesex,  and  Mary  Haggard  of  Bromley  in  y^  County  of 

May     6     AV^ilHam  Plowman  of  AValtham  Stow  in  the  County  of  Essex  and 

Mary  Morris  of  the  same  place 
„      27     Edward  Hammond  of  Hatfield  in  the  County  of  Hertford  and 

Mary  Lynes  of  y^  Parish  of  S*^  Andrew,  Holbourn,  in   the 

County  of  Middlesex 
June    6     Charles  Hall  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Olave,  Southwark,  and  Dorothy 

Searle  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich,  London 
„      24     Samuel  Farrington  of  the  Parish  of  S*  John,  AVapping,  in  the 

County  of  Middlesex,  and  Mary  Cox  of  Deptf  ord  in  the  County 

of  Kent 
Oct.      5     Bartholomew  Pomeroy  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Andrew  Undershaft, 

London,  and  Elizabeth  Morson  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Edm"!  the 

King,  London 


1731     Nov.     9     William  May  of  the  Parish  of  S^  Sepulcher  in  the  County  of 

Middlesex  and  Sarah  Warkman  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Olave, 
Southwark,  in  the  County  of  iSurrey 
„      18     Greorge  Hamson  of  y'=  Parish  of  S'  Etheburgh,  Loudon,  and 
Prances  Allen  of  Blackheath  in  the  Parish  of  Lewisham  in  the 
County  of  Kent 
Dec.     5     Daniel  Kingsbury  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Mary  Magdalen,  Bermond- 
sey,  in  the  County  of  Surrey,  and  Mary  Cookry  of  the  same 
Jan.     6     Joseph  Allsup  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Andrew,  Holborn,  London,  and 
Elizabeth  Richards  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Clement,  Eastcheap, 

EicH'>  BiscoE,  Rector 

„      12     Norton  Bowles  of  the  Parish  of  Allhallows,  Breadstreet,  London, 
and  Mary  Harcourt  of  the  Parish  of  Eislip  in  the  County  of 
„      25     David  Comarque  of  Hatsall  in  the  County  of  Lancaster  and 
Henrietta  Eenell  of  Putney  in  the  County  of  Surrey 
Feb.     2     John  Jones  of  Beckley  in  the  County  of  Oxford  and  Elizabeth 
Saunders  of  Rislip  in  the  County  of  Middlesex 
„      17     AVilliain  Thompson  of  the  Parish  of  S^  Katharine  near  the  Tower, 
London,  and  Mary  Wells  of  Peckham  in  the  Parish  of  Cam- 
berwell  in  y^  County  of  Surrey 
„      20     Joshua  Van  Neck  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich,  London, 
and  Mary  Anne  Daubuz  of  the  same  Parish 
Mar.  14     John   Causton   of   the   Parish    of   S*  Mary  Hill,   London,  and 
Ruhamah  Oldfield  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Saviour,  Southwark,  in 
the  County  of  Surrey 
1732     April    5     Jonathan   Monck  of   Melksham  in  the   County  of  Wilts  and 

Elizabeth  Dodd  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Mildred,  Poultrey,  London 
„      18     Hammond  Crosse  of  the  Parish  of  S'  James,  Clerkenwell,  in  the 
County  of  Middlesex,  and  Elizabeth  Crosse  of  the  Parish  of 
S'  John  the  Evangelist,  Westminster 
„      19     Joseph  Edmonds  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Peter  le  Poor,  London,  and 
Sarah  Hunt  of  the  same  Parish 
May     4     Nathaniel  Wilkes  of  the  Parish  of  S'  James,  Clerkenwell,  in  the 
County  of  Middlesex,  and  Elizabeth  Hope  of  the  Liberty  of 
Norton  Falgate  in  the  same  County 
„        7     John  Veisey  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Gabriel,  Fenchurch,  London, 
and  Eachael  Shepperd  of  y^  same  Parish 
June  20    Richard   Neave   of   y«   Parish   of   S^  Katherine   Cree   Church, 
London,  and  Mary  Collet  of  y=  Parish  of  S*^  Leonard,  Shore- 
ditch,  in  the  County  of  Middlesex 

Rich"  Biscoe,  Rector 

July     8     William  Buckeridge  of  Hampstead  in  the  County  of  Middlesex 

and  Mary  Borraston  of  the  same  place 
„      23     Isaac  Eier  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Stephen,  Coleman  street,  London, 

and  Anne  Faulkner  of  S'  Mildred,  Poultrey,  London 
Aug.    15     Joshua  Winter  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Christoplier  le  Stocks,  London, 

and  Leader  Bronsdon  of  y«  Parish  of  S*  Paul  at  Deptford  in 

the  County  of  Kent 
Dec.  12     George  May  of  y^  Parish  of  S*  Botolph,  Aldersgate,  London,  and 

Susanna  Warkman  of  y<=  Parish  of  S*  Sepulchre,  London 
„      15     Robert  Walcot   of  Isleworth  in  y^  County  of  Middlesex   and 

Rebecca  Gould  of  Edmonton  in  y«  same  County 
Feb.     6     William  Everest  of  y^  Parish  of  Stawkham  in  y«  County  of  Kent 

and  Mildred  Thompson  of  y«  Parish  of  Seal  in  y^  same  County 


1732  Mar.  23     Samuel    Godfrey  of  y^   Parish   of  S'  Dunstan,  Stepney,  in  y^ 

County  of   Middlesex,  and  Elizabetli  Facey  of  y^  Parish  of 
S*^  Mary  Magdalen,  Bermondsey,  in  y^  County  of  Surrey 

1733  „      25     James  Peel  of  y^  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich,  London,  and 

Deborah  Eoyuor  of  y"=  Parish  of  S'  Katherine  Cree  Church, 
,,      25     Joseph  Harvard  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Anne,  Blaekfryars,  London, 
and   Prances    Blade   of    y^   Parish    of   S'    Martin   Outwich, 
May     1     Thomas  Eaton  of  the  Parish  of  S^  Botolph,  Aldgate,  London,  and 

Jane  Eaymund  of  the  same  Parish 
June  16     Eobert  Taylor  of  the  Parish  of  S^  Botolph,  Bishopsgate,  London, 
and  Elizabeth  Grough  of  y^  same  Parish 
„      22     Henry   Birch  of  the   Parish  of  S'  Margaret,   New  Pishstreet, 
London,  and  Hannah  Langley  of  y*^  same  Parish 
July     6     Philip  Havard  of  the  Parish  of  Cranham  in  the  County  of  Essex 
and  Laetitia  Clay  of  the  same  Parish 

EicH^  BiscoE,  Rector 

Aug.  16     Thomas  Batty  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Andrew,  Holbourn,  London, 
and  Hannah  Ellis  of  the  same  Parish 
„      30     Joseph  Collet  of  y^  Parish  of  S'  Mary,  Aldermanbury,  London, 
and  Dorothy  Turner  of  S'  Bartholomew  the  great,  London 
Sep.    30     Greorge  Haynes  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Anne,  Blaekfryars,  London, 
and  Anne  Yield  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Vedast,  Poster  Lane, 
Dec.     4     John  Wilson  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Luke  in  the  County  of  Middlesex 
and  Martha  Wingham  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Peter  le  Poor, 
„        9     Jonathan  Eade   of  the  Parish   of  S'  John,  "Wapping,  in  the 
County  of  Middlesex,  and  Anne  Prince  of  old  Brentford  in 
the  same  County 
„      10     William  Davies  of  Harwich  in  the  County  of  Essex  and  Elizabeth 

Tihurst  of  Chatham  in  the  County  of  Kent 
„      13     Prancis  Delehaye  of  the  Parish  of  S'  James,  Westminster,  and 
Bridget  Evans  of  the  same  Parish 
Jan.     8     Daniel   Eadford   of   the   Parish   of   S^   Peter   Cheap,   London, 
and   Mary  Harris   of  Newington  Green   in  the  County  of 
Feb.   10    Eobert  Wharton  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich,  London, 
and  Mary  Mayo  of  the  same  Parish 
„      12     Eandall    Brasnor   of   the  Precinct   of  Norton  Falgate   in   the 
County  of   Middlesex   and  Elizabeth    Stanton   of   the   same 
Mar.  14    Thomas  Eobinson  of  the  Parish  of  Cheslmnt  in  the  County  of 
Hertford  and  Phillis  Fletcher  of  the  Parish  of  Endfield  in  the 
County  of  Middlesex 

Rich"  Biscoe,  Eector 

1734     April  11     John  James  of  the  Parish  of  Christ  Church  in  the  County  of 

Middlesex   and   Hannah    Sise   of   the    Parish   of  S*  Botolph 

without,  Aldgate,  London 
„      18     Thomas  Lambe  of  Hackney  in  the  County  of  Middlesex  and 

Hannah  Steer  of  the  Parish  of  S*  S within,  London 
May    14     John  Boyd  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Clement  Danes  in  the  County  of 

Middlesex   and   Sarah    Spiller   of  the  Parish  of  S'  Botolph 

without,  Bishopsgate,  London 
„      22     Henry  Taileworth  of  the  Parish  of  AUhallows,  Lombard  Street, 

and  Martha  Mascall  of  the  same  Parish 


1734  May  30     Murdock  Middleton  of  Crigfiton  in  the  Couuty  of  Loughthain 

m  North  Britain  and  Eleanor  Loiieh  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Martin 

Outwich,  Loudon 
June    9     Henry  Francis  Bonhoste  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Martin  Out^vich, 

London,  and   Mary   Simpson   of  the  Parish   of  S*  Stephen' 

Walbrook,  London 
Sep.    12     Francis  Woodgate  of  Mountfield  in  the  County  of  Sussex  and 

Mary  Thompson  of  Seal  in  the  County  of  Kent 
Oct.      1     James  Adams   of  the  Parish  of  S'  Ethelburgh,  London,  and 

Susajina  Kiggell  of  the  Parish  of  Westham  in  the  County  of 

Nov.     7     George    Harris   of   the   Parish    of   S'   Paul,    Shadwell,   in   the 

County  of   Middlesex,   and  Bridgett  Brigham   of   the   same 

„      30     Eichard  Pass  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Michael,  Crooked  Lane,  London, 

and  Jane  Dodd  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Mildred,  Poultrey,  London 

EiCH^'  BiscoE,  Rector 

1735  April  15     Thomas  March  of  the   Parish  of  Christ  Church,  London,  and 

Elizabeth  Wright  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Giles,  Criplegate,  London 
„      17     AVilliam  Courtney  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Saviour's,  Southwark,  in 

the  County  of  Surry,  and  Ann  Wheatly  of  the  same  Parish 
„      24     Ebenezer  Fletcher   of   the   Parish  of  AYare  in  the  County  of 
Hertford  and  Martha  Dickenson  of  the  same  Parish 
May  21     John  Higham  Gresham  of  the  Parish  of  Christ  Church,  London, 
and  Prudence  Scott  of  Uxbridge  in  the  County  of  Middlesex 
July  31     Edward    Peacock   of    Greenwich   in   the  County  of  Kent  and 

EHzabeth  Gibson  of  the  same  place 
Aug.  28     Eichard   Shepherd   of  Maidstone  in  the  County  of  Kent  and 

Sarah  Russell  of  S*  Olave,  Hartstreet,  London 
Nov.  30     Jolui  Dunning  of  the   Liberty  of  the  Tower  of  London  and 

Elizabeth  Atkinson  of  the  same  Liberty 
Jan.      1     Robert  Gowers   of  the  Parish  of  Rumford  in  the  County  of 
Essex  and  EHzabeth  Ryley  in  the  County  aforesaid 
„        3     George  Hackshaw  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Michael,  Corn  hill,  London, 

and  Anne  Allen  of  the  same  Parish 
„      15     Thomas  Hatton  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Edmund  the  King,  London, 

and  Judith  Threlkeld  of  the  same  Parish 
„      29     John  Porter  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Saviour's,  Southwark,  in  the 
County  of  Surry,  and  Mary  Lloyd  of  the  Parish  of  Christ 
Church  in  the  County  aforesaid 
Feb.      4     Michael  Hall  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Mary  Hill,  London,  and  Mary 
Oliver  of  the  same  Parish 
„      12     Robert  Norris   of   the  Pai'ish  of  Rotherith  in  the  County  of 
Surry  and  Elizabeth  Hatchett  of  the  same  Parish 
Mar.     4     William  Simmonds   of   the  Parish   of   S'  Helen,  London,  and 
Rebecca  Knight  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Martin  Outwich,  London 
1736        „       30     Edward  Davis  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Thomas,  Southwark,  in  the 

County  of  Surry,  and  Hannah  Pitts  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Olave's, 
Southwark,  in  the  same  County 
July  11     Thomas  Barton  of  the  inner  Temple,  London,  and  Judith  Le\vin 

of  the  Parish  of  S'  Mary  le  Bow,  Loudon 
Aug.  1  Samuel  Hazell  of  S'  James,  Duke's  Place,  in  the  County  of 
Middlesex,  and  Elizabeth  Carrier  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Mary, 
White  Chappell,  in  the  County  aforesaid 
Sep.  16  Robert  Maberly  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Giles  in  the  Fields  in  the 
County  of  Middlesex  and  Hannah  Astly  of  the  Parish  of 
S*  Andrew,  Holborn,  London 



1736  Sep.    23     Samuel  Stinton  [?  Hinton]  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Mary  Magdalen, 

Bermondsey,  in  the  County  of  Surrey,  and  Kebecca  Edwards 
of  Highgate  in  the  County  of  Middlesex 

EiCH"  BiscoE,  Kector 

Oct.      1     Thomas  Cliff  of  Coggershall  in  the  County  of  Essex  and  Elizabeth 

Spurgen  of  the  same  place 
Nov.  17     Daniel  Bonhoste  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Peter  le  Poor,  London,  and 

Elizabeth   Hitchcock   of  the  Parish   of  S*  Martin  Outwich, 

.Tan.     6     Thomas  Nash  of  the  Parish  of  S'  G-eorge,  Southwark,  in  the 

County  of  Surrey,  and  Hannah  Smith  of  the  Parish  of  Lilling- 

stone  in  the  County  of  Kent 

1737  April  11     .John   Slack   of  the   Parish  of  S*  Mary  at  Hill,  London,  and 

Elizabeth  Eussell  of  S^  Olave,  Hart  street,  London 
July  10     AVilliam   Ligo   of  the   Parish  of  Aylesbury  in  the  County  of 

Bucks  and  Eebeccah  Scott  of  the  Parish  of  Uxbridge  in  the 

County  of  Middlesex 
Aug.  23     Thomas   Scott   of  the  Parish  of  Christ   Church,  London,  and 

Sarah   Poole   of  the  Parish   of  Kingston  in  the  County   of 

Sep.    16     Andrew  Bushman  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Catharine  Cree  Church, 

London,  and  Catharine  Shelly  of  the  same  Parish 
Oct.    11     AVilliam  Cave  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Giles,  Cripplegate,  Loudon, 

and  Anne  Hayward  of  the  same  Parish 
Dec.   20     William  Batt  of  S*  Mary  Magdalen,  Bermondsey,  in  the  County 

of  Surrey,  and  Anna  Axford  of  S'  John,  Southwark,  in  the 

same  County 
Jan.     3     Francis   Wheatly    of    the    Parish   of    S'   Saviour,    Southwark, 

in   the  County   of   Surrey,   and   Mary   Dunce   of  the  same 

29     Joseph  Hurst  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Mary,  "Whitechappel,  in  the 

County  of  Middlesex,  and  Jane  Kirk  of  the  same  Parish 
Peb.  28     John  Higham  Gresham  of  the  Parish  of  Christ  Church,  London, 

and   Susanna  Teeme  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Sepulchre  in  the 

County  of  Middlesex 

1738  May  23     Nathaniel  Lawes  of   the  Parish  of  S'  John,  Wapping,  in  the 

County  of  Middlesex,  and  Elizabeth  Hayward  of  Fenchurch 
Street,  London 
„      23     "William  Oxley  of  Bulingworth  in  the  County  of  Essex   and 
Catherine  White  of  the  same 
June    8     Caesar  Lewis  of  the  Parish  of  S'  George,  Hannover  Square,  in  the 
County  of  Middlesex,  and  Mary  Snow  of  the  Parish  of  S' 
Stephen,  Coleman  Street,  London 
•  EicH^  BiscoE,  Rector 

„        8     Benjamin  Mansell  of  Wolverhampton  in  the  County  of  Stafford 
and  Mary  Dickenson  of  Ware  in  the  County  of  Hertford 
Sep.      3     Thomas  Denh.nm  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Andrew,  Holborn,   Lon- 
don, and  Elizabeth  Bowden  of  the   Parish   of   S*   Sepulcre, 

,,  11  George  Slaughter  of  the  Liberty  of  the  Hamlet  of  the  Tower  of 
London  and  Anna  Stevens  of  the  Parish  of  Wandsworth  in 
the  County  of  Surrey 

„      11     Thomas  Wood  of  the  Parish  of  S*  John,  Clerkenwell,  in  the 
County  of  Middlesex,  and  Elizabeth  Ball  of  the  same  Parish 
Oct.      2     James  Sogers  of  Rumford  in  the  County  of  Essex  and  Mar^ 
JBurton  of  Barking  in  the  same  County 


1738  Oct.    30     David  Porfar  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Martin  in  the  Fields  in  the 

County  of  Middlesex  and  Elizabeth  Green  of  the  Parish  of 

Kensington  in  the  aforesaid  County 
Dec.  27     Joseph  Cook  of  Txbridge  in  the  County  of  Middlesex  and  Lucy 

Froggatt  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Clement,  Eastcheap,  London 
Jan.      9     Lester  Harrison  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Thomas,  South wark,  in  the 

County  of  Surrey,  and  Eleanor  Goodhue  of  S'  Olave,  South- 

wark,  in  the  same  County 
Eeb.     3     John  Mercer  of  Uxbridge  in  the  Parish  of  Hillingdon  in  the 

County  of  Middlesex  and  Sarah  Hill  of  the  same  Parish 
„        6     Joseph  Collet  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Miles,  Crooked  Lane,  London, 

and  Sarah  Morson  of  the  Parish  of  Tottenham  in  the  County 

of  Middlesex 
„      12     James  Wood  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Dunstan,  Stepney,  in  the  County 

of  Middlesex,  aud  Mary  Coney  of  the  same  Parish 
„      22     Joseph  Hill  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Paul,  Shadwell,  in  the  County  of 

Middlesex,  and  Christian  Hunter  of  the  Parish  of  S'  George 

in  the  said  County 
„      27     Thomas  Yeates  of  the  Parish  of  Barking  in  the  County  of  Essex 

and  Hannah  Lee  of  the  Parish  of  S'  George,  Southwark,  in  the 

County  of  Surrey 

EicH"  BiscoE,  Eector 

1739  May     5     William  Whitaker  of  the  Middle  Temple,   Esq"",  and  Isabella 

Rebecca  North  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Beunet  Pink,  London 
„      21     John  Clarke  of  Dagenham  in  the  County  of  Essex  and  Mary 

Wybert  of  L'pminster  in  the  said  County 
Aug.  28     William  Pedfearne  of  the  City  of  Exeter  and  Sarah  Bradburn 

of  the  City  of  AYinchester 
Dec.  21     John  Merrick  of  Isleworth  in  the  County  of  Middlesex  and 

Marianne  David  of  the  same  place 
Jan.    10     William  Smith  of  the  Liberty  of  Northern  Falgate  and  Mary 

Sale  of  the  Parish  of  S*^  Martin  Outwich,  London 

1740  April  12     James  Scott  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Martin  in  the  Fields  in  the 

County  of  Middlesex  and  Elizabeth  Scott  of  the  Parish  of 

Westham  in  the  County  of  Essex 
„      19     Thomas  Kedwards  of  the  Parish  of  Christ  Church  in  the  County 

of  Middlesex  and  Mary  Anderson  of  S*  Mary  Magdalen,  Ber- 

mondsey,  in  the  County  of  Surrey 
May   12     William  Mundy  of  the  Parish  of  Kingston  in  the  County  of 

Surry  and  Ann  Boxall  of  the  same  place 
„      18     John  Euth  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Botolph,  Aldgate,  and  Elizabeth 

Law  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich,  London 
A  ug.     7     John  Dawson  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Benoet,  Gracechurch,  London,  and 

Mary  Saul  of  the  Parish  of  Camberwell  in  the  County  of  Surry 
Nov.  27     Daniel   Adams  of  Walthamstow  in  the  County  of  Essex  and 

Mary  Jennings  of  Stratford  in  the  County  of  Middlesex 
Dec.     9     John  Twyman   of  the  Parish  of  S*  Catharine  near  the  Tower, 

London,  and  Mary  Kilham  of  the  same  Parish 
„      24     George  North  of  the  Inner  Temple,  Esq"",  and  Anna  Kent  of 

Lowth  in  the  County  of  Lincoln 
Jan.      8     Thomas  Oliver  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Mary  Magdalen,  Bermondsey, 

in  the  County  of  Surry,  and  Catharine  Cook  of  the  Parish  of 

S'  Andrew,  Holborn,  in  the  County  of  Middlesex 
„      13     Hellier  Lenfestey  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Giles  in  the  Fields  and 

Ann  Batwell  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Martin  Ouhvich,  London 

BiCH"*  BiscoE,  Eector 


1741  June    2     William  Steare  of  the  Parish  of  S*  .John  Baptist,  London,  and 

Mary  Searle  of  the  Parish  of  8'  Martin  Orgar,  London 
Feb.  25     Thomas  Allen  of  the  Parish  of  Woodford  in  the  County  of  Essex 
and  Mary  Grreengrass  of  the  Parish  of  Walthamstow  in  the 
said  County 

1742  Aug.     5     Eobert  Wharton  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Martin  Outwich,  London,  and 

Mary  Bozeley  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Mildred,  Poultry,  London 
Nov.  18     Abraham  Wilkinson   of  the   Parish  of   8*  Stephen,  Walbrook, 

London,  and  Elizabeth  Edwards  of  the  same  Parish 
„      29     John  Roe  of   the  Parish  of  S'  iSepulcre,  London,  and  Mary 

Lynton  of  the  same  Parish 
Jan.    21     Richard  Humberstone  of  the  Town  and  County  of  Hertford  and 

Sarah  Hased  of  Hartingford  Bury  in  the  County  of  Hertford 

1743  Mar.  27     Harry  Saint  John  Bell  of  the   Parish  of   Beaconsfield  in  the 

County  of  Bucks  and  Elizabeth  Hone  of  S*  James,  Clerken- 

well,  in  the  County  of  Middlesex 
June    5     A¥iiliam  Nash  of  the  Parish  of  S'   Olave,   Southwark,  in  the 

County  of  Surrey,  and  Ann  N orris  of  the  Parish  of  Barking 

in  the  County  of  Essex 
Oct.    11     AVilliam  Cleaver  of   the   Parish   of   S'  Dunstan  in   the   East, 

London,  and  Mary  Galton  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Thomas  the 

Apostle  in  Southwark 
Nov.     2     Adam  Hallan  of  the  Parish  of  S^  Gyles  in  the  Fields  in  the 

County  of  Middlesex  and  Isabella  Agar  in  the  Parish  of  S*' 

Stephen's,  near  Canterbury,  in  the  County  of  Kent 
Dec.     7     Robert  Tuck  of  Chippenham  in  the  County  of  Wilts  and  Jane 

Drew  of  Uxbridge  in  the  County  of  Middlesex 

Rich''  Biscoe,  Rector 

1744  April  18     Thomas  Petken  of  Great  Marlow  in  the  County  of  Bucks  and 

Anne  Stiles  of  the  same  place 
„      25     Edward  London  of  the  Parish  of  Kingston  upon  Thames  in  the 

County  of  Surry  and  Mary  Cock  of  the  same  place 
June  10     Joseph  Nokes  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Saviour,  Southwark,  in  the 

County  of  Surry,  and  Elizabeth   Wharton  of  the  Parish  of 

S'  Mary,  White  Chappel,  in  the  County  of  Middlesex 
,,      28     John  Atkins  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Mary,  White  Chappel,  in  the 

County  of   Middlesex,  Widower,  and   Mary  Stanton  of   the 

Parish  of  S*  Magnus  the  Martyr,  London,  Widow 
July     5     Theophilus  Clemmes  of  the  Parish  of  S'  James,  Westm"",  in  the 

County  of  Middlesex,  Batchelor,  and  Elizabeth  Dickinson  of 

the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  in  the  Fields  in  the  same  County, 

„      17     James  Hewlet  of  Hemelhempsted  in  the  County  of  Hertford, 

Widower,  and  Ann  Alexander  of  the  Parish  of  S^  Dunstan, 

Stepney,  in  the  County  of  Middlesex,  Widow 
Aug.  12     Joseph  Paickham  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Saviour,  SouthAvark,  in  the 

County  of  Surry,  Batchelor,  and   Elizabeth  Williams  of  the 

same  Parish,  spinster 

1745  Ma^  25     Thomas  Prokeby  [?  Rokeby]  of  Arthingworth  in  the  County  of 

Northampton,  Batchelor^  and  Elizabeth  Scott  of  the  Parish  of 

Westham  in  the  County  of  Essex,  Spinster 
July  18     Richard  Wyatt  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Swithen,  Loudon,  Batchelor, 

and   Elizabeth    Bankes   of   the   Parish   of   S'   John   Baptist, 

London,  Spinster 
Peb.   10     Samuel  Marriott  of  the  Parish  of  Stepney  in  the  County  of 

Middlesex,  Widower,  and    Isabella  Taylor  of  the  Parish  of 

S'  Martin  Outwich,  London,  Widow 


1745  Mar.  —    "William  Hammond  of  Deal  in  the  County  of  Kent,  Batchelor, 

and  Joanna  Preeman  of  Margate  in  the  County  aforesaid, 

1746  May  —     John  Easson  of  Rygate  in  the  County  of  Surry,  Batchelor,  and 

Mary  Sherring  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Thomas,  Southwark,  in  the 
County  of  Surry,  Spinster 

1747  April  23     Henry  Cowling  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Botolph's  by  Billingsgate, 

London,  AVidower,  and  Elizabeth  Jenkins  of  the  Parish  of 
Stratford  in  the  County  of  Essex,  Spinster 

May  16  John  Clarke,  Batchelor,  and  Elizabeth  Bland,  Spinster,  both  of 
the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich 

Sep.  22  James  Hatley  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Clement  Danes  in  the  County 
of  Middlesex,  Batchelor,  and  Mary  Cornwallis  of  the  Town  of 
Ipswich  in  the  County  of  Suffolk,  Spinster 

Nov.  15  John  Burgess  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Luke  in  the  County  of 
Middlesex,  Batchelor,  and  Margaret  Abbot  of  the  Parish  of 
S*  Mildred,  Bread  street,  London,  Spinster 

Jan.  23  Robert  Pearson  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Andrew,  Holborn,  London, 
Batchelor,  and  Mary  Freeman  of  the  same  Parish,  Widow 

EicH'>  BiscoE,  Eector 

Feb.  18  The  Reverend  John  Fisher,  Clerk,  of  the  Parish  of  Hampton  in 
the  County  of  Middlesex,  Batchelor,  and  Elizabeth  Laurens  of 
the  said  Parish  of  Hampton  in  the  said  County  of  Middlesex, 

Mar.  8  Matthew  Warner  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Michael,  Cornhill,  London, 
Batchelor,  and  Anne  Felton  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Martin 
Outwich,  London,  Spinster 

1748  April  30     Henry   Copland   of   the    Parish  of  S'  John   Zachary,  London, 

Widower,  and  Elizabeth  Rabald  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Martin 

Outwich,  London,  Spinster 
May  22     Thomas  Smith  of  the  City  of  Salisbury  in  the  County  of  Wilts, 

Widower,  and  Grace  Heskett  of  the  same  place,  Widow 
Sep.    10     John  Groodman  of  the  Parish  of  Camberwell  in  the  County  of 

Surry,  AVidoA^er,  and  Anna  Bumpstead  of  the  same  Parish, 

Widow,  by  Licence  ;  by  N.  Fayting 

[In  margin:  N(icholas)  F(ajting),  Rec'',  July  12.— En.] 

„  22  Daniel  Silvester  of  Northwhale  in  the  County  of  Essex,  Widower, 
and  Sarah  Ride  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Olave's,  Southwark,  in  the 
County  of  Surry,  Spinster,  by  Licence;  by  N.  Fayting 

Nov.  17  Tho^  Mason  of  the  Parish  of  S'  I>eonard,  Shoreditch,  in  the 
County  of  Middlesex,  Batchelor,  and  Mary  Buckle  of  the  same 
Parish,  Spinster  ;  by  N.  Fayting 

Dec.  6  Benj"  Porter  of  WandsAvorth  in  the  County  of  Surry,  Batchelor, 
and  Elizabeth  Jomas  of  the  same  Parish,  Spinster,  by  Licence ; 
by  the  Kev^i  M''  Allison 

Jan.  14  MattheAv  Hammond  of  the  Parish  of  Wandsworth  in  the  County 
of  Surry,  Widower,  and  Sarah  Cobham  of  the  same  Parish, 
Widow,  by  Licence ;  by  the  Rev''  M''  Allison 

Nic^  Faytij^g,  Rector 

1749  Mar.  29     James  Kier  of  the  Parish  of  Putney  in  the  County  of  Surry, 

Batchelor,  and  Elizabeth  Wright  of  the  same  Parish,  Spinster, 
w'-^i  Licence  ;  by  the  Rev*!  M''  x^llison 
Aug.  31     S""  Henry  Tempest  of  Tong  in  the  County  of  York,  Baronet, 
Batchelor,  and  Mary  Holmes  of  Wigston  Magna  in  the  County 
of  Leicester,  Spinster,  w^^^  Licence  ;  by  N.  Fayting 


1749  Oct.    28     Eob*  M^Gachen  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Martin  Outvrich,  London, 

and  Priscilla  Eead  of  the  same  Parish,  Spinster ;  by  N.  Payting 
Dec.   21     John  Walthoe  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Christopher  Le  Stocks,  London, 
"Widower,  and  Sarah  Penkethman  of  the  same  Parish,  Spinster, 
w*^  Licence ;  by  N.  Fay  ting 

1750  April  19     Humphry   Webb   of   Wandsworth    in    the    County   of   Surry, 

Widower,  and  Margaret  Lardner  of  the  same  place.  Widow, 

w'^'  Licence  ;  by  the  Eev^  M'^  Allison 
May     1     Daniel  Paget  of  the   Parish   of   X*  Church  in  the  County  of 

Middlesex,  Widower,  and  Rebecca  Powell  of  the  same  Parish, 

Spinster,  w*^  Licence ;  by  N.  Fayting 
„      20     Charles  Jewson  of  the  Parish  of  Allhallows,  Breadstreet,  London, 

Batchelor,  and  Fiances  Gosling  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Botolph, 

Bishopsgate,  London,  Spinster,  ^dth  Licence ;  by  N.  Fayting 
Sep.    20     William    Bryant  of  the  Parish  of  Chiswick  in  the  County  of 

Middlesex,  Widdower,  and   Sarah    Berney  of   the  Parish  of 

S*   Leonard,  Eastcheap,  London,  Spinster,  w*^   Licence;   by 

N.  Fayting 

Nic^  Fatting,  Rector 

„  20  Henry  Wimbush  of  Wandsworth  in  the  County  of  Surry, 
Batchelor,  and  Mary  Oatridge  of  the  same  Parish,  Spinster, 
w*''  Licence ;  by  the  Rev''  M""  Allison 

Nov.  3  George  Fayting  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich,  London, 
Batchelor,  and  Elizabeth  Hewitt  of  Stoke  Newington  in  the 
County  of  Middlesex,  Spinster,  w^^  Licence  ;  by  Nic* 
„  17  John  Butt  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Mary,  White  Chapel,  in  the 
County  of  Middlesex,  Widower,  and  Ann  Watson  of  East 
Ham  in  the  County  of  Essex,  Widow,  w***  Licence ;  by  Nic' 

Jan.  19  William  Wright  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Christopher,  London, 
Batclielor,  and  Mary  Davies  of  the  Parish  of  S'  George, 
Hanover  Square,  in  the  County  of  Middlesex,  Spinster,  with 
Licence ;  by  Nic^  Fayting 

Mar.  21  Edward  Brent.  Junior,  of  the  Pariah  of  S'  John,  Southwark,  in 
the  County  of  Surry,  Batchelor,  and  Anne  Pope  of  the  Parish 
of  S'  Mary  Magdalen,  Bermondsey,  in  the  aforesaid  County, 
Spinster,  w^^  Licence;  by  Nic^  Fayting 

1751  April  11     AVilliam    Allison    of   Wandsworth    in    the    County   of    Surry, 

Batchelor,  and  Ann  Maripal  of  the  Parish  of  Twickenham  in 

the  County  of  Middlesex,  Spinster,  w*''  Licence  ;  by  the  Rev"^ 

Mr  Reay 
July     5     Thomas    Palmer   of   the    Parish   of    Heston   in  the  County  of 

Middlesex,  Batchelor,  and  Mary  Baker  of  Isleworth  in  the 

same  County,  Spinster,  w*''  Licence  ;  by  Nic*  Fayting 
Aug.  16     James  Barnard  of  Chislehurst  in  the  County  of  Kent,  Batchelor, 

and  Ann  Stephenson  of  the  same  Parish,  Spinster,  w**"  Licence  ; 

by  the  Rev''  M"^  Canham 
Oct.    21     Edward   Higgs   of   the    Parish   of  S'  Luke   in   the    County  of 

Middlesex,   Batchelor,    and   Mary   Wools   of   the   Parish    of 

S'  Leonard,  Shoreditch,  Spinster,  with  Licence  ;   by  the  Rev"! 

M""  Canham 

Nic^  Fatting,  Rector 

Nov.  12  Jasper  Clarke  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Buttolph,  Aldgate,  in  the 
County  of  Middlesex,  Batchelor,  and  Elizabeth  Green  of  the 
Parish  of  S*  John  at  Hackney  in  the  same  County,  Spinster, 
w'^  Licence  ;  by  the  Rev'^  M""  Lewis 


1751  Nov.  12     John  Knight   of  the  Parish  of   S*  Michael,  Cornhill,  London, 

Widower,  and  Sarah  Verchild  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Dunstan, 
Stepney,  in  the  County  of  Middlesex,  "Widow,  w<''  Licence  ;  by 
N.  Payting,  Eector 

1752  Peb.     3     Benjamin   Grove  of  the   Parish  of  S'  Mildred  in  the  Poultry, 

Batchelor,  and  Margery  Wilkinson  of  the  same  Parish,  Spinster, 
by  Licence;  by  Nic^  Fayting,  Eector 
„  8  William  Ward  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Saviour,  Southwarke,  in  the 
County  of  Surrey,  Batchelor,  and  Eebecca  Saunders  of  Lam- 
beth in  the  same  County,  Spinster,  w""  a  Licence ;  by  Nic* 
Pay  ting 

Mar.  17  John  Arthur  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Anne,  Westminster,  in  the 
County  of  Middlesex,  Widower,  and  Hannah  Snelling  of  the 
Parish  of  S*  Augustin,  London,  Spinster,  w'^  a  Licence ;  by 
Nic^  Payting 
„  28  George  Bristow  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich,  Batchelor, 
and  Eliza  Maria  North  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Bennet  Pink, 
London,  Spinster,  w*^  a  Licence  ;  by  Nic^  Payting 

April  22  Maskall  Brocklesby  of  Wandsworth  in  the  County  of  Surry, 
Widower,  and  Ann  Jeifery  of  the  same  place.  Widow,  w*''  a 
Licence  ;  by  the  Eev''  M""  Allison 

May  10  Samuel  Bird  of  the  Parish  of  S''  Luke  in  the  County  of  Middlesex, 
Batchelor,  and  Jane  Gay  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Martin  Outwich, 
London,  Spinster,  a  Minor,  w'^  a  Licence ;  by  Nic^  Payting 

Nic*  Patting,  Eector 

June  20     William  Lardner  of  the  Parish  of  Wandsworth  in  the  County  of 

Surry,  Widower,  and  Lucy  White  of  the  Parish  of  Teddington 

in  the  County  of  Middlesex,  Spinster,  w^''  Licence ;  by  the 

Eev''  M''  Allison 
Aug.  10     Israel  Wilkes  of  the  Parish  of  S*  James,  Clerkenwell,  in  the 

County   of   Middlesex,    Esq.,    Batchelor,    and    Elizabeth   De 

Ponthieu  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Mildred,  Bread  Street,  London, 

Spinster ;  w"'  Licence 
Nov.  10     John   Pritchard   of   the   Parish   of  S'  Margaret,  Westminster, 

in    the     County    of    Middlesex,    Batchelor,    and    Margaret 

Patridge    [?  Partridge]    of    the    same   Parish,    Spinster ;    by 

„      20     William    Stevens    of   Wandsworth  in    the   County   of    Surry, 

Widower,  and  Ann  North  of  the  same  Parish,  Widow;    by 

„      20     Eichard  Stables  of  Wandsworth  in  the  County  of  Surry,  Widower, 

and  Alice  Legger  of  Eichmond  in  the  same  County,  Widow  ; 

by  Licence 
Dec.     3     James  Maile  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Peter,  Cornhill,  in  London, 

Batchelor,  and  Mary  Wheeler  of  the  same  Parish,  Spinster ; 

by  Licence 

1753  Feb.   14     John  Alexander  Menuret  of  the  Parish  of  S^  Hellen,  London, 

Merch',   Batchelor,  and  Elizabeth  Paure  of  the  Parish  of  S' 

Mildred,  Bread  Street,  London,  Spinster ;  by  Licence 
„      21     William  Brooks  of  Poulton  in  the  County  of  Wilts,  Widower, 

and  Elizabeth  Howarth  of  Hackney  in  the  County  of  Middlesex, 

Widow  ;  by  Licence 
Mar.     6     John  Nelson  of  the  Parish  of  Wandsworth  in  the  County  of 

Surry,  Batchelor,  and  Anne  Budd  of  the  same  Parish,  Spinster ; 

by  Licence 
May  10     John  Petor  of  Wandsworth  in  the  County  of  Surry,  Widower, 

^.nd  Anpe  Barrett  of  the  same  place,  Spinster ;  by  Licence 


1753  May   15     Nicholas  Bro^vue  of  Gray's  luii  in  the  County  of  Middlesex, 

Batchelor,  and  Margaret  Howes  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Andrew, 
Holborn,  in  the  same  County,  Spinster 

Nic^  Fatting,  Rector 

Sep.    16     John  Moore  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Botolph,  Bishopsgate,  London, 

Batchelor,  and  Jemima  Xewland  of  the  same  Parish,  Spiuster ; 

w'*'  Licence 
Oct.    14     Joseph   Eanger   of   the  Parish  of  S'  John,  Southwark,  in   the 

County  of  Surry,  Batchelor,  and  Mary  Boag  of  the  same  Parish, 

Spinster ;  by  Licence 

1754  .Tan.      8     Robert  G-riffin  of  the  Parish  of  S^  Thomas  the  Apostle,  London, 

Batchelor,  and  Elizabeth  Eussell  of  Crondoll  in  the  County  of 

Southampton,  Spinster  ;  w^*'  Licence 
„      24     Joseph  Merrey  of  the  Parisli  of  S'  Saviour,  Southwark,  in  the 

Count)'  of  Surry,   Batchelor,  and  Amy  Porter  of  the  same 

Parish,  Spinster  ;  by  Licence 
Feb.   14     Richard  Hutchinson  of  tlie  Parish  of  Holywell  in  the  City  of 

Oxford,   Batchelor,  and  Mary  Hill  of  the  Parish  of   Christ 

Church  ill  the  County  of  Middlesex,  Spinster;  w*''  Licence 
Mar.  10     .James  Massingham  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Peter,  Cornhill,  London, 

Batchelor,  and  Mary  Sackett  of  the  same  Parish,  Spinster; 

by  Licence 
„      23     James  Fearn  of  Kichuiond  in  the  County  of  Surry,  Batchelor,  and 

Mary  Barker  of  Wandsworth  in  the  County  aforesaid.  Spinster  ; 

by  Licence 

[This  is  the  last  entry  in  Register  I. — Ed.] 


[Mabeiages,  1754,  August  30,  to  1812,  Novembek  25.] 

Memobandum. — In  Register  II.  are  several  entries  of  Banns  of  Marriage  from 
1755  to  1776. 

The  Entries  have  been  carefully  checked  with  the  register  of  Marriages,  and 
are  identified  with  a  ||  on  pp.  73  to  77. 

The  following  entries  do  not  appear  in  the  Register  of  Marriages,  and  are 
therefore  set  out  as  follows  :  —  Editoe. 

1762-3  Dec.  The  Banns  of  Marriage  were  publish'd  in  this  Church  between 

Jan.  John  Griffiths,  Batchelor,  and  Hannah  Barker,  Spinster,  both 

of  this  Parish,  on  three  several  Sundays,  viz',  the  nineteenth 
,  >     and  twenty-sixth  of  December  and  on  the  second  of  January, 
by  me,  Nic*  Fayting,  Bector 
1765     Sep.  The  Banns  of  Marriage  were  publish'd  in  this  Church  between 

John  Godwin  of  this  Parish,  Batchelor,  and  Charity  Turner  of 
the  Parish  of  S'  Andrew,  Holborn,  Spinster,  on  three  several 
Sundays,  viz*,  the  eighth,  the  fifteenth,  and  the  twenty-second 
of  September,  by  me,  Nic^  Fayting,  Rector 
1775     April  John  Bates,  Batchelor,  and  Sarah  How,  Spinster,  both  of  this 

May  Parish,  for  whom  the  Banns  of  Marriage  were  publish'd  in 

June  26  this  Church  on  tlie  three  following  Sundays,  viz*,  April  30"', 
May  the  7*^  and  14'^,  were  married  the  twenty-sixth  Day  of 
June  by  me,  Njcs  Fatting,  Eector 

This  Marriage  was      f  Jn°  Bates 
solemnized  between  us  \  Sarah  How 

III  the  Presence  of  us  Witnesses'!  -.  f    ulr]  °       ^^^     ^  ^^ 


1771     Mar.  The  Banns  o£  Marriage  having  been  publish'd  in  this  Church 

1775  Dec.     9         and  the  same  having  been   likewise  publish'd  in  tS*  Luke's, 

Middlesex,  on  three  several  Sundays,  viz',  the  third,  tenth,  and 
seventeenth  of  JMarch  1771,  the  Parties  above  were  married  on 
December  the  nineth,  one  thousand  seven  hundred  and  seventy, 
five,  by  me, 

Nic*  Fattixg,  Eector 

This  Marriage  was      f  Joseph  Emly  [?  Erby] 
solemnized  between  us  \  Ann  Sellom 

In  the  presence  of  us  Witnesses  {  t  -l    tt  it 

1776  Nov.  The  Banns  of  Marriage  were  publish'd  on  three  several  Sundays, 

viz',  the  tenth,  seventeenth,  and  tAventy-fourth  of  November, 
between  James  Eeeves,  Batchelor,  and  Mary  Merchant,  Spin- 
ster, both  of  this  Parish,  and  no  Impediment  alledg'd.  Wit- 
ness my  Hand, 

N.  Fatting,  Eector 


1754t  Aug.  30  Daniel  La  Verge  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich,  London, 
Widower,  and  Jane  LeeJ  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Mathew,  Bethnal 
Green,  in  the  County  of  Middlesex,  Widow,  were  married  in 
this  Church  by  Licence  this  thirtieth  Day  of  August  in  the 
Tear  one  Thousand  seven  Hundred  and  fifty  four  by  me 

WiLFEiD  Clarke,  Curate  of  S'  Barth"^  Exchange 

This  Marriage  was     f  Daniel  La  Verge 
solemnized  between  us  \  Jane  La  Verge 

T    ,,     x>  if  Michael  Weaver 

In  the  Presence  or  <  -rj-  n     ir 

1755     April  27     William  Williams  of  the  Parish  of  S'  John,  Wapping,  in  the 

County  of  Middlesex,  Widower,  and  Ann  Bott  of  the  Parish 
of  S'  Martin  Outwich,  London,  Spinster ;  by  Licence.  Nic' 
Eayting,  M.A.,  Eector  of  this  Parish.  Witnesses  :  Thomas 
Sherring,  May  Janney 

May  12  John  Grimes,*  Batchelor,  and  Elizabeth  Seath,  Widow,  both  of 
the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich,  London ;  by  Licence. 
Wilfrid  Clarke,  Curate  of  S'  Barth'*^  Exchange.  Witnesses  : 
Eichard  Moneyman,  Henry  Gwillim 

Nov.  5  John  Eutledge  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Andrew  in  Holborn  and  Anne 
Hughes*  of  this  Parish;  by  Banns. ||  N.  Fayting,  Eector. 
Witnesses  :  James  Davis,  Sarah  Clapham 
„  27  Ferdinando  Harrisson  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Martin  Outwich, 
London,  Batchelor,  and  Jane  Morris  of  the  same  Parish, 
Spinster;  by  Licence.  Nic^  Fayting,  Eector.  Witnesses: 
John  Grimes,  Henry  G^AoUim 

t  The  entries  of  marriages  from  lys-i  have  been  somewhat  shortened  from  the  long  printed 
form  then  introduced  by  omitting  most  of  the  printed  portion  after  the  first  entry,  which  is  given 
in  full.  The  names  of  the  witnesses  are  always  given,  and  any  discrepancies  in  the  signatures  of 
the  contracting  parties  noticed. — Editob.] 

^  Signed  La  Verge.  *  Signed  by  mark.  ||  See  Mem.  on  p.  72. — Ed. 



1756  Jan.     4     EicLard   Potts   of   the   Liberty   of  the  Tower,  Batchelor,  and 

Batlisheba    Lloyd*    of    this   Parish,    Spinster;    by   Banns. || 

N.    Fay  ting,    Eector.      Witnesses:    Ann   Wheatle,    Charles 

June  30     Benjamin  Francis  Houssemayne  Du  Boulay,  Clerk,  of  the  Parish 

of  S'  Hellen,  London,  Batchelor,  and  Louisa  Lamotte  of  the 

Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich,  London,  Spinster ;  by  Licence. 

Wilfrid  Clarke,  Curate  of  S"^  Barth'^'  Exch.    Witnesses  :  Samuel 

Manzy,  J°  Lagier  Lamotte 
Sep.    27     William   Johnson   of   the   Parish   of  S*  Botolph,  Bishopsgate, 

Batchelor,  and  Mary  Oliver  of  this  Parish,  Widow  ;  by  Banus.|| 

N.  Faytiug,  Hector.     Witnesses :    AVilliam  Maxfield,  Henry 

^ov.  28     John  Gay  of  the  Parish  of  S^  Martin  Outwich,  London,  Batchelor, 

and  Martha  Ball  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Luke  in  the  County  of 

Middlesex,  Spinster ;    by  Licence.     iS".  Fayting.     Witnesses  : 

Sam^  Bird,  Prudence  Clay 
Dee.     2     Alexander  Coggel  of  the  Precinct  of  S*   Katherine   near   the 

Tower,  Batchelor,  and  Christiana  Hay*  of  this  Parish,  Spinster ; 

by  Banns. II    ]N'ic^  Fayting,  Rector.    Witnesses  :  James  Coggel, 

Francis  Perins 

1757  June  16     George  Eivers  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Giles,  Cripplegate,  London, 

Batchelor,  and  Elizabeth  Maynard  of  this  Parish,  Spinster; 
by  Licence.  Xic^  Fayting,  Eector.  Witnesses:  James 
Hummerstone,  Catharine  Wood 
Aug.  11  John  Crisp  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich,  London,  Widower, 
and  Elizabeth  Elmsf  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Botolph,  Aldgate, 
in  the  County  of  Middlesex,  Widow ;  by  Licence.  Nic* 
Fayting,  Eector.  Witnesses  :  Burley  Jones,  Catherine 
Gebher  [?] 

1758  Jan.    12     Stevens  Totton  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Botolph,  Bishopsgate,  London, 

Batchelor,  and  Catharine  Wastell  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Martin 
Outwich,  London,  Spinster ;  by  Licence.  William  Totton. 
Witnesses  :  Audry  Wastell,  Thomas  Dimley 
July  16  HenryBristow*of  the  Parish  of  S' Sepulchre's,  London,  Batchelor, 
and  Mercy  Nicholas*  of  this  Parish,  Spinster;  by  Banns. || 
Nic^  Fayting,  Eector.  Witnesses :  Sam"  Smith,  Elizabeth 

1759  Jan.    23     JamesEokes*and  Alice  Falkner,  J  both  of  this  Parish;  by  Banns. || 

Nic^  Fayting,  Eector.  Witnesses :  the  Mark  of  Eobert 
Martin,  Hen""  Gwillim 
Sep.  28  Joseph  Munby  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Peter,  Coruhill,  in  London, 
Batchelor,  and  Elizabeth§  Danby  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin 
Outwich,  London,  Spinster ;  by  Licence.  Nic*  Fayting,  Eector. 
Witnesses  :  Sam'^  Smith,  Henf  Gwillim 

1760  „        9     George  AVyllie  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Out^\ach,  Batchelor, 

and  Mary  Tilbury  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Ann,  Westminster, 
Spinster  ;  by  Licence.  Samuel  Bishop,  Curate  of  S'  Mary 
Abchurch.  Witnesses  :  Hen''  Gwillim,  Mary  Asbury 
„  11  William  Blizard  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Mary,  Whitechapel,  in  the 
County  of  Middlesex,  Batchelor,  and' Elizabeth  Yandallum 
of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich,  London,  Widow ;  by 
Licence.  Nic*"  Fayting,  Eector.  Witnesses :  John  Dodson, 
Susan  Dodson 

*  Signed  by  mark.  f  Signed  Elmes.  J  Signed  Faulkner. 

§  Signed  Ela.  ||  See  Mem.  on  p.  72.— Ed, 


1761  Oct.    18     John  "Wilsher  of  tlie  Parish  of  S*  Margaret,  Lothburj,  London, 

Batchelor,  and  Ann  Duttou  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich, 
Spinster;  by  Licence.  Nich*  Fayting,  Eector.  Witnesses: 
Edw*"  Greorge,  Mary  Button 

1762  Jan.    19     Eichard  Springall  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Botolph,  Aldgate,  London, 

Batchelor,  and  Sarah  Bellis  of  tlie  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich, 
London,  Spinster;  by  Licence.  N.  Fayting,  Eector.  Wit- 
nesses :  Fanny  Fowler,  Phineas  Pateshall 

Feb.  1  James  Bishop,  Batchelor,  and  Elizabeth  Gordon,*  Spinster,  both 
of  this  Parish;  by  Banns.  II  Nic^  Fayting,  Eector.  Witnesses: 
Hen""  Gwillim,  Mary  Asbury 

Sep.  9  William  Skeen  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  John  Zachary,  London, 
Batchelor,  and  Ursula  Bidwell  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Martin 
Outwich,  London,  Spinster;  by  Licence.  Nic^  Fayting,  Eector. 
Witnesses  :  Eob'  Abercromby,  Eliz.  M'^Comb 

Oct.  2  Frederick  Maurer  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Botolph,  Bishopsgate, 
London,  Batchelor,  and  Susanna  Toletf  of  the  Parish  of  Saint 
Martin  ( )utwich,  London,  Spinster;  by  Licence.  J.  J.Majendie, 
Preb.  of  Sarum.     Witnesses  :  Tho*  Singleton,  John  Tolet 

1763  April  21     Isaac    Clarke   of   the   Parish   of   Isleworth   in   the    County  of 

Middlesex,  Batchelor,  and  Elizabeth  Smith  of  this  Parish, 
Spinster;  by  Banns. ||  Nic^  Fayting,  Eector.  Witnesses: 
Tho'  Mallett,  Hen""  Gwillim 
May  12  S'"  Eobert  Clarke,  Baronet,  of  the*  Parish  of  Saint  Martin  Out- 
wich, London,  Batchelor,  and  Elizabeth  Littell  of  the  Parish 
of  Saint  Mary  Aldermary,  London,  Spinster  ;  by  Licence. 
Nic^  Fayting,  Eector.  Witnesses  :  Joseph  Leeds,  George 

1764  Feb.   26     PeterJ  William  John  Facon  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Martin  Out- 

wich,  London,   Batchelor,  and  Elizabeth  Goodchild*  of  the 

Parish   of   Saint    Giles,   Cripplegate,    London,    Spinster ;    by 

Licence.    Nic^  Fayting,  Eector.  Witnesses :  Sam'  Sacheverell, 

Hen'  Gwillim 
April  22     Abraham  Daniel  Burnand  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Martin  Out-\dch, 

London,  Batchelor,  and  Elizabeth  Mercier  of  the  Parish  of 

Saint  Luke,  Chelsea,  in  the  County  of  Middlesex,  Spinster; 

by  Licence.   Nic^  Fayting,  Eector.  Witnesses :  Peter  Mercier, 

Hen''  Gwillim 
July   11     William  Taylor,  Widower,  and  Euth  Aiding,  Spinster,  both  of 

this  Parish;  by  Banns. ||     Nic®  Fayting,  Eector.     Witnesses: 

Fard"  Harrison,  Hen''  G\villim 

1765  Jan.   27     Thomas  Granger,  Batchelor,  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Mary  Abchurch, 

and  Jane  Burton  of  this  Parish,  Spinster;  by  Banns. ||  Nic' 
Fayting,  Eector.  Witnesses:  James  Harris,  Mary  DrcAv 
Aug.  29  Samuel  Smith  of  the  Parish  of  Allhallows  in  Lombard  Street, 
I/ondon,  Batchelor,  and  Mary  Grose  of  the  Parish  of  Saint 
Martin  Outwich,  London,  Spinster;  by  Licence.  N.  Fayting, 
Eector.     Witnesses  :  Edw''  Grose,  jS'ash  Grose 

1766  May     6     John  Bellis  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  John,  Hackney,  in  the  County 

of  Middlesex,  Batchelor,  and  Elizabeth  Holly  of  the  Parish  of 
Saint  Martin  Outwich,  Spinster;  by  Licence.  N.  Fayting, 
Eector.  Witnesses :  Mary  Bellis,  Eichard  Springall 
Oct.  29  Edward  Garrett  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich,  London, 
Batchelor,  and  Mary  Linton  of  the  same  Parish,  Spinster  ; 
by  Licence.  N.  Fayting,  Eector.  Witnesses :  Will"'  Mansell, 
Eliz.  Kynaston 

*  Signed  by  mark.        f  Signed  Maurer.        J  Signed  Petre.        |1  See  Mem.  on  p.  72. — Ed. 


1767     April   9     Henry  Grey,  Batchelor,  and  Anu  Onyon,  Spinster,  both  of  this 

Parish ;  by  Licence.  Nic^  Eayting,  Eector.  Witnesses  : 
Will™  Eoutledge,  Hen""  Grwillim 
„  28  Eichard  Chaleuer  of  the  Parish  of  Barnes  in  the  County  of 
Surry,  "Widower,  and  Sarah  Scholey  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Martin 
Outwich,  Loudon,  Spinster ;  by  Licence.  Nic*  Fay  ting, 
Eector.  Witnesses  :  Beiij"  Eyre,  Ann  Eyre 
Oct.  25  John  Gibson  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Martin  Outwich,  London, 
Batchelor,  and  Mary  Thomas  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Andrew 
TJndershaft,  London,  Spinster ;  by  Licence.  Nic'  Fayting, 
Eector.     Witnesses :  Ann  Alchorne,  W'"  Alchorne 

1768  April  14     Thomas  Morson,  Esquire,  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Martin  Out^^dch, 

Loiidou,  a  Batchelor,  and  Margaret  Clare  of  Eichmond  in  the 
County  of  Surry,  Spinster ;  by  Licence.  Nic*  Fayting,  Eector. 
Witnesses:  T.  L.  Barbauld,  Kich''  Morson 

June  2  William  Lardncr  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich,  Widower, 
and  Elizabeth  Bullock  of  Stan  well  in  the  County  of  Middlesex  ; 
by  Licence.  William  Allison,  Vicar  of  Wandsworth  in  Surry. 
Witnesses  :  James  Hodges,  John  Bullock 

Dec.  11  John  Lewis  Andre  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Martin  Outwich,  London, 
Batchelor,  and  Mary  Drury  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Alban,  Wood- 
street,  S])iuster,  a  5linor,  w'^'  consent  of  Parents ;  by  Licence. 
Nicholas  Fayting,  Eector.     Witnesses:  D.  Urury,  W'"  Drury 

1769  Mar.  28     Thomas  OakSey  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Martin  Outwich,  London, 

Batchelor,  and  Mary  Jennings  Cox  of  the  Parish  of  Saint 
Botolph,Bishopsgate,  London,  Spinster;  by  Licence.  Nicholas 
Fayting,  Eector.     Witnesses:  Charles  Cox,  Charles  Mickloe 

April  6  Henry  Lowth  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Martin  Outwich,  London, 
Batchelor,  and  Elizabeth  Bellis  of  the  same  Parish,  Spinster; 
by  Licence.  Nic*  Fay  ting,  Eector.  Witnesses :  Mary  Esdaile, 
Peter  Esdaile 

Aug.  12  William  Welbank  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Martin  Outwich, 
London,  Batchelor,  and  Mary  Amory  of  the  Parish  of  Saint 
Olave  in  the  Old  Jewry,  Loudon,  Spinster ;  by  Licence.  Nic' 
Fayting,  Eector.  Witnesses  :  Thorn*  Amory,  Sam'  Amory 
„  28  John  Marshall  of  the  Parish  of  West  Ham  in  the  County  of 
Essex,  Widower,  and  Elizabeth  Guest  of  the  Parish  of  Saint 
Martin  Outwich,  Loudon,  Widow  ;  by  Licence.  Nic*  Fayting, 
Eector.     Witnesses  :  Step"  Hawding,  .John  Merry 

Sep.  9  John  Hankey,  Esq.,  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Martin  OutAvich, 
Loudon,  Batchelor,  and  Elizabeth  Thomson  of  the  Parish  of 
Saint  Peter  Le  Poor,  Spinster,  a  Minor,  by  and  w^^'  the 
consent  of  her  Father ;  by  Licence.  Nic'  Fayting,  Eector. 
Witnesses  :  And.  Thomson,  Thomas  Hankey,  L.  Simond 

Oct.  12  AVilliam  Nunn  of  the  Parish  of  Barkway  in  the  County  of 
Hertford,  Batchelor,  and  Elizabeth  Bottrell*  of  the  Parish  of 
Saint  Martin  Outwich,  London,  Spinster ;  by  Licence.  Nic* 
Fayting,  Eector.     Witnesses  :  Tlio*  Winter,  John  Hall 

Dec.  28  G-eorge  Almand  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Botolph,  Bishopsgate, 
London,  Batchelor,  and  Anne  Elsdon  of  this  Parish,  Spinster ; 
by  Banns.  II  Nic*  Fayting,  Eector.  Witnesses:  W™  Whitten- 
stall,  Eleanor  Elsdon 
„  31  Cornelius  Pain  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Luke  in  the  County  of 
Middlesex,  Widower,  and  Ann  Brown  of  the  Parish  of  Saint 
Martin  Outwich,  Spinster  ;  by  Licence.  Nic*  Fayting,  Eector. 
Witnesses :  James  Cooper,  Eebkah  Beckett 

*  Signed  by  mark.  ||  See  Mem.  on  p.  72. — Ed. 


1770  Feb.  13     Bobert  Ward  of  the  Parish  o£  S*  Philip  in  the  Town  of  Birmingham 

in  the  County  of  Warwick,  Batchelor,  and  Anne  Webb  of  the 
Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwach,  London,  Spinster,  a  Minor  ;  by 
Licence.  Will'"  Allison,  Vicar  of  Wandsworth.  Witnesses: 
Humpy  Webb,  William  Webb 
July  31  Joseph  Gregory  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  James,  Duke's  Place, 
London,  Batchelor,  and  Mary  Sacklield  of  the  Parish  of  Saint 
Martin  Outwich,  London,  Spinster ;  by  Licence.  Nic* 
Fayting,  Bector.     Witnesses  :  Will.  Dawson,  Ann  Almand 

1771  Feb.     5     Charies  Whaley,  Esq.,  of  the  Town  of  Colchester  in  the  County 

of  Essex,  Widower,  and  Eleanor  Wilkinson  of  the  Parish  of 
S*  Martin  Outwich,  London,  Spinster ;  by  Licence.  Xic' 
Fayting,  Eector.     Witnesses  :  Edw'^  George,  Mary  George 

April  9  Alexander  Champion  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Martin  Outwich, 
London,  a  Widower,  and  Sarah  Fuller  of  the  Parish  of  Saint 
Marv,  White  Chappie,  London,  a  Spinster;  by  Licence.  ]N'ic* 
Fayting,  Eector.     Witnesses:  Benj.  Champion,  J.  Mayo 

June  22  Samuel  Anderson  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Martin  Outwich,  London, 
Batchelor,  and  Mary  Hopkins  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Nicholas, 
Colchester,  in  the  County  of  Essex,  Spinster;  by  Licence. 
Nic*  Fayting,  Eector.  Witnesses:  Eliza  Maria  Broughton, 
Mary  Ann  Thomas 
„  25  Benjamin  Eherenstrom  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Martin  Outwich, 
London,  Batchelor,  and  Ajiu  Mfeller  of  Bur-y  S'  Edmmids  in 
the  County  of  Suffolk,  Spinster  ;  by  Licence.  N.  Fayting, 
Eector.     Witnesses:  John  HaU,  Eliz.  Griffith 

July  27  Isaac  AVillson  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Martin  Outwich,  London, 
Widower,  and  Mary  Eoberts*  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Giles, 
Cripplegate,  London,  Spinster;  by  Licence.  N.  Fayting, 
Eector.     Witnesses:  S.  Barrow  [?  Farrow^],  John  Hall 

Sep.  3  Edward  Hull  of  the  Parish  of  S'  George,  Hanover  Square, 
liatchelor,  and  Elizabeth  Snowdon  of  this  Parish,  Spinster; 
by  Banns.  II  Nic^  Fayting,  Eector.  AVitnesses :  AY.  Morris, 
William  Sanders 

Dec.  26  AVilliam  Eashdall  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Martin  Outwich, 
Bachelor,  and  Joanna  Thorpe  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Botolph, 
Aldgate,  Spinster;  by  Licence.  Nic*  Fayting,  Eector.  Wit- 
nesses :  Epb.  Miller,  Neh''  Stokes 

1772  Mar.  24     Thomas   Anthony  Jeukinsonf  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Leonard, 

Short  ditch,  in  the  County  of  Middlesex,  Batchelor,  and  Ann 
A'^ertue  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Martin  Outwich,  Loudon, 
Spin-<ter ;  by  Licence.  Nicholas  Fayting,  Eector.  AVitnesses  : 
Ph.  Nind,  Eich^'  Jenkenson 
Sep.  20  George  Hayne  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Olave,  Hart  Street,  London, 
a  Batchelor,  and  Charlotte  Beeves  of  the  Parish  of  Saint 
Martin  OutAvich,  London,  a  Spinster;  by  Licence.  Nicholas 
Fayting,  Eector.  Witnesses  :  Eubert  Thomlinson,  Alex"" 

1773  July     4     Thomas  AVood  of  the   Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich,   London, 

Batchelor,  and  Mary  Pickett  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Peter,  Corn- 
hill,  London,  Spinster,  by  I^icence.  Nicholas  Fayting,  Eector. 
Witnesses  :  John  Hall,  Eliz.  Griffith 
Sep.  23  John  Bray  of  Uxbridge  in  the  Cuunty  of  Middlesex,  a  Batchelor, 
and  Elizabeth  Oldham*  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Martin  Outwich, 
a  Spinster ;  by  Licence.  N.  Fayting,  Eector.  Witnesses  : 
John  Hall,  Eliz.  Griffith 

*  Signed  by  mark.  t  Signed  Jenkensou,  ||  See  Mem.  on  p.  72. — Ed. 


1774  Jan.    1       Edward  Eayner  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Martin  Outwich,  London, 

Widower,  and  Hannah  Bielby  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Mary, 
Whitecbapel,  in  the  County  of  Middlesex,  Widow ;  by  Licence. 
N.  Fay  ting,  Eector.     Witnesses  :  Ja*  Barnes,  John  Hall 

Feb.  8  Alexander  Champion,  Junior,  Esq.,  of  the  Parish  of  Saiut  Martin 
Outwich,  London,  Batchelor,  and  Ann  Piatt  of  the  Parish  of 
S'  Michael,  Cornhill,  London,  Spinster ;  by  Licence.  N.  Fayting, 
Hector.     Witnesses  :  Alex.  Champion,  John  Piatt 

Mar.  22  James  Francisf  of  the  Parish  of  Latton  in  the  County  of  Essex, 
Batchelor,  and  Mary  Nichols  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin 
Outwich,  London,  Spinster ;  by  Licence.  Samuel  Bishop, 
M.A.,  officiating  for  M''  Fayting.  Witnesses :  John  Hall, 
Elis.  Griffith 

May  12  Edmund  Bengough  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Martin  Outwich,  Loudon, 
Batchelor,  and  Ann  Morley  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Margaret, 
Westminster,  in  the  County  of  Middlesex,  Spinster ;  by  Licence. 
Nic^  Fayting,  lieetor.     Witnesses  :  Sarah  Blayne,  John  Hall 

1775  Mar.  20     John  Male  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Martin  Outwich,  Batchelor, 

and  Ann  Drummond  of  the  same  Parish,  Spinster  ;  by  Licence. 
Nic^  Fayting,  Hector.  Witnesses  :  G-eorge  Fearnley,  W"" 

April  25  James  Drysdale  of  the  Pai-ish  of  Edmonton  in  the  County  of 
Middlesex,  Batchelor,  and  Abigail  Level*  of  the  Parish  of 
S*  Martin  Outwich,  London,  Widow  ;  by  Licence.  Nic^ 
Fayting,  Hector.     Witnesses  :  John  Johnson,  John  Hall 

.Tune  15  Samuel  Sears,  Esq.,  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich,  London, 
Hacliclor,  and  Jane  Huttson  of  the  great  Salterns,  near  Ports- 
mouth, in  the  County  of  Southampton,  Spinster,  a  Minor,  by 
and  with  the  consent  of  William  Huttson,  the  natural  and 
lawful  Father  of  the  said  Jane  Huttsoji ;  by  Licence.  Edw*' 
Tinley,  Lecturer  of  Allhallows,  London  Wall.  Witnesses : 
Emma  Hayden,  W"^  Vanderstegen 

1776  Oct.    20     John    Price   of   the    Parish   of   Saint    Luke  in    the  County   of 

Middlesex,  Widovver,  and  Anne  Grove  of  the  Parish  of  Saint 
Martin  Outwich,  London,  Spinster ;  by  Licence.  Nic^  Fayting, 
Hector.     Witnesses:   William  Lock,  Sarah  Bateman 

,,  23  John  Hamilton  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich,  London, 
Esquire,  a  Widower,  and  Ann  Jones  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Andrew, 
Holbori),  Spinster  ;  by  Licence.  Nic^  Fayting,  Hector.  Wit- 
nesses :  Ann  Hutcher,  John  Brett 

„  29  Francis  Cooper  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Michael,  Crooked  Lane, 
London,  a  Batchelor,  and  Lucy  Yates  of  the  Parish  of  Saint 
Martin  Outwich,  London,  a  Spinster;  by  Licence.  N.  Fayting, 
Hector  of  the  Church.      Witnesses:  Jn°  Hennell,  Ann  Collett 

1777  Jan.    11     William  Yule  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  John,  Southwark,  in  the 

County  of  Surry,  Batceledor,  and  Jane  WillsonJ  of  the  Parish 
of  S^  Martin  ( )utwich,  London,  Spinster ;  by  Licence.  Nic* 
Fayting,  Hector.  Witnesses  :  William  Wilson,  A.  Bull 
May  24  Thomas  Bodenham  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Martin  Outwich, 
London,  a  Batchelor,  and  Mary  Hutchinson  of  the  same  Parish, 
a  Spinster ;  by  Licence.  N.  Fayting,  Hecf.  Witnesses  :  Daniel 
Hutchinson,  John  Hall 
,,  25  John  Wright  of  the  Parish  of  S*^  Mary,  Aldermaubury,  London, 
Batchelor,  and  Mary  Hogers  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin 
Outwich,  London,  Spinster  ;  by  Licence.  Nic^  Fayting,  Hec- 
tor.    Witnesses  :  Jacob  Booth,  Sarah  Row 

t  Sigued  Frauceis.  *  Signed  by  mark.  %  Signed  Jean  Wilson. 


1777  Oct.    15     Gilbert  Lacey  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Martin's  Outwdch,  London, 

Widower,  and  Ann  Manders  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Helen's, 
Loudon,  Spinster  ;  by  Licence.  John  Garnons,  Curate. 
Witnesses  :  Thomas  Skinner,  Margaret  Trevor 
Nov.  30  Thomas  Eogers  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich,  London, 
Batchelor,  and  Elizabeth  Sammie  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martiu 
Outwdch,  London,  Spinster ;  by  Licence.  John  Garnons, 
Curate.     Witnesses  :  John  Hall,  Griffiths  Elis. 

1778  Jan.   21     Charles  Steel  of  the  Parish  of  S'   Martin   Outwich,   London, 

Batchelor,  and  Mary  Betts*  of  Hutton  in  the  County  of  Essex, 
Spinster ;  by  Licence.  John  Garnons,  Curate.  Witnesses : 
John  Hall,  Eliz.  Griffiths 

Sep.  23  Andrew  Stanbara  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Martin  Outwich,  London, 
Batchelor,  and  Sarah  Franklin  of  this  Parish  also.  Widow  ; 
by  Banns.  John  Garnons,  Curate.  Witnesses:  W.  Eutland, 
John  Hall 

Oct.  11  James  Munday  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich,  London, 
Widower,  and  Ann  Eothera,*  Widow  ;  by  Banns.  John  Gar- 
nons, Curate.   Witnesses :  Walt'  Dresser  [? Prosser],Tho^  Asbey 

Nov.  16  Thomas  Hacker  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Out^vich,  Londou, 
AVidower,  and  Mary  Cullimore  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Mary,  Strat- 
ford, Bow,  in  the  County  of  Middlesex,  Widow  ;  by  Licence. 
John  Garnons,  Curate.     Witnesses :  John  Hall,  Eliz.  Griffiths 

1779  July   15     John  Durraut  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich,  Widower, 

and  Mary  Thomas*  of  the  Parish  of  Hornchurch  in  the  County 
of  Essex,  Widow  ;  by  Licence.  John  Garnons,  Curate.  Wit- 
nesses :  John  Hall,  Eliz.  Griffith 

1780  Aug.     5     John  Still  of  the  Parish  of  S*^  Mary,  Newington,  in  the  County 

of  Surry,  Widower,  and  Mary  Woodward  of  this  Parish, 
Spinster,  a  Minor;  by  Licence.  John  Garnons,  Curate. 
Witnesses :  Edw^  George,  Mary  George 
,,  2l!  James  Kidd  of  the  Parish  of  xlllhallows,  Barking,  London, 
Widower,  and  Kuth  Hornsby  of  this  Parish,  Widow ;  by  Licence. 
John  Garnons,  Curate.  Witnesses:  E.  Smerdon,  Hannah  Page 
Dec.  31  Edward  Jones,  Batchelor,  and  Sarah  Agan,*  Spinster,  both  of  this 
Parish.  John  Garnons,  Curate.  Witnesses:  John  Hall,  Eliz. 

1781  Feb.     7     George  Avirell  of  this  Parish,  Widower,  and  Ann  Cornford*  of 

this  Parish,  Widow ;    by   Licence.      John  Garnons,  Curate. 

Witnesses:  William  Vickery,  John  Hall 
„      22     Rees  Harris  of  this  Parish,  Batchelor,  and  Martha  Crathern  of 

the  Parish  of  S'  Leonard,  Shoreditch,  Spinster  ;    by  Licence. 

John  Garnons,  Curate.     Witnesses  :  E.  Lewis,  E.  Lewis 
May  18     Robert  Pateman  of  this  Parish,  Batchelor,  and  Sarah  Shephard* 

of  this  Parish,  Spinster  ;  by  Banns.     John  Garnons,  Curate. 

AVitnesses  :  Edward  Jones,  the  Mark  of  Edward  Stone 
July  15     John  Rogers  of  this  Parish,  Batchelor,  and  Elizabeth  Coleman 

of  the  Parish  of  S*  Paul,  Shad  well,  in  the  County  of  Middlesex, 

Spinster;   by  Licence.     John  Garnons,  Curate.     Witnesses: 

J.  Peisley,  Sarah  Peisley 
Sep.    23     John  Mackneal  of  this  Parish,  Batchelor,  and  Sarah  Ditchfield* 

of  this  Parish,  Spinster;  by  Banns.     John  Garnons,  Curate. 

AVitnesses  :  Tho^  Jones,  John  Hall 
Oct.    12     William  Thomas*  of  this  Parish,  Widower,  and  Esther  Minor  of 

this   Parish,  Widow ;    by    Banns.      John    Garnons,    Curate. 

Witnesses  :  John  Hall,  Jane  Hall 

*  Signed  by  mark. 


1782  .lau.      7     Joliu  Barker  of  this  Parish,  Batchelor,  and  Hannah  Pardon*  o£ 

this  Parish,  fSpiiister ;  by  Banns.  John  Garnons,  Curate. 
Witnesses  :  .John  Hall,  Eliz.  Griffiths 

Feb.  4  .John  Dell  Children,  Bachelor,  and  Ann  Wharton,*  Spinster, 
both  of  this  parish ;  bj  Banns.  Edw'^  Tinley,  Curate  of 
Barking.     Witnesses  :  .John  Hall,  Eliz.  Griffiths 

April  I  Thomas  Upjohn,  Bachelor,  and  Mary  Morgan,  Spinster,  both  of 
this  Parish ;  by  Bainis.  'Edw'^  Tinley,  Curate  of  Barking. 
Witnesses  :  James  Crow,  Edward  Upjohn 
„  0  John  Place  of  this  Parish,  Batchelor,  and  Ann  Davis  of  this 
Parish,  Spinster;  by  Banns.  John  Garnons,  Curate.  Wit- 
nesses :  Rich"^  Botley,  Sarah  Davies 

May  14  Eichard  Botly,  Bachelor,  and  Sarah  Davis,  Spinster,  both  of  this 
Parish ;  by  Licence.  Edw''  Tinley,  Minister.  Witnesses : 
John  Place,  Ann  Place 
„  21  Da^nd  Day  of  this  Parish,  Batchelor,  and  Ann  Stidilphf  of  this 
Parish,  Spinster ;  by  Banns.  John  Garnons,  Curate.  Wit- 
nesses :  .John  Hall,  Eliz.  Griffiths 

1783  Jan.    28     Thomas  Mills  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Temperance  Metcales* 

of  the  Parish  of  S*  Mary  le  Bone,  Middlesex,  Widow ;    by 

Licence.      John    Garnons.      Witnesses :     Thomas    Burrows, 

John  Hall 
„      28     Simon  Luxon  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Ann  Paddison  of  this 

Parish,    Spinster ;    by   Banns.     .John    Garnons.     Witnesses : 

John  Hall,  Eliz.  Griffiths 
A2)ril  22     Samuel  Wharton,  Bachelor,  and  Nancy  Smith  Crone,  Spinster, 

both  of  this  Parish  ;  by  Banns.     John  Garnons.     Witnesses  : 

John  Hall,  Eliz.  Griffiths 
Aug.  28     John  Starling  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Botolph,  Bishopgate,  Bachelor, 

and  Elizabeth  Bagshaw  of  this  Parish,  Spinster  ;  by  Licence. 

John  Garnons,  Curate  pro  hac  vice.     Witnesses :  Ben"  Ball, 

Eliz'**  Heans 

The  Payment  of  three  Pence  by  an  Act  of  Parliament  for  every  Marriage, 
Christening,  and  Burial  takes  Place  in  our  Register  from  this  Time. 

1783  Oct.    23     The  Rev''  Henry  Poole,  Clerk,  of  the  Parish  of  little  Stanmore 

in  the  County  of  Middlesex,  Widower,  and  Mary  Miller  of 
the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich,  London,  Spinster;  by 
Licence.  John  Strachey,  Archdeacon  of  Suffolk.  Witnesses  : 
Sarah  Carter,  John  Hall 

Inspected  &  Duty  received  to  the  Second  of  Jany  1784. — B.  Keene,  Regisf&Lispecf 

1784  Ai)rill2     Thomas  Marston  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Martin's  in  the  Fields  in 

the  County  of  Middlesex,  Widower,  and  Elizabeth  Jackson  of 
this  Parish,  Spinster ;  by  License.  .John  Garnons,  Curate  pro 
hac  vice.     AVitnesses  :  Jn°  Tommas,  Samuel  Jackson 

May  3  William  Davies  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Hannah  .Tepson  of 
the  Parish  of  S*  Mary  le  Bon  in  the  County  of  Middlesex, 
Spinster  ;  by  License.  .John  Garnons,  Curate  pro  hac  vice. 
Witnesses  :  Sarah  Foy,  Joseph  Pugh 
„  30  John  Pulman,  Bachelor,  and  Elizabeth  Payler,  Spinster,  both  of 
this  Parish  ;  by  Banns.  John  Garnons,  Curate  pro  hac  vice. 
Witnesses  :  Henry  Hughes,  Elizabeth  Doe  [?  Dee] 

July  20  Richard  Day,*  Bachelor,  and  Sarah  Allsop,*  Spinster,  both  of 
this  Parish  ;  by  Banns.  .John  Garnons,  Curate  pro.  Wit- 
nesses :  Sam'  Wharton,  John  Hall 

•  Signed  by  mark.  t  Signed  Stidolph. 


1784  July  26     Samuel  G-ibsonofChiswick  in  the  Couiaty  of  Middlesex,  Batchelor, 

and  Sarali  Knowlton  of  this  Parish,  Spinster,  a  Minor ;  by 
License,   with   consent  of   John  Knowlton  her  natural  and 
la^^'ful  father.    'W'"  Jameson,  Curate  pro  hac  vice.    Witnesses  : 
Mary  Stone,  Harry  Stoe,  ]Mary  Toms 
Inspected  &  Duty  received  to  Sep''  30'^^,  1781.— B.  Keene,  Eeg^'  &  Inspect'' 

Oct.  5  John  Venner,  Bachelor,  and  Sarah  Wharton,*  Spinster,  both  of 
this  Parish ;  by  Banns.  John  G-aruons,  Curate  pro  hac  vice. 
AVitnesses:  John  Hall,  Eliz.  Griffiths 
„  18  David  Swinscow,  Widower,  and  Mary  Champion,  Widow,  both 
of  this  Parish  ;  by  Banns.  John  G-arnons,  Curate  pro  hac 
vice.     Witnesses  :  John  Paley,  Melicent  Champion 

Inspected  &  Duty  receiv'd  to  Dec''  3PS  1784.— B.  Keen,  Eeg""  &  Inspec' 

1785  Jan.    11     James  &adson.  Widower,  and  Ann  Cowen,  Spinster,  both  of  this 

Parish ;    by  Banns.      John   Garnons,   Curate   pro   hac   vice. 

Witnesses  :  Tho^  Monds,  James  Johnston 
Feb.     7     Michael  Colyer,*  Bachelor,  and  Elizabeth  Venner,  Spinster,  both 

of  this  Parish  ;    by  Banns.      John  G-arnons,  Curate  pro  hac 

vice.     Witnesses :  John  Venner,  John  Hall 
Inspected  &  Duty  receiv'd  to  March  31^',  1785.— B.  Keene,  Eeg"^  &  Inspec'' 

June  G  John  Philip  Francklow,  Batchelor,  and  Sarah  Hepworth,  Spinster, 
both  of  this  Parish;  by  Banns.  John  Garnons,  Curate  pro 
hac  vice.  Witnesses :  Salome  Eachel  Lezeune,  Christoffer 
July  10  Eobert  Caruley  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich,  London, 
Batchelor,  and  Margaret  Dean  of  the  same  Parish,  Spinster; 
by  Licence.  N.  Fay  ting,  Eector.  Witnesses  :  Francis  Miller, 
Christain  Dean 

„  11  Ealph  Crone,  Batchelor,  and  Ann  AVeeks,*  Spinster,  both  of  this 
Parish ;  by  Banns  (publish'd  June  26*'',  July  3*^  and  the 
10*'').  jS".  Fayting,  Eector.  AVitnesses  :  Sam' AVharton,  Sarah 

„  12  David  Hughes,  Batchelor,  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Martin,  Ludgate, 
and  Mary  Hebditch,  Spinster,  of  this  Parish ;  by  Banns 
(publish'd  June  26"',  July  S''  and  10"').  N.  Fayting,  Eector. 
Witnesses  :  AVilliam  Jones,  Katherine  Jones 

„  16  The  Eeverend  Bartholomew  Lutley  Sclater  of  the  Parish  of 
S*  Mary,  Islington,  in  the  County  of  Middlesex,  Clerk,  a 
Batchelor,  and  Elizabeth  Eebecca  Bristow  of  S'  Martin 
Outwich,  London,  Spinster;  by  Licence.  X.  Fayting,  Eec- 
tor. AVitnesses :  Elizabeth  Adams,  Elizabeth  Harvey,  Geo. 
Sep.  13  Thomas  Arnold,  a  Bachelor,  and  Mary  Frost,  a  Spinster,  both  of 
this  Parish ;  by  Banns.  John  Garnons,  Curate  pro  hac  vice. 
Witnesses  :  John  Hall,  the  Mark  of  Margaret  Leek 

„      18     Eobert  Goodburn  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Andrew,  Holborn,  in  the 

County  of  Middlesex,  a  Bachelor,  and  Sarahf  Jeffres  of  this 

Parish,  Spinster ;  by  License.     John  Garnons,  Curate  pro  hac 

vice.     Witnesses  :  Jonathan  Hardy,  Salley  G-aswell 

Inspected  &  Duty  receiv'd  to  Sep''  30*^  1785. — B.  Keene,  Inspec' 

1786  Aug.  20     William  Cook,  a  Bachelor,  and  Frances  Crocker,  a  Spinster,  both 

of  this  Parish ;  by  Banns.     John  Garnons,  Officiating  Minister. 
Witnesses  :  Eichard  Palin,  Barbra  Hudson 

*  Signed  by  mark.  t  Signed  Sarh  Jeffres, 



1786  Sep.    26     William  Hazelgrove,  a  Widower,  and  .Jemima  Stringer,  a  Spinster, 

both  of  this  Parish  ;  by  License.  .Tohn  Garnons,  Officiating 
Minister.     "Witnesses  :  John  Hall,  Eliz.  Griffiths 

Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to  Sep''  30^1',  1786.— B.  K.,  Insp'' 

1787  Feb.     6     William  Wliarton,  Batchelor,  and  Mary  Young,*  Spinster,  both 

of  this  Parish  ;  by  Banns.  .John  Garnons,  Curate  pro  hac 
vice.     "Witnesses  :  John  Hall,  Eliz.  Griffiths 

Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to  March  31^',  1787.— B.  K.,  Insp' 

April  10     Eobert  Tarbox,  Batchelor,  and  Margaret  Show,  Spinster,  both  of 

this  Parish ;  by  Banns.     John  Garnons,  Curate  pro  hac  vice. 

Witnesses  :  Edward  Tarbox,  Mary  Hather 
May  27     Samuel  Jones,  Batchelor,  and  Ann  "Warden,  Spinster,  both  of 

this  Parish;  by  Banns.     .John  Garnons,  Curate  j)ro  hac  vice. 

Witnesses:  W'"  Nisbett,  John  Hall 
July  25     William  Pisher,  Widower,  and  Hannah  Thomas,  Widow,  both  of 

this  Parish  ;  by  Banns.     John  Garnons,  Curate  pro  hac  vice. 

Witnesses  :  Esther  Thomas,  .John  Hall 
„      30     Edmund  M'Kenna  of  this  Parish,  Batchelor,  and  Ann  Arnold  of 

the  Parish  of  S'  Clement  Danes  in  the  County  of  Middlesex, 

a  A¥idow ;    by  License.      John  Garnons.     Witnesses  :  AVill™ 

Kenshaw,  jun'',  William  Comins 
Sep.      2     .Joseph  Purser,  a  Batchelor,  and  Hannah  Marwick,  a  Spinster, 

both  of  this  Parish ;  by  Banns.     John  Garnons,  Curate  pro 

hac  vice.     Witnesses  :  John  Donne,  Rich''  Carter 

Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to  Sep-"  30*'',  1787.— B.  K.,  Insp"- 

March  21,  1788.— B.  K. 

1788  .July  .30     Daniel  Heather,*  a  Batchelor,  and  Ann  Garreat,  a  Spinster,  both 

of  this  Parish;  by  Banns.  .John  Garnons,  Curate  ])ro  hac 
vice.     Witnesses  :  Edward  Tarbox,  .John  Hall 

Inspected  So  Duty  paid  to  Sep'  30"',  1788.— B.  K.,  Insp'' 

Nov.  17  .John  Drewry  of  the  Parish  of  Ulceby  in  the  County  of  Lincoln, 
Bachelor,  and  Elizabethf  Small  of  this  Parish,  Spinster  ;  by 
License.  .John  Garnons,  Curate  pro  hac  vice.  Witnesses  : 
T.  Eigal,  John  Hall 

1789  Feb.     5     .John  Christian  of  this  Parish,  Widower,  and  Sarah  Saunder  of 

the  Parish  of  S*^  James,  Westminster,  a  Widow ;  by  License. 
John  Garnons,  Curate  pro  hac  vice.  Witnesses  :  William 
Humfrys,  Cuthbert  Potts 

2.  Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to  March  31^',  1789.— B.  K.,  Insp 
Sep--  30,  1789.— B.  K.     March  31^',  '90.— B.  K. 

1790  April    5     Ulrich  Ruegg  of  this  Parish,  Batchelor,  and  Sarah  Thornton  of 

this  Parish,  Spinster ;  by  Banns.  Samuel  Bishop,  Rector. 
Witnesses  :  James  IS'icolson,  Frances  Thornton 

Sep.  2  William  Coningham  of  this  Parish,  Batchelor,  and  Frances  Ann 
Horsfall  of  the  Parish  of  Greenwich  in  the  County  of  Kent, 
Spinster,  a  Minor,  by  consent  of  Christopher  Horsfall,  Esq., 
the  natural  and  lawful  Father  of  the  said  Frances  Ann ;  by 
Licence.  Samuel  Bishop,  Rector.  Witnesses  :  C  Horsfall, 
A.  Horsfall 

Oct.  25  John  Roberts,  Batchelor,  and  Mary  Hodsdon,  Spinster,  both  of 
the  Parish  of  S*  Martin  Outwich,  London  ;  by  Licence. 
Samuel  Bishop,  Rector.     Witnesses  :  M .  Jones,  John  Payne 

(3)  Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to  31«'  M^'  1791.— W.  Goodwin 
*  Signed  by  mark.  f  Signed  Ells"'. 



1791  Sep.    22     Heniy  Hunt,  Batchelor,  a  Minor,  and  Sarah   Springall  of  the 

Pariffh  of  S=  Martin  Our\\-ich,  Spinster;  by  Liceuce,  by  and 
with  the  consent  of  William  Hunt,  the  natural  Father  of  the 
said  Minor.  Samuel  Bishop,  Eector.  "Witnesses  :  Jn*^  Joachim, 
Mary  Joachim,  Thomas  Hunt 

Mar.  8.     T.  Baillie  up  to  30  Sep"- 1791 

Dec.  30  John  Eoberts,  Batchelor,  and  Eleanor  Cullimore,  both  of  the 
Parish  of  S^  Martin  Outwich,  London  ;  by  Banns.  Tho=  Clare, 
Minister.     "Witnesses  :  Tho^  Hacker,  John  Hall 

1792  Jan.      3     James   Hamond  of  the  Parish   of  Saint  Mary  Magdalen,  Milk 

Street,  London,  Bachelor,  and  Ann  Eutland  of  this  Parish  j 

by  Licence.     John  Eichardson,  A.B.,  Minister.     "Witnesses  : 

James  Hamond,  "W.  Eutland 
June    2     Nathaniel  Froy,  Batchelor,  and  Sarah  Thorn,*  Spinster,  both  of 

this  Parish  ;  by  Banns.     Samuel  Bishop,  Eector.     Witnesses  : 

Seth  W^ard,  Mary  Thorn 
Dec.   15     Samuel  Lancaster  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich,  Batchelor, 

and  Sarah  Peirce  of  the  Parish  of  S"^  Mary  at  Hill,  London, 

Spinster;  by  Licence.     Samuel  Bishop,  Eector.     Witnesses: 

John  Hall,  M.  Jones 
„      30     Thomas  Wild,   Bachelor,  and   Mary  Asken,    Spinster,  both  of 

the  Parish  of  S^  Martin  Oui\vich,  London,  by  Banns.     John 

James  Frehnlicque,  Officiating  Minister.     Witnesses:  James 

Lihvall,  Christopher  Wild 

1793  June  23     Peter  Macdonald,  Batchelor,  and  Sarah  Wilmot,  Spinster,  both 

of  the  Parish  of   S'  Martin  Outwich,   London  ;    by  Banns. 

Samuel  Bishop,  Eector.     Witnesses  :  A.  Sangster,  Jn°  Needes 
Sep.      8     James  Taylor  of  the  Parish  of  S^  Martin  Outwich,  Batchelor, 

and  Elizabeth  Stoddart  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Bennet  Fink, 

London,    Spinster ;    by   Licence.       Samuel    Bishop,   Eector. 

Witnesses :  Sam^  Bacon,  Jn'-*  W.  Dunbar 
JS^ov.     7     James  Burrows  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Martin  Outwich,  Batchelor, 

and  Eleanor  Hale  Burrows  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Dunstan's  in 

the  East,  Spinster,  a  minor,  with  consent  of  Samuel  Burrows 

her  natural  Father  ;    by  Licence.      Samuel  Bishop,  Eector. 

Witnesses  :  Samuel  Burrows,  Bridget  Burrows,  Ann  Hale 
1791     Jan.      8     Luke  Wickett  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Out^'ich,  Batchelor, 

and  Elizabeth  Eaymond  of  the  same   Parish,   Spinster  ;    by 

Banns.     Samuel  Bishop,  Eector.     AYitnesses :  ITlrich  Euegg, 

Phillis  Matthie 
July  13     Thomas  Townley,*  Batchelor,  and  Mary  Peeto,  Spinster,  both  of 

S*^  Martin  Outwich  Parish  ;  by  Banns.    Samuel  Bishop,  Eector. 

Witnesses :  Wilham  Bareter,  Mary  Ann  Frean 
Sep.    25     Mark  Jefferson,  Batchelor,  and  Sarah  Webb,  Spinster,  both  of 

this  Parish;  by  Banns.     Samuel  Bishop,  Eector.     Witnesses: 

Edw^  Jefferson,  Ann  Price 

Inspected  and  Duty  paid. — W.  Goodwin 

1795     June    G     Anne  Guy  Gerard  Charles  Dupleix  de  Cadigranf  of  the  Parish  of 

of  S*  Ann,  Westminster,  in  the  County  of  3Iiddlesex,  Batchelor, 
and  Catharine  Hunter  of  the  Parish  of  S*^  Martin  Outwich, 
Spinster  ;  by  Licence.  Samuel  Bishop,  Eector.  Witnesses  : 
Ytc.  de  Cadignan,  uncle,  Peter  Everhard  Camper,  J°  W.  Th. 
Falconnet,  Deborah  Hunter,  A.  F.  Falconnet,  M.  E.  Hottinguer, 
Anne  Falconnet 

*  Signed  by  mark.  t  Signed  Cadignan. 


1795  Sep.    14    Thomas  Brock,  a  Batchelor,  and  Mary  Offwood,  a  Spinster,  both 

of  this  Parish  ;  by  Banns.  John  Frith,  A.M.,  Minister. 
Witnesses :  Jos.  Pearson,  John  Hall 
Dec.  30  "William  Newham  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Mary,  Islington,  in  the 
County  of  Middlesex,  a  Widower,  and  Sarah  Smart  of  this 
parish,  a  Widow  ;  by  Licence.  John  Eose,  A.M.,  Eector. 
Witnesses :  E.  Caldicott,  M.  C.  Brooks,  T.  Eigal 

1796  Mar.  24     Samuel  Allenby  of  this  Parish,  a  Batchelor,  and  Harriot  West  of 

the  Parish  of  S'  John,  Hackney,  in  y«  County  of  Middlesex, 
Spins'' ;  by  Licence.  John  Eose,  A.M.,  Eector.  Witnesses : 
Eliza  Grore,  Eich'^  Hardy 

April  10  James  Bassington  of  S*  Giles,  Camberwell,  Surry,  Batc^  and 
Jane  Wilkinson,  Spinster,  of  this  Parish,  in  the  Vestry  Eoom 
(the  Church  being  taken  do^\^l  to  be  re-built)  ;  by  Licence. 
John  Eose,  A.M.,  Eector.  Witnesses:  Janet  Bassington, 
P.  Cramont 

May  22  William  Cross  of  this  Parish,  a  Batchelor,  and  Elizabeth  Allbone 
of  S*  Helen,  London,  a  Spinster;  by  Licence.  J.  Eose,  A.M., 
Eector.     Witnesses  :  Harriot  Allbone,  Elizabeth  Allbone 

1799  July  14     George   Douglas,    Batchelor,    of   this    Parish,  and  Ann   Wood, 

Spinster,  of  the  same;  by  Banns.     John  Eose,  A.M.,  Eector. 

Witnesses  :  Margret  Wood,  John  Houseman 
Aug.  21     James  William  Brandon  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Paul,  Covent  Garden, 

AVidower,  and  Lucy  Mallison  of  this  Parish,  a  Spinster  ;  by 

Licence.     John  Eose,  A.M.     AVitnesses :  Geo.  Eowley,  M.D., 

John  Houseman 
Sep.      4     James  Coultou  of  this  Parish,  a  Batchelor,  and  Sophia  Pain  of 

the  Parish  of  Hornsey  in  the  C-''  of  Middx.,  Spins'" ;  by  Licence. 

John  Eose,  A.^J.     Witnesses  :  Eliz-''  Complin,  E.  Complin 
Oct.      9     Francis   Hamilton  of   this  Parish,  a  Batchelor,   and   Elizabeth 

Gilbert  London,  a  Spinster,  of  the  same  ;   by  Banns.     J.  J. 

Ellis,  M.A.     Witnesses  :    Jane  Eeed,  Elizabeth  Eeed,  John 

Nov.  14     William  Thornton,  a  Widower,  of  this  Parish,  and  Sophia  Mary 

Thornton,  a  Widow,  of  the  same  ;  by  Banns.    John  Eose,  A.M., 

Eector.     \Vitnesses  :  King  George,  John  Houseman 
Dee.     2     Thomas  William  Chamberlain  Perfect,  a  Batchelor,  and  Elizabeth 

Hayward,  a  Spinster,  both  of  this  Parish  ;  by  Banns.     John 

Eose,  A.M.,  Eector.     Witnesses  :  John  Houseman,  the  Mark 

of  Marv  Jones 

1800  Jan.      o     Stephen  Barry ,t  a  batchelor,  of  the  parish  of  S'  Giles,  Cripplegate, 

and  Mary  Clark,*  a  spinster,  of  this  parish  ;  by  Licence. 
J.  Eose,  A.M.     AYitnesses  :  James  Bennett,  John  Houseman 

Feb.  24  John  Davis,  a  batchelor,  of  this  parish,  and  Sarah  Ward,  a  spin- 
ster, of  the  same  ;  by  banns.  John  Eose,  A.M.,  Eector. 
Witnesses  :  Tho^  Morris,  Ann  Houseman,  Catharine  Houseman 

Aj)ril  17  George  Scott,*  a  Batchelor,  of  this  Parish,  and  Catharine  Osland,J 
a  Spinster,  of  the  same  ;  by  Banns.  John  Eose,  A.M.,  Eector. 
Witnesses  :  Ann  Crane,  Eliz*''  Toung 
„  17  James  Thompson,*  a  Batchelor,  of  this  Parish,  and  Margaret 
O.sland,*  a  Spinster,  of  the  same ;  by  Banns.  John  Eose,  A.M., 
Eector.  Witnesses  :  Ann  Crane,  Eliz'^'  Toung 
ISOI  Oct.  1.3  William  White,  a  Bachelor,  of  Tolleshunt  D'Arcey  in  Essex,  and 
Jane  Houseman,  a  Spinster,  of  this  Parish  ;  by  Licence.  John 
Eose,  A.M.,  Eector.  Witnesses:  Ann  Houseman,  Catharine 

t  Sigued  Berry.  *  Signed  by  mark.  X  Signed  Osldand. 


1802  June  11     Gerard  Arnoldus§  Herklots  of  this  Parish,  a  Bachelor,  and  Ger- 

truida  Nieuwveen,  a  Spinster,  of  the  same;  by  licence.  John 
Eose,  A  .M.,  Eector.  Witnesses :  Gerard  Boom,  John  Houseman 
Oct.  30  "William  Davis  Watson,  a  Batchelor,  of  this  parish,  and  Elizabeth 
Ann  Arney,  a  Spinster,  of  the  same ;  by  Banns.  John  Eose, 
A.M.,  Eector.     Witnesses :  John  Davies,  Agnes  Watson 

1803  May     9     Eobert  Price,  a  Batchelor,  of  Croydon,  in  the  County  of  Surrey, 

and  Grace  Eoss,  a  Spinster,  of  this  pai-ish ;  by  banns.  John 
Eose,  A.M.,  Eector.  Witnesses :  Jane  Laing,  Mary  Eoss, 
Alex^  Eoss,  Alex""  Eoss,  Tho^  Furmage 
Dec.  5  William  Xarraway,  Widower,  of  Christ  Church,  Middlesex,  and 
Ann  Mitchell,  a  Spinster,  of  this  parish ;  by  Banns.  Eobert 
Hesketh,  Oti^  Mins.  Witnesses:  E'l  Bickerton,  Eliza'^' 

1804  June    9     James  Christie  of  this  Parish  of  Saint  Martin  Outwich,  London, 

Bachelor,  and  Euth  Puchie  of  the  same  Parish,  Spinster;  by 
License.  Eobert  AYatts,  Minister.  AVitnesses  :  James  Christie, 
John  Houseman,  Mary  Hackett 
Nov.  1  AVilliam  Armitstead  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Leonard,  Shoreditch, 
in  the  County  of  Middlesex,  a  AVidower,  and  Susanna  House- 
man of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Martin  Outwich,  London,  a 
Spinster ;  by  Licence.  John  Grose,  Minister.  AVitnesses : 
John  Houseman,  Jane  Houseman 

1805  Jan.      6     James  Godsall,  J  a  batchelor,  of  this  Parish,  and  Elizabeth  Eogers,* 

a  spinster,  of  the  same  ;  by  banns.     John  Eose,  Eector.    Wit- 
nesses :  John  Houseman,  W™  Snelins 

Sep.  2  AVilliam  Dawkes  of  the  Parish  of  S*  Martin's  Outwich  and  Alice 
Stephenson  of  the  same  Parish  ;  by  Banns.  Tho®  Awb>' 
Grantham,  Curate.  AVitnesses  :  AVilliam  Potts,  Susanna 

Nov.  14  Thomas  Cotton  of  this  Parish  of  S'  Martin  OutAvich,  Batchelor, 
and  Sarah  Eoberts  of  the  Parish  of  Tottenham  in  the  County 
of  Middlesex,  Spinster ;  by  License.  Ed.  Cooke,  Curate. 
AVitnesses :  J.  G.  Dessenbury,  Sophia  Cotton 
,,  21  James  Barker*  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich  and  Sarah 
Allen  of  the  Parish  of  AA^altham  Abbey  in  the  County  of 
Essex,  a  Spinster;  by  Licence.  I.  A.  Perny.  AVitnesses: 
E''  Bickerton,  John  Houseman 
18U7  May  18  Henry  Miller  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich,  AVidower,  and 
Ann  Shaw  of  the  same  Parish,  Spinster;  by  Licence.  J.  Bull, 
Offici"  Minis"'.     Witnesses:  James  Steward,  Mary  Steward 

Dec.   15     AVilliam  Packer,  Batchelor,  and  Mary  Jones,  Spinster,  both  of 

the   Parish   of   S"^   JNIartin   Outwich  ;    by   Banus.     Thomas  A. 

Grantham,  Curate.   Witnesses  :  F.  S.  Starbuck,  James  Packer, 

Sarah  Packer,  Eliza  Jones 

1808     Jan.      4     Benjamin    AV^right,    Batchelor,     and    Charlotte    Ann    Gundry, 

Spinster,  both  of  this  Parish  of  Saint  Martin  Outwich;  by 
Banns.  Thomas  A.  Grantham,  Curate.  AVitnesses :  Alex"" 
Patience,  Elizabeth  Patience,  John  Houseman 
„  31  Edward  Pugh,  Batchelor,  and  Ellinor  Bass,  Spinster,  both  of  the 
Parish  of  Saint  Martin  Outwich ;  by  Banns.  Thomas  A. 
Grantham,  Curate.     AVitnesses  :    W'"  Iceland,  John  Houseman 

April  8  Thomas  Awbrey  Grantham,  Clk.,  Bachelor,  of  this  Parish,  and 
Maria  Fowle  of  the  Parish  of  Mitcham  in  the  County  of 
Surrey,  Widow  ;  by  licence.  John  Eose,  A.M.,  Eector.  Wit- 
nesses :  Lydia  Briden,  W"  Briden 

§  Signed  Aruold.  i  Signed  Godsell.  *  Signed  by  mark. 


1808  July     5     Eobert  Potter,  Batchelor,  and  Maria  Cornish,  Spinster,  both  of 

this  Parish  ;  by  Banns.     Alfred  Barker,  Curate.     Witnesses  : 
James  Kumsey,  John  Houseman 

1809  Xov.  23     Thomas    Lloyd,    widower,  of   this   parish,    and  Sophia  Dewey, 

widow,  of  the  parish  of  Saint  Martin  OutAvich;  by  Banns. 
Joseph  Portune,  Assisting  Minister.  Witnesses :  John 
Quartly,  Sarah  Sears 
Dec.  2  John  Henry  Brune  of  this  Parish,  a  Bachelor,  and  Catherine 
Houseman  of  the  same.  Spinster ;  by  Licence.  John  Eose,  D.D. 
Witnesses :  Ann  Houseman,  Susanna  Houseman,  John  House- 

1810  Mar.  25     Kichard  John  Derrett  of  S'  Andrew  Undershaft,  Batchelor,  and 

Elizabeth  Mary  Bickerton,  Spinster,  of  this  Parish;  by  Licence. 

John  Eose,  D.D.     Witnesses  :    Sarah  Ann  Bickerton,  Peter 

Pidsun  [?  Pidgeon],  E*^  Bickerton 
April  28     John  Wood  of  this  parish,  a  Bachelor,  and  Anne  Peach  of  the 

fc'ame  parish.  Spinster;    by  Banns.     Joseph   Fortune,   A.M., 

i\ss"  Minister.     Witnesses:  Sarah  Peach,  Joseph  Wood 
June  30     John  James  Adrian  Eymaf  of  this  Parish,  a  Bachelor,  and  Sarah 

Ann  Bisset  of  the  Parish  of  Croydon,  Spinster ;  by  Licence. 

John  Collinsou  Bisset,   A.B.,  Ass.  Min^     Witnesses :    Eich*^ 

Bickerton,  Sarah  Ann  Bickerton 
.,      30     Francis  Mumby  of  this  parish,  a  Bachelor,  and  Sarah  Metcalfe,* 

Spinster,  of  the  same;  by  Banns.     John  C.  Bisset,  A.B.,  Ass. 

Minis''.     AVitnesses  :  the  Mark  of  Sarah  Mead,  Joseph  Wood 

1811  Feb.   19     Thomas  Wilson,  a  Bachelor,  of  this  Parish,  and  Elizabeth  Mapp, 

a  Spinster,  of  the  same  ;  by  banns  (the  said  banns  having  been 
publish'd  in  the  adjoining  Parish  of  S*^  Peter's,  Cornhill,  this 
Church  being  shut  up  for  some  slight  Eepairs).  John  Eose, 
D.D.,  Eector.  AVitnesses  :  John  Houseman,  Joseph  AVood 
Mar.  12  James  Fenner  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Frances  Hubbard  of 
the  Parish  of  Saint  Botolph,  Bishopsgate,  London,  Spinster; 
by  Licence.  W.  Mannin.  AV'itnesses  :  Joseph  Wood,  In*" 
„  1-1  Jeremiah  Grunning  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Sepulchre  in  the 
County  of  Middlesex,  Bachelor,  and  Elizabeth  Pile  of  this 
Parish,  Spinster,  a  Minor,  by  and  with  the  consent  of  George 
Pile,  the  natural  and  lawful  Father  of  the  said  Minor ;  by 
Licence.  W.  Mannin.  AVitnesses :  Eobert  AVhite,  Josej)h 
Wood,  Hannah  Pile,  John  Houseman 

1812  July   27     Thomas  Meeks  of  the  Parish  of  Potton  in  the  County  of  Bedford, 

AVidower,  and  Elizabeth  Seamer  of  this  Parish,  a  Spinster ;  by 

licence.     John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector.     AVitnesses :  Tho^  Tunni- 

cliff,  John  Houseman 
Aug.     6     AVilliam  Alfred  Adolphus  IS'icholls  of  this  Parish,  Batchelor,  and 

Jane  Ann  England  of  the  same  parish,  a  Spinster  ;  by  licence. 

John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector.     AVitnesses:  Caroline  Sarah  Nicholls, 

Elizabeth  England 
Oct.    29     John  Douglass  of  this  Parish,  a  Batchelor,  and  Elizabeth  Eoots, 

a    Spinster,    of  the  same ;    by    Licence.     John   Eose,   D.D., 

Eector.     Witnesses  :  Marg^  Eoss,  John  Houseman 
Nov.  25     John  Hunt  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Sepulchre  in  the  City  of  London, 

Bachelor,  and  AVinefride  Mary  Grabb  of  this  Parish,  a  Spinster ; 

by   Licence.     John   Eose,    D.D.,    Eector.     AVitnesses :    Ann 

Mary  Ansell,  Ann  Collingridge,  Joseph  Collingridge 

[This  is  the  last  entry  in  Eegister  II. — Ed.] 
t  Signed  Adrain  Eyma.  *  Signed  by  mark. 





fl813,  Januaet  8,  TO  1837,  April  10.    1 
1 1837,  NoYEMBER  6,  TO  1855,  March  25.J 

Memorandum. — lu  this  Eegister  the  Marriages  (twenty -two  in  number)  from 
6  Nov.  1837  (Scoones— Baber,  No.  94)  to  25  March  1855  (Gaudon— Whitehead, 
No.  115)  have  been  entered  and  signed  by  the  parties  in  duplicate  in  this  and  in 
Register  VII.,  and  numbered  1  to  22  in  that  Register.  These  twenty-two  entries 
are  struck  through  in  pencil  in  Register  V.,  and  they  will  be  printed  from 
Register  YII. — Ed. 

1813t  Jan.      8     John  Cook  of  the  Parish  of  Hoxne  in  the  County  of  Suffolk,  a 

Batchelor,  and  Harriett  Moxon  of  this  Parish,  a  Spinster,  were 
married  in  this  Church  by  License  (Parties  being  of  age  no 
consent  necessary)  this  eighth  day  of  January  in  the  year  one 
thousand  eight  hundred  and  thirteen  by  me 

John  Rose,  D.D.,  Rector 

This  Marriage  was      f  John  Cook 
solemnized  between  us  \  Harriet  Moxon 

f  Mary  Ann  Moxon 
No.  1  In  the  Presence  of  <  Rebecca  Moxon 

tCreo.  Moxon,  J"" 

Peb.  18  George  Malone  of  this  Parish,  a  Bachelor,  and  Peggy  Truscott 
of  the  same  Parish,  a  Spinster ;  by  Banns.  John  Rose,  D.D., 
Rector.  Witnesses  :  Maria  Truscott,  W.  Simpson 
„  22  Samuel  Valentine  Gore  of  the  Parish  of  S'  John,  Hackney,  in 
the  County  of  Middlesex,  a  Bachelor,  and  Sophia  Strange  of 
this  Parish,  a  Spinster ;  by  Licence.  John  Rose,  D.D.,  Rector. 
Witnesses  :  Sarah  Blundell,  George  Blundell 

Oct.  26  AVilliam  Baker  of  the  Parish  of  S'  James,  Cierkenwell,  in  the 
County  of  Middlesex,  a  Bachelor,  and  Elizabetli  Ann  Irving  of 
this  Parish,  a  Spinster ;  by  Licence.  John  Rose,  D.D.,  Rector. 
Witnesses  :  Mary  A.  Boyon,  John  Irving 

1814  Mar.  IG     William  Parr  of  the  Parish  of  Long  Sutton  in  the  County  of 

Lincoln,  a  Bachelor,  and  Sarah  Crosby  of  this  Parish,  a 
Spinster;  by  Licence.  John  Rose,  D.D.,  Rector.  Witnesses: 
John  Irving,  Sarah  Knight 

1815  Jan.      5     John  Blincow,  a  Bachelor,  of  this  Parish,  and  Elizabeth  Bigg,  a 

Spinster,  of  this  Parish  ;  by  Banns.  John  Rose,  D.D.,  Rector. 
Witnesses  :  Ann  Hirons,  W'"  Hall 
„  7  John  Adrian  Eyma  of  this  Parish,  Widower,  and  Elizabeth 
Morrison  of  this  Parish, ;{:  Spinster;  by  Licence.  J.  C.  Bisset. 
Witnesses :  Clement  Worts,  C,  Sophia  Morrison 
May  9  Thomas  H auger  of  this  Parish,  Batchelor,  and  Elizabeth  Jones* 
of  this  Parish,  a  Spinster ;  by  Banns.  John  Rose,  D.D., 
Rector.  Witnesses  :  John  Chandler,  Sarah  Kindred,  Millicent 

t  The  entries  of  Marriages  from  1813  have  been  somewhat  shortened  from  the  long  printed 
form  then  introduced  by  omitting  most  of  the  printed  portion  after  the  first  entr}',  which  i.s  given 
in  full.  The  names  of  the  witnesses  are  alwaj-s  given,  and  any  discrepancies  in  the  signatures  of 
the  contracting  parties  noticed. — Editor. 

X  In  margin  :  "  Of  the  Parish  of  Croydon  in  the  County  of  Surrey,  and  a  Minor,  by  and  with 
the  consent  of  Hannah  Morrison,  Widow,"  the  Natural  and  lawful  Mother  of  the  said  Minor.  The 
above  alterations  were  made  on  the  24th  day  of  January  1815.— J.  C.  Bisset."  Witnesses: 
John  Adrian  Eyma,  Elizabeth  Eyma.    John  Rose,  D.D.,  Rector, 

*  Signed  by  mark. 


1815  July  20    Thomas  Thorne,  Bachelor,  of  this  Parish,  and  Sarah  Atwood, 

Spinster,  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Mary  Magdalen,  Bermondsey, 
in  the  County  of  Surry  ;  by  Licence.  Robert  Nixon,, 
OfiBciating  Minister.  Witnesses :  Joseph  Wood,  Eosetta  AVood 
—  AVilliam  Summers  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Diana  Lloyd  of 
the  same  Parish,  Spinster;  by  Banns 

N.B. — The  above  Entry  was  made,  but  the  Marriage  was  not 
solemniz'd  as,  on  Enquiry,  the  Parties  did  not  belong  to  the 

1816  Sep.    18     John    Compton,   Bachelor,    of   this    Parish,  and   Mary   Clover, 

AVidow,  of  the  same  Parish  ;  by  Banns.  Robert  Nixon,  B.D., 
Officiating  Minister.  AVitnesses  :  AV'"  Lloyd,  Ann  Clark 
„  28  AVilliam  Bressey  Hanneford  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Sarah 
Elizabeth  Ruegg  of  this  Parish,  Spinster ;  by  Banns.  Robert 
AVatts,  Minister.  AVitnesses :  Ulrich  Ruegg,  Mary  Adleheid 

1817  Jan.    23     Henry  trompertz  of  this  Parish,  a  Bachelor,  and  Elizabeth  Wilks 

of  this  Parish,  a  Spinster  ;  by  Banns.  John  Rose,  D.D., 
Rector.     AVitnesses  :  Jos''  Coppock,  Jos''  Wood 

Feb.  3  Stephen  Jolly  of  this  Parish,  a  Bachelor,  and  Margaretf  Dunu 
of  this  Parish,  a  Spinster  ;  by  Licence.  John  Rose,  D.D., 
Rector.  AVitnesses  :  Ruth  AValueuidge,  Elizabeth  Dunn,  Jn" 

Sep.  7  Jolm  Green  Peat  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Mary  AVright  of 
this  Parish,  Spinster;  by  Licence.  John  Rose,  D.D.,  Rector. 
AA'^itnesses  :  Ann  Wright,  Joseph  Brasbridge 
„  14  AVilliam  AVhaley,  a  Bachelor,  of  this  Parish,  and  Sarah  Button, 
a  Spinster,  of  this  Parish ;  by  Banns.  John  Rose,  D.D., 
Rector.     AVitnesses  :  C.  Button,  Susn  Button 

1818  Jan.      8     James   Drake,  a  Bachelor,  of  this  Parish,  and  Maria  Thompson, 

a  Spinster,   of   this  Parish ;    by  Banns.      John   Rose,    D.D., 
Rector.     Witnesses  :  Rubacca  Hanson,  John  Arnott 
„      1-5     Johnson  Tofts,  AVidower,  of  this  Parish,  and  Elizabeth  Metcalfe 
of    this  Parish,  a  Spinster ;    by  Banns.      John   Rose,   D.D., 
Rector.     Witnesses  :  Charlotte  Dunn,  Francis  Mumby 

April  2  Richard  Grregory,  a  bachelor,  of  this  Parish,  and  Elizabeth  Beard, 
a  Spinster,  of  the  Parish  of  Shoreditch  in  the  County  of 
Middlesex  ;  by  Licence.  John  Rose,  D.D.,  Rector.  Wit- 
nesses :  Frances  Mumby,  Robert  Martin  Cole 
„  9  John  Murray  of  the  Parish  of  AValton  in  the  County  of  Herts, 
a  bachelor,  and  Mary  Peet  of  this  Parish,  a  Spinster  ;  by 
Licence.  John  Rose,  D.D.,  Rector.  AVitnesses  :  Judith 
Clark,  Jn"  Irving 

Dec.  8  Abraham  Hopkins  Davis,  Bachelor,  of  this  Parish,  and  Mary 
AVilliams  of  this  Parish,  Spinster  ;  by  Banns.  John  Rose, 
D.D.,  Rector.     Witnesses  :  Martha  Davis,  John  Davis 

1819  Jan.   2G     Alfred  Naybours:]:  of  this  Parish,  a  Batchelor,  and  Sarah  Jarman* 

of  this  Parish,  Spinster;  by  Banns.  John  Rose,  D.D.,  Rector. 
Witnesses  :  Joseph  Wood,  AV*"  Lloyd 

Mar.  18  Stephen  Stace,  a  batchelor,  of  this  Parish,  and  Mary  Honeysett,§ 
a  Widow,  of  this  Parish  ;  by  Banns.  John  Rose,  D.D.,  Rector. 
Witnesses :  Jane  Collins,  James  Collins,  E.  B.  Rose 

April  5  AVilliam  Wiggen,  Esq'',  of  this  Parish,  Batchelor,  and  Ann 
Gowrleyll  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Mary  le  bone,  AVidow ;  by 
Licence.  Robert  Hesketh,  M.A.,  of  S'  Dunstan  East.  Wit- 
nesses :  Joseph  Wood,  W""  Lloyd 

t  Signed  Magret.  |  Signed  Nay  Buors.  *  Signed  by  mark, 

§  Signed  Hunest.  |{  Signed  Gourley. 


1819  May   16    Eobert  Cuimingliam,  a  Batchelor,  of  tliis  Parish,  and  Eleanor 

Hunter,  a  Spinster,  of  this  Parish  ;  by  Banns.  John  Eose, 
D.D.,  Eector.  Witnesses :  Peter  Hunter,  Thomas  Hogg, 
Easton  Turnbull 
„  24  Joseph  Starbuck,  a  Batchelor,  of  this  Parish,  and  Maria  Burgess, 
a  Spinster,  of  this  Parish  ;  by  Banns.  John  Eose,  D.D., 
Eector.     Witnesses  :  Ann  Burgess,  Hilkiah  Burgess 

June  7  Benjamin  Elsom,  a  bachelor,  of  this  Parish,  and  Mary  Hawes,  a 
Widow,  of  this  Parish ;  by  Bauns.  John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector. 
Witnesses  :  Joseph  Wood,  W"*  Lloyd 

July  11  George  Holt  of  the  Parish  of  S*  James,  Clerkenwell,  in  the 
County  of  Middlesex,  a  bachelor,  and  Catharine  Irving, 
Spinster  and  a  Minor,  of  this  Parish ;  by  Licence,  with  con- 
sent of  John  Irving  the  lawful  and  natural  father  of  the  said 
Minor.  John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector.  Witnesses :  Jn°  Irving, 
W™  Holt,  Sophia  Holt,  Sarah  Littleford 
„  18  Edward  Huggins  of  this  Parish,  a  bachelor,  and  Maria  Howlett 
of  this  Parish,  a  Spinster ;  by  Banns.  John  Eose,  D.D., 
Eector.     Witnesses  :  Joseph  Wood,  Sarah  Wood 

Sep.  20  John  Marshall,  Bachelor,  of  this  Parish,  and  Mary  Ann  Gill, 
Spinster,  of  this  Parish  ;  by  Banns.  W""  Eyre,  Officiating 
Minister.     Witnesses  :  J.  Marshall,  Jos^  Wood,  Eliz.  Irvin 

1820  Eeb.   13     George  Gane  of  this  Parish,  a  bachelor,  and  Eebecca  Wadman* 

of  this   Parish,  a  Spinster ;    by  Banns.      John  Eose,    D.D., 

Eector.     Witnesses  :  John  Day,  W"  Lloyd 
Mar.  14     Henry  Gasson  of  this  Parish,  a  bachelor,  and  Ann  Dickins  of 

this  Parish,  a  Spinster  ;  by  Banns.     John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector. 

Witnesses  :  Joseph  Wood,  Sarah  Wood 
April  25     William  Keates  of  tbis  Parish,  a  bachelor,  and  Martha  Donovan 

of  this  Parish,  a  Spinster  ;    by  Banns.      John  Eose,  D.U., 

Eector.    Witnesses:  Mary  White,  Geo«  Wliite,  Martha  Clarke 
May  22     Phinehas  Butler  of  this  Parish,  a  Bachelor,  and  Jane  Elizabeth  Hall 

of  this  Parish,aSpinster;  by  Banns.    Eobert  Crosby,  Curate  of  S' 

Leonard,  Shoreditch.    AVitnesses:  William  Garner,  Jane  Garner 
Sep.    11     Joseph  Keen*  of  this  Parish,  a  bachelor,  and  Mary  Ann  Jones  of 

this  Parish,  a  Spinster ;  by  Banns,  publish'd  at  S'  Bennet  Pink 

while  this  Church  is  under  Eepair.     John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector. 

Witnesses  :  Ann  Thompson,  D.  Camble  [?],  W"*  Edwards 
„      18     James  Pish*  of  this  Parish,  a  bachelor,  and  Elizabeth  Orwell*  of 

this  Parish,  a  spinster;  by  Banns,  publish'd  at  S*  Bennet  Fink 

while  this  Church  is  under  Eepair.     John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector. 

Witnesses  :  Joseph  Wood,  W™  Lloyd 
Nov.  14     James  Ward  of  this  Parish,  a  Batchelor,  and  Mary  Woodcock 

of  this  Parish,  a  Spinster ;  by  banns.     John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector. 

Witnesses  :  Euth  Fox,  Ed.  Mills 

1822  May  16     James   Wrightf  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Michael's,  Crooked  Lane, 

Bachelor,  and  Eebecca  Creamer  of  this  Parish,  Spinster;  by 
Banns.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector.  Witnesses :  Elizabeth 
Knapp,  James  Knapp 
Dec.  12  William  Lownds  of  this  Parish,  Widower,  and  Anna  Palmer  of 
this  Parish,  Spinster;  by  Banns.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector. 
Witnesses  :  Betsey  Holman,  Joseph  Wood 

1823  July   15     George  Creamer*  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Elizabeth  Giltrow* 

of   this   Parish,    Spinster;    by    Banns.     J.    J.   Ellis,  Eector. 
Witnesses  :   William  Giltrow,  Elizabeth  Giltrow 

*  Signed  by  mark. 

t  A  separate  Certificate  of  Banns  published  by  Dr.  Dakins,  Eector,  under  the  hand  of  John 
Jlaton,  Parish  Clerk,  and  dated  May  15, 1822,  is  loose  in  this  Register.— Ed. 

90  REGISTERS   01?    ST.    MARTIN    OUTWICH,    LONDON. 

1823  July  24!     John  Field  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Martha  Burn*  of  this 

Parish,  Spinster;  by  Banns.  J.  J.  Ellis,  Eector.  Witnesses: 
George  Field,  Joseph  Wood 
Oct.  2  Eichard  Trowsdale  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Eliza  Birt  of 
this  Parish,  Spinster;  by  Banns.  J.  J.  Ellis,  Eector.  Wit- 
nesses :  Fran^  iSaunders,  Joseph  Wood 
„  28  Stephen  Weller*  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Ann  Taylor  of  this 
Parish,  Spinster;  by  Banns.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector. 
Witnesses :  John  Thresher,  Jos^  AVood 

1824  May  21     George  Coggins  of  this  Parish,  Widower,  and  Maria  Gardiner*  of 

this  Parish,  Spinster  ;  by  Banns. ||  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector. 
Witnesses  :  Joseph  Wood,  Sarah  Wood 

Aug.  29  George  Bartholomew  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Eebecca 
Whiffen  of  this  Parish,  Spinster  ;  by  Banns. |1  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A., 
Eector.     Witnesses  :  Jos''  Wood,  W""  Foster 

Oct.  23  Thomas  Hayton  Langcake  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Sarah 
Ann  Eead  of  this  Parish,  Spinster,  a  Minor;  by  Banns, ||  with 
consent  of  Sarah  Eeed,  mother  of  the  said  Sarah  Ann  Eeed 
her  lawful  Mother  and  Guardian.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector. 
Witnesses  :  Jane  Norris,  Joseph  Wood 

Nov.  28  William  Henry  Hasted  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Maria 
Eayner  of  this  Parish,  Spinster,  a  Minor;  by  Banns, ||  with 
consent  of  her  father.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector.  Witnesses  : 
Tho^  Hasted,  Catherine  Edwards 

1825  Jan.    18     The  Eeverend  James  Boyd  of  the  Parish  of  Auchinleck  in  the 

County  of  Ayr,  a  Bachelor,  and  Jane  Hutchison  of  the  Parish 
of  S*  Martin' Outwich  in  the  City  of  Loudon,  a  Spinster;  by 
Licence.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector.  Witnesses :  A.  K.  Hut- 
chison, E.  M.  Crawford,  Agues  Ewart,  John  Crombie,  John 
Hutchison,  Jessie  Carfrae 

Sep.  19  Beaumont  Atkinson  of  the  Parish  of  S'  Pancras  in  the  County  of 
Middlesex,  Bachelor,  Esquire,  and  Elizabeth  Ellis  of  this  Parish, 
Spinster  ;  by  Licence.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector.  Witnesses  : 
Tho'  Wright  Ellis,  Susannah  Atkinson,  Sam'  Bourne,  T.  Dixon, 
Elizabeth  EUis,  Nancy  Matilda  Wood,  John  Ellis,  Eugenia 
Marie  Hockaday,  W.  H.  Ellis,  Eliza  Atkinson 

Oct.  27  Eichard  Watson  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Mary  Ann  Watsouf 
of  this  Parish,  Spinster  ;  by  Banns.  ||  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector. 
Witnesses  :  William  Phillipson,  Sarah  Watson 

Nov.  21  James  Barrouclough  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Mary  Ann 
Eowe  of  this  Parish,  Spinster;  by  Banns. ||  J.  J.  Ellis, 
M.A.,  Eector.  Witnesses:  the  Mark  of  Ann  Eowe,  Jos'* 

1826  July     5     George  Willis  of  this  Parish,  AVidower,  and  Ann  Cooper*  of  this 

Parish,  Spinster;  by  Banns.  II  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector.  Wit- 
nesses :  Eob'  Dominy,  Mary  Brett 

Aug.  12  Thomas  Hasted  of  this  Parish,  Widower,  and  Eleanor  M'^Lean 
of  this  Parish.  Widow ;  by  Licence.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector. 
Witnesses  :  Jane  Wolveridge,  Joseph  Wood 

Dec.  2  William  Froy  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Caroline  Esther 
Hodgsonof  this  Parish,  Spinster;  by  Banns.  II  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A., 
Eector.     Witnesses  :  Jane  Wood,  Joseph  Wood 

1827  July  14     Daniel  Simeon*  of  the  Parish  of  Wanstead  in  the  County  of 

Essex,  Widower,  and  Mary  Brewer  of  this  Parish,  Widow  ;  by 
Licence.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector.  Witnesses :  Martha 
Wheeler,  William  Brewer 

•  Bigned  by  mark.      ||  See  Mem.  on  p.  97.— Ed.     f  Published  in  the  Banns  as  "  Mary  "Watson," 

MARtllAGES.  &1 

1827  Nov.  14    Henry  Greenfield  of  this  Parish,  a  Ba<?lielor,  and  Eebecca  Sim- 

monds  of  the  Parish  of  Deptford  in  the  County  of  Kent,  a 
Spinster  ;  bv  Licence.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector.  Witnesses: 
Parkhm-st  Elliott,  Mary  Elliott 
„  20  John  Stedman  of  the  Parish  of  Thurston  in  the  Coimty  of 
Suffolk,  a  Bachelor,  and  Hannah  Eanson  of  this  Parish,  a 
Spinster,  a  Minor ;  by  Licence.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector. 
Witnesses :  Gi-eo.  Kitchin,  Mary  Eanson 

1828  Eeb.     3     William  Bransom  of  the   Parish   of   S'   Greorge  in  the  East, 

Widower,  and  Elizabeth  Lewthwaite  of  this  Parish,  Spinster ; 
by  Licence.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Kector.  Witnesses  :  Daniel 
Lewthwaite,  Mary  Lewthwaite 

July  27  Aaron  Wooster  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Elizabeth  Killing- 
■worth  of  this  Parish,  Spinster;  by  Banns. ||  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A., 
Eector.     AV'itnesses  :  Charles  Bunker,  Mary  Ann  Prentice 

Nov.  9  Henry  Hunt  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Eliza  Bow  land*  of  this 
Parish,  Spinster;  by  Banns. ||  J.  J.  Ellis,  M. A.,  Eector.  Wit- 
nesses :  J  ohn  Jaques,  Susan  Bujtows 

1829  Feb.     8     David  Enscoe  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Sarah  Ann  Gardner 

of  this  Parish,  Spinster  ;  by  Banns. ||  J.  J.  Ellis,  M. A.,  Eector. 
Witnesses  :  Ann  Gardner,  Joseph  Wood 
„  2-4  Thomas  Hart  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Pancras,  Soper  Lane,  London, 
a  Bachelor,  and  Emma  Ockley  of  tliis  Parish,  a  Spinster ;  by 
Licence.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector.  Witnesses  :  John  Ockley, 
Mary  Ann  Cope,  AVilliam  Uart,  Caivdine  Potter,  Cornelius  Hart 

Aug:.  12  William  Gregory  of  this  Parish,  Widower,  and  Marv  Cox  of  this 
Parish,  Widow;  by  Banns. ||  James  Blenkarne,  A.M.,  Assists 
Minister.  Witnesses  :  Joseph  Wood,  George  Coggius 
„  26  Cornelius  Browne  Yarrow  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Julia 
Mary  Goodwin  of  the  Parish  of  Shenley  in  the  County  of  Hert- 
ford, Spinster ;  by  Licence.    F.  D.  Lempriere,  M.A.,  Offic?  Miu"^ 

Sep.  21  John  Lloyd  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Harriet  Matthewman 
of  the  Parish  of  S'  James,  Westminster,  in  the  County  of 
Middlesex,  Spinster;  by  Licence.  J.  J,  Ellis,  M. A.,  Eector. 
Witnesses  :  W""  Moore,  Sarah  Eebecca  Lloyd 

Oct.  30  William  Downs  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Dinah  Light  of 
this  Parish,  Spinster;  by  Banns. ||  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector. 
Witnesses :  Daniel  Light,  Ann  Downs,  Maria  Evans 

1830  Nov.  2-4     Count  Ferdinand  dal  Pozzo  of  the  Parish  of  S'  James,   West- 

minster, in  the  County  of  Middlesex,  Widower,  and  Mary 
Eichardson  of  this  Parish,  a  Spinster ;  by  Licence.  J.  J.  Ellis, 
M.A.,  Eector.  Witnesses  :  E.  Eichardson,  Joseph  Wood 
Dec.  5  Jeremiah  Sage  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Sophia  Eeynolds  of 
this  Parish,  Spinster;  by  Banns. j|  E.  S.  Ellis,  B.A.,  Curate. 
Witnesses  :  Ann  Eeynolds,  Joseph  Wood 
„  16  Chai'les  James  Hany  Monument  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and 
Sally  Stock  Ayliu  of  this  Parish,  Spinster;  by  Banns. || 
E.  S.  Ellis,  B.A.,  Curate.  Witnesses :  Martha  Aylin,  Joseph 

1831  Mar.  15     John  Euddiman  of  this  Parish,  a  Bachelor,  and  Elizabeth  Cooper 

of  the  Parish  of  S'  Benet  Fink,  a  Spinster;  by  Licence. 
J.  J.  Ellis,  M. A.,  Eector.  Witnesses :  John  M<=Pherson,  Mary 
Aug.  1  James  Stevens  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Naomi  Neat  of  this 
Parish,  Spinster;  by  Banns.||  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector. 
Witnesses  :  Eichard  Watson,  Eliza  Neat 

y  See  Mem.  on  p.  97. — Ed.  •  Signed  by  mark. 


1831  Sep.      5     James    G-utteridge    o£    this    Parish,    Bachelor,    and   Elizabeth 

Derrington  of  this  Parish,  Spinster;  by  Banns. ||  Henry 
William  Maddock,  M.A.,  Office  Min^.  Witnesses :  W™  Carter, 
Sarah  Carter 

„  9  Charles  Creamer  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Mary  Ann  Worrall 
of  this  Parish,  Spinster ;  by  Banns.  ||  Henry  William  Maddock, 
M.  A.,  Offics  Min"".  Witnesses  :  James  Wright,  Eebecca  Wright 
Dec.  25  Edward  Watson  of  this  Parish,  Widower,  and  Ann  Willis*  of 
this  Parish,  Spinster;  by  Banns. ||  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector. 
Witnesses  :  James  Colcomb,  Elizabeth  Colcomb 

„  31  Thomas  John  Gentry  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Fanny 
Barber  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  John,  Hackney,  in  the  County 
of  Middlesex,  Spinster;  by  Licence.  William  Blunt,  Officiating 
Minister.     Witnesses  :  John  Barber,  Mary  Surr 

1832  April  29     William  Kemp  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Panny  Templeman 

of  this  Parish,  Spinster ;  by  Banns. ||    E.  S.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Curate. 

Witnesses  :  John  Chick,  Cath.  Mumby 
May  16     Thomas  Harber  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Martha  Cheshire 

of  this  Parish,  Spinster ;  by  Banns. ||     E.  S.  Ellis,  M.  A.,  Curate. 

Witnesses  :  Joseph  Wood,  Ann  Morrell 
Aug.  18     John  Bartholomew  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Eliza  Edmeades 

of  this  Parish,  Spinster ;  by  Banns. ||    James  Blenkarne,  A.M., 

Assist^  Minister.     AVitnesses:    John  Edmeades,  Sarah  Ann 

„      28     Thomas  Book*  of  the  Parish  of  Ware  in  the  County  of  Hertford, 

a  Bachelor,  and  Mary  Elizabeth  Lambert*  of  the  Parish  of 

S'  Martin  Outwich,  London,  Spinster,  a  Minor;  by  License, 

with  consent  of  David  Lambert  her  father.     Richard  Ruddock, 

Off.   Min.     Witnesses:    David  Lambert,    Sarah    Buss,  Mary 

Sep.    24     John  Tampkins*t  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Mary  Thompson  of 

this  Parish,  Spinster;   by  Banns. ||     J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector. 

AVituesses  :  James  Thompson,  Jane  Barker 
Oct.    15     Robert  Clarksou  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Louisa  Martin  of 

this  Parish,  Spinster;  by  Baims.||     J.  J.  Ellis,  M. A.,  Rector. 

Witnesses :  the  Mark  of  Eliza  Ann  Horlock,  Joseph  Wood 

1833  July     1     Thomas  Lewis  Webb  of  this  Parish,  a  Bachelor,  and  Mary  Ann 

Carpenter  of  this  Parish,  a  Spinster;  by  Banns. ||  J.  J.  Ellis, 
M.A.,  Rector.  Witnesses:  Mary  Ann  Watson,  Joseph  Wood 
„  7  Charles  Curtis  of  this  Parish,  a  Bachelor,  and  Mary  Ann  Kent* 
of  this  Parish,  a  Spinster ;  by  Banns. ||  J.  .J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector. 
Witnesses  :  John  Marshall,  Ann  Bridges 
„  21  John  Rawlings  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Mary  le  bone  in  the 
County  of  Middlesex,  a  Bachelor,  and  Sarah  Potter  of  this 
Parish,  a  Spinster,  a  Minor ;  by  Licence,  with  consent  of 
William  James  Potter,  the  natural  and  lawful  Father  of  the 
said  Minor.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector.  Witnesses:  W.  J. 
Potter,  M.  Malpas,  E.  Rawlings 

Aug.  21  William  Pearson  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Phoebe  Powell  of 
this  Parish,  Spinster;  by  Banns. ||  Yices^  Knox  Child,  M.A., 
Off.  Min.     Witnesses  :  Charls  Powell,  Mary  Riley 

Dec.  21  George  Stevenson  Ellis  of  this  Parish,  a  Bachelor,  and  Barbara 
Frances  Simpson  of  this  Parish,  a  Spinster;  by  Licence. 
J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector.  Witnesses  :  N.  Simpson,  W"  Simp- 
son, Robert  Stevenson  Ellis,  Elizabeth  Ellis,  Elizabeth  Atkinson, 
Elizabeth  Simpson,  Julia  Simpson 

II  See  Mem.  on  p.  97. — Ed.        *  Signed  by  mark.        f  Spelt  "  Tompkins  "  in  banns. — Ed. 



1834  Jan.  6  James  "Weston  of  this  Parish,  a  Bachelor,  and  Sarah  Ann 
Edmeades  of  this  Parish,  Spinster;  by  Banns. ||  J.  J.  Ellis, 
M.A.,  Eector.     Witnesses  :  Elizabeth  Jones,  George  Coggins 

June  28  James  Mortimer,  Esquire,  of  the  Parish  of  Grillingham  in  the 
County  of  Dorset,  a  Widower,  and  Anne  Morris  of  this  Parish, 
a  Spinster ;  by  License.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector.  Witnesses  : 
Michi  Morris,  Amelia  Henderson,  John  Kuddiman,  Elizabeth 

Sep.  13  George  Rawll  of  this  Parish,  a  Bachelor,  and  Elizabeth  Simmons 
of  this  Parish,  a  Spinster ;  by  Banns.  ||  James  Blenkarne,  A.M., 
Vicar  of  S^  Helen's.  Witnesses :  John  Simmons,  Hannah 
Rawll,  Mary  Simmons 

Oct.  16  William  Thomas  Richardson  of  this  Parish,  a  Bachelor,  and 
Frances  Orpen  Parrish  of  the  Parish  of  Homsey  in  the  County 
of  Middlesex,  a  Spinster;  by  Licence.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A., 
Rector.     Witnesses  :  Jn°  Parrish,  Elisabeth  Orpen  Parrish 

1836  Mar.     7     James  Asby  Underwood  of  this   Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Emily 

Castwood  of  this  Parish,  Spiuster;  by  Banns. ||     J.  J.  Ellis, 
M.A.,  Rector.     Witnesses:  James  Castwood,  Eliza  CastAvood 

1837  Jan.      1     William  Cook  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Susanna  Larcher  of 

this  Parish,  Spinster  ;    by  Banns. ||     J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector. 
AVitnesses:  Andrew  Larcher,  Nathaniel  Stephens 
April  10     John  Nunn  of  this  Parish,  Bachelor,  and  Elizabeth  Ann  Bastick 
of  this  Parish,  Spinster;  by  Banns. ||    J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector. 
Witnesses :  Mary  Bastick,  Ann  Maria  Wolveridge  [No.  93] 

N.B. — Further  entries  in  this  Register,  comprised  in  pages  32  to  39,  being 
Nos.  94)  to  115  inclusive,  are  made,  but  in  pencil  erased,  as  being  made  also  in 
the  New  Register  VII.     See  Mem.  on  p.  87. — Editor. 


[Marriages,  1837,  November  6,  to  1872,  February  18.] 

1837.t  Marriage  solemnized  at  the  Parish  Church  in  the  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outwich 
in  the  County  of  Middlesex  and  City  of  London. 








Rank  or 


at  the 

time  of  Marriage. 

Name  and 

Rank  or 
of  Father. 











39  Threadneedle 


39  Threadneedle 




Boot  Maker 

Married  in  the  Parish  Church  according  to  the  Rites  and  Ceremonies  of  the  Established 
Church,  after  Banns, ||  by  me,  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector. 

This  Marriage  was     (Richard  Scoones.                 In  the  Presence  J  Benjamin  Baber. 
solemnized  between  us  ^  Maria  Baber.                                  of  us           (  Henrietta  Baber. 

II  See  Mem.  on  p.  97. — Ed. 

f  The  entries  of  marriages  from  1837  have  been  somewhat  shortened  from  the  long  printed 
form  then  introduced  b}'  omitting  most  of  the  printed  portion  after  the  first  entry,  which  is  given 
in  full.  The  names  of  the  witnesses  are  always  given,  and  any  discrepancies  in  the  signatures  of 
the  contracting  parties  noticed. — Editob. 



1838  Jan.   18     Joseph  Tattou  Groves,  24,  Bachelor,  Carpenter,  84  Threadneedle 

Street,  Edward  Groves,  Pilot,  Sophia  Louisa  Eustace  Baxter, 
18,  Spinster,  34  Threa<ineedle  Street,  John  Baxter,  Lieutenant, 
by  Banns; II  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector.  Witnesses:  Jacob 
Eains,  Rachel  Groves 

1839  Nov.     8    Thomas  Johnson,  of  full  age,  Bachelor,  Tea-dealer,  City  Garden 

Row,  City  Road,  "William  Johnson,  Laborer,  Sarah  Price,  of 
full  age.  Spinster,  Rectory  House,  William  Price,  Farmer,  by 
Licence  ;  by  William  Blunt,  Off?  Min'.  Witnesses  :  Rich^ 
Mumby,  Leah  Mumby 
„  21  John  Charles  Dennis,  of  full  age,  Bachelor,  Mathematical 
Instrument  Maker,  118  Bishopsgate  Street,  Jeffery  Dennis, 
Chart  Seller,  Mary  Robins,  of  full  age.  Spinster,  Bromley, 
Middlesex,  John  Kobins,  Currier,  by  Licence  ;  by  William 
Blunt,  Off?  Min'".  Witnesses  :  Jn°  Robins,  Mary  Ann  Dennis, 
Jeffery  Dennis,  Eliza  Dennis,  Sarah  Robins 

1842  July   16     James  Adams,  of  full  age.  Bachelor,  Carpenter,  Queen  Square, 

Bartholomew  Close,  John  Adams,  Porter,  Hampton  Court 
Palace,  Elizabeth  Simpson,  of  full  age.  Spinster,  South  Sea 
House,  John  Simpson,  Messenger,  South  Sea  House  [by  Bannsjl]  ; 
by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector.  Witnesses  :  Edward  Simpson, 
Maria  Jarratt,  Ann  Adams 

1843  Sep.      7     Thomas   James    Blake,  of  full   age.   Bachelor,    Tea-dealer,  114 

Bishopsgate  St.,  Thomas  Blake,  deceased,  Ann  Mearis,  of  full 
age.  Spinster,  114  Bishopsgate  St.,  James  Mearis,  deceased, 
by  Banns  ;||  by  Charles  MacKenzie,  x\.M.  Witnesses:  Cha' 
Steimett,  Martha  Lowndes,  Tho.  Lo^^^ldes,  JNIary  Blake,  Eliza 
Stennett,  Joseph  Mayor  Blake 

1846  Feb.    11     Samuel  Howard  Billingay,  full  age.  Bachelor,  Ironmonger,  No.  1 

Waterloo  Terrace,  Commercial  Road  East,  Samuel  Billingay, 
Gentleman,  Elizabeth  Ann  Comins  Arnold,  full  age,  Spinster, 
No.  1  Waterloo  Terrace,  Commercial  Road  East,  William 
Rowland  Arnold,  Gentleman;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector. 
Witnesses:  W.  Y.  Arnold,  Edmund  S.  F.  Arnold,  Jessie  Ross, 
Elizabeth  Arnold,  Emily  Mary  Rivers  Arnold 
Oct.  17  Benjamin  Bodman  Breach,  full  age,  Bachelor,  Hotel  Keeper, 
Leamington,  Warwickshire,  W^ alter  Gaby  Breach,  Agriculturist, 
Caroline  I' Anson,  full  age,  Spinster,  12  Bishopsgate  Within, 
Leonard  I'.Anson,  Tailor;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector.  Wit- 
nesses :   W.  H.  I' Anson,  J.  G.  Breach,  A.  M.  E.  I'Anson 

1847  Nov.  18     William   Faulder   Davies,   full   age,    Bachelor,    Watch    Maker, 

Liverpool,  Thomas  Davies,  Watch  Maker,  Elizabeth  Ellis  .Mott, 
full  age,  Spinster,  Bishopsgate  Within,  Pierce  Humphrey  Mott, 
Navy  Captain  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector.  Witnesses  :  Geo. 
Stevenson  Ellis,  S.  E.  M.  Mott,  Tho^  Spicer  Dismore,  G.  E.  Ellis 

1848  April  23     William  Armitage,  full  age,  Widower,  Book  Binder,  36  Thread- 

needle  Street,  William  Armitage,  Farmer's  Labourer,  Jane 
Elizabeth  Brand,*  full  age.  Spinster,  Threadneedle  Street,  Da\'id 
Brand,  Weaver  [by  Banns||]  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector. 
Witnesses  :  David  Brand,  Elizabeth  Wright 
May  16  John  Wright,  full  age.  Bachelor,  Ironmonger,  S*  Michael,  Stam- 
ford, in  the  County  uf  Lincoln,  Robert  Wright,  Farmer,  Betsey 
Haynes,  full  age.  Spinster,  Threadneedle  Street,  Thomas 
Haynes,  Silversmith ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector.  Wit- 
nesses :  Samuel  Banson  Rockstand,  Catharine  Haynes,  Fanny 
Marie  Goodyer 

II  See  Mem.  ou  p.  97.— Ed.  *  Signed  by  mark. 


1849  Feb.  25     Ei  chard   Joseph  William  Hamilton  Clark,  full   age,  Bachelor, 

Furrier,  Hatton  Court,  Eichard  Clark,  Clerk  in  the  Customs, 
Ann  Eliza  Parker,  full  age.  Spinster,  Dress  Maker,  Thread- 
needle  Street,  Ex.  Parker,  Ship  Steward  [by  Banns ||]  ;  by  J.  J. 
Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector.     "Witnesses  :  Ann  Philips,  N.  Stephens 

Mar.  17  John  Eowbottom,  full  age.  Bachelor,  Gentleman,  Threadneedle 
Street,  John  Eowbottom,  Gentleman,  Georgiua  Furner,  20, 
Spinster,  46  Threadneedle  Street,  Sam^  Furner,  Gentleman 
[by  Banns||]  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector.  Witnesses  :  John 
Thomas  Hall,  Ann  Hall 

Dec.  11  Alfred  Croot,  full  age.  Bachelor,  Clerk,  Parish  of  Christ  Church, 
County  of  Surrey,  Benjamin  Croot,  Licenced  Victualler,  Maria 
Jarratt,  full  age,  Spinster,  South  Sea  House,  James  Jarratt, 
Licenced  Victualler  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector.  Witnesses  : 
Will™  Johnson,  Charles  Jarratt,  Harnett  Malins 

1850  Mar.  31     David  John  Brand,  full  age.  Bachelor,  Book  Binder,  36  Thread- 

needle Street,  David  John  Brand ,  Weaver,  Ann  Eliza  Hubner, 
full  age,  Spinster,  Book  folder,  36  Threadneedle  Street,  John 
Frederick  Hubner,  Shoe  Maker  [by  Banns||]  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 
M.A.,  Eector.  Witnesses  :  William  Armitage,  Elizabeth  Ann 
Hubner,  Sophia  Matilda  Hubner 
Aug.  31  Frederick  William  Tenuant,  full  age,  Bachelor,  Sail  Maker, 
12  Bishopsgate  Within,  Henry  Dalzell  Tennant,  Sail  Maker, 
Emma  Bruntou,  full  age,  Spinster,  S'  Ann,  Limehouse,  AVilliam 
Bruntou,  Druggist,  by  Licence;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector. 
Witnesses :  M.  V.  Linton,  H.  N.  I'x\nson,  Eleanor  Brunton, 
Mary  Ann  Tennant 

1851  Feb.     2     Thomas   Morgan,   full    age,   Tailor,    Bachelor,   14   Bishopsgate 

Street  Within,  James  Morgan,  Tailor,  Sarah  Townsend,  full 
age,  Spinster,  14  Bishopsgate  Street  Within,  Thomas  Town- 
send,  Farmer  [by  Banns||]  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector. 
Witnesses  :  K".  Stephens,  Ann  M.  Gilbert 
Aug.  26  Eobert  Chinery,  full  age.  Widower,  Beadle,  Merchant  Taylors' 
Hall,  Thomas  Chinery,  Farmer,  Sarah  Eedding,  full  age,  Spin- 
ster, Threadneedle  Street,  William  Eedding,  Labourer  [by 
Banns||]  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector.  Witnesses  :  Charles 
Chinery,  Hannet  Chinery 

1853  May  11     Thomas  Johnson, full  age.  Widower, Tea  Dealer,  City  Garden Eow, 

City  Koad,  William  Johns*  in,  Lab()urer,Caroline  Aduams,  full  age. 
Spinster,  Threadneedle  Si  reet,  William  Adnams,  Farmer ;  by  J.  J. 
Ellis,  M.  A.,  Eector.    Witnesses :  Francis  Johnson,  Sarah  Johnson 

1854  May  28     Eichard    Oldham,    full    age.    Bachelor,    Emery    Manufacturer, 

42  Threadneedle  St.,  AYilliam  Oldham,  Emery  Man"',  Mai*y  Ann 
Kemp,  full  age.  Spinster,  42  Threadneedle  St.,  William  Kemp, 
Waterman  [by  BannsH]  ;  by  John  Letts,  Offs  Min"".  Wit- 
nesses :  Henry  Kemp,  N.  Stephens 
Sep.  26  James  Drew,  full  age.  Bachelor,  Warehouseman,  30  Threadneedle 
Street,  Daniel  Drew,  Cabinet  Maker,  Emma  Cassell,  full  age. 
Spinster,  30  Threadneedle  Street,  Thomas  Cassell,  Carpenter 
[by  Banns||]  ;  by  John  D.  Letts,  Off.  Min.  Witnesses: 
Daniel  Drew,  Ann  Drew,  James  Harris 

1855  Mar.  25     Isaac  Gandou,  full  age.  Widower,  Post  Office  Clerk,  117  Bishops- 

gate Street,  Peter  Gandon,  Builder,  Isabel  Wliitehead,  full 
age.  Spinster,  117  Bishopsgate  Street,  Thomas  Whitehead, 
Accountant  [by  Banns ||]  ;  by  John  D.  Letts,  Off.  Min.  Wit- 
nesses :  William  Beckett,  Barbara  Beckett  [No.  22] 

II  See  Mem.  on  p.  97,— En, 


1855  Sep.    20     William  Fletcher,  of  full  age,  Bachelor,  Linen  Draper,  3  Crown 

Court,  "William  Fletcher,  Linen  Draper,  Eliza  Bartholomew, 
of  lull  age,  Spinster,  Crown  Court,  John  Bartholomew,  Uphol- 
sterer [by  Bannsll]  ;  by  J.  B.  Deane,  Eector.  Witnesses  :  W°» 
Fletcher,  Sen"",  Eliza  Bartholomew 

1856  Jan.      7     James  William  Crussell,  full  age,  Bachelor,  Chemist,  32  Beauvou 

Terrace,  West  Hackney,  James  Crussell,  Carpenter  and 
Builder,  Ann  Green,  full  age,  Spinster,  9  Bishopsgate  Street 
AVithin,  John  Green,  Farmer,  by  Licence;  by  J.  B.  Deane, 
Eector.  Witnesses  :  N.  Stephens,  Jno.  Clark 
Jiily  29  Nathaniel  Stephens,  of  full  age.  Bachelor,  Surveyor,  30  Thread- 
needle  St.,  Nathaniel  Stephens,  Beadle  of  The  Merch' 
Taylors'  Co>',  i\nn  Tanner,  of  full  age,  Spinster,  Pope's 
Head  Alley,  Thomas  Tanner,  Notary,  by  licence  ;  by 
J.  B.  Deane,  Eector.  Witnesses :  Thomas  Tanner,  Mary 

1857  April  16     Joseph  Stephens,  of  full  age,  Bachelor,  Coimting  house  Clerk, 

30  Threadneedle  Street,  Nathaniel  Stephens,  Beadle  of  the 
Merchant  Taylors'  Co.,  Betsy  Curtis,  of  full  age,  Spinster, 
30  I'hreadneedle  Street,  Bobert  Curtis,  Cordwainer,  by  Banns  ;|| 
by  Tho.  W.  Wrench,  Eector  of  S'  Michael,  Cornhill. 
Witnesses :  Charles  Davidson  Durant,  Elizabeth  Stephens, 
N.  Stephens 

1858  June    1     Joseph  Tanner,   full   age.   Bachelor,  Clerk   in  London  Docks, 

Pope's  head  Alley,  Thomas  Tanner,  Notary,  Sarah  Stephens, 
full  age.  Spinster,  Threadneedle  Street,  Nathaniel  Stephens, 
Beadle  of  Merchant  Taylors'  Company,  by  Licence ;  by  J.  B. 
Deane,  Eector.  Witnesses :  William  Harrington,  Elizabeth 
Stephens,  N.  Stephens,  Mary  Tanner,  Charlotte  Tanner 

1859  Mar.  19     Francis  Stephen  Flockton,  23,  Bachelor,  Eussia  Broker,  South 

Sea  House,  Stephen  Flockton,  Eussia  Broker,  Isabel  Mary 
Flockton,  2i,  Spinster,  The  Lodge,  Eomford,  Webster  Flockton, 
Seed  Crusher,  by  Licence;  by  Eich'^  Whittington,  M.A.,  Offe 
Min^  Witnesses  :  Cornelius  Butler,  Webster  Flockton,  T.  C, 
Flockton,  Squire  Flockton,  A.  M.  Flockton 

1S6L     April    3     Charles  Snelling,  of  full  age.  Widower,  Gentleman,  S'  Leonard, 

Shoreditch,  Henry  Snelling,  Wholesale  Grocer,  Emma  White- 
head, of  full  age.  Spinster,  Bishopsgate  Street  Within,  Thomas 
Whitehead,  Accountant,  by  Licence ;  by  Eobert  B.  Gibson, 
Eector  of  S'  Mary  Abchurch.  Witnesses:  William  Henry 
Beckett,  John  Whiffin  Whitehead 

1863     July  19     James  Hardy,  of   full  age.   Bachelor,  Counting   House   Clerk, 

117  Bishopsgate  Street  Within,  James  Hardy,  Carpenter,  Mary 
Ann  Dix.  of  full  age.  Spinster,  117  Bishopsgate  Street  Within, 
Thomas  Dix,  Bootmaker,  byBanns;||  by  J.  A.L.  Airey,OffsMin^ 
Witnesses  :  William  Henry  Beckett,  Alexander  Mountcastle 
Nov.  29  Henry  Taylor,  36,  Bachelor,  Porter,  119  Bishopsgate  Street 
Withiu,  Joseph  Taylor,  Counting  House  Clerk,  Sarah  Ann 
Goldfinch,  33,  Spinster,  119  Bishopsgate  Street  Within,  Henry 
Goldfinch,  Grocer,  by  Banns  ;||  by  J.  B.  Deane,  Eector.  Wit- 
nesses :  W.  Hobbs,  Jane  Emily  Goldfinch 
Dec.  28  Thomas  Beading,  41,  Bachelor,  Farmer,  Merchant  Taylors'  Hall, 
William  Beading,  Farmer,  Caroline  Styles,  38,  Spinster, 
Merchant  Taylors'  Hall,  Eichard  Styles,  Book-keeper,  by 
Banns ;||  by  J.  A.  L.  Airey,  Offe  Min\  Witnesses:  Eobert 
Chinery,  A.  Wilding 

I  See  Mem.  on  p.  97, — Ep, 


1865  Jan.  21  John  HafEa,  of  full  age,  Bachelor,  Tailor,  43  Threadneedle  Street, 
Tobias  Haffa  (deceased).  Bootmaker,  Jane  Groom,  of  full  age. 
Spinster,  43  Threadneedle  Street,  Paul  Groom  (deceased), 
Baker,  by  Banns  ;||  by  W™  H.  Milman,  M.A.,  Eector  of  S.  Angus- 
tine  and  S.  Faith.  Witnesses  :  Alfred  Groom,  Eunces  Groom 
June  5  William  Joseph  May,  of  full  age,  Bachelor,  Woollen  Draper, 
City  Chambers,  121  Bishopsgate  S*  Within,  John  May,  Teacher 
of  the  Blind  School,  S'  George's  Pields,  Mary  Ann  Howell,  of 
full  age,  Spinster,  City  Chambers,  121  Bishopsgate  S'  Within, 
John  Howell,  Commercial  Agent,  by  Banns  ;||  by  J.  B.  Deane, 
Eector.  Witnesses  :  William  Philip  Phertzell,  Alice  Howell 
July  1  James  Perkins,  of  full  age.  Bachelor," Boot  Maker,  44  Thread- 
needle Street,  James  Perkins,  Boot  Maker,  Elizabeth  Graff, 
of  full  age.  Widow,  S*  John,  Hackney,  William  Pittam,  Boot 
Maker,  by  Licence  ;  by  J.  B.  Deane,  Rector.  Witnesses : 
N.  Stephens,  Mary  Ann  Turner 
Oct.  3  Archibald  Walker,  of  full  age.  Bachelor,  Esquire,  19  Bishopsgate 
Street  Within,  James  Thomas  Walker,  Merchant,  Henriette 
Ernestine  Pessler,  of  full  age,  Spinster,  Germany,  Franz  Ed- 
mund Pessler,  Lutheran  Pastor,  by  Licence ;  by  Henry  J.  Cum- 
mins.  Witnesses:  William  Lyon,  Eleanora  Lyon,  E.H.BroAvne 

1869     Sep.      4     James  Bertie,  full  age,  Batchelor,  Solicitor's  Clerk,    S'   Mary, 

Islington,  Jonathan  Bei'tie,  Servant  in  the  British  Museum, 
and  Alice  Howell,  under  age,  by  consent  of  parents,  Spinster, 
City  Chambers,  Bishopsgate  S',  John  Howell,  Office  Keeper, 
by  banns; II  by  J.  B.  Deane,  Eector.  Witnesses:  William 
Philip  Hertzell,  Margaret  Sarah  Jane  Gawler 

1872     Feb.   18     Joseph  Parker,*  full  age,  Widow-er,  House  and  Office  Keeper, 

41  Threadneedle  Street,  Joseph  Parker,  Farmer,  and  Mary 
Ann  Luring,!  full  age.  Spinster,  41  Threadneedle  Street,  Aron 
Parker,  Coachman  [by  Banns||] ;  by  J.  B.  Deane,  Eector. 
Witnesses  :  James  Brittan,  Ellen  Lurring 

[This  is  the  last  entry  of  Marriage  in  Eegister  VII.  and  is  numbered  38. — Ed.] 

The  Parish  of  S'  Martin  Outioich  was  conjoined  xoith  that  of  S'  Helen, 
Bishopsgate,  hy  Order  of  the  Queen  in  Council,  Monday  May  5"\  1873,  ^ 
promulgated  in  the  Gazette  of  the  folJoioing  day. 

Witness  my  hand  this  29'*  day  of  March  1874. 

John  Edmund  Cox,  D.D., 

Vicar  in  charge  of  the  United  Parish  of  S'  Helen, 
Bishopsgate,  and  S*  Martin  Outwich. 

Memorandum. — In  a  Eegister  of  Banns  are  several  entries  of  Banns  of 
Marriage  fi'om  1824  to  1872.  The  entries  have  been  carefully  checked  wdth  the 
Eegisters  V.  and  VII.  of  Marriages,  and  are  identified  with  a  ||  on  pp.  90  to  97. 
The  following  entries  do  not  appear  in  the  Eegisters  of  Marriages,  aud  are  there- 
fore set  out  as  follows. — Ed. 

1824     Feb.  Banns  of  Marriage  between  Joseph  Harper,  Bachelor,  and  Sophia 

Palmer,  Spinster,  both  of  this  Parish,  were  published  on  the 
Three  Sundays  underwritten. 

No.  1.  That  is  to  say — 

On  Sunday  the   1^*  day  of  February  1824.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector. 

On  Sunday  the   8^^  day  of  February  1824.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.  A.,  Eector. 

On  Sunday  the  15'i»  day  of  February  1824.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.  A.,  Eector. 

II  See  Mem.  above. — Ed. 
The  Parker — Luring  entry  is  tlae  last  one  in  the  Banns  Book  and  is  numbered  66. — Ed. 

Signed  Lurring. 



1829     Jan.  Banns  of  Marriage  between  James  Eobinson,  Bachelor,  and  Lucy 

Feb.  Chii^p,  Spinster,  botb  of  this  Parish,  were  published  on  the 

Three  Sundays  underwritten. 

No.  13.  That  is  to  say — 

On  Sunday  the  25*1^  day  of  January  1829.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.  A.,  Eector. 

On  Sunday  the    1^*  day  of  February  1829.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.  A.,  Eector. 

On  Sunday  the    8^^  day  of  February  1829.  [blank'] . 

1829  Aug,  Banns  of  Marriage  between  John  Charlesworth,  AVidower,  and 
Sep.  Frances  Brunt,  Widow,  both  of  this  Parish,  were  published  on 

the  Three  Sundays  underwritten. 
No.  15.  That  is  to  say — 

On  Sunday  the  23"^  day  of  August  1829.  F.  D.  Lempriere. 

On  Sunday  the  30^^  day  of  August  1829.  F.  D.  Lempriere. 

On  Sunday  the    G'^^  day  of  September  1829.     F.  D.  Lempriere. 

1830  May  Banns  of  Marriage  between  William  Luff,  Bachelor,  and  Sarah 
June  Cox,  Spinster,  both  of  this  Parish,  were  published  on  the  Three 

Sundays  uuderwritten. 
No.  17.  That  is  to  say — 

On  Sunday  the  SO^^  day  of  May  1830.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector. 
On  Sunday  the  6'''  day  of  June  1830.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector. 
On  Sunday  the  IS^^  day  of  June  1830.     J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector. 

1833  Dec.  Banns  of  Marriage  between  George  Hotchkiss  of   this  Parish, 

Widower,  and  Ann  Mittall  of  the  Parish  of  Saint  Ann's,  West- 
minsf.  Spinster,  were  published  on  the  Three  Sundays  under- 
No.  32.  That  is  to  say- 

On  Sunday  the  8t>^  day  of  December  1833.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A., Eector. 
On  Sunday  the  15^^  day  of  December  1833.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.  A., Eector. 
On  Sunday  the  221*5  ^jay  of  December  1833.    J.  J.  Ellis,  M.  A.,  Eector. 

1834  Feb.  Banns  of  Marriage  between  Joachim  Louis  Philippe  Varlet  of 
Mar.  Montreuil  sur  Mer,   departement  du  pas-de  Calais,  France, 

Bachelor,  and  Laura  Sarah  Pinnock  of  this  Parish,  Spinster, 
were  published  on  the  Three  Sundays  underwritten. 

No.  34.  That  is  to  say — 

On  Sunday  the  23'-''  day  of  February  1834.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector. 
On  Sunday  the  2^^  day  of  March  1834.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector. 
On  Sunday  the    9'i>  day  of  March  1834.        J.  J.  Ellis,  M.  A.,  Eector. 

1847     Sep.  Banns  of  Marriage  between  William  Elliff,  Widower,  and  Mary 

Ann  Herring,  Spinster,  both  of  this  Parish,  were  published  on 
the  Three  Sundays  underwritten. 

No.  43.  That  is  to  say — 

On  Sunday  the  12tii  day  of  September  1847.  E.  G-arnett,  Off.  Miu'. 

On  Sunday  the  19'i'  day  of  September  1847.  E.  Garnett. 

On  Sunday  the  26ti»  day  of  September  1847.  J.  J.  Ellis, M.  A., Eector. 

1850     June  Banns  of  Marriage  between  Benjamin  Field  of  Paris,  Bachelor, 

July  and  Sarah  Hall  of  this  Parish,  Spinster,  were  published  on  the 

Three  Sundays  underwritten. 
No.  48.  That  is  to  say — 

On  Sunday  the  30*^  day  of  June  1850,  by  me  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector. 
On  Sunday  the  7"^^  day  of  July  1850,  by  me  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector. 
On  Sunday  the  14"'  day  of  July  1850,  by  me  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector. 

MAimiAGES.  ^9 

1852     Dec.  Banns  of  Marriage  between  Henry  Jabez  Humby  of  this  Parish, 

Bachelor,  and  Sarah  Crabtree  of  Bath,  Spinster,  were  published 
on  the  Three  Sundays  underwritten. 

No.  51.  That  is  to  say — 

On  Sunday  the  12'^  day  of  December  1852.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Rector. 
On  Sunday  the  19^11  day  of  December  1852.  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,Eector. 
On  Sunday  the  26tii  day  of  December  1852.    J.  J.  Ellis,  M.  A.,  Hector. 

1861  Aug.  Banns    of    Marriage    between    William    Henry    Ealkingham, 

Bachelor,  of  this  Parish,  and  Ann  Goldfinch  of  the  Parish  of 
S'  George,  Hanover  Sq'',  Spinster,  were  published  on  the  Three 
Sundays  underwritten. 

No.  57.                           That  is  to  say- 
On  Sunday  the  IV^  day  of  August  1861.  J.  A.  L.  Airey. 
On  Sunday  the  18"'  day  of  August  1861.  J.  A.  L.  Airey. 
On  Sunday  the  25*11  day  of  August  1861.  J.  A.  L.  Airey. 

1862  Aug.  Banns  of  Marriage  between  Frederick  Alborough,  Bachelor,  of 

the  Parish  of  S*  John,  Hackney,  and  Clara  Weaver  Terbury, 
Spinster,  of  this  Parish,  were  published  on  the  Three  Sundays 

No.  58.                            That  is  to  say- 
On  Sunday  the  l?"'  day  of  August  1862.  J.  A.  L.  Airey. 
On  Sunday  the  24*''  day  of  August  1862.  J.  A.  L.  Airey. 
On  Sunday  the  31^*  day  of  August  1862.  J.  A.  L.  Airey. 

1869     May  Banns  of  Marriage  between  William  Eoberts,  Bachelor,  of  this 

Parish,  and  Emma  Price,  Spinster,  of  the  Parish  of  Ickleford, 
Herts,  were  published  on  the  Three  Sundays  underwritten. 

That  is  to  say — 

On  Sunday  the  16*i>  May.  J.  B.  Deane. 
On  Sunday  the  23  May.  J.  B.  Deane. 
On  Sunday  the  30  May.       J.  B.  Deane. 





[BuEiALS,  1670,  August  5,  to  1795,  November  23.] 

1670    Aug,    5     Ellizabth  d.  of  Thomas  Thristele  and  Marey  Ms  wife,  in  the 

6     Susane  wife  of  George  Pate,  in  the  Closters 

18     John  s.  of  Thomas  Borton  of  Leachfild  in  Gloster  Shear,  in  the 
Cloysters,  from  M''  Danes 
„      10     Henrey  s.  of  Eichard  Pigg  and  Ann  his  wife,  in  the  bodey  of 
the  Church 
Sep.      3     M''^  Webb's  child  Saraw,  in  the  bodey  of  the  Church 
Aug.  28     Edward  s.  of  .Joseph  Booth 
Sep.    12     Justinion  s.  of  John  Whitter  and  Ellizabth  his  wife,  in  the  bodey 

of  the  Church 
Oct.    28     Henrey  s.  of  Henry  Littlton  and  Zutpnanea,  in  the  bodie  of  y® 
„      29    Thomas  s.  of  Thomas  Simson  and  Saraw  his  wife,  in  the  Cloysters 
„      30     John  Sands,  in  the  bodey  of  the  Church 
Nov.  24     Edward  Browniuge,  servante  to  M''  Phillop  Gregorey,  in  the 

bodey  of  the  Church 
Dec.  22     M'"^  Judith  Leeke,  in  the  Chancle 
Jan.   17     Peuellowpy  d.  of  John  Jolley,  Esq'",  and  Eebeckow  his  wiff,  in 

the  Vate  [sic']  in  the  Chancell 
Feb.  17     Harbett  Eagg  s.  of  S''  John  Fagg,  Knight,  servante  to  John 
Jolley,  in  the  Yalt  in  the  Chappie 
„      14     M"  Foster,  in  the  Cloysters 

„      13     Saraw  Yanhick  d.  to  John  Vanhicke  and  Ester  his  wife,  in  the 
bodie  of  the  Church 
1671     April    5     [blank]  d.  of  M"  Bushe,  in  bodey  of  the  Church 

May     7     Marey  d.  of  Eichard  Bacar  and  Marie  his  wife,  in  the  bodie  of 
the  Church 
„        2     George  s.  of  John  Jolliffe,  Esq"",  and  Eeebeckow  his  wiff,  in  the 

1670  Mar.     4     Thomas  Thristell 

1671  May  22     John  Buckuell,  servante  to  M''  Hoxeu,  in  the  Pappey  Church- 

July  25     John  s.  of  John  Prigeott  and  Ann  his  wife,  in  y^  body  of  y® 

Church  ;  by  M""  Dean  Smallhood 
Aug.     1     M''   John    Brusinghem,    Duch    Merchant,    in    y^   vault    in   y^ 

Chauncell  ;     by    M''    Dean    Smallwood.      M''    Hollingsworth 

„      25     Judith  d.  of  John  Higgins  and  Judith  his  wife,  in  y^  body  of  y® 

Church  ;  by  M*"  Luke 
Sep.      8     David  Teasher,  a  french  man  from  roam,  in  y^  Churchyard  ;  by 

M'  Luke 
„      13     John  s.  of  Thomas  Smith  and  Eachill  his  wife,  in  y^  bodie  of  y^ 

Church  by  y«  Pew  No.  9  of  y«  South  He  ;  by  Doctor  Meridant 

at  M""  Hollingsworth  request 
„      20     Lady  Eebeccah  Yincent,  in  y«  body  of  y^  Church  by  my  Pew ; 

by  M""  Hollingsworth.     Doct"^  Ford  p'^eched 
Oct.      1     Thomas  Prestick,  in  y'^  body  of  y^  Church  in  y®  North  He  by  y^ 

Pew  No  9;  by  M""  Luke 

BURIALS.  101 

1671  June  12     Mary  wife  of  Edward  Lascells,  in  y^  body  of  y«  Churcli 

Oct.  3  Mary  d.  of  W"  Boynton,  Esq^  of  Cranston  [?]  in  y^  Countie  of 
Torke,  and  of  Elyzabeth  his  wife,  in  y^  Vault  under  y«  Com- 
munion tabell ;  by  M"^  Luke 

Nov.  3  Elyzabetb  wife  of  Lewis  Willson  of  y^  p'rish  of  S'  Peter's, 
Cornhill,  London,  in  y**  Vault  under  y^  tombe ;  by  M""  Hollings- 

Dec.   12     Mieliacll    IMnott,  under  y^  Pew   No.  6  in  y^  North  He;   by 
M'  Luke 
„      23     Sarah  d.  of  John  Millner  and  of  Ann  his  wife,  in  y'=  vault  under 
y^  Communion  tabell ;  by  M""  Luke 

1672  May  11     Susannah  Leycroft,  widdow,  in   y*=  North   He   under  y^  Pew 

No.  20  ;  by  M-"  CasteU 
July     9     Mary  d.  of  John  Witter  and  of  Mary  his  wife,  in  y^  South  He 

under  y^  Ueask  ;  by  M''  Castell 
„      24     Esquir  Ellis,  belougeing  to  y^  Post  Office,  in  y^  Vault  under  y^ 

Communion  table  ;  by  M'"  Castell 
„      27     John  Axum  of  S'  Bottolphs,  Algate,  in  y^  Churchyard  by  y*' 

wall ;  by  M''  Castell 
Aug.  26     M'"  White's  childe  of  Clapham  in  y^  County  of  Surry,  in  y«  South 

He  under  y"^  Deask 
Sep.      7     John  s.  of  John  Wright,  in  y^  South  He,  No.  12  ;  by  M»'  Castle 
Nov.     5     M'^  Leafs  maide,  in  y*=  Pappie  Churchyard 
Oct.      6     Eaustine  s.  of  Grorge  Knight  and  of  Elyzabeth  his  wife,  in  y^ 

North  He,  No.  9 ;  by  M''  Castell 
Nov.     6     Mary  Andrews  d.  of  Joell  and  of  Jane  his  wife,  in  y«  North  He, 

No.  7  ;  by  M-"  Castle 
Dec.   10     Mary    Lassells   d.    of   Edward,   in   y«  North  He,  No.  10;    by 

M'"  Deane  Smalwood 
„      23     Stephen  s.  of  Jaspher  Clotterbooke  and  of  Thomazin  his  wife,  in 

ye  North  He,  No.  12;  by  M""  Dean  Smalwood 
,.      28     Philip  s.  of  Philip  Jones  and  of  Ann  his  wife,  in  j^  South  He, 

No.  19  ;  by  M''  Deane  Smalwood 
Jan.    28     Elizabeth  d.  of  Henry  Lucas  and  of  Elyzabeth  his  wife,  in  y^ 

Cloayster  ;  by  M"^  Castle 
„      29     Martha  Hirtssou,  M"  Burbet's  maide,  in  y®  Pappie  Churchyard; 

by  M»"  Castle 
Peb.   11     Henry  Lucas,  in  y^  Cloayster  by  the  North  He  ;  by  M'"  Castle 
„      13     Edmond  s.  of  Paule  Peirsou  and  of  Martha  his  wife,  in  y^  North 

He,  No.  10  ;  by  M""  Castle 
Mar.  10     Joseph  s.  of  Joseph  Cooper  and  of  Abigaile  his  wife,  in  y^  Little 

Churchyard  ;  by  M''  Castle 

1673  April  16     Ann  E,oberts,  under  there  owne  Stone 
May     9     Ann  Vincent,  under  there  owne  Stone 

„      18     M'^  Jeaferson,  Widdow,  in  y^  North  Hp  under  ther  owne  Stone  ; 

by  Deane  Smalwood 
„     27     M""  James  Holloway,  in  y®  Vault  under  y'^  Communion  table  ;  by 
Dean  Smalwood 
July  12     John  s.  of  Lewds  Jams   [James]  and  of  Sarah  his  wife,  in  y^ 
South  He,  No.  16  ;  by  M>-  Castle 
„      16     M'  John  Whitter,  in  y«  South  He,  No.  1-t ;  by  M'"  Castle 
Aug.     4     M"   Max'garett    Hollow^ay,   in   y^  Vault  under  y®  Communion 
table  ;  by  M''  Castell 
„      14     Sam'^  s.  of  M'"  Sam^^  Moyere,  in  the  Vault  under  y^  Communion 
table  ;  by  M-^  Castell 
Sep.      9     Laban  s.  of  Adonijah  Wiles  and  of  Margerett  his  wife,  in  y*^ 

South  He,  No.  5  ;  by  M'  Castell 
Oct.    16     Deborah  Axsum,  in  y^  Churchyard  by  y®  Wall  5  by  M*'  Castle 


1673  Oct.    19     John  s.  of  John  Higgins  and  of  Judith  his  wife,  in  y"  North  He, 

No.  15  ;  by  M'-  Castle 
Nov.     6     Ann  Flanssell,  in  y^  Pappie  Churchyard 
„       8     Mary  d.  of  John  Wright  and  of  Margerett  his  wife,  in  y®  South 

He,  No.  12  ;  by  M^  CasteU 
„      27     Elyzabeth  Thristenie,  in  y^  Cloyster  without  y®  Church  doore  ; 

by  M'-  Castell 
Dec.     2     M'  Thomas  Morris,  in  y«  South  He  under  y«  Pews  No.  15 ;  by 

M'  CasteU 
„       9     M"  Bush,  widdow,  in  y^  South  He  under  y^  Pew  No.  5  ;  by 

M''  Castell 
Jan.     4     John  and  Ann  Mathews,  twins  of  Henry  and  Sarah  his  wife,  in 

y«  Littell  Churchyard ;  by  M""  Castell 
Feb.   25     Ester  d.  of  John  Stanton  and  of  Frances  his  wife,  in  y^  South 

He,  No.  11 ;  by  M'"  Castle 
Mar.    4     Ethelldred  d.  of  Stephen  Daniell,  in  y^  North  He,  No.  4  ;  by 

M'  Castle 

1674  April  14    Erancis  s.  of  Francis  Jeyne,  in  y"^  South  He,  No.  11 ;    by  y* 

May  26    M""^  Williamson,  in  y«  North  He  under  y«  great  Stone  by  y®  Pew 

No.  6  ;  M""  Kidder,  Minister 
June  23     M"  Jollif  e,  in  y®  Vault  under  y«  Communion  table ;  by  M""  Kidder, 

July     2     M"*  Moayer's  childe,  in  y^  Vault  under  y^  Communion  Table  ;  by 
M'-  Kidder,  Minst^' 
,,      14     The  Lady  Eeynoldson,  in  y^  Chancell  under  y^  Pews  Nos.  4  and  3 ; 
by  M'"  Kidder 
Sep.      7     John  and  Elyzabeth  Haberou's  stillborne  childe,  in  y"^  North  He 

under  y"^  Stone  by  y''  Pew  No.  16 
Nov.     5     M''  Pcirson's  child,  in  y«  South  He 
„      29     My  Beamont's  child,  in  y<^  Cloyster 
Dec.    11     M""  AVilliam  Moore,  in  y«  Cloyster 
„      24     M^  Allder's  child,  in  y<=  South  He 
Jan.      7     M''  Sim  son's  childe,  in  y^  Cloyste 
„      19     M''  Happ  Hassard,  in  y'=  North  He  under  y^  great  Stone 
„      20     M''  William  Huntt,  in  y^  North  He  under  y«  great  Stone 

1675  May  22     Giles  Heather,  in  y'^  Cloyster ;  by  M-^  Kidder 

June  21     Susan   d.  of   Joell  and  Jane   Andrews,   in  y''  North  He ;    by 

M""  Kidder 
July     2     John  s.  of  William  and  Elyzabeth  Goaf,  in  y^  South  He ;  by 
M'-  Kidder 

„      20     M''  Beamont's  childe,  in  y*=  Cloayster 
Aug.  12     William  s.  of  Ealph  and  Mary  Williamson,  in  y®  North  He 

,,      17     Elyzabeth  d.  of  William  and  Elyzabeth  Goafe,  in  y"^  South  He  ; 
by  M''  Kidder 

„      26     M""  Condley's  childe,  in  y«  South  He 
Dec.  14    M^  John  Hope,  in  y«  North  He 

„      19     Mathew  s.  of  John  and  Judith  Higgins,  in  y^  North  He 

„      26    M'"  Harbett  Higgius,  in  y"^  North  He 

„      27     John  s.  of  John  and  Mary  Levett 
Jan.     4    M''^  Hoxton,  wife  of  Thomas  Hoxton,  in  y^  North  He 

„        8     Ann  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Levett 

1676  April  10     M''  Hinchman's  children,  being  twins,  in  y'^  Cloayster 

„      22  M'-8  Ann  Walton,  in  the  North  He 

June    3  William  s.  of  John  and  Sarah  Purslow,  in  y^  Cloayster 

July     3  William  s.  of  Henry  and  Sarah  Williams,  in  y^  North  He 

Aug.     8  John  s.  of  John  and  Mary  FuUagar,  in  y^  North  He 

Sep.    11  Mary  Stanton,  in  y'=  Lower  Churchyard 































BrBIALS.  103 

1676  Sep.    14     M'**  Tieophania  Smallwood,  in  y«  Vault  under  y^  Communion 

Elyzabeth  Stevenson,  in  y^  North  He 
Martha  Taylor,  in  y«  South  lift 

Elyzabeth  d.  of  John  and  Margarett  "Wrighte,  in  y^  South  He 
Ann  wife  of  liichard  Bridges,  in  v^  Chaunsell 
Eleanor,  Sq""  Jollife's  Maide,  in  y*^  Pappie  Churchyarde 
Aaron  Smith,  in  y^  North  He 

Elyzabeth  d.  of  Thomas  and  Elyzabeth  Combs,  in  y^  Cloayster 
Dilitia  d.  of  Eichard  Bridges,  in  the  Chaunsell 
M'^  Chamberlaine,  in  y®  South  He 
M''  Purslow  childe,  in  y®  Cloayster 
M""^  Ann  ]\Hllner,  in  y^  North  He 
Mary  White  of  Clapham,  in  y^  South  He 
M''^  Ann  Baker,  in  y®  Cloayster 
Ann  Eoales,  in  y^  Chapell 
Abigail  Bush,  in  y^  South  He 

1677  April  13     Martha  d.  of  Joseph  and  Elyzabeth  Cutts,  in  y^  Cloayster 
May   15     Katherine  Chadwick,  in  y^  Pappie  Churchyard 

M'"  Soams,  Churchwarden  [in  margin. — En.] 

June  16    Elyzabeth  Mary  d.  of  Peter  and  Mary  Magdalen  Barme,  in  y* 
North  He 
„      28     Susanah  Beamount,  y^  Eelicte  of  Hugh  Norris,  deceased,  in  y* 
North  He 

ElCHAED    KiDDEE,  Ecctor 

John  Allder,  Churchwarden 

July  18     Eichard  Jennings,  in  t®  Cloayster 

„      30     M'^  AYallis,  M^  Griffith's  Chapline,  in  y^  North  He 

„      31     James  and  Eichard,  sonns  of  John  and  Mary  Levett,  in  y^  South 
Sep.      6     M""  Eobert  Baxtor,  in  y^  South  He 

„      26     Ann  d.  of  Henry  and  Sarah  "WiUiams,  in  y^  North  He 
Oct.    13     M""  Symon  Inns,' in  y'=  South  He 

„      19     Bridgett  Pritchert  [sic']  and  James  Pritchard,  y«  wife  and  sonn 
of  James  Pritchard,  in  y*^  Pappie  Churchyard 

„      21     M""  William  Hope,  in  y^  North  He 

„      29     Elyzabeth  d.  of  Ealph  and  Mary  Williamson,  in  y^  North  He 

„      30     M''  Francis  Price,  in  y^  North  He 
Nov.     6     Bartholomew  s.  of  Eichard  Baker  and  of  Mary  his  wife,  in  y* 
North  He 

„      11     M"  Mary  Thursbee,  in  y^  North  He 
Feb.     5     William  s.  of  William  and  Elyzabeth  Goafe,  in  the  South  He 
Mar.     7     Sarah  d.  of  Thomas  and  Sarah  Williams,  in  the  North  He 

„        8     The  Widdow  Wyrell  of  y^  Parrish  of  S'  Peters  y^  Poore,  in  y^ 

„      13     William  Eoberts,  Esq'',  in  y^  Chauncell 

1678  „      25     Judith  wife  of  John  Higgins,  in  y^  North  He 
„      26     Woolliston  Britt,  in  y^  Cloyster 

April  23     John  s.  of  Ealph  and  Mary  Sherwood,  in  y*  Chappell 
May  12     Thomas  Grifine,  in  y^  Pappie  Churchyard 
„      25     Joseph  Doussen,  in  y^  Pappie  Churchyard 

„      26     Adam  s.  of  W^  and  Elyzabeth  Southen,  in  y^  body  of  the  Church 
June  11     Margerett  d.  of  Ealph  and  Mary  Sherwood,  in  y®  Chappell 
,,       13     William  Foster,  in  y«  body  of  y*^  Church 
,y      21     M^  Hinchman's  childe,  in  y«  Cloyster 

EicHAED  KiDDEB,  Eector 
Eichard  Baker,  Churchwarden 






























1678  July  16     M''  Gome's  child,  in  ye  body  of  the  Church 
The  Widdow  Collis,  in  y^  Pappie  Churchyard 
Susannah  Fagg,  in  y^  Chauncell 
Mary  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Blofeilde,  in  y^  North  He 
Samuell  PoAvell,  in  y^  South  He 
M>'^  Delitia  Hoberts,  in  y^  Chancel 
Thomas  Hoxton,  in  y'=  North  He 
Simon  Bayly,  in  y*^  South  He 

Mary  d.  of  James  and  Judith  Demountier,  in  y"^  North  He 
Jane  d.  of  James  and  Judith  Demountier,  in  y'=  Nortli  He 
Thomas  s.  of  John  and  Mary  Levett,  in  y^  South  He 
William  Hay,  in  y^  North  He 
Ann  Eeynolds,  in  y*^  South  He 
Ann  Law,  in  y^  Cloyster  neere  y^  North  Doore 

1679  April  13     John  s.  of  John  and  Elyzabeth  Morris,  in  y*^  body  of  y*  Church 
May  21     Mary  Martin,  in  y<=  body  of  y'=  Church 

June  10     Mary  Magdalean  d.  of  Peter  aud  Miiry  Magdalean  Barme,  in  y« 
North  ile 
William  Hayes,  in  y^  North  lie 
Jn°  Boyston,  in  y'^  North  He 
Ann  Hay,  in  y*^  North  He 

William  s.  of  William  and  Christian  Hill,  in  y*  Cloyster 
M''  Joseph  Taylor,  South  Ile 

M"  Berry,  deceased  y'^  13  of  Novemb''  in  S^  Hellins  p'rish 
Martha  Loaves,  in  y*^  North  Ile 
Ann  Sherwood,  in  y''  body  of  y*  Church 
William  Palmer,  in  y^  Pappie  Churchj'^ard 
M'  Thomas  Green,  in  y*^  body  of  y*^  Church 

^  „.^    ^       .         ,^    ,  EiCHAED  KiDDEE,  Kector 

Jn°  Jolhfe,  Esq>',  in  y^  Vault 

Andrew  Careless,  in  y^  Pappie  Churchyard 

Thomas  Allen,  in  y^  North  lie 

Edward  Ewer,  in  y^  Pappie  Churchyard 

Alice  Smith,  in  y'=  Pappie  Churchyard 

Elyzabeth  Hayes,  in  y"^  North  He 

Martha  Inns,  in  y^  South  Ile 

1680  April    6     John  s.  of  John  and  Elyzabeth  Morris,  in  y'^  South  lie 
Thomas  Woodley,  Junior,  in  y''  North  lie 
Emanuell  Millner,  in  y'=  North  Ile 
Margrett  ^^^fe  of  Jn°  Wright,  in  y®  South  Ile 
Paule  s.  of  M''  Eichard  Kidder,  in  y*^  Chauncell 
Eichard  s.  of  M''  Eichard  Kidder,  in  y^  Chauncell 
Phillipp  s.  of  Edward  Lassels,  in  y^  North  Ile 
Katharine  d.  of  M''  Kidder,  in  y*^  Chauncell 
John  8.  of  Eobert  and  Mary  Brown,  in  y'=  Cloyster 
Joseph  s.  of  Joseph  and  Elyzabeth  Cutts,  in  y*^  Cloyster 
John  Wright  of  y*^  p'rish  of  S'  Marylebow,  in  y"^  South  He 
A  stillborn  childe  of  Jn"  and  Mary  Levets 
Mary  d.  of  Phillip  and  Susanna  Bartlett,  in  y®  North  Ile 
M"'  Thomas  Pakeman,  in  y*^  South  Ile 
Thomas  s.  of  Thomas  Done,  in  y'=  Vault 
M''^  Sarah  Drinkwater,  in  y^  body  of  y<=  Church 
M'^  Frances  Morgan,  in  y^  North  He 
Eobert  s.  of  Jaspher  and  Thomazeen  Clotterbooke,  in  y^  Chapell 

1681  April    6     Charles  s.  of  Jn°  and  Mary  Milner,  in  y«  Cloyster 
Sarah  d.  of  Solomon  and  Alee  Hinchman,  in  y"^  Cloyster 
Susanna  wife  of  Captaine  Jones  of  y^  p'rish  of  Stepny,  in  y« 

South  He 




































1    6 




































.    6 





BURIALS.  105 

1681  May  26     Elyzabeth  Boaz,  in  y«  South  He 
Eebecca  wife  of  M''  Henry  Curtis,  in  y^  South  He 

EiCHATjB  Kidder,  Eector 
Jane  wife  of  M""  Thomas  "Woodley,  in  y®  body  of  y^  Church 
Elyzabeth  Flancell,  in  y^  Pappie  Churchyard 
John  Herds,  in  y^  body  of  y^  Church 
William  Sadler,  in  y^  body  of  y"^  Church 
M"'  Ambros  Freeman,  in  y*^  South  He 
M--  Shilston  Calmady,  in  y*^  Xorth  He 
M''  Thomas  Kirton,  in  y*^  North  He 
Jane  d.  of  M''  Thomas  and  Jane  Done,  in  y^  Vault 
Roger  s.  ofEoger  and  Grace  Wardman,  in  y^  South  He 
Joseph  s.  of  Lewes  Yeal,  in  y*^  North  He 
Edmund  Davy,  in  y«  South  He  by  y«  Middle  Pillar 
Mr  Jn"  Blofeild,  in  v«  North  He  under  y^  Pews 

1682  „      25     Eachell  Wilkius,  in'y^  Cloyster 
A  still  born  child  of  Jn''  and  Mary  Levetts 
Capt"  Jn«  Odell,  in  y^  South  He 
Mary  wife  of  William  Lockington  was  caried  out  of  this  p'rish 

to  be  buried  in  S'  Lawrence  Pountney's  Churchyard 

Elyzabeth  d.  of  Thomas  and  Johanna  Paulefreman,  in  y^  South  He 

Mary  Poole,  in  y'=  Cloyster 

Samuell  Paybody,  in  y^  South  He 

Lydya  AVarren,  in  y^  North  He 

William  s.  of  Jn"  and  Dorothy  Skip^nth,  in  y^  South 

Jn"  s.  of  Tho^  Dayton,  in  y''  Cloayster  nex  to  y^  doore 

Elyzabeth  Lee,  in  y«  A'ault 

James  Fagg,  in  y^  Chauncell 

John  Davis,  in  y^  Pappie  Churchyard 

EicHAED  Kidder,  Eector 
Adouijah  Wilds,  Churchwarden 

1683  Mar.  30     Elyzabeth  wife  of  William  Southen,  in  y«  Vault  of  y«  Chappell 
William  Bayley,  in  y^  South  He 
Jone  Brown,  in  y^  out  Cloyster 
Susanna  Barker,  in  y*^  Pappie  Churchyard 
William   Turner,   in   Spittle   yard   in   the   Liberty   of    Norton 

Folgate ;  in  y^  North  He  under  M^"  Jefferson's  Stone 
Mary  and  Elyzabeth,  twinns,  daus.  of  Eobert  and  Mary  Brown, 

in  y^  Cloyster  against  y*^  South  He 
Charles  s.  of  Jn°  and  INIary  Levett 

1684  May  19     Lydia  Beereblock,  under  y^^  upper  Stone  in  the  North  He 
Mychaell  Gape,  in  y*^  Papj)ie  Churchyard 
Mary  wife  of  Jn"  Levett,  in  y^  South  He 
Thomas  Nash,  in  y^  Pappie  Churchyard 
John  s.  of  Jn"  and  Mary  Dines,  in  the  North  He 
Thomas  Greene,  in  y^  North  He 
John  Kidder,  in  y"^  Chauncell 

John  Loaves,  in  y«  North  He  under  y^  Pew  No.  14 
James  Turner,  in  y^  Cloyster 
A  woman  which  was  brought  to  our  Parrish  by  M""  Beamont 

the  Counstable  and  by  y^  churchwarden's  order  was  caryed  to 
M''  Blandfords  House  one  tuesday  Morning  y^  14  of  Octob""  '84 
and  there  dyed  y^  same  Evening  about  Eleaven  a  clock,  never 
heard  to  declare  her  name  nor  from  whence  she  came ;  in  y^ 
Pappie  Churchyard  at  the  charge  of  y*^  p'nsh 

EiCHAED  Kidder,  Eector 
Daniell  Simons,  Church  Warden 



June  21 






















































































1684  Nov.  23     Mary  Trevise,  in  y^  body  of  the  Churcli,  North  He,  by  y^  Stares 
Dec.     2     .Toane  Reaves,  in  y^  South  He  by  y^  Stares 

„        3     Joseph  Turner,  in  the  Cloyster  by  y^  Iiigine 

„        5     Mary  Brown,  under  y^  Pew  nex  to  y"^  Staries  in  y^  South  He 

„      10     Abraham  Delaholyer,  in  y''  North  He  under  y^  Pew  No.  1  by 

y'^  wall 
„      12    Elyzabeth  Eichardson,  in  y^  North  He  under  y^  Pew  No.  1  as 

„      30    Arthur  Nash,  in  y^  North  He  by  y«  frontt  Pew 
„      30     .Tn°  Roberts,  in  y^  Chauncell 
Mar.  24    The  Lady  Ann  Dethick,  in  y^  Vault  of  the  Chauncell  under  y^ 

Communion  Table 

1685  April  15     Alee  Southen,  in  y«  South  He  by  M"  Langham's  Pew 

M""  Phillips,  Churchwarden 

June     1     Mary  wife  of  Lumley  "Williams,  under  y^  Pews  nex  to  y^  fontt, 
y«  North  He 
„       3     Jacob  s.  of  Adonijah  Wiles,  in  y®  North  He  by  M»'^  Green  Pew 
„      11     Ann  Moore,  in  y^  Pappie  Churchyard 

„     22     Ann    Outwich,   a    foundling    childe   who    dyed   at   nurce   with 
M'^  Aires  without  Buishopgate,  in  y^  Pappie  Churchyard 
Aug.    5     Martha  "White,  in  y^  North  He  by  v°  Pew  No.  4  and  2  upon 

M''  Kirton's  Cofine 
Nov.     2     Thomas  Mayho,  by  y'^  Post  in  y<=  Middle  of  y'=  Cloayster  one  y^ 

right  hand 
Dec.   13     Eleanor  d.  of  Jn"  and  Mary  Griffith,  in  y^  North  He 
„      15     John  Butt,  in  y*^  Churchyard  by  y*  wall 

Richard  Kidder,  Rector 
Thomas  Legge,  Churchwardine 

Jan.    31     Edward  Inns,  under  y^  Lower  Stone  in  y^  North  He 

Eeb.  23     Henry  s.  of  Henry  Williams  and  Sarah  his  wife,  in  y®  North  He 

by  her  one  Pew  doore 
„      26     Elyzabeth  wife  of  M''  Tho^  Hegg,  under  the  Lower  Pew  close  by 

y*'  Wall  nex  to  y''  Staires  goeing  upp  the  North  He 
Mar.     3     Mary  d.  of  S''  Gabriell  Roberts,  under  y^  Eeithermost  Stone  in 

the  Chauncell        ^v  -v\rill8,  Church  Warden  [in  margin.— Ed.] 

1686  May  16     Joseph  Cuts,  in  y*=  north  He  by  y^  Churchwarden's  Pew 

„      17  John  Letsome,  in  y'^  Pappie  Churchyard 

July  13  Griffith  s.  of  M-^  Tho^  Done  and  Jane  his  wife,  in  y^  Vault 

„      14  Grace  Pratt,  upon  M'^  Hegg  as  above 

„      23  Ann  Berblock,  under  y^  Upper  Stone  in  y^  North  He 

„      29  Henry  s.  of  Thomas  and  Sarah  Jarvis,  in  the  Cloyster  under  y® 

Aug.    3  Susanna  Faster,  in  y''  North  He  by  M'^  Green's  Pew 

Sep.      1  Elyzabeth  Martine,  a  foundling  childe,  in  y^  Pappie  Churchyard 

„      12  Elyzabeth  d.  of  Edmond  and  Elyzabeth  Drayton,  in  y*^  Cloyster 

Oct.    10  Soloman  Hinchman,  in  y^  North  He  by  M''^  Paybodys  Pew 

Richard  Kiddee 

30    John  s.  of  Jn°  and  Elyzabeth  Tufnaile,  in  y«  Vault 
Dec.  17     Mary  Siekes,  in  y^  North  He,  y^  Pews  No.  17, 16  y^  migdle  taken 
„      30     Margarett  Garrett,  in  y«  Pappie  Churchyard 
Jan.   25     Deborah  wife  of  M}'  Thomas  Hunt,  in  y^  North  He  under  y«  Pews 
No.  17,  16  y*^  middle  taken  upp 
„      28     M''  William  Drinkwater,  at  S^  Jn^  Baptize 


iBURIALS.  lO*? 

1687  April    1     Mary  Beaumont,  in  y®  Pappie  Churchyard 

„      12     M^nViargarett  Koufberwho  dyed  at  M"  Alders,  at  y^  Dutch  Church 
„      21     Ann  d.  of  Edward  and  Hannah  Timms,  in  y®  Cloayster 
June  22     Mary  d.  of  Jn°  and  Elyzabeth  Crundell,  in  y^  North  He 

M"^  Holtt,  Churchwarden  [in  margin. — Ed.] 

July     8     Mary  Mitchell,  in  y^  Pappie  Churchyard 

Aug.    4     Elyzabeth  Crundall,  in  y^  North  He  und''  y^  Pew  nex  to  y*^  Wall, 

No.  10 
Oct.    12     Henry  s.  of  William  and  Anna  Grarraway,  in  y«  middle  of  y'^ 
North  He 
„      21     G-eorge  Hardine,  in  y«  North  He  under  y^  Pew  No.  10  nex  to  y^ 

„      25     M'-s  Elyzabeth  TufEnaile,  in  y«  vault 
„      30     Jn"  Athy,  in  y«  vault 
Nov.     7     Mary  Blackerder,  in  Bedlam  Churchyard 
„      20     Mary  Martine  who  was  Taken  Upp  in  Crown  Court  at  Madam 
Abraham's  Hoore,  in  the  Pappie  Churchyard 
Jan.   29     Shatterdon  Ange,  in  the  North  He  y«  2  Middle  No.  9, 13  y'=  back 

p""*^  roome 
Mar.  17     Thomas  Huntt,  in  y«  North  He ;   No.  17,  16  y«  Middle  Taken 
Upp  y'^  fore  p""'  3  corps  not  to  be  sturd 

1688  „      30     John  Barberry,  in  y*^  Pappie  Churchyard 

April    4     William  s.  of  Jn°  and  Mary  Griffith,  in  y^  body  of  y''  Church 
„        7     Sussanna  Boome,  in  y"^  North  Hie  upon  Ange 
,,      16     Ann  Mercer,  y^  body  of  y®  Church 

July  10     Ann  Barberry,  in  y"^  Pappie  Churchyard 

M^  Jn"  Morris,  Churchwarden  [in  margin. — Ed.] 

„     14     Thomas  Legg,  North  He  under  y"^  Pews  No.  6,  2  fore  p""'  taken 

„     23     A  foundling  chiide  taken  upp  at  M''  Holt's  Doore,  Pemale,  dyed 

y^  22  of  July,  in  the  Pappie  Churchyard 
„     21     Joseph  Andrews,  in  y«  body  of  y^  Church,  North  He,  by  y^  Pew 
No.  1 
Aug.  13     James  Martine,  a  foundling  chiide,  in  y^  Pappie  Churchyard 

„      16     James  Light,  in  y^  Pappie  Churchyard 
Sep.      4     M>'  Eobert  Stevenson,  under  y'^  Pew  No.  3,  North  He,  back  p' 

„      26     Thomas  Woodley,  in  y'=  North  He  under  y'=  Upper  Stone 
Oct.    12     Mary  Hope,  in  y^  North  He  by  M'  Andrew's  Pew 
Nov.     6     Peter  Delabath,  in  y®  Pappie  Churchyard 
Dec.   10     A  still  born  child  of  Jn°  and  Mary  Crundell,  in  y«  North  He 
Jan.     9     Eobert  Watkins,  in  y^  Cloysters,  Middle  Arch  left  hand 
„      24     Elenor  Greene,  in  y^  North  He,  y^  middle  taken  No.  6,  10  fore 
p^  room 
Mar.     1     Nicolas  Eanardson,  Esq^  in  y^  Chauncell,  y^  too  Upper  Pews 
Taken  Upp 

1689  July  19     Nathanael  s.  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Mercer  was  baptized  June  20 

1689  and  was  buried  July  19  next  following 

M''  AVilmott  Green 

Thomas  Howlet 

John  s.  of  John  and  Judith  Abbot 

Henry  Tody 

Thomas  Blandford 

Jane  d.  of  Thomas  and  Elisabeth  Eowland 

Elisabeth  Letham 

Hannah  d.  of  Edward  and  Hannah  Tims 

1690  _  „      28     John  Stephenson 
Samuel  Scot 






















1690  May     8     M'^  Thomas  Green 
Eleanor  Scot 
Joseph  Preffeth 
Mary  Crasha 
Hannah  Tims 
Sarah  Martin 

Mr'^  Jane  Cory  of  Clapham  in  Surry 
Mr'^  Mary  Pakeman  the  wife  of  M''  Thomas  Pakeman 
Mr'^  Coecilia  Turner 
Mary  Jordain 
Eebeckah  Plume 
Eobert  Hoole 
Mary  Blandford,  "widow 

1691  May     9     Edward  Pitts,  in  the  body  of  the  Church 
Abigail  Lascells 
M''  Thomas  Pakeman 
Sarah  Lutman,  in  the  Cloyster 
Elisabeth  Jackson,  in  the  Cloyster 
M''  John  Tutte,  Clerk  and  Sector  of  Selsey  in  Sussex 
Walther  s.  of  Peter  and  Isabella  Burwell 

EiCHARD  Kidder,  Rector 

Samuell  s.  of  Arthur  and  Susan  Nash,  Body  font 
Ann  Garrat,  Out  Cloyster,  in  y^  Corner 
Joell  Andrews,  No.  1  North  He 
Mary  Smith,  South  He,  No.  15 
Richard  Loader,  South  He,  No.  15 

1692  May  27     Mary  Price,  in  y"  Churchyard  by  y''  Walle 

Dudley  Scargen,  Churchwarden  [in  margin. — Ed.] 

John  Smith,  in  y"^  Churchyard  by  y^  AValle 

Margaret  Clotterbook,  in  y«  Chapell  by  y'^  uppermost  stone 

Elyzabeth  Martine,  in  y''  Little  Churchyard 

Charles  Scott,  in  y"^  Little  Churchyard 

Ellennor  Letham,  in  y"^  Cloyster 

Mary  Ange,  in  y*^  body  of  y"  Church 

Isaac  Demons,  in  y"  body  of  y*^  Church 

Elyzabeth  Larder,  in  y'=  Cloyster  by  y''  farther  Doore 

Jn**  Ryall,  in  y'=  Cloyster  nex  grave 

M"  Rebecca  Kooksby,  in  y"^  body  of  y^  Church 

Denham  Fuller,  in  y*^^  Churchyard 

Jn"  s.  of  Thomas  Rowland,  in  y*^  body  of  y*^  Church 

William  s.  of  Robert  Mayor,  in  y^  body  of  y^  Church 

Millicent  Garratt,  in  y^  Cloyster 

M^'  Nash,  Churchwarden  [in  margin. — Ed.] 

1693  June    7     Elyzabeth  Timms,  in  y^  Cloyster 
Hannah  Cheeke,  in  the  body  of  the  Church 
John  Abbott,  in  the  Cloyster 
Richard  Ellen,  in  the  Cloyster 
Richard  s.  of  John  Abbot,  in  the  Cloyster 
Elizabeth  d.  of  John  and  Elizabeth  Exall,  in  y«  Cloyster 
Elizabeth  Shepherd,  in  the  Cloyster 
Edward  Herbert,  in  the  Churchyard 

John  s.  of  John  and  Mary  Crundell,  in  the  body  of  the  Church 
Jane  d.  of  Robert  and  Anne  Jacson,  in  the  Cloyster 
William  s.  of  William  and  Elizabeth  Carter,  in  the  body  of  the 


Tho.  Beerow,  Reef 
A^'thur  Nash,  Churchwarden 







































































































BURIALS.  109 

1693  Dec.   31     Bedford  s.  of  Bedford  and  Elizabeth  Carr,  in  the  Cloyster 
Elizabeth  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Crundell,  in  the  body  of  the 

Eichard  Dewee,  in  the  body  of  the  Church 
John  Bosworth,  in  the  Cloyster 

1694  May  26     Henery  Miuton,  on  the  North  side  of  the  Church 
Margerett  Cropley,  on  the  North  side 
Peter  Cantor,  on  the  North  side 
William  Scott,  in  the  Cloysters 
Hannah  Plastow,  one  the  South  Side  in  the  Church 
Margarett  Earringtou,  in  the  South  isle 
John  Exall,  in  the  Cloyster 
John  Levitt,  imder  the  Clarke's  desk 
M""  Armstrong,  in  the  Cloysters 
M"  Eyon,  in  the  Chappell 
]Vj[rs  "Williams,  in  the  body  of  the  Church 
Eebeccah  Plott,  in  the  Chappell 
Georg  Borester,  in  the  body  of  the  Church 
Madam  Ellinore  Langham,  in  the  South  Isle 
Thomas  Brown,  in  the  Cloyster 
Isabella  Burrell,  in  the  body  of  the  Church 

1695  May     8     Eobert  Whitehorn,  in  the  North  Isle 
Francis  Wilson,  in  the  pappy  Churchyard 
M'"  Ealph  Lee,  in  the  vault 
Elizabeth  Hopgood,  in  the  Cloysters 
Georg  Bolton,  in  the  Cloysters  • 
John  Eelton,  in  the  body  of  the  Church 
Georg  Bolton,  in  the  Cloysters 
Edwai'd  Timmes,  in  the  Cloyster 
M"  Mintoriie,  in  the  Body  of  the  Church 
M'^  Jane  Andrews,  in  the  body  of  the  Church 
George  AV^eb,  in  the  North  Isle 
Eichard  Crundell,  in  the  North  Side 

1696  April  22     Elizabeth  Carter 
Steven  Eussell 
Susanna  Dewy 
Mary  wife  of  Eichard  Baker 
Dudley  Scargell 
William  Carter 
William  Soame 
Touetone  Lieverard 

1697  April    1     William  Burnett,  Med.  D^ 
Thomas  s.  of  Nicholas  and  Sarah  Simpson 
Elizabeth  d.  of  James  and  Elizabeth  Web 

Tho.  Berrow,  Eecf 
Sam'^  Edwards,  Ch. -warden 

Elizabeth  Carter 

Joanna  Paulfreeman 

Wincop  Siler 

Thomas  Eoberts 

Jasper  Clotterbook 

1698  Mar.  30     Elizabeth  Goodwin  of  S*  Magnus  paris^h 
Hannah  Eelton  of  White  Chappell  parish 
John,  a  parish  child 

Nicholas  s.  of  John  Goodwin  of  S*  Magnus  parish 
Anne  Cuningham 
Mary  Drew 













June  16 









































































June  14 













June  19 








1698  Dec.     8     Elizabeth  Cockerill  o£  the  parish  o£  Christ  Church,  London 
Mary  and  Dorothy  Knight,  daughters  of  John  and  Mary  Knight 
Grace  Neale 
Judith  d.  of  James  and  Judith  Demontee 

1699  Mar.  29    Thomas  Drayton 
Margerett  Moore 
Mary  Crundell 

Frances  Eoche  d.  of  Edward  and  Frances 
Sarah  Hedges 
John  Crundell 

Sarah  Woodbourn  d.  of  Greorge  and  Sarah 
Henery  Soame 

Thomas  Martin  Outwich,  a  child  left  in  the  parish 
Dorothy  Gammage 
Thomas  Martin  Outwich  &c. 
John  Tuffnaile,  in  the  Vault 
Margerett  Truman 
Anne  Jordan 

Susanna  Pocock  d.  of  Joell  and  Anne 
Anne  Sands  of  the  parish  of  North  Hall 

1700  Mar.  28     Dorothy  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Knight 
Thomas  Caterson 
Sarah  Andrewes 
Anne  Uun 
Edward  Lassell 
Henery  Cooke 
Thomas  AViddowes 
Thomas  Laugham,  Esq"" 
Thomas  Rowland  s.  of  Thomas  and  Elizabeth 
Mary  Williams 

John  Martin  s.  of  John  and  Mary 
John  Haler  s.  of  John  and  Bridgett 

Tho.  Bereow,  Kecf  of  S'  Martin  Outwich 

William  Nelmes  s.  of  Robert  and  Elizabeth 

1701  May   14     Thomas  Wingood  s.  of  William  and  Margarett 
Richard  Martin  Outwich,  a  child  found  &c. 
.Joyce  Cutler  wife  of  Gilbert 
Henery  Webb  s.  of  James  and  Elizabeth 
William  Ferer  from  S*  Bride's  parish 
Thomas  Paul  freeman 
Jane  Edwards  wife  of  Samuell 
Aaron  Martin  Outwich 
James  Thompson 
Thomas  Knight 
Gabriell  Roberts 
Mary  Webb 
Aaron  Martin  Outwich 
Thomas  Paulfreeman 

1702  April    9     John  Rowles 
Mary  Martin  Outwich 
Elizabeth  Delaholier 
Jane  Andrewes  d.  of  Tho.  and  Sarah 
Mary  Gape 

Anne  Timme  d.  of  Edward  and  Harmah 
Lucretia  Foster  wife  of  Simon 
Rachell  Martin  Outwich 
Craford  Shanks  s.  of  John  and  Anna 
































































































[    9 


















Georg  Brookes 

Jasper  Clutterbuck  s.  of  Jasper  and  Thomazen 

William  Sandes 

Hannah  Burton 

Margaret  Whitland 

Sarah  Springher 

Ann  d.  of  Joel  and  Ann  Pocoeke 

John  Pake  man 

Delicia  Nelson  from  S*  Margaret,  New  Pish  street 

Thomas  Berrow,  Eector  of  this  Parish 

Mary  Payne 

Sarah  d.  of  George  and  Sarah  Woodborne 

Thomas  s.  of  Henry  and  Sarah  Cook 

NiCHO.  ZixzAN,  Eector 

Thomas  s.  of  James  and  Elizabeth  "Webb 
Elizabeth  Carr 
Michael  AVilson 

Elizabeth  Martin  Outwich,  foundling 
John  s.  of  John  Manwaiing 
John  s.  of  John  Bourn 
Martha  Pocock,  a  child 

Barbara  Hignell  *  j^_  ^ii^zak,  Eector 

April  20     William  s.  of  Ealph  Wood 

Shrowley  s.  of  Joseph  Sarrige 

Sarah  d.  of  John  Nickolds 

Susanna  Green 

William  Green 

Ann  Drayton 

William  Hedges  of  S'  Leonard,  Shoreditch 

Mark  Laurence 

Jeremiah  Soames  j^    2inzan,  Eector 

James  s.  of  James  Dunbryon 

William  Martin  Outwich,  a  foundling 

Hester  Martin  OutA\nch,  a  foundling 

James  Cutler 

John  s.  of  Francis  Bracken 

Mary  d.  of  John  Knight 

Dudley  Scargell 

Eichard  s.  of  John  Brownsraith  ^^    ^inzan,  Eector 

John  Player 

Jane  d.  of  Samuel  Blankly 

Joseph  Martin  Outwich,  a  foundling 

Elizabeth  wife  of  James  Webb 

Nicholas  Pall  of  Gloucestershire 

Sarah  wife  of  Prancis  Bracken 

Mary  Wood,  widow 

John  s.  of  Peter  Arabin  Champars  ^^    ^inzan,  Eector 

John  s.  of  John  Brownsmith 

Stanly  wiie  of  Charles  Goodman,  in  y®  Chappel  Vault 

John  s.  of  John  Bourn 

Samuel  Cowly 

Mary  Carr 

Mary  Bedingfield 

Ann  Turner 

Elizabeth  Howard,  in  y^  Cloyster 

Michael  Eolls  Pierce,  in  y^  Vault  under  y«  Communion  Table 


Mar.     4 


June    6 

„      11 

July  19 

Aug.  24 

Sep.      7 

„        8 

Jan.    13 

„      14 

„      16 

„      25 

Feb.   14 

Mar.  24 


April  14 

May  12 

Aug.     6 

„      18 

Sep.      2 

Oct.    13 

Jan.    21 

„      21 


April  20 

„      24 

May     1 

July     5 

Nov.  11 

„      11 

..      21 

Feb.  24 

Mar.  10 


April  19 

May  21 

June  16 

July     7 

Aug.  29 

Oct.     8 

..      23 

Peb.     9 


June  16 

„      29 

Aug.     9 

Nov.  21 

„      28 

Feb.  16 

Mar.     5 

„      23 


June  25 

July  18 

Sep.    17 

Oct.      1 

Nov.     3 

„        7 

„      14 

Dec.  13 

Jan.    19 


1708  Jan.   21  Thomas  s.  of  Thomas  Barton,  in  y«  Cloyster 

„      25  Mary  Pallffreemau,  in  y*^  body  of  the  Church 

„      27  Peter  s.  of  Peter  Lecount,  in  y^  Pappy  Church  Yard 

„      27  Thomas  Cross,  in  y^  Clovster 

Feb.   11  Thomas  Martin,  in  the  South  Isle 

Mar.     6  Mary  d.  of  Samuel  Kiteley,  in  y^  Cloyster 

1709  ,,      31  .James  Dunbryon,  in  y'^  little  Vault  in  y^  Chancel 
April  22  Catharine  d.  of  Joel  Pocock 

May  18  John  Elliot 

April  23  Mary  d.  of  Edward  Blunt,  in  y«  Cloyster 

„      23  Moses  Hill,  in  the  Churchyard 

June  24  Jasper  Clutterbuck,  in  the  Chappel 

.July     4  Arthur  s.  of  .John  Ardren,  in  y*^  Church 

Aug.  31  Elizabeth  Carpenter,  in  the  South  Isle 

Oct.    13  .Joseph  s.  of  James  Webb 

Jan.    15  Paul  Church,  in  the  Church  Yard 

„       18  Philippa  d.  of  Moses  Bannister 

Feb.     5  Isaac  s.  of  James  King 

„        9  William  Dawson,  a  foundling,  in  the  Church  Yard 

„      15  Eichard  Clutterbuck 

„      26  Mary  Cutler 

1710  April  2G  Catherine  d.  of  John  Ardren 

May  17  Samuel  s.  of  Samuel  Keitley,  in  the  Cloyster 

„      16  James  s.  of  .lohn  Ardren 

June     1  Mary  d.  of  Eichard  Fish,  in  Church  Yard 

Oct.      7  Margaret  Bareblock  from  Hackney,  in  y^  great  Isle 

Xov.  24  Eobert  s.  of  Charles  Kemp,  in  y"=  Church  Yard 

Dec.   14  Thomas  s.  of  John  Knight,  y^  side  Vault  of  y^  Eector 

„      18  John  Martin,  in  y''  Church 

Jan.      1  George  s.  of  John  Browiismith,  in  y*  Church 

Feb.     4  James  "Webb,  in  y'=  Church 

„      14  John  Ogburn,  in  y^  Cloyster  ^.^^^    ^ixza^x,  Eector 

1711  May     2  Thomas  s.  of  Thomas  Barton,  in  y«  Cloyster 

„        2  Francis  wife  of  Timothy  Motteux,  in  y^  Church 

„      17  Samuels.of  Samuel  Keitley,  in y^ Cloyster  [see  1710  May  17. — Ed.] 

„      27  Susannah  d.  of  James  King,  in  y^  Church 

,,      29  Elizabeth  Streaton,  in  y*^  Cloyster 

July  15  Gilbert  Cutler,  in  y«  Church 

Aug.  11  Eichard  s.  of  Arthur  Xash,  in  y*^  Church 

,,      12  Margaret  d.  of  Eichard  Fish,  in  y«  Church  Yard 

Oct.    20  Eobert  s.  of  John  Woodman,  in  y«  Church  Yard 

Nov.     3  Dame  Mary  Avife  of  S''  Gabriel  Eoberts,  in  y^  Chancell 

„      18  "VVilliam  s.  of  Ealph  Wood,  in  y*^  Churchyard 

„      18  Mary  Webb,  in  y«  Church 

„      26  Michael  Eolls,  in  y^  Vault  under  y^  Communion  Table 

Mar.     8  Edward  s.  of  John  Ardren,  in  y^  Church 

1712  May     2  Susannah,  the  Lady  GrifEeth,  in  y«  Church 
June    4  Eichard  Martin,  a  foundling,  in  y^  Churchyard 
July     7  Isabella,  an  infant  d.  of  George  ^s"orth,  in  y^  Church 
Aug.  10  James  Haines,  in  y^  Church  Yard 

„      16  John  s.  of  John  Brownsmith,  in  y^  Church 

„      22  Susannah,  an  infant  d.  of  John  Paulfreeman,  in  y«  Church 

„      30  John  Martin,  a  foundling,  in  y^  Churchyard 

Oct.    28  Cassandra,  an  infant  d.  of  Samuel  Keitly,  in  y^  Cloyster 

Dec.   25  Hester  wife  of  John  Brownsmith,  in  y«  Chancell 

Jan.     3  William  Jones,  Clerk,  in  y^  Church  Yard 

„      30  William  Wingood,  in  y^  Cloyster 

BURIALS.  113 

1713  Mar.  27     Elizabeth,  an  infant  d.  of  Philip  Nicholds,  in  p  Cloyster 
Mary  wife  of  Charles  Goodman,  in  y^  Chancell  Vault 
Bignel,  an  infant  d.  of  John  Manwaring,  in  y''  Cloyster 
Mary  Smith,  in  y^  Church  Yard 

NiCHO.  ZiNZAJT,  Rector 

Thomas  Wilson,  in  y^  Church  Yard 

Cassandra,  an  infant  d.  of  Samuel  Keitly,  in  y"  Cloyster 

James  Angel,  a  foundling,  in  y*^  Church  Yard 

Priscilla  Eenardson,  in  y^  Vault  under  y*^  Comunion  Table 

Edward  Stracy,  in  y^  Vault  under  y^  Comunion  Table 

Edward  Boll,  iti  y«  Church  Yard 

Anthony  Ellis,  in  y^  Churchyard 

Ralph  Wood,  in  y<^  Church  Yard 

Elizabeth  Player,  in  y^  Church  Yard 

Ann  Churchhill,  a  foundling,  in  y<^  Church  Yard 

1714  May  14     Thomas  Clutterl30ok,  in  y^  Chappel 
Susanna  wife  of  Arthur  Nash,  in  y'^  Church 
Thomas  s.  of  Thomas  Grwillim,  in  y^  Cloyster 
Arthur,  an  infant  s.  of  John  Nash,  in  y^  Church 
Thomas  Delayfrell,  in  y^  Church 
John  s.  of  John  Woodman,  in  y^  Churchyard 
Hannah  Crosea,  in  y^  little  Vault  in  y^  Chancell 
Offley  Philips,  in  y^  little  Vault  in  y^  Chancell 
Thomas  Williams,  in  y^  Church 

Charles,  an  infant  s.  of  Charles  Goodman,  in  y^  Chappel  vault 
Susanna  Murray,  in  y*^  Churcliyard 
Susanna  Martin,  a  foundling,  in  y«  Churchyard 
Benjamin  Martin,  a  foundling,  in  y^  Churchyard 
John  s.  of  Richard  East,  in  y*=  Churchyard 
Elizabeth  Bagnal,  in  y^  great  Vault 
John  Sandes,  in  y"^  Chappel 
Susanna  d.  of  James  King,  in  y*=  Church 
Timothy  Pakeman,  in  y^  Church 
Richard  s.  of  Thomas  Barton,  in  y^  Cloyster 

NiCHO.  ZiNZAN,  Reef 

Stephen  Johnson,  in  y^  Church  Yard 
Alice  d.  of  Philip  Nicolds,  in  y^  Cloyster 
Ann  d.  of  William  Adams,  in  y^  Church 
Martha,  an  infant  d.  of  John  Pate 
Thomas  Packman,  a  child 
Grabriel  Roberts,  Knight,  in  y^  Chancell 

1715  April  21     Elizabeth  Rainer,  a  child 
[blank']  Bradford 

Thomas  Grimes,  a  child,  s.  of  John  Grimes 
Benjamin  Barry 
Susanna  d.  of  John  Nash 
Mary  Levet 
Mary  Tanner,  a  child 
Mary  Burbet 

John  Manwaring,  an  infant 
Gertrude  Rolls 
Mary  Keitly,  an  infant 
Mary  Grew 
Ann  Jackson 
Thomasin  Clutterbook 
Edward  Newton 




1    1 















































































June  15 


























1716  April  10  Joel  Pocock 

„      23  Sarali  Philips 

„      29  Thomas  Britton 

NicHO.  ZiNZAN,  Rector 

July  16  "William,  a  child,  s.  of  John  and  Rebeca  Nash 

„      20  Elizabeth  d.  of  James  and  Elizabeth  Webb 

„      26  "William  s.  of  Robert  and  jVnn  Bun,  a  child 

Aug.  13  Crispin  Martin  Out^ach,  a  parish  child 

Sep.    24  Thomas  s.  of  John  and  Jane  Woodman,  a  child 

Oct.    27  Jane  Gore 

Nov.     5  Anne  Graves 

Dec.     9  Marv  Haines 

Jan.     3  Rob'  Clark 

„      10  Mary  Foster 

„      16  Mary  Gregory 

Feb.     7  George  s.  of  James  and  Susanna  King 

Mar.  13  Arthur  Nash 

1717  May     7  Elizabeth  Hope 

„        7  Mary  Rayner 

„      16  Eliz.  Scott 

July     2  Thomas  s.  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Barton 

Aug.  18  Annabella  d.  of  John  and  Elizabeth  Manwaring 

Oct.    13  Jonathan  Grew 

„      14  Sarah  d.  of  Robert  and  Elizabeth  Moss 

„      27  Susanna  Grew 

Jan.    17  William  s.  of  William  and  Elizabeth  Martin 

Feb.   11  Elizabeth  d.  of  James  and  Eliz.  Carpenter 

Mar.  13  Cassandra  Milner  d.  of  Sam'  and  Cassandra  Keightly 

„      21  Elizabeth  wife  of  Anthony  Ellis 

1718  April    5  Lydia  d.  of  James  and  Eliz.  East 
July  14  Thomas  s.  of  Daniel  and  Mary  Davis 

„      17  Judith  d.  of  John  and  Rebecca  Nash 

Aug.  17  George  Martin  Outwdch 

Sep.      6  Daniel  Daubryan 

Oct,    15  Mary  wife  of  John  Guinan 

„      22  John  s.  of  John  and  Rebecca  Nash 

„      23  Robert  s.  of  Ann  Grimes 

Nov.  27  Samuel  s.  of  Samuel  and  Cassandra  Keightly 

Dec.  25  Mary  d.  of  Charles  and  Eliz.  Kent 

Jan.   18  William  Scot 

Feb.   11  Hothersil  s.  of  George  and  EUz.  North 

1719  April    2  John  s.  of  John  find  Elizabeth  Edwards 
July  20  Loetitia  wife  of  Edward  Eaton 

Aug.  12  Edward  Hardwick,  a  lodger 

Sep.      1  Samuel  s.  of  Wargent  and  Hannah  Nicholson 

„      28  Mary  Piatt 

Nov.     3  Mary  d.  of  George  and  Elizabeth  North 

„      20  Robert  Jackson,  late  Parish  Clerk 

„      25  William  Martin,  a  lodger 

Dec.  20  John  Crook,  a  lodger 

Jan.    19  William   and   Elizabeth,   twins,    s.   and   d.    of    Jn°   and   Eliza. 


Feb.     4  Sarah  d.  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Barton 

1720  May  26  Isabella  Paybody,  Widow 
July  13  Charles  Kent 

Aug.  19  Ann  d.  of  Charles  and  Ann  Ci"ab 

„      27  Caleb  s.  of  Samuel  and  Cassandra  Keighley 

SuMals.  116 

1720  Sep.    27  Elizabeth  d.  of  Greorge  and  Eliza  Pepys 
Oct.    30  Jane  A\4fe  of  Pkilip  K'ichols 

Dec.     3  Mary  d.  of  Anthony  and  Jane  Delicourt 

,,      18  Thomas  Jackson 

Jan.     1  John  Norris 

Eeb.     3  Ann  Delicourt 

Mar.     4  Edward  Parrot 

„        6  Edward  Eaton 

,,      14  John  Ardern 

1721  May  11  Mary  wife  of  Nathaniel  Piatt 

„      21  Thomas  Eayner 

„      22  Hannah  Pakeman,  Widow 

June    1  Sarah  d.  of  James  and  Elizabeth  Carpenter 

„      25  Sarah  Hodges 

Aug.  19  Edward  East,  little  child 

„      26  Susanna  d.  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Barton 

Oct.    10  James  s.  of  George  and  Elizabeth  North 

Benja.  Cabtee,  Eector 

Nov.  27  Margaret  Matthews,  a  poor  woman  fro'  Norton  Folgate 

Jan.    15  Elizabeth  wife  of  Joseph  Webb 

1722  April    8  Ann  wife  of  John  CJark 

„      23  Cassandra  Martin,  a  foundling 

June  27  Eobert  Morse 

Aug.    5  John  Clark 

Oct.    19  Jane  Brigand,  a  French  woman 

,,      —  [blanki,  a  stranger  fro'  y^  King's  head 

„      28  Samuel  Short,  Carpenter  • 

Dec.   12  Ann  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Casement 

„      12  Sarah  d.  of  George  and  Eliza  Pepys 

„      21  Mary  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Casement 

„      31  Eobert  Swift  fro'  James  Carpenter's  house 

Jan.     9  Charles  s.  of  Judith  Grace 

„      18  Elizabeth  d.  of  Jn°  and  Katherine  Martin 

„      21  Charles  s.  of  John  and  Elizabeth  Eead 

Eeb.  27  John  Bankin 

Mar.    9  Eichard  Sweeting 

,,      13  Susanna  Thompson 

1723  May  18  Henry  East 

„      23  Samuel  Keighley 

June    9  John  LeAvis 

Aug.     2  Mary  Bunny 

„        4  Mary  Snell 

„        5  Giles  Close 

„      28  Eobert  Bunny 

Sep.    19  Mary  Williams 

Benja.  Caetek,  Eect"^ 

Oct.      9  Edward  Wright 

„      27  Mary  Martin 

Nov.  27  Ann  d.  of  John  Charles  and  Ann  Dennadrye 

„      27  John  Deacle,  Esq. 

Dec.     1  Edward  s.  of  Charles  and  Mary  Hyat 

„      17  Samuel  Edwards,  late  Deputy  of  BPgate  ward  within 

„      28  John  Bamber,  in  y^  Chancell 

Jan.   27  Jane  wife  of  Jonathan  Drew 

„      29  Sarah  d.  of  Francis  and  Ann  Wyat 

Feb.     2  John  Wharton 

4  Jonathan  Drew 

116  REGISTERS    OF   ST.    MARTll?   OUTT^ICH,    LONDOl^. 

1723  Feb.   17     John  s.  of  John  and  Ann  Peat 
Francis  s.  of  Francis  and  Elizabeth  Emerton 
John  Brownsmith,  in  y^  Minister's  little  Vault 

1724  May  1  William  Seymor 
Joseph  Hartwell 
Mary  Piatt 

Elizabeth  d.  of  George  and  Eliza  Pepys 
Thomas  Watlington 
Ursula  Hynde 
Ann  Crabb 
Magdalen  a  Rapiat 
Samuel  Lauyou 

Benja.  Caetee,  Eector 

1725  June  18     Mark  Brearcliff,  in  y^  New  Vault 
Mary  d.  of  William  and  Elizabeth  Peacock 
Francis  Beynardson,  D""  in  Physick,  in  y^  Chancell 
Elizabeth  Williams,  in  y^  New  Vault 
Sarah  Edwards,  Widow  of  Deputy  Samuel  Edwards 
Ralph  Arrowsmith,  in  y^  New  Vault 
Samuel  s.  of  George  and  Elizabeth  North 

1726  „      26     John  s.  of  Samuel  and  Margaret  Orton 
Peter  William  s.  of  William  and  Judith  Gearing 
Edward  s.  of  Elizabeth  Pocock 
Elizabeth  Seigniore 
Jane  d.  of  W"  and  Sarah  Baddeley 

1727  June  15     Mary  Thomson,  in  y«  Ch.-yard 
Ann  Martin,  in  y*'  Churchy*^ 
Edward  s.  of  M"^  George  North,  in  y^  Vault 
Francis  Emerton,  in  y*^  new  Vault 
Mary  Sabine,  in  y^  Churchyard 
John  Emerton,  infant,  in  y*^  new  Vault 
Rebecca  d.  of  Jn°  and  Rebecca  Coleby,  in  y«  Vault 
Sarah  James,  in  the  Churchy  *• 
Susannah  Nichols,  in  the  Vault 

The  Rev''  M""  Benjamin  Carter,  under  the  Com'on  Table 
Ann  Bedingfield,  in  the  Chancel 
Ann  Tabrot,  in  the  Vault 
William  Peacock,  in  the  Vault 

1728  May     6     Ann  Hopwood,  in  the  Vault 
John  Maish,  in  the  Vault 
Margaret  Hall,  in  y^  Church  Yard 
Ann  Wharton,  in  y^  Vault 
Sarah  Cook,  in  y^  Church  Yard 
Ann  Morse,  in  y*  Church 
William  Peacock,  in  the  Vault 
Francis  Wheat,  in  the  Vault 
Anthony  Clapham,  in  the  Church 
Giles  Clutterbuck,  in  the  Chappel 
•Tames  Anselen,  in  the  Chancel 

Edward  s.  of  Joseph  and  Sarah  Barbareux,  in  the  Church 
Charles  Goodman,  in  the  Chappel  Vault 
William  Metcalf  s.  of  John  and  Sarah,  in  the  Vault 
A  parish  girl,  in  the  Church  Yd. 
Sarah  Meriam,  in  the  Vault 
Elizabeth  Lacy,  in  the  Church 
Elizabeth  Marshal,  in  the  Church  Yd. 
Jasper  Hoare,  in  the  Vault 
Mary  Wardell,  in  the  Vault 

























June  18 























June  15 

































June  16 































BURIALS.  117 

1729  April    8  Joseph  s.  of  Jos.  and  Martha  Thomas,  in  the  Church  Yd. 
May     4  Edwin  s.  of  Greorge  and  Isabella  North,  in  y^  Vault 
Sep.    26  Joseph  Martin,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Nov.  12  "William  Powel,  in  the  Church  Yard 

„      23  Henrietta  d.  of  John  and  Sarah  Metealf ,  in  y^  Vault 

Jan.     4  Sarah  Sare,  in  the  Vault 

„      16  Laurence  Clutterbuck,  in  the  Chappel 

Peb.   13  Dame  Mary  Barnadiston,  in  the  Chancel 

„      23  Ann  Levett,  in  the  Church 

EiCH»  BiscoE,  Rector 

1730  April  10  Mary  Nichols,  in  the  Vault 

„      23  Nathaniel  Piatt,  in  the  Vault 

June  24  Kichard  Garton,  iu  the  Vault 

July     6  Peter  Tabrot,  in  the  A^ault 

Oct.      8  Edward  s.  of  Eichard  and  Elizabeth  Mansfield,  in  y«  Vault 

Dec.    10  Edward  s.  of  Edward  and  Elizabeth  Grose,  in  the  Vault 

„      22  Frances  Osborn,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Jan.    18  Elizabeth  Buckeridge,  in  the  Church 

Feb.  22  Anne  Peete,  in  the  Vault 

Mar.  24  Anne  Pocock,  in  the  Vault 

1731  June  15  John  Halford,  in  the  Church  Yard, 
July     2  James  Monday,  in  the  Vault 

,,      13  WilHam  Looker,  in  the  Vaidt 

Sep.      5  Thomas  Barton,  in  the  Vault 

„      15  Mary  Anne  Bodken,  in  the  Church 

Feb.     9  John  Skinnei',  in  the  Vault 

„      26  Charles  Wright,  in  the  Vault 

1732  Mar.  30  Susannah  Webb,  in  the  A^ault 
May  23  Kosamund  Looker,  in  the  Vault 
June    7  Honour  Mayuard,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Aug.     8  Henry  Kite,  in  the  Church  Yard 

„      17  Christopher  Saben,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Nov.     9  Susannah  Huxley,  in  the  A^ault 

„      13  Elizabeth  Martin,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Jan.      9  Nicholas  Williams,  in  the  Vault 

Feb.   13  George  Huxley,  in  the  Vault 

,,      24  Elizabeth  Mary  Guinand,  in  the  Chancell 

Mar.  20  William  Delacourt,  in  the  Church  Yard 

1733  „      28  John  Delacourt,  in  the  Church  Yard 
April    8  Purbeck  Hall,  in  the  Vault 

„      18  Sarah  Sare,  in  the  Vault 

„      27  Robert  Delacourt,  in  the  Church  Yard 

June  26  Caleb  Nicholls,  in  the  Vault 

„      27  Robert  Mayer,  in  the  Church  Yard 

July     8  Thomas  Carpenter,  in  the  Church 

„      20  Anoe  Cooke,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Sep.    11  Anne  d.  of  John  and  Mary  Anselin,  in  the  Vault 

Feb.  24  William  Hayues,  in  the  A-^ault 

Mar.     3  Henry  JefEereys,  in  the  Vault 

„      12  Sarah  Deluze,  in  the  Vault 

Rich''  Biscoe,  Rector 

1734  May  23  Sarah  Done,  in  the  Church 
June  13  Ralph  Gislin,  in  the  Vault 

Oct.    11  Nathan  Addlesey,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Mar.  17  Anne  Sandys,  in  the  Chappel 

1735  May     2  Henry  Miriam,  in  the  Vault 

„      15  Samuel  Silk,  in  the  Church  Yard 

June  26  Elizabeth  d.  of  Simon  and  EHzabeth  Halford,  in  the  Church 


1735  Oct.    20    Thomas  Ansell,  in  the  Vault 

1736  July  20     Elizabeth  Ladyman,  in  the  Vault 
John  Anselin,  in  the  Vault 
Elizabeth  Clutterbuck,  in  the  Chappel 
Mary  Knight,  in  the  Vault 
Sophia  Fowler,  in  the  Vault 
John  Randolph,  in  the  Vault 
Mary  Ogbourn,  in  the  Church  Yard 
John  Arden,  in  the  Church 
Anne  G-earing,  in  the  Vault 
Greorge  Pepys,  in  the  Church 
George  Knight,  in  the  Vault 

1737  May  20    Jane  Clutterbuck,  in  the  Chappel 
Joseph  Marston,  under  the  Communion  Table 
Mary  Levett,  in  the  Church 
John  Mottershead,  in  the  Vault 
William  Mottershead,  in  the  Vault 
Thomas  Riall,  in  the  Vault 
William  Strettou,  in  the  Vault 

1738  Sep.    14     James  Anselin,  in  the  Vault 
Elizabeth  Saywell,  in  the  Church  Yard 

William  Baruvelt  s.  of  William  and  Sarah  Muudy,  in  the  Vault 
Benjamin  Chase,  in  the  Vault 
Mary  Martin,  a  foundling,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Rebecca  Nash,  in  the  A'^ault 

Rich"  Biscoe,  Rector 

1739  April    8     Margaret  Carpenter,  in  the  Vault 
John  Knight,  in  the  Vault 
Elizabeth  Ladyman,  in  the  Vault 
John  Sabin,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Margaret  Sandys,  in  the  Chappel 
Anji  Herring,  in  the  Cluirch 

Francis  Reynardson  and  Sarah  Reynardson,  in  the  Chancel 
Sarah  Hooper,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Ann  Williams,  in  the  Church  Yard 

1740  April  27     Sarah  Metcalfe,  in  the  Church 
Lucy  Winch,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Susannah  White,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Dorothy  Fitz  Patrick,  in  the  Church  Yard 
John  Nash,  in  the  Vault 
Langley  Hill,  in  the  Church 
Mary  Wharton,  in  the  Vault 

1741  Oct.    11     Elizabeth  Vernon,  in  the  Vault 
Arthm*  North,  in  the  Vault 

1742  June    7     John  Metcalfe,  in  the  Church 
Anne  Anselin,  in  the  Chancel 
John  Ladyman,  in  the  Vault 
Lancelot  Mundy,  in  the  Vault 

1743  April  17     Sarah  Vernon,  in  the  Vault 
Dorothy  Rudge,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Mary  Hanks,  a  foundling  child,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Elizabeth  Railing,  in  the  Vault 
Thomas  Cole,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Grace  Anselin,  in  the  Chancel 

1744  June    8     Robert  Wharton,  Parish  Clerk,  in  the  Vault 

RiCHABD  Biscoe,  Rector 










































































































June  15 











.   7 





















BURIALS.  119 

1744  June  15     Elizabeth  Eokeby,  in  the  body  of  the  Church 
Eebecca  Eokeby,  in  the  body  of  the  Church 
Delicia  Ironmonger,  in  the  Chancel 

Catharine  Marsden,  in  the  Vault  under  Com'union  Table 
James  s.  of  John  and  Eliz.  AVright,  at  the  bottom  of  the  Church 
Eebecca  Eandolph,  under  the  green  Pew  by  the  old  Monument 
Eliz.  d.  of  George  and  Eliz.  Monk,  in  the  Church 

1745  April    7     Elizabeth  Walker,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Anne  d.  of  Bridget  Cannon,  in  the  Churchyard 
Walpole  s.  of  Eichard  and  Mary  Gruy,  in  the  Church 
Eliz.  Pepys,  in  the  Church 

Susanna  Boot,  Spinster,  a  Pensioner,  in  the  Churchyard 
Dorothy  Barrett,  a  Pensioner,  in  the  Churchyard 
Joseph  Marsden,  in  the  Vault  under  Communion  Table 
Andrew  Peter  Dupont,  in  the  new  Vault 
Anne  Anselin,  in  the  Chancel 

1746  April    3     Henry  Marshall,  Parish  Clerk,  in  the  new  Vault 
Eichard  Gaily,  in  the  new  Vault 
Hennings  Castens,  in  the  new  Vault 

Eichard  s.  of  Eichard  and  Mary  Guy,  in  the  botom  of  Church 
Thomas  s.  of  Samuel  Viccars,  in  new  Vault 
Anne  Stone,  Widow,  in  the  new  Vault 
Birch  Hothersall,  Esq"",  in  the  new  Vault 
Lucretia  Wilkinson,  a  parish  child,  in  the  Churchyard 

EiCHAED  BiscoE,  Eector 

1747  June  23     Eichard   s.   of   Eichard   and   Mary   Guy,   in  y«  bottom  of  y^ 

Mary  Harding,  under  the  blue  Stone  in  the  great  Isle 
Edward  s.  of  Samuel  Vernon,  in  the  new  Vault 
A  woman  that  died  in  the  Street,  in  y®  Church  Yard 
Charles  Crab,  in  the  new  Vault 
Mary  Williams,  a  Pensioner,  in  the  Church  Yard 
William  Selling,  a  Pensioner,  in  the  Church  Yard 

1748  April    4     Edward  Marshal,  in  the  new  Vault 
John  Scott,  under  the  blue  Stone  in  the  North  Isle 
John  Selling,  a  Pensioner,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Elizabeth  Quantito,  in  the  new  Vault 
Elizabeth  Vickers,  in  the  new  A^ault 
Judith  Fogge,  at  the  bottom  of  the  South  Isle 

1749  June  24     John  Coke,  Esq',  in  the  new  Vault 
Edward  Francis,  in  the  new  Vault 
Anne  Lipton,  a  Pensioner,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Anna  Maria  Lamotte,  at  the  bottom  of  the  North  Isle 
William  Jackson,  in  the  Church  Yard 
John  Williams,  in  the  bottom  of  the  Church 
Mary  Fayting,  in  the  Vault  under  Commun"^  Table 
Delicia  Hughes,  in  the  Chancel 
Anne  Chase,  in  the  new  Vault 
Phebe  Hall,  in  the  new  Vault 
John  Bland,  in  the  North  Isle 
William  Whitaker,  in  the  new  Vault 
William  Eead  Monck,  in  the  North  Isle 
Charles  Grose,  in  the  new  Vault 
A  woman  who  died  in  the  Street,  said  to  be  wife  of  one  Lancaster, 

a  Printer,  in  the  Church  Yard 
„      20     George  Petrold,  in  the  new  Vault 

Nicolas  Fatting,  Eector 














1    4 











June  24 






























1750  Mar.  25  Maria  Ball,  iu  the  Church  Yard 
June    7  Mary  Anderton,  in  the  Chancel 
July     6  Abigail  Bezer,  in  the  new  Vault 
Dec.     2  Mary  AVardell,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Jan.      8  Mary  Wharton,  in  the  new  Vault 

„      26  Alexander  [blank],  in  the  Church  Yard 

Feb.     2  W"'  Cooper,  in  the  Church  Yard 

„        4  Eichard  Marshall,  in  the  New  Vault 

1751  May     9  Richard  Guy,  at  the  bottom  of  the  North  Isle 
July   17  .lereniiah  Boskell,  near  the  North  Door 

„      18  Ann  Crisp,  near  the  bottom  of  the  North  Isle 

Dec.   17  Obadiah  Hughes,  D.D.,  in  the  Chancel 

1752  Feb.     2  Richard  North,  in  the  Church  Yard 

„        G  Elizabeth  Barte,  near  the  new  Vault 

April  19  Ann  Crisp,  near  the  bottom  of  the  North  Isle 

,,      21  John  Thorne,  in  the  Church  Yard 

July     2  Francis  Emerton,  in  the  new  Vault 

Sep.    29  Thomas  Davis,  in  the  new  Vault 

1753  June    3  Elizabeth  Dillingham,  in  the  Vault  under  Com'*  Table 
Aug.  15  William  North,  in  the  new  Vault 

Oct.    12  John  Tomlin,  in  the  Church  Yard 

„      16  Elizabeth  Loyd,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Sep.    22  Benjamin  Dodson,  in  the  Church  Yard 

1754  Jan.      7  Mary  Clotterbooke,  in  the  Chappel 

„        7  Ann  Clotterbooke,  in  the  Chappel 

Mar.  27  Sarah  Carpenter,  at  the  bottom  of  the  North  Isle 

Nic^  Fatting,  M.A.,  Rector 

April    5  John  Nash,  Esq.,  in  the  new  Vault 

Sep.  1  Martha  Boskell,  between  the  North  and  South  Doore 

Oct.  14  Amelia  Reeves,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Nov.  8  James  Lloyd,  in  the  Church  Yard 

1755  Mar.  9  Mary  Patridge,  in  the  new  Vault 
May  22  Thomazin  Gouge,  in  the  Chappel 
July  12  George  Bristow,  in  the  new  Vault 
Nov.  1  Anne  Dodson,  in  the  Church  Yard 

1756  „  28  Anne  Williams,  in  the  West  Isle 

1757  Jan.  29  John  Dodson,  in  the  Church  Yard 

,,  30  Henry  King,  in  the  Vault  under  the  Comm"  Table 

Mar.  7  Anne  Bateman,  in  the  Church  Yard 

July  8  Catharine  Hill,  in  the  body  of  the  Church 

„  18  Samuel  Vickers,  iu  the  New  Vault 

Aug.  24  Elizabeth  Stovin,  under  the  Pulpit  Stairs 

„  24  Isabella  Rebecca  Whitaker,  in  the  new  Vault 

Sep.  8  Richard  Harrison,  at  the  bottom  of  the  great  Isle 

„  13  John  Gay,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Dec.  30  John  Wilkins,  in  the  Vault  under  the  Comm"  Table 

1758  Jan.  22  John  Chip,  in  the  New  Vault 

Feb.  6  Susannah  Allison,  in  the  New  Vault 

June  16  William  Marsh,  in  the  New  Vault 

Oct.  27  Sarah  Levett,  in  the  South  Isle 

Nov.  7  Robert  Asberry,  in  the  Church  Yard 

1759  Oct.  10  Elizabeth  King,  in  the  Vault  under  Commun"  Table 

„  16  Jane  Thornton,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Nov.  23  Anthony  Henry  George,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Dec.  14  James  M'^Gachen,  at  the  bottom  of  the  Great  Isle 

1760  Feb.  26  Elizabeth  Thornton,  in  the  Church  Yard 

BURIALS.  121 

1760  Mar.    9     Henrietta  Asberrey,  in  the  Church  Yard 
April  27     Anne  Galley,  in  the  New  Vault 

Nic^  Fayting,  M.A.,  Sector 
Peter  Lavand,  in  the  New  Vault 
Maria  Bristow,  in  the  new  Vault 

1761  Jan.      2     Sarah  EDicott,  in  the  new  Vault 
Priscilla  M<=Gachen,  near  M^  Bead's  Pew  in  the  N.  Isle 
EdAvard  Anselin,  near  M"^  George's  Pew  in  the  N.  Isle 

April  U     Elizabeth  Fayting,  in  the  Vault  under  the  Comni"  Table 
Thomas  M'=Gachen,  in  the  N.  Isle  near  M""  Read's  Pew 
Margaret  Beedham,  in  the  New  Vault 
James  A  sbury,  in  the  Church  Yard 
William  Thornton,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Peggy  Manning,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Louisa  George,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Samuel  Vernon,  in  the  new  Vault 
Elizabeth  Edwards,  in  the  new  Vault 

1762  April    7     Henrietta  Harris,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Barbara  Sophia  George,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Mary  Brewer,  in  the  Church  Yard 
John  Donkley,  in  the  New  Vault 
A  strange  woman  who  died  in  the  Street,  in  the  Ch.  Y'^ 

1763  Jan.   27     Peter  Sambrook,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Jane  Williams,  in  the  Eector's  Vault  under  the  Commu°  Table 
Susannah  Dodson,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Mary  Anselin,  in  the  New  Vault 
Thomas  Beedham  George,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Elizabeth  Harrison,  at  the  bottom  of  the  North  Isle 
A  stranger  (who  died  at  the  Flower  Pot),  in  the  Church  Yard 
Jane  Harrison,  at  the  bottom  of  the  North  Isle 

1764  Jan.    25     Catharine  Wilkins,  in  the  Vault  under  the  Communion  Table 
William  Manning,  in  the  New  Vault 
Jemima  Manning,  in  the  Church  Yard 

1765  May  13     Jolin  Warner  Faesch,  in  the  Ncav  Vault 
Lydia  Walker,  near  the  North  Door  of  the  Church 
John  Eead,  in  the  North  Isle  near  his  Pew 
James  Vernon,  in  the  New  Vault 
Robert  Sutton  Marsh,  in  the  New  Vault 

Nic^  Fatting,  M.A.,  Rector 

Edward  Thornton,  in  the  Church  Yard 

1766  Jan.    12     Elizabeth  Low,  in  the  North  Isle 
Anne  Read,  in  the  North  Isle 
Walter  Partridge,  in  the  New  Vault 
William  Asbury,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Tho«  Warford  (found  dead  in  the  Street),  in  the  Ch.  Y^ 
Grace  Gammon,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Thomas  Darbey,  in  the  New  Vault 
Francis  Thompson,  in  the  Church  Yard 
John  Smith,  in  the  New  Vault 

1767  Mar.  30     Phillis  Hayne,  in  the  New  Vault 
Johanna  Francisca  Dupont,  in  the  New  Vault 
Charles  Abney  Dodson,  in  the  Church  Yard 

1768  I'eb.     5     Natty  Thompson,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Jane  Thompson,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Charles  Gustaf  Spalding,  in  the  Church 
Philip  Sewell,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Easther  Anselin,  under  the  Stairs  of  the  Pulpit 











April  U 


















1    7 














[    9 





















June  19 





































June  24 













Nov.  13 
Dec.  7 
April  29 
May  19 
.July  5 
June  16 
Feb.  2 
July  27 
Sep.  7 
Mar.  20 
April  30 
May  24 
„  26 
„  29 
June    6 

Nov.  18 
Dec.  12 
April  2 
Sep.  22 
Oct.  29 
Nov.  19 
Jan.  17 
Feb.  21 








































Mary  Bellis,  in  tlie  New  Vault 

Edward  Grose,  in  the  New  Vault 

Elizabetb  Thompson,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Henry  Grwillim,  in  the  New  Vault 

Judith  Greering,  in  the  New  Vault 

Andrew  Peter  Dupont,  in  the  New  Vault 

Mary  Asbury,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Ferdinaudo  Harrisson,  at  the  bottom  of  the  North  Isle 

George  Fayting,  under  the  Communion  Table  ;  omitted 

Elizabeth  Wilson,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Henry  Metcalfe,  in  the  Church 

Elizabeth  Chapman,  in  the  new  Vault 

George  Gibson,  in  the  new  Vault 

Mary  Bayley,  in  the  new  Vault 

William  Wilkinson,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Ntc*  Fayting,  M.A.,  Kector 

Elizabeth  Smith,  a  child,  in  the  New  Vault 
James  Baldwin  Page,  a  child,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Sarah  Clapham,  at  the  bottom  of  the  South  Isle 
William  Kutland,  a  child,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Thomas  Cox,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Catharine  Gifford,  in  the  New  Vault 
Elizabeth  Marsh,  a  child,  in  the  New  Vault 
Elizabeth  Darby,  in  the  Church  Yard    \ 
James  Denn  Collier,  in  the  New  Vault 
Frances  Jewson,  in  the  New  Vault 
Kh  .  .  .  .  Smith,  in  the  New  Vault 
Anne  Collier,  in  the  New  Vault 
Isabella  Mylne,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Memorandum. — These  last  six  Persons,  w'**  such  Bones  as 
were  found  of  Elizabeth  Noble  and  Mary  Mayo  (all  of  which 
perish'd  in  the  Fire  at  M''  Collier's  House  in  Bishopsgate 
Street  the  18'^  of  this  Month),  were  buried,  as  above  men- 
tioned, in  the  Vault  and  Church  Yard 

Sarah  Clarke,  a  child,  in  the  Church  Yard 

John  Smith,  in  the  Church  Yard 

John  Page,  a  child,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Mary  Hall,  a  child,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Francis  Cuperlow,  a  child,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Elizabeth  Holford,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Elizabeth  Bead,  in  the  Nortli  Isle 

Andrew  Swan,  a  parish  child,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Thomas  Gibson,  a  child,  in  the  New  Vault 

Elizabeth  Brady,  in  the  New  Vault 

Elizabeth  Emerton,  in  the  New  Vault 

John  Gwillim,  in  the  New  Vault 

John  Wilkins,  under  the  Communion  Table 

Nic«  Fatting,  M.A.,  Rector 

Rachael  Dennis,  a  Pens'",  in  the  Church  Yard 
George  Lester,  a  Pens'',  iu  the  Church  Yard 
Catharine  Cooper,  in  the  Bector's  little  Vault 
Charles  Shaw,  in  the  Church  Yard 
John  Marsh,  in  the  New  Vault 
Sarah  Hill,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Anne  Wilkinson,  in  the  Rector's  Great  Vault 
Mary  Hart,  in  the  Church  Yard 

:fetJRiALS.  123 

1776  Aug.  18     Sophia  Fleuret,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Mary  Harpur,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Hannah  Addis,  in  the  Church  Yard 

1777  Jan.   23     Benjamin  and  Eich*!  Thompson,  in  the  Ch.  Y'' 
Mary  Eutland,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Frances  Elizabeth  Liles,  in  the  Ch.  Yard 
Grace  Hall,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Mary  Gearing,  in  the  New  Vault 
Mary  Foster,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Mary  Neale,  in  the  Church  Y"^ 

1778  Feb.     3     James  Thompson,  in  the  Ch.  Y** 
Eobert  Mountague,  in  the  New  Vault 
Frances  Eead,  in  the  Church  Yard 
William  Foster,  in  the  Church  Y^ 
John  Marsh,  in  the  New  Vault 
Thomas  Eobertson,  in  the  Ch.  Y"^ 

Nic»  Fatting,  Eector 

Tho«  Webber  Clarke,  in  the  Ch.  Y'^ 
Antoine  J.  Eustache,  in  the  Ch.  Y'' 
James  Bailey,  aged  93,  in  the  New  Vault 

1779  Jan.    11     James  Hornsby,  in  the  Church  Y*^ 
John  Slater,  in  the  Church  Y'^ 
Mary  Clarke,  in  the  New  Vault 
John  Thompson,  in  the  Church  Y'' 
Mary  Elizabeth  Hall,  in  the  Ch.  Y'^ 
Anne  Clarke,  in  the  New  Vault 
Elizabeth  Eutland,  in  the  Church  Y^ 
Eobert  Preston,  iu  the  Church  Y^ 

1780  Jan.    13     Elizabeth  Eussell,  in  the  Ch.  Y^ 
Mary  Miller,  in  the  Ch.  Yard 
John  Eutland,  in  the  Church  Y* 
Turner  Thompson,  in  the  Ch.  Y^ 

1781  Jan.    31     James  Jones,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Hilary  Eussell,  in  the  Church  Y*^ 
Sami  and  Eliz'^^  Eussell,  iu  the  Ch.  Y^ 
Tho^  Falkner,  in  the  New  Vault 

N.  Fatteng,  Eector 

1782  Jan.    11     Jane  Hinton,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Maria  Debaufre,  in  the  Church  Y'^ 
Thomas  Burmester,  in  the  Church  Y^ 
Elizabeth  Grose,  in  the  New  Vault 
Mary  Syke,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Tho*  Bodenham,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Tho^  Marston,  in  the  Eector's  Great  Vault 
Anne  Mundy,  in  the  New  Vault 
Henry  Lowth,  in  the  New  Vault 

1783  April  24     Catharine  Frances  Noyes,  in  the  Ch.  Y'' 
May     2     Mary  Trapan'd,  in  the  New  Vault 

The  Payment  of  three  Pence  by  an  Act  of  Parliament  for  every  Marriage, 
Christening,  and  Burial  which  took  place  from  the  first  of  Oct'  1783  begins  in  our 
Register  from  this  time 

Inspected  to  the  2°"  of  Jany  1784.— B.  Keene 

1784  Jan.    18     James  Gaddsden,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Feb.   15     Rachel  Slater,  in  the  Church  Yard 
April  26     John  Francis  Curchod,  in  the  New  Vault 

















June  18 





June  27 
























.   7 





























































1784  June  14     Frances  Messenger,  in  the  New  Vault 
Sep.    29    Mary  Anne  Norcott,  in  the  Ch.  Yard 

Duty  rece'd  to  Sep^  30^^,  1784.— B.  Keen,  Insp' 
Nov.  21     Lettice  Alderhead,  in  the  New  Vault 

Inspected  &  Duty  receiv'd  to  March  31**,  1785.— B.  Keen,  Eeg""  &  Inspec' 

N.  Faytinq,  Eector 

1785  May  25    Harriot  Wilson,  in  the  Church  Y* 
Richard  Smith  Stedman,  in  the  Ch.  Y^ 
Martha  Heavyside,  in  the  Church  Y"^ 

Inspected  &  Duty  receiv'd  to  Sep""  30^\  1785.— B.  Keene,  Inspec' 

1786  Jan.    20     Myles  Barrett,  in  the  Church  Yard 
John  and  Matthew  Slater  (Twins),  in  the  Ch.  Y"* 
Susannah  "Whitehead,  in  the  Church  Y** 

Inspected  to  March  3PS  1786. — B.  Keene,  Inspec"" 

Mary  Ann  Heaviside,  in  the  Church  Y** 
John  Painter,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to  Sep""  30t^  1786.— B.  K.,  Insp"^ 

Jane  Rutland,  in  tbe  Church  Yard 
Margaret  Darby,  in  the  Church  Y** 
Peter  Hepworth,  in  the  Church  Y'' 
Elizabeth  Paley,  in  the  New  Vault 

1787  Jan.     4     Dorothy  Dunkley,  from  the  "Workhouse 
Mar.  14     Ann  Catharine  Curchod,  in  the  Church  Y'' 

Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to  March  31^',  1787.— B.  K.,  Insp'^ 

June    4     John  Gibson,  in  the  New  Vault 

Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to  Sep.  30, 1787.— B.  K.,  Insp' 

Nov.  18     Jane  Cross,  in  the  Church  Yard 

1788  Jan.   27     Oodly  Paul  Dettmar,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Mar.     6     Elizabeth  Louth,  in  the  New  Vault 

„        9     George  Smith,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to  March  31^',  1788.— B.  K.,  Insp"" 

Aug.     2     John  Metcalfe,  in  the  body  of  the  Church 
Sep.    21     Thomas  Painter,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to  Sep^  30*'',  1788.— B.  K.,  Insp' 

Oct.    21     Ann  Christian,  in  the  New  Vault 

Dec.  10     William   Edmond    Painter,   in    the   Church   Yard    [in   margin 
"  Poor."— Ed.] 
N.B. — This  last  Person  was  Buried  by  the  Parish,  and  upon  that  account  the 
Government  Tax  was  not  received 

1788  Dec.   31     Elizabeth  Griffith,  in  the  Church  Yard 

N.  Fatting,  Rector 

1789  Feb.     8     Elizabeth  Treleven,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Mar.     2     The  Rev''  Nicholas  Faytiug,  M.A.,  under  the  Communion  Table, 
aged  86,  Rector  of  this  Church 
„      29     George  Hooper,  in  the  Church  Yard 

(5)  Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to  March  31"*,  1789.— B.  K.,  Insp' 

May  24     Jane  Snelins,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Aug.  16     Lucretia  Wilkinson,  Pensioner,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Sep.      5     Mary  Ann  Tillerton,  infant,  in  the  Church  Yard 

(3)  Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to  Sep''  30*1',  1789.— B.  K.,  Insp"- 
Oct.    15     Elizabeth  Middletou,  in  the  New  Vault 
Dec.  12     AVilliam  Dixon,  in  the  Church  Yard 

BURIALS.  125 

1790  Feb.     7     Thomas  Dunn,  in  the  Church  Yard 

„      14     Elizabeth  Wright,  Church  Yard 

(4)  Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to  March  31^^  1790.— B.  K.,  Insp^ 

April    4    Elizabeth  Grammou  Eagleton,  infant,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Samuel  Bishop,  Eector 
Aug.  23     Elizabeth  Gray,  in  the  Church  Yard 

1791  Jan.    12     William  Titterton,  infant,  in  the  Church  Yard 

„      22  Eanny  Burmaster,  infant,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Mar.  10  Margaret  Andrews,  inmate,  in  the  Church  Yard 

(5)  Inspected  &  Duty  paid  to  31^'  M'^  1791.— W.  Goodwin,  Insp' 

April  10  George  Titterton,  inmate,  in  the  Church 

May  22  Susannah  Gammon  Eagleton,  infant,  in  the  Church  Yard 

June    5  John  Cross,  infant,  in  the  Church  Yard 

„      15  Susannah  Burgess,  infant,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Samuel  Bishop,  Eector 
Sep.    11     John  Lewis  De  Palazieux  Ealconnett,  infant,  in  the  New  Vault 

5  Burials  up  to  30  Sep-^  1791.— T.  Baillie 
Henry  Wild,  casually  drowned,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Eleanor  Miller,  Housekeeper,  in  the  Church  Yard 

1792  Mar.     8     William  Bailey,  infant,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Elizabeth  Duge,  in  the  New  Vault 
Isaac  Duge,  the  Elder,  Housekeeper,  in  the  New  Vault 
Patience  Samond,  Pensioner,  in  the  Church  Yard 
John  Wright,  inmate,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Samuel  Bishop,  Eector 

1793  Jan.     5     Eichard  Kemble  Whatley,  Esq'',  in  the  New  Vault 

Mary  Bellis,  in  the  New  Vault 

Edmund  Davies  Powles,  infant,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Jesse  Ward,  in  the  new  Vault  in  the  Church 

Charles  Norcott,  Housekeeper,  in  the  Church  Yard 

John  Benuett,  infant,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Seth  Ward,  Housekeeper,  in  the  New  Vault 

Sarah  Cross,  infant,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Eichard  EatclifP,  in  the  New  Vault         r.  -n.  -r. 

Samuel  Bishop,  Eector 

1794  Feb.     9     James  Wilson,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Lewis  Antoine  Bernarde,  lodger,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Sarah  Metcalfe,  stranger,  in  the  Church 
Ann  Welley,  in  the  Church  Yard 
Francis  Miller,  Housekeeper,  in  the  New  Vault 

Inspected  &  Duty  paid.  — W.  Goodwin 

1795  Jan.      9     John  Loudon,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Ann  Appleton,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Charles  Garland,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Jane  Snellins,  in  the  Church  Yard  o,  -r.  -r. 

Samuel  Bishop,  Eector 

Jane  Mundy,  stranger,  iu  the  new  Vault 

James  Samuel  Tidswell,  infant,  iu  the  Church  Yard 

Francis  Pannonville,  lodger.  Church  Yard 

Elizabeth  Leaver,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Thomas  Luton,  infant,  in  the  Church  Yard 

Ann  Cross,  Church  Yard 

William  Gibson  Wetherel,  stranger,  in  the  new  Vault 

Samuel  Bishop,  A.M.,  Eector  of  this  Church,  in  the  Eector's  Vault 

[This  is  the  last  entry  of  Burials  in  Eegister  I. — Ed.] 























































April    5 













[Burials,  1796,  FEBfiUABT  20,  to  1819,  December  4.] 


Christian  Name. 

Description  of 

When  buried. 


Where  buried. 



Spinster,  from 
S^  Ja«  Square 

Feb.  20,  1796 

80  years 

Rector's  little 

1796  Feb.  20  *Elizabetli  Luton,  d.  of  Will,  and  lEliz^^  Hatters,  4  months ;  P» 

Ch.  Y'l 
„     20     [bhink]  Hall,  Parish  Clerk  ;  P«  Ch.  T* 
Sep.    27     Elizabeth  Cummings,  wife  of  William,  51  years  ;  P*  Ch.  T** 

John  Eose,  A.M.,  Eector 
1797  It  having  been  found  necessary  to  make  a  new  Vault  in  the  new  Church, 
that  without  the  Wall  will  be  term'd  ^^^  Vault  in  future,  that  at  the  West 
End  within  the  Building  distinguish'd  as  the  new  Vault.  The  Eector's  2  Vaults 
are  now  in  one,  and  extends  the  whole  size  of  the  Altar.  An  Order  of  the  Trustees 
under  an  Act  of  Parliament  forbids  any  G-rave  to  be  dug  hereafter  in  the  Church. 

John  Eose,  A.M.,  Eector 

1797  Feb.     5     Eobert  Samuel  Tidswell,  s.  of  James  and  Ann,  5  weeks  ;  P*  Ch, 

„      28     Amelia  Hallet,  from    Stoke  Ne^\'ington,   57  years ;    Old  Vault 
(in  lead) 

Jmfe  ^4  {  Eobert  }  ^°^^'  twin  children  of  John  and  Ann  {  ^  ^%^^^  }  ^,^^\^^'« 

John  Eose,  A.M.,  Eector 

1798  Jan.    12     Gertrude  Sophia  Chapman,  d.  of  the  Eeverend  [blank]  Chapman, 

20  years  ;  Old  Vault 
„      27     John  Gastrell  Chapman,  s.  of  the  Eeverend  [blank]  Chapman, 

15  years  ;  Old  A'ault 
Feb.     3     William  Montague  Chapman,  s.  of  the  Eeverend  [blank]  Chapman, 

17  years  ;  Old  Vault 
April  15     Abel  Ebenezer  AVard,  from  S'  Helen's  parish,  22  years  ;    Old 

May     1     John  Eandell  Wetherell,  from  Highgate ;  Old  Vault 
„      13     Catharine    Irving,    d.    of    John    and   Catharine,    5   years   and 

10  months  ;  P»  Ch.  Yard 
June    3     Leonora  Irving,  d.  of  John  and  Catharine,  5  months  ;  Pap.  Ch. 

Dec.   20     Eichard  Hoppe  Bickerton,  s.  of  Eichard  and  Mary,  2  yfears  and 

3  months  ;  New  Vault 

John  Eose,  A.M.,  Eector 

1799  Feb.  28     John  Eose,  the  Eector's  father,  died  Feb.  21,  78  years ;  Eector's 

June    2     Elizabeth  Shady,  from  M"  Payne's,  Bishopsgate  Street,  74  years ; 
P.  Church  Yd. 

John  Eose,  A.M.,  Eector 

1800  Jan.    12     Eebecca    Hemmingwav,    from    Bishopsgate    Street,    51   years; 

P.  Church  Yd. 

*  To  save  space  the  tabular  form,  as  shewn  by  the  above  Eose  entry,  has  been  dispensed  with, 
but  all  the  information  is  given. — En. 

t  For  burials  of  the  earlier  children,  etc.,  consult  S'  M',  Queenhithe,  and  Margate  in  Kent. 

BURIALS.  127 

1800  Mar.    2     Mary  Ann  Eandall,  from  S»  Leonard,  Shoreditch,  2  years  and 

4  months  ;  P.  Church  Yd. 
„      11     Ann  Haegan,  Threadneedle  Street,  39  years  ;  Old  Vault 
„      23     Matthew    Slater,    Vintner,    of    Threadneedle    Str.,    52    years; 

P.  Church  Yard 
April    3     Sarah  Wilkinson  of  B'gate  Street,  a  lodger,  76  years ;  P.  Church 

May  21     Elizabeth  Mary  Blundell  of  B'pgate  Street,  2  years  3  months ; 

Old  Vault 
June    1     Edward  Cross  of  B'pgate  Street,  1  year  7  mouths;  P.  Church  Yd. 

„        8     Susanna  Ward  of  S'  Helen's,  B'pgate  S^  64  years  ;  Old  vault 
Dec.   15     William  Boyle  of  B'pgate  Street,  23  years  ;  P.  Ch.  yard 

John  Eose,  A.M.,  Eector 

1802*  Jan.    19     Susanna  Cross,  wife  of  John  Cross,  from  S*  Catharine  Cree, 

58  years  ;  P.  Ch.  Yard 
Feb.   22     Mary  Jones,  wife  of  John  Jones,  Threadneedle  Street,  49  years  ; 

South  Vault 
April  20     James  Landon  [?  Loudon],  s.  of  P.  L.,  Esq.,  from  the  Eectory 

house,  23  months  ;  South  vault 
May   16     Elizabeth  Cross,  Avife  of  Will.  Cross,  Bishopsgate  Street,  38  years  ; 

P.  Ch.  yard 
Oct.    19     Sarah  Wetherell,  d.  of  M'  W.  of  Highgate,  3  months ;  South 
„      24     Mary  Norcot,  from  M*  Taylors'  Alms  houses,  77  years  ;  P.  Ch. 
Nov.     9     Eebecca  Price,  sister  of  the  Eev.  E*  P.,  from  Hammersmith, 

32  years  ;  Eector's  Vault 
Dec.     8     George  Cross,  s.  of  W°^  C,  Bishopsgate  Street,  7  years ;  P.  Ch. 
„      14     Francis  Eoss  of  S'  Andrew  Undershaft,  46  years  ;  South  Vault 
„      22     James  Boyle  of  S*  Mary,  Whitechapel,  60  years  ;  Church  Yd. 

John  Eose,  Eector 

1801  Feb.     8     Jesse  Jones,  nephew  of  the  Sextoness,  4|  years  ;  Ch.  Yard 
Mar.    7     Luke  Karrigan,  Inmate  of  Threadneedle  St.,  30  years ;  South 

April  12     James  Cross,  s.  of  W™,  Bishopsgate  Street,  14  months  ;  Ch.  Yard 
„      12     Charles  Jones,  a  pauper  of  this  parish,  3  years  ;  Ch.  Yard 

John  Eose,  Eector 
For  the  year  1802  see  above. 

1803  Feb.     6     John  Vaughan,  from  the  City  Chambers,  73  years ;    Eector's 

April  24     Harriet  Cowley  Edwards,  from  S'  Leon*^,  Shoreditch,  1  year  ; 

Ch.  Yard 
Oct.      6     Elizabeth  Boyle,  from  S*  Mary,  Whitechapel,  58  years  ;  Ch.  Yard 
„      16     Henry  Edward  Blundell,  s.  of  Greorge  and  Sarah,  13  months ; 

South  Vault 
Dec.  24     John  Paley,  Crown  Court,  Thread^  Street,  78  years ;  Ch.  Yard 

John  Eose,  A.M. 

1804  April  20     John  Naylor,  Widower,  from  M"  Cook's,  63  years ;  South  Vault 
June    2     Mary  Teasdale,  from  the  Eectory  house,  15  months ;  New  Vault 

„        9     Henry  Pigeon  Davies,  from  Merc.  T.  Hall,  3  weeks  5  days ;  New 

*  By  mistake  the  year  1802  is  enter'd  before  1801,  w""  vrill  be  found  immediately  succeeding. 


1804  Aug.  30    Eichard  Eogers  Ogleby,  from  Threadiieedle   Street,  7  weeks; 

Ch.  Yard 
Nov.  15     Elizabeth  Eandell,  from  S*  Leonard,  Shorediteh,  5|  years ;  Ch. 

Dec.     3     Mary  Teasdale,  from  the  Eectory  house,  28  years  ;  New  Vault 

John  Eose,  A.M.,  Eector 

1805  Feb.  1  John  Tipp,  from  the  South  Sea  house,  62  years  ;  New  Vaidt 
Mar.  19  Jane  Eead,  from  S'  Mary,  Whitechapel,  19  years  ;  Ch.  Yard 
April  19     Susanna  Maria  Gifford,  from  Penge  Common,  42  years  ;  Eector's 

Sep.    14    Thompson  Baptist  Davies,  from  Mer.  T.  hall,  14  weeks ;  New 

Oct.    30     John  Edwards,  from  S'  Leonard,  Shorediteh,  2|  years  ;  Ch.  Yard 

John  Eose,  A.M.,  Eector 

1806  Jan    98  (  "^^^^^^^      "1  children  of  M'' Wetherel),  f  2  years     "1  South  Vault, 

\  Benjamin  J       Surgeon  at  Highgate       [  3  months  J  in  one  CoflBn 
Feb.   23     Sarah  Vernon,  a  pauper,  60  years  ;  Ch.  Yd. 
April  23     Henry  Davis,  N°  16  Bishopsgate  St.,  6  weeks  ;  South  Vault 
May  16     John  Davies,  Clerk  to  the  M^  T.  Comp.,  47  years ;  New  Vault 

John  Eose,  A.M.,  Eector 

1807  Jan.     9     Elizabeth  Eandall,  from  S'  Leonard,   Shorediteh,    10   months; 

Church  Yd. 
Feb.   14     George  Hackett,  Threadneedle  St.,  79  years  ;  Ch.  Yd. 

„      21     Mary  Smith,  from  S'  George,  Bloomsbury,  71  years ;  South  Vault 
Mar.     8     James  Burgess,  Crown  C\  Threadneedle  St.,  59  years  ;  Ch.  Yd. 
May  29     William  Cross,  from  Aldgate,  8  months  ;  Ch.  Yd. 
Sep.    25     Dorothy  Lane,  from  Leadenhall  Street,  55  years ;  Eector's  Vault 

John  Eose,  A.M.,  Eector 

1808  Mar.    1     The  EeV*  Henry  David  Durand,  Minister  of  the  French  Protestant 

Ch.,  Threadneedle  St.,  77  years  ;  South  Vault 
„        6     Thomas  Jones,  from  S'  Ethelburga  parish,  57  years  ;  South  Vault 
„        6     Eleanor  Jones,  grandaughter  of  the  above,  3  years  and  3  months; 
South  Vault 
May     5     Benjamin  Hall,  s.  of  the  late  Clerk,  36  years  ;  Ch.  yd. 
July  17     John  Hill,  servant,  63  years  ;  South  Vault 

Sep.    10     Mary  Edwards,  from  S'  Leonard,  Shorediteh,  40  years  ;  Ch.  Yd. 
Dec.  31     Mary  Chester  Metcalfe,  from  Frinley,  Surrey,  71  years ;  South 

John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 

1809  Feb.  26     Ann  Haycock,  pensioner,  of  this  Parish,  86  years  ;  Ch.  Yard 
Oct.    15     Alice  Garland,  from  Duke  SS  Old  Artillery  G'ds,  78  years  ;  Ch. 


John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 

1810  .Jan.    22     EdwardEdwards,  auctioneer,  from  S*  Helen's,  57  years;  New  Vault 

„      28     Margaret  Jones,  Sextoness,  68  years  ;  South  Vault 
Feb.   18     John  Throsby,  Clerk  to  an  Attorney,  64  years  ;  South  Vault 
Oct.    28     Mary  Bodenham,  Housekeeper  to  W"'  Mellish,  Esq.,  72  years ; 
Ch.  Yard 

John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 

1811  Feb.  20     Sarah  Starbuck,  from  the  South  Sea  house,  36  years;    South 

June  26     Frances  Maria  Hollamby,  from  Leadenhall  Street,  18  months  j 
Eector's  Vault 

BURIALS.  129 

1811  July  16     Jane  Eedmau,  from  M'«  Cook's,  Bish^  Street,  3(5  years  ;  South 

Aug.  25     John  Cross,  formerly  of  this  parish,  63  years ;  Ch.  Yard 
Sep.    17     Mary  Paley,  formerly  of  this  Parish,  65  years  ;  Ch.  Yard 
Oct.    14     John  Edwards  of  Bethnal  Green,  5  years  ;  Ch.  Yard 
„     24     Sarah  Mumby,  Threadueedle  Street,  26  years  ;  Ch.  Yard 

John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 

1812  Jan.     5     William  Cross,  from  S*  C^  Cree,  late  a  Parish""  here,  51  years ; 

Church  Yard 
June  10     Mary  Bickerton,  late  of  this  Parish,  from  Clerkenwell,  50  years ; 

New  vault 
Sep.    30    Thomas  Apperley,  South  Sea  house,  82  years ;  South  Vault 
Nov.  22     James  Tidswell,  from  Cripplegate,  6  years  ;  Church  Yard 

John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 

1813  Mar.    4  *Sarah  Sophia  Blundell,  Bishopsgate  Street,  20  months ;   south 

„      13  *John  Houseman,  Clerk  of  this  Parish,  68  years  ;  new  Vault 

John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 

1814  May  30  *Ann   Eose,    Addington,    Surrey,    109   years ;    Eector's   Vault 

(Eector's  mother) 
July  10  *James  Vincent,  found  hanged  at  the  Flower  pot,  Bish^  within, 
50  years  ;  Ch.  Yard 
„      30  *Elizabeth  Eandell,  from  S'  Leonard,  Shoreditch,  6  months  ;  Ch. 

John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 

1815  Feb.  20  *Mary  Eosa  Farren,  Bishopsgate  within,  10  months ;  North  Vault 
Mar.    3  *Sarah  Eandell,  from  S*  Leonard,  Shoreditch,  6  years  ;  Ch.  Yard 
July  30  *Henry  Eandell,  from  S'  Leonard,  Shoreditch,  3  months  ;   Ch. 

Aug.  23  *Anna  Maria  Wetherell,  from  Highgate,  45  years ;  South  Vault 
Oct.      9  *Grace    Culverwell,    London   Tavern,    Bish^    within    (City   of), 
68  years  ;  Church  Yard 
„      25  *John  Hutchins,  from  S'  Leonard,  Shoreditch,  3  months ;    Ch. 
Dec.  31  *Elizabeth    Poole,   "White   Lion   Court,    Comhill,    2   years   and 
5  months  ;  Ch.  Yard 

John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 

1816  Feb.  11  *Joan  Syle,  from  M''  Mellish's,  78  years  ;  Ch.  Yard 

June  30  *Harriett  Snowball  Poole,  White  Lion  Court,  16  months  j   Ch, 

July     3  *Francis  Evison,  a  pauper,  47  years  ;  Ch.  yard 
„      21  *Sarah  Maugham,  Threadueedle  Street,  25  years;  Ch.  yard 

John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 

1817  April   7  *Mary  Smith,  Threadneedle  Street,  65  years ;  Ch.  Yard 

May  27  *Harriet  Blundell,   Bishopsgate  within,  3  years  and  9  months ; 

South  Vault 
July  24  *John  Watson  Davies,  Brompton,  19  years ;  north  Vault 
Oct.    22  *Charlotte  Bunn,  South  Lambeth,  29  years  ;  Eector's  Vault 

John  Eose,  D.D.,  Eector 

1818  Jan.   11  *Edward  Thomas  Poole,  White  Lion  Court,  Cornhill,  18  months 

and  18  days ;  Ch.  Yard 

♦  The  above  entries  appear  again  in  Register  VI.— Ed. 



1818  Mar.     1  *Elizabeth  Coggins,  Threadueedle  Street,  29  years  ;  Ch.  Yard 
April    8  *Sarah  Cook,  Bishopsgate  'nathin,  60  years  ;  South  Vault 
June  21  *Jolm  Laming,  Threadneedle  Street,  30  years  ;  Ch.  Yard 

JoHK  EosE,  D.D.,  Rector 

1819  Feb.     2  *John  Matthews,  Bishopsgate  within,  60  years  ;  Ch.  Yard 

Mar.  15  *M'*   Houseman,   Newman  St.,  Oxford  Road,  76  years ;    North 

Vault ;  Widow  of  the  late  Parish  Clk. 
April    4  *  George  Culverwell,  from  the  London  hospital,  80  years ;    Ch. 

Aug.  27  *Ann  Rose,  the  Rector's  wife,  57  years  ;  Rector's  Vault 
„      27  *Mary   Jemima   "Ward,   from  Sion  College,  62  years;    Rector's 

Sep.    18  *Isabe]la  Hinde,  Bishopsgate  within,  8  years  and  4  months  ;  Ch. 

Nov.  25  *Mary  Board,  Pope's  head  Alley,  5  years  and  8  months ;  Cb.  Yard 
Dec.     4  *Alexander  Ross,  Bishopsgate  within,  57  years ;  North  Vault 

John  Rose,  D.1>.,  Rector 

[This  is  the  last  entry  of  Burials  in  Register  III. — En.] 


[1813,  Maech  4,  TO  1852,  April  18.] 

BUEIALS   IN  THE    PaBISH   OF    St.    MaETIN   OuTWICH    IN    THE    CiTT    OF    LONDON, 

IN  THE  Year  1813. 



"When  buried. 


By  whom  the  Ceremony 
was  performed. 

Sarah  Sophia 


March  4 

20  months 

John  Rose,  D.D., 

1813  Mar.  13  fJohn    Houseman,   Clerk   of  this   Parish,  Threadneedle  Street, 

68  years  ;  by  John  Rose,  D.D.,  Rector 

1814  May  30     Ann   Rose,  from   Addington  in  Surrey,  the  Rector's  Mother, 

108  years ;  by  the  Rev^  R.  Watts,  Rector  of  S*  Alphage 
July   10    James  Vincent,  found  hang'd  at  the  Elower  Pot,  B'psgate  Street, 
Verd*^  Lunacy,  50  years ;  by  the  Rev'^  Fred.  Miller,  Corp.  Xti. 
Coll.,  Oxford 
„      30    Eliz*!^  Randell,  from  S*^  Leonard,  Shoreditch,  6  months ;  by  John 
Rose,  D.D.,  Rector 

1815  Feb.  20    Mary  Anne  Rose  Farren,  from  Bishopsgate  Within,  10  months  ; 

by  John  Rose,  D.D.,  Rector 
Mar.     3     Sarah  Randell,  from  S'  Leonard's,  Shoreditch,  6  years;  by  John 

Rose,  D.D.,  Rector 
July  30    Henry  Randell,  from  S*  Leonard's,  Shoreditch,  3  months ;   by 

John  Rose,  D.D.,  Rector 
Aug.  23     Anna  Maria  Wetherell,  from  Highgate,  45  years  ;  by  John  Rose, 

D.D.,  Rector 
Oct.      8     Grace  Culverwell,  City  of  London  Tavern,  68  years ;  by  John 

Rose,  D.D.,  Rector 

*  The  above  entries  appear  again  in  Register  VI. — Ed. 

t  To  save  space,  the  tabular  form,  as  shewn  by  the  above  Blundell  entry,  has  been  dispensed 
with,  but  the  entries  will  read  in  the  same  order,  with  the  exception  of  the  date,  which  wiU 
appear  in  the  margin. — Ed. 

BURIALS.  131 

1815  Oct.   25     John  Hutchius,  from  S*  Leonard's,  Shoreditch,  3  months  •  bv 

E.  Nixon,  B.D.  ^ 

Dec.  31     Elizabeth  Poole,  White  Lion  Court,  Comhill,  2  years  and  5  months- 
by  R.  Nixon,  B.D. 

1816  Peb.   12     Joan  Syle,  from  M^-  Mellish's,  Bishopsgate  Within,  78  years  ;  by- 

John  Hose,  D.D.,  Eector 
June  30     Harriet  Snowball  Poole,  White  Lion  Court,  Comhill,  16  months  j 

by  John  Rose,  D.D.,  Rector 
July     3     Prancis  Evison,  a  Pauper,  47  years  ;  by  R.  Nixon,  B.D. 
„      21     Sarah  Maugham,  Threadneedle  Street,  25  years  ;  by  R.  Nixon, 

1817  April    7     Mary  Smith,  Threadneedle  Street,  65  years  ;  by  John  Rose,  D.D., 

May  27     Harriett  Blundell,  Bishopsgate  Within,  3  years  and  9  months ; 

by  John  Rose,  D.D.,  Rector 
July  24     John  Watson  Davies,  from  Brompton,  19  years  ;  by  John  Rose, 

D.D.,  Rector 
Oct,    22     Charlotte  Bunn,  from  South  Lambeth,  29  years  ;  by  John  Rose, 

D.D.,  Rector 

1818  Jan.    11     Edward  Thomas  Poole,  White  Lion  Court,  Cornhill,  18  months  ; 

by  John  Rose,  D.D.,  Rector 
Mar.     1     Elizabeth  Coggins,  Threadneedle  Street,  29  years  ;  by  John  Rose, 

D.D.,  Rector 
April    8     Sarah  Cook,  Bishopsgate  Within,  60  years ;  by  John  Rose,  D.D 

June  21     John  Laming,  Threadneedle  Street,  30  years ;  by  Charles  Edwards, 

Off'  Minister 

1819  Feb.     2     John  Matthews,  Bishopsgate  Within,  50  years ;  by  John  Rose, 

D.D.,  Rector 
Mar.  15     M''^  Houseman,  Newman  Street,  the  late  Clerk's  Widow,  76  years ; 

by  John  Rose,  D.D.,  Rector 
April    4     George  Cidverwell,  from  the  Loudon  Hospital,  80  years  ;   by 

John  Rose,  D.D.,  Rector 
Aug.  27     Ann  Rose,  the  Rector's  wife,  57  years ;  by  R.  Nixon,  B.D. 
„      27     Mary  Jemima  Ward,  from  Sion  College,  62  years  ;  by  R.  Nixon, 

Sep,    18     Isabella  Hinde,  from  No.  15  Bishopsgate  Within,  8  years ;  by 

R.  Nixon,  B.D. 
Nov,  25     Mary  Board,  from  Pope's  Head  Alley,  5  years ;  by  John  Rose, 

D.D.,  Rector 
Dec.     4     Alexander  Ross,  Bishopsgate  Within,  57  years ;  by  John  Rose, 

D.D.,  Rector 

1820  May  19     Rebecca  Segar,  Poor  House,  85  years ;  by  Robert  Crosby 

„      23     Elleu  Laura  Bunn,  Keunington,  4  years ;  by  G.  B.  Grodbold 
June    2     Emma    Hinde,    Bishopsgate   Within,    9    months  ;    by    Robert 

Dec.  22     Mary  Hasted,  Threadneedle  Sti'eet,  51  years  ;  by  D''  Towne 

1821  Feb.     8     David  Goodchild,  servant  at  M''  Mellishe's,  Bishopsgate  Within, 

23  years  ;  by  D''  Towme 
Mar.     5     James    Green    Barry,    Bishopsgate   Within,    20    months  ;    by 

D''  Towne 
May     3     John  Rose,  D.D.,  Rector,  Hoxton  Square,  66  years  ;  by  D'' Towne 
Sep.      8     John  Potts,  Poor  House,  58  years  ;  by  Rev''  P.  Perring,  Curate 
Nov.     7     John  Lamb,  South  Sea  House,  57  years  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  Rector 
„      24     Frances  Eliza  Barry,  Bishopsgate  Within,  7  months  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

Dec,  23     Edmund  Hinde,  Bishopsgate  Within,  4  years  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 



1822  Feb.     5     William  Lloyd,  Sun  Street,  Bishopsgate,  34  years  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

Mar.  17     Mary  Ann  Eandall,  London  Wall,  21  years  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  Eector 
„      30    Joseph   Pugh,   Threadneedle   Street,  82   years;   by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

April  13     William  Evans,  Bishopsgate  Within,  16  months  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

Aug.     3     Thomas  Septimus  Hinde,  Bishopsgate  Within,  18  months ;  by 

J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
Oct.    20     James  Tidswell,  Gresham  Alms  Houses,  58  years ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eector 
Dec.  29    Eichard  Holt,  37  Threadneedle  Street,  6  months  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eector 

1823  Mar.     3     Selina  Barry,  Bishopsgate  Within,  6  months ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A., 

Nov.  30     Ann  Tidswell,  Kingsland  Eoad,  50  years  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A., 
„      30     Mary  Hall,  Threadneedle  Street,  12  months ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A., 

1824  Jan.    17     Martha  Edmunds,  Sion  College  Alms-house,  71  years ;  by  J.  J. 

Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
Oct.    12     Ehzabeth  Eussell,  Gruy's  Hospital,  51  years ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A., 

Nov.     1     Sarah  Burgess,  George  Street,  Tower  Hill,  73  years;  by  J.  J. 

Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
„      18     Mary  Ann  Wallas,   Hoxton,  76  years  ;    by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A., 


1825  Aug.     9     Elizabeth  Goadby,  Helmet  Court,  Wormwood  Street,  50  years  ; 

by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 

1826  June    8     Lieutenant-Colonel  J.  C.  Grant  of  the  Hon'*'''  East  India  Com- 

pany's Service,  at  Mess'^  Eichards  &  Co.,  Bishopsgate  Within, 
45  years ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
Nov.  22     Mary  Ann  Swan,  13  Bishopsgate  Within,  38  years;  by  J.  J. 
Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 

1827  Feb.  26    Eobert  Brown,  112  Bishopsgate  Within,  40  years  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eector 
May  20     Sarah   Hall,   London  Wall,   74  years  ;    by  J.  J.    Ellis,  M.A., 

July    LI     Asher  Norris,  London  Hospital,  55  years  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A., 

Aug.  12     Barbara  Gould  Simpson,  South  Sea  House,  68  years ;  by  J.  J. 

Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector  ["  Ch.  yd."  in  pencil.— Ed.] 
,,      17     Jacob   Frederick   Silberschildt  of  Copenhagen,  late  resident  at 

No.  10  East  Mount  Terrace,  Mile  End  road,  65  vears ;  by  J.  J. 

Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
Nov.  11     Susanna  Evans,  113  Bishopsgate  Within,  3  months;  by  Geo^^ 

Tomlinson,  M.A.,  Curate  of  S^  Botolph,  Bishopsgate  ["  S.  V." 

in  pencil. — Ed.] 
Dec.   16     Maria  Susanna  Evans,  113    Bishopsgate  Within,  41  years  ;   by 

J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector  ["  N.  V."  in  pencU.— Ed.] 

1828  Mar.  30    William   Holt,    Kingsland,    67   years  ;    by   J.    J.   Ellis,   M.A., 

April   2     William  Holt,  Threadneedle  Street.  4  years  and  3  months ;  by 

J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
Aug.     7     Mary  Eandell,  London  Wall,  54  years  ;    by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A., 

„        8     Eliza  Mary  Barry,  Bishopsgate  Within,  2  years  and  9  months  ; 

by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 



1828  Oct.    16     Jane  Norris,  Clerkenwell,  5  years  and  10  months  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis 

M.A.,  Eector  ' 

„      21     Henrietta  Cansdell,  Bishopsgate  Within,  41  years  ;  bv  J  J  Ellis 
M.A.,  Rector  j     •    •         > 

1829  Jan.   11     "Richard  Devonshire,  34  Threadneedle  Street,  75  years  •  bv  J  J 

Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector  '     j'     •    • 

„      28     Ellen  Barry,  122  Bishopsgate  Within,  18  months  and  4  days  • 

by  J   J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector  ' 

Oct.    18     Thomas    Edward    Poole,    Gloucester    Street,   Hackney   Eoad 

9  years  and  9  months  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector  ' 

1830  Jan.   20     John  Eaudall,  London  Wall,  18  years;   by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A. 

Eector  '      "    "' 

Sep.  19  Marian  Hart,  Walworth,  8  months  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
„      26     Henry  Sevren,   Bishopsgate  Within,  11  years;  by  J    J    Ellis 

M.A.,  Eector  ' 

Dec.  30     Agnes    Evans,    12  Bishopsgate  Within,  18   months  ;    by  J.  J. 

Gilling,  8'  Catharine  Cree 

1831  Feb.   15     Thomas  De  Mole,  Merchant  Taylors'  Hall,  2  weeks  and  1  dav  • 

by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector  ' 

June  10     Isabella  Bunce,  Polygon,  Somer's  Town,  75  years :  bv  J.  J  Ellis 

M.A.,  Eector  j         >     j         ■         , 

„      21     Isaac  Duge,  Hackney  Eoad,  74  years  ;   by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A., 
Sep.      1     Elizabeth  Peters,  from  M'"  Skinner's,  No.  18  Bishopsgate  AVithin, 
65  years;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 

1832  Jan.    15     Sarah  Holt,   Hackney  Eoad,  66  years  ;  by  Eich"!  Lendon,  M.A. , 

S*  Edmund  the  King 
June  17     x\nn  Evans,  12  Bishopsgate  Within,  46  years  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eector 
July     6     William  Holt,  Threadneedle  Street,  2  years  and  4  months  ;  by 

J.  J.  Ellis,  M.  A.,  Eector 
„      18     Thomas  Bache,  Houndsditch,  25  years;   by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A., 


1833  April  28     William  Henry  Eandall,  Haggerstone,  29  years  ;   by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eector 
May     1     Mary  Eichardson,  44  Threadneedle  Street,  64  years ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eector 
„        5     Esther  Hogg,  1  Crown  Court,  75  years ;   by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A., 

July  10     Isabel  Harriet  De  Mole,  Merchant  Taylors'  Hall,  4  years ;   by 

J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
Aug.  14     Evan  Evans,  Camomile  Street,  57  years  ;   by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A., 

Eector  [No.  94] 

1834  April  —     Ingham   Poster   Barry,    Bishopsgate   Within,    11    months ;    by 

J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
„      20     Joseph  Wood,   Bishopsgate  Within,  57  years  ;    by  J.  J.  Ellis, 
M.A.,  Eector 
May  10     William  Holt,  Brixton  Hill,  40  years ;    by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A., 

1833  Oct.      6     John  Abbott,  City  of  London  Tavern,  38  years  ;    by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eector  [No.  98] 

[In  the  margin]  :    Omitted  to  be  entered  by  accident  after  No.  94  [Evan 
Evans]  in  1833.— J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 

1834  Sep.      7     Charles  Oldaker,  42  Threadneedle  Street,  25  years  ;  byE.Bickell, 

Offs  Minister  [No.  99] 
Dec.     9     G-eorge  Coggins,  Euddick's  Buildings,  Skinner  Street,  48  years  j 
by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 


1836     Jan.     3     Elizabeth  Ellis,  Eectory  House,  66  years ;   by  Lancelot  Sharpe, 

M.A.,  Officiate  Minister 

[In  the  margin]  :  The  body  of  Eliz*  Ellis  was  removed  to  Higbgate  Cemetery 
by  a  Faculty  Eeby  20,  1856.— J.  B.  D[eane,  Eector] 

1836  Eeb.  10     Mary   Ann    Skuse,    112    Bishopsgate   Within,   18    years;    by 

V.  K.  Child,  Offs  Minister 
Dec.     6     Cannop  Aldworth  Davies,  Camden  Town,  68  years  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 
M.A.,  Kector 
,,      18     James  Shipdem  Down,  13  Bishopsgate  Within,  4  months ;   by 
J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 

1837  June  17     Isabella  Hawkins,  Polygon,  Somerstown,  72  years  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eector 
July   18     Stewart  Fiunis  Down,  13  Bishopsgate  Within,  2^  years ;   by 

William  Blunt,  Officiating  Min^ 
Aug.  13     James  Evans,  113  Bishopsgate  Within,  52  years  ;   by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eector 

1838  Eeb.     1     John  Eandall,  Hackney  Eoad,  71  years  ;  by  William  Blunt,  Offs 

May  29     Charlotte  Pugh,  4  Shepperton  Street,  New  North  Eoad,  Islington, 

76  years ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M. A.,  Eector 
June    3     John  Cormie,  3  Pinch  Lane,  38  years ;    by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A., 

Aug.  14    Emma Hardiman,  33  Threadneedle  Street,  18 years;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eector 
„      26     Eichard  Ward,  10  Bishopsgate  Within,  2  years  ;   by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eector 
Dec.   19     John  Josej^h  Ellis  xitkinson,  South  Grove,  Hampstead,  1  year 

7  months  22  days ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 

[In  the  margin]  :    The  body  of  John  Joseph  Ellis  Atkinson  was  removed  to 
Highgate  Cemetery  by  a  Faculty  Feb.  20,  1856.— J.  B.  D. 

1838  Dec.   30     Catharine  Frances  Ellis,  South  Sea  House,  1  year  and  8  months ; 

by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Kector 

1839  Jan.      6     Elizabeth  Wynn,  113  Bishopsgate  Within,  80  years;    by  J.  J. 

Ellis,  M.A..  Eector 
Feb.  12     Ann  Cormie,  Finch  Lane,  16  years  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
Mar.     3     Mary  Howard,  Threadneedle  Street,  63  years  ;    by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eector 
Aug.  19     Frances  Thomas,  31  Threadneedle  Street,  59  years ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eector 

1840  April    4     Stephen  De  Mole,  30  Merchant  Taylors'  Hall,  45  years;   by 

J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
„      19     Leah  Mumby,  41  Threadneedle  Street,  48  years  ;   by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eector 
„     26     Eosetta  Wood,  39  Threadneedle  Street,  61  years ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis, 

M.A.,  Eector 
May  24     Albert  Ward,  10  Bishopsgate  Within,  3  months  and  3  weeks  ;  by 

J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
Sep.    13     Mary  Ann  Ward,  10  Bishopsgate  Within,  36  years ;   by  J.  J. 

Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
Nov.  15     Sarah  Hardiman,  33  Threadneedle  Street,  15  years ;   by  J.  J. 

EDis,  M.A.,  Eector 

1844  Jan.    16     Eobert  Thomas,  9  Eoseberry  Place,  Kingsland,  41  years ;   by 

J.  J.  Ellis,  M  A.,  Eector 
April  24     James  Hawkins,  32  Polygon,  Somers  Town,  80  years  ;   by  J.  J. 
Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 

1845  Mar.  26     Isabella  Dorothv  Eose,  32  Polygon,  Somers  Town,  53  years ;  by 

J.  J.  Ellis,  MA.,  Eector 

BUKIALS.  135 

1845  Sep.    14     John  Howard,  33  Threadaeedle  Street,  59  years :   by  William 

Cureton,  OS.  Min.  ^ 

Dec.   14    Maria  Mumby,  39  Threadneedle  Street,  50  years :  by  J.  J.  Ellis. 
M.A,  Eector  J         >     J 

1846  Peb.  11     Emily  Elizabeth   Augustina   Do^vn,    Bengal  Place,  New  Kent 

Eoad,  8  months  ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Kector 

1847  June  25     Severn  Thomas,  Kent  Eoad,  4  mouths  and  10  days  ;   by  J    J 

Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
Dec.     4    Delia  Williamson,  32   Polygon,  Somers   Town,  57  years  :    by 
J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 

1848  Feb.  29     William  Ward,  10  Bishopsgate  Within,  13  years ;   by  William 

Blunt,  Offs  Minister 

1849  Jan.      3     John  Hardiman,  33  Threadneedle  Street,  60  years  ;   by  J.  J. 

Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
Feb.     3     Nathaniel  Simpson,  20  Dartmouth  Terrace,  Lewisham  Hill,  80 

years ;  by  W™  Blunt,  Off?  Minister 
Aug.  28     John  Willoughby,  S'  Helen's  Place,    Bishopsgate   Within,  56 

years ;  by  J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 

[In  margin]  :  Interred  in  the  Cemetery,  Abney  Park. — Ed. 

„      30    Jabez  Thomas,  S'  Andrew's  Eoad,  Surrey,  33  years ;   by  J.  J. 
Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 
1852     April  18     Sarah  Johnson,  Macclesfield  Street,  City  Eoad,  40  years:    by 

J.  J.  Ellis,  M.A.,  Eector 

[This  is  the  last  entry  of  Burials  in  Eegister  VI.,  and  is  numbered  138.— Ed,] 


Abbott  or  Abbot,  Ellen,  7  ;  James,  41  ;  John,  7 

(2),    8,   107,   108  (2),   133;    Judith,   7  (2),  8, 

107  ;    Margaret,  69  ;    Mary,  41  ;    Richard,  8, 

Abbutt,  Henry,  3  ;  Rose,  40  ;  Rosse,  3. 
Abercromby,  Robert,  75. 
Abraham,  Sladame.  i07. 
Acton.  John,  43  ;  Marjjaret,  43. 
Adams,  Ann,  12,94,  113;    Arthur,   10;    Daniel, 

67  ;    Elizabeth,  37,  81,  94  ;    James,  37,  G5,  94  ; 

John,  94;  Martha,  Gl  ;  Mary,  67  ;  Samuel,  11 ; 

Sarah,  10,  11,  12,  41  ;  Sarah  A.,  37  ;  Susanna, 

65  ;  William.  10,  11.  12,  41,  61,  113. 
Adamson,  Mr.,  6. 
Addis,  Hannah,  123. 
Addlesey,  Nathan,  117. 
Adnams,  Caroline,  95  ;  William,  95. 
Agan,  Sarah,  79. 
Agar,  Isabella,  68, 
Ager.  Dr.,  39. 

Aires,  John,  37  ;  Mrs.,  106. 
Airey,  Rev.  J.  A.  L.,  38,  96,  99. 
Albery,  Elizabeth.  51.  52. 
Albone.    Elizabeth,    25,    26,    84   (2) ;     Harriet, 

Alborough.  Clara,  99  ;  Frederick,  99. 
Alchorn  or  Alchome,  Ann,  76  ;    Elizabeth,  43  ; 

William,  76. 
Alder  or  Allder,  Edward,  3  ;  John,  3  (2),  4.  103  ; 

Mr.,  102  ;    Mrs.,   107  ;    Susanna,  3  (2)  ;    Try- 

phena,  3  ;  — ,  102. 
Alderhead,  John,  18,  19  ;  Lettice,  18,  19,  124. 
Aiding,  Ruth,  75. 
Aldred,  Ann,  44  ;  Richard,  44. 
Alexander,  Ann,  68. 
Alldridge,  Mr.,  2. 
Allen,   Ann,  65  ;    Frances,  63  ;    Mary,  53,  68  ; 

Mary  A.,  37 ;    Sarah,  85  ;    Thomas,  68,  104  ; 

William,  53. 
AUenby,  Harriet,  84  ;  Samuel,  84. 
Allerton.  Mary,  59. 
Allett.  Catherine,  56  ;  Thomas,  56. 
AUingham,  Catherine,  53  ;  James,  53. 
Allison.  Ann,  70 ;  Rev.  Mr.,  69,  70,  71 ;  Susanna, 

120  ;  WiUiam,  70,  76.  77. 
Allridge,  Henry,  49  ;  Sarah,  49. 
Almand,  Ann,  76,  77  ;  George,  76. 
Alsop  or  Allsup,  Elizabeth,  63  ;     Joseph,  63  ; 

Sarah,  52,  80. 
Alvey,  Elizabeth,  53. 
Alworth,  Elizabeth,  52  ;  Henry,  52. 
Amory,  Mary,  76  ;  Samuel,  76  ;  Thomas,  76. 
Amos.  Catherine,  57  ;  John,  57, 
Ancher,  Dr.,  39. 

Anderson,  Edmund,  43  ;   Elizabeth,  43  ;    SIary» 

61,  67,  77  ;  Samuel,  77. 
Anderton,  Mary,  120. 
Andre,  Anthony,  19  ;   John  L.,  76  ;   Louisa,  19  ; 

Mary,  76  ;  William  L.,  19. 
Andrew,  Elizabeth,  46  ;  Lewis,  46. 
Andrews  or  Andrewes,  Ann,  41  ;  Charlotte,  35  ; 

Jane.  2  (2),  3,  4,  10,  101.  102,  110  ;  Mrs.  Jane, 

109  ;    Joell,  2  (2),  3,  4.  101,  102.  108  ;    Joseph, 

4,    107;    Margaret,   125;    Mary,  2,  53,   101; 

Sarah.  9.  10  (2),  48,  110  (2)  ;    Susan,  3,  102  ; 

Thomas,  2,  9,  10  (2),  110 ;   Townesend,  10  ; 

William,  41,  48. 
Ange,  Edward,  8  ;   Elizabeth,  8  ;  Mary,  7.  8  (4), 

108  ;    Shatterdon,    107 ;    Thomas,   7,   8   (4)  ; 

William,  8. 
Angel,  James,  12,  113. 
Anselin  or  Anseline.  Ann.  7  (2),  8  (3),  9,  10  (2), 

11  (2),  16,  117,  118,  119;    Edward,  11,  121; 

Esther,  10,  121  ;  Grace,  10,  118  ;  James,  7  (2), 

8  (3).  9,  10  (2).  11  (2),  16,  116,  118  ;  John,  11, 

16(2).  117,  118;  Mary,  8, 16  (2),  59,  117,  121; 

Susan,  50  ;  Susarma,  7  ;  William,  9. 
Ansell,  Ann  M.,  86  ;  Thomas,  118. 
Apperley,  Thomas,  129. 
Appleton,  Ann,  125. 
Apthorpe,  Catherine,  60  ;  Nicholas,  60. 
Arden,  Elizabeth,  41  ;  John,  118. 
Ardren,  Arthur,  11,  112;  Catherine,  10  (2),  11 

(4),  12,  112  ;  Edward.  12, 112  ;  James,  11, 112  ; 

John,  10  (2),  11  (4),  12,  112  (4),  115  ;  Robert, 

11  ;  Thomas,  10  (2). 
Argent,  Elizabeth  C,  34,  35,  36  (2). 
Armitage,  Jane  E.,  94  ;  William,  94,  95. 
Armitstead,  Susanna,  85  ;  William,  85. 
Armstrong,  Jane,  8  ;  John,  8  ;  Mary,  48  ;  Mr., 

109;  Robert,  8. 
Arney,  Elizabeth  A.,  85. 
Arnold.  Ann,  82  ;  Edmund  S.  F.,  94  ;  Elizabeth, 

33  (2).  34,  36,  94  ;  Elizabeth  A.  C,  33,  37,  94 

Emily  M.  R.,  33,  94  ;  James  J.,  36  ;  Mary,  81 

Thomas,  81  ;  William  R.,  33  (2),  34,  36,  94 

William  S.,  34  ;  W.  V.,  94. 
Arnott,  John,  88. 
Arrowsmith,  Ralph,  116. 
Arther,  Alice,  53  ;  Elizabeth,  43  ;  Hannah,  71  ; 

James,  43  ;  John,  71. 
Asbury  (Asburry,  Asberry,  or  Asberrey).  Hen- 
rietta, 19,  121  ;  James.  19.  121  ;  John,  19  (5)  ; 

Mary,   19  (5),  74,  75,  122;    Robert,  19,  120; 

Susanna,  19  ;  William,  19,  121. 
Ash,  Elizabeth,  44. 
Ashby  or  Ashbey,  Elizabeth,  43  ;    Thomas,  43, 

Ashly,  Mary,  48. 
Asken,  Mary,  83. 



Aspinwall.  Edward,  51  :  Elizabeth.  51. 

Astley  (Astly  <i?'Asteley).  Hannali,  65  ;  Sarah,  4 

(2)  ;  Soloman.  -1 ;  Susanna.  60  (2)  ;  Thomas. 

4  (2).  60. 
Aston.  David.  41  ;  Dorcas,  41  ;  EUzabeth,  37. 
Athy,  John.  107. 
Atkins.   Hannah.    44  ;    John,    68  ;    Mary,    68 ; 

Sarah.  42  ;  Thomas.  44. 
Atkinson.  Beaumont,   Esq..  35,  36.  90  ;   Beau- 
mont E..  35  ;  Eliza.  90  :  Elizabeth.  35.  36,  65. 

90.   92  ;  John  J.  E..  36,  134  ;   Mary  A.,  31  ; 

Susanna.  90. 
Atterton,  James,  39  ;  Marey,  39. 
Attwood.  Anna,  41  ;  Elizabeth,  40  ;  Sarah.  88  ; 

"Walter,  41. 
Aughtie,  Gilbert,  50  ;  Grace.  50. 
Austin    (Austine    or   Austen),    Abraham.    45  ; 

Clement.  7, 44  :  Elizabeth.  7,  44,  61  ;  Matilda, 

28  (3)  :    Rebecca,  45 ;    Robert,  7  ;    Stephen. 

Avirell,  Ann.  79  ;  George,  79. 
Axford,  Anna,  66. 

Axsum  or  Axum.  Deborah.  101  ;  John.  101. 
Aylin,  Martha.  91  ;  Sally  S..  91. 
Ayscough,  Mary,  48  ;  Thomas,  48. 


Baber,  Benjamin.   93 ;   Henrietta.   93 ;    Maria, 

93  ;  William.  93. 
Babham.  Dorothea,  43. 
Bacar,  see  Baker. 
Bache.  Thomas,  133. 

Bacon.  Charles.  58  ;  Jane,  58  ;  Samuel,  83. 
Baddeley.  Jane,  116;  Sarah.  15,  IIG;  William, 

15,  11 6. 
Badger.  Ann.  57  :  John,  57  ;  Mary,  58. 
Bagnall.   Elizabeth.  113;  Gibbons,  41;   Sarah. 

Bagshaw  or  Bagshawe.  Ann.  44  ;  Elizabeth.  42, 

80  ;  Francis.  44  ;  John  42  :  Prudence,  43. 
Bailey  (Bayley,  Bayly.  Baylie.  or  Baillie).  Anna 

M.,  28  (3).  29  (3),  30,  31  (2).  33  :  Benjamin.  23  ; 

Daniel.  48  ;  Elizabeth,  48.  58  :  James.  123  ; 

John,  61  ;    Mary.   34.  61.  122  ;    Mary  A..  29 

(2),  30,  31  (2).  32  :   Sarah.  39  :    Simou,  104  ; 

Susanna.  23  ;  T..  83,  125  :  William.  23,  105, 

Baker  d/'  Bacar.  Mrs.  Ann,  103  ;  Bartholomew,  3, 

103  ;  Elizabeth,  2,  24.  43,  57  ,-  Elizabeth  A., 

87  ;  Marie.  100  ;  Martha.  58  ;  Mary.  1,  2  (2), 

3.  4,  18,  70,  100,  103.  109  ;  Richard.   1,  2  (2). 

3.  4  (2).  41.  100.  103.  109  ;  Robert,  18  ;  Sarah, 

44  ;  Theodore.  57  ;  William.  87. 
Balderston.  Elizabeth.  42  ;  John.  42. 
Baldwin  or  Baldwine.  Judith.  44  ;  Mary,  50. 
Ball,  Benjamin.  80  ;  Elizabeth.  32  (2).  66 ;  Jane. 

18;  Joseph.  18,  39;  Maria,  18,  120;  Martha, 

74  :  Mary,  39,  45. 
BaUard,  Mary,  57. 
Bamber,  John,  115. 
Bancea,  Samuel,  5. 
Bankin.  Elizabeth.  14  ;  James.  14  :   John,   14, 

115.  ... 

Banks,  Elizabeth,  68  ;  Robert,  52  ;  Sarah.  52. 
Bannister,  Ellen  P.,   37;    Frances,   37;    John. 

37  ;  Moses.  11,  12,  112  ;  Phillippa,  11.  12.  112! 
Barbareux,  Edward.  15,  116  ;  Joseph,  15,  16  (2), 

116  ;  Sarah,  15,  16  (2),  116. 
Barbauld,  T.  L.,  76. 

Barber.  Elizabeth,  43, 54  ;  Fanny.  92  ;  Jane,  61  ; 

John.  92  ;  Richard,  54  ;  Thomas,  43  ;  William, 

Barberry,  Ann,  107  ;  John,  107. 
Bareblock,  Margaret,  112. 
Bareter,  William.  83. 
Barker.  Alfred,  86  ;    Hannah,   72,  80  ;   James, 

85 ;  Mr.  James.  45  ;  Jane,  92  ;  John.  80  ;  Mary, 

39,   72;    Ruth!  59;    Sarah,  85;   Mrs.   Sarah, 

45  ;  Susanna.  105. 
Barlew,  Ann.  43. 
Barme.  Elizabeth  M.,  103  ;   Mary  M.,  103,  104  ; 

Peter,  103,  104. 
Barnard.  Ann.  70  ;  .James,  70. 
Bamardiston,  Martha,  42  ;  Dame  Mary,  117. 
Barnes.  James,  78. 

Barnevelt.  Dieterich,  46  ;  Elizabeth,  46. 
Barngley,  Hannah,  47. 
Bamsley,  Elizabeth,  50. 
Barrett  or  Barret,  Ann.  71  ;  Anna.  39  ;  Dorothy, 

119  ;   Edward,  39  ;  George.  44  ;  G.  Booth,  26  ; 

Myles,  124  :  Susanna,  44. 
Barrouclough,  James,  90  ;  Mary  A.,  90. 
Barrow  (.'  Farrow),  S.,  77. 
Barrow.  John.  52  ;  Marv,  52. 
Barry,  Benjamin.  113  ;  Eliza  M..  33,  132:  Ellen, 

33.  133  :    Foster  S.,  34  ;    Frances  E.,  31,  131  ; 

Ingham  F.,  35,  133  ;   James  G„  29,  31,  131  ; 

Louisa.  32  :    Margaret,  29.  31  (2),  32  (2),  33 

(2).  34  (2),  35.  36  (2)  :    Mary,  84  ;    Nona,  36  ; 

Selina.  32,  132  ;   Septimus,  36  ;  Stephen,  84  ; 

Stephenson.  34  ;  William,  29,  31  (2),  32  (2), 

33  (2).  34  (2),  35,  36  (2). 
Barte.  EUzateth.  120. 
Bartholomew,  Eliza,  92.  96  ;  George,  90  ;  John, 

92,  96  ;  Rebecca,  90. 
Bartlett  (Bartlet  ('?"Bartelott).  Elizabeth,  5,  45  ; 

John,  5  ;   Mary,  4,  104  ;  Philipe.  4,  5  (3),  41, 

104 ;  Susanna,  4,  5  (3),  41,  104. 
Barton,  Elizabeth.  12  ;    John.  11  ;    Judith,  65  ; 

Mary,  11  (2),   12(3),  13(2),   14(2),  114  (2), 

115  ;    Matilda,    37   (2)  :     Richard,    12,    113  ; 

Sarah.  14.  41,  114 ;  Susanna,  14, 115  ;  Thomas, 

11  (2)',  12  (3),  13  (2),  14  (2).  6.5,  112  (2),   113, 

114  (2),  115,  117  ;  William,  13. 
Barwell,  Ann,  53  ;    Mary,  46  ;    Simon,  53  ;  Wil- 
liam. 46. 
Basil,  Martin,  7  ;  Mary,  7. 
Bass,  Ellinor.  85, 

Bassington,  James.  84  ;  Jane,  84  ;  Janet,  84. 
Bassley.  Elizabeth.  42  :  Thomas,  42. 
Bastick,  Elizabeth  A.,  93  ;  Mary,  93. 
Bateman,  Ann,  120  ;  Sarah,  78. 
Bates.  John.  72  ;  Mary.  72  ;  Sarah,  72. 
Batley.  Edeth,  42. 
Batt,  Anna.  66  :  William.  66. 
Batty.  Hannah.  64  ;  Thomas.  64. 
Batwell,  Ann,  67. 

Baum.  Abraham,  4  ;  Mary  M.,  4  ;  Petter,  4. 
Baveratock.  Ann.  38  :    Charles.  38  ;    Joseph  J., 

38  ;   Mary  A..  38  (5)  :   Thomas,  38  (5)  ;  Wil- 
liam S.,  38. 
Bavis,  Sarah,  37. 
Baxter  or  Baxtor,  Lieut.  John.  94  ;  Mr.  Robert, 

103  ;  Sarah,  26  ;  Sophia  L.  E.,  94. 
Bayley,  see  Bailey. 
Bayne,  Charlotte,  77  ;  George,  77. 
Baynes,  Mary,  50. 

Baynham,  Benjamin,  44  ;  Sarah,  44. 
Beachcroft.  Mary.  58. 
Beard,  Elizabeth,  88  ;  John,  50  ;  Martha,  50. 



Beardsworth,  Dyna,  41  ;  Thomas,  41. 

Beauchamp,  Phillippa,  49  ;  William,  49. 

Beaumont  or  Beamont,  Mary,  51,  107  ;  Mr..  102 
(2),  105  ;  Thomas,  51  ;  — ,  102  (2). 

Beavens,  Sarah,  56. 

Beckett.  Barbara,  95  ;  Rebecca,  76  ;  William, 
95  ;  William  H.,  96. 

Becking,  Sarah,  59. 

Beckington,  Mary,  52  ;  Richard,  52. 

Beckwith,  Mary,  57  ;  Robert,  57  ;  Sarah,  57. 

Beddingfeild  ov  Beddinfeild.  Ann,  116  ;  Eliza- 
beth, 9  (2)  ;    Francis,  9  (2)  ;    John,  9  ;  Mary, 

Bedell,  Henrietta,  57  ;  Jemima,  59. 
Beedham.  Margaret,  121. 
Beereblock,  sec  Berblock. 
Beesley,  Hannah,  45  ;  Henry,  45. 
Beet,  John,  58  ;  Priscilla,  58. 
Bell,  Elizabeth,  41,  68  ;    Frances,   50 ;    George, 
50  ;  Harry  St.  J.,  68  ;  Margaret,  56  ;  Richard, 

Bellamy,  Elizabeth,  53  ;  John,  53. 

Bellis  or  Belles,  Ann,  16  ;   Edmond,  14,  15  (2)  ; 

Eliza,  14  ;    Elizabehh.  13,  15.  75,  76  ;   George, 

13  (3),  14  (2),  15  (4).  16  ;    John,  13,   15,  75  ; 

Mary,  13  (2),  14  (2),  15  (5),  16,  75,  122,  125  ; 

Nathaniel,  14  ;   Sarah,  15,  75  ;  William,  13. 
Beme,  Alexander,  50  ;  Christian,  50. 
Bengough,  Ann,  78  ;  Edmund,  78. 
Bennet  or  Bennett,  Ann,  11  ;    Elizabeth,   23  ; 

Elizabeth  M.,  20  ;  Frances  S.,  24  ;  Mrs.  Fran- 
ces, 42  ;    James.  23,  24,  26,  84  ;    John.  11.  20. 

125  ;   Mary,  11,  14,  20,  26,  61  ;    Sarah,  23,  24, 

26  ;  Susanna,  42. 
Benskin,  Elizabeth,  48. 
Benson,  Mary.  59  ;  William.  59. 
Benton,  Margaret,  41  ;  Ralph,  41. 
Berbice,  — ,  26. 

Berblock  or  Beereblock,  Ann,  106  ;  Lydia,  105. 
Berbutt,  Mary,  43. 
Beresford,  Benjamin,  51  ;  Jane,  51. 
Berkeley,  Catherine.  60. 
Bernarde,  Lewis  A.,  125. 
Berney,  Sarah,  70. 
Berridge,  Mary,  60  ;  Thomas,  60. 
Berrington.  Elizabeth,  42  ;  Gooding,  42. 
Berrow,    Edward,    49  ;     Elizabeth.   49  ;     Rev. 

Thomas  (Rector),  8,  9,  10,  45,  46,  47,  108,  109, 

110, 111. 
Berry,  Henry,  46  ;  Mary,  53  ;  Mrs.,  104  ;  Sarah, 

46  ;  Thomas,  53. 
Bertie,  Alice,  97  ;    James,  97  ;   Jonathan,  97  ; 

Mary  A.,  27. 
Betts,  Mary,  79. 
Beverley,  Sarah,  52. 
Bezer,  Abigal,  120. 
Bickell,  Rev.  R.,  133. 
Bickerton,  Elizabeth,  85  ;    Elizabeth  M.,  23,  28, 

30  ;    Martha,  26  ;    Mary,  23  (2),  24,  26,  126, 

129  ;    Richard,  23  (2),   24,   26.   85,   86,   126  ; 

Richard  H.,  24,  126;    Sarah  A.,  86;    Sarah 

A.  H.,  23. 
Biddle,  Daniel,  42  ;  Elizabeth,  42  ;  Joan,  53. 
Bidwell,  Ursula,  75. 
Bielby,  Hannah,  78. 
Bigg,  Elizabeth,  87  ;  Sarah,  54. 
Bignall,  Elizabeth,  44  ;  John,  44. 
Billingay,  Elizabeth  A.  C,  37,  94  :   Emily,  37 ; 

Samuel,  94  ;  Samuel  H.,  37,  94. 
Birch,  Elizabeth,  58  ;  Hannah,  64  ;    Henry,  64  ; 

Richard,  58. 

Bird  or  Birde,  Elizabeth,  43  ;  Jane,  71  ;  Judith, 

43;   Martha,  42;    Samuel,  71,  74;   William, 

42,  43. 
Birkett,  John,  88. 
Birt,  Eliza,  90. 
Biscoe,  Edward,  49  ;  Elizabeth,  49  ;  Rev.  Richard 

(Rector),  16,  17,  61,  62.  63,  64,  65,  66,  67,  68, 

69,  117,  118,  119  ;  Sarah,  49  ;  William,  49. 
Bishop,  Elizabeth,  75  ;    Jacosa,  52  ;    James,  75  ; 

John,  52  ;    Rev.  Samuel  (Curate),  22,  23,  74, 

78,  82,  83,  125  (6). 
Bisset,  Ann,  86  ;   John  C.  (B.A.),   86  ;    J.   C, 

Black,  George,  43  ;  Mary,  43. 
Blackborough  or  Blackborow,  Henry.  42  ;  John, 

42  :   Martha,  42,  46  ;  Mary,  42. 
Blackerder,  Mary,  107. 
Blade,  Frances,  64. 
Blagrave,  Frances,  45  ;  Naomia,  45. 
Blake,  Ann,  94  ;   Elizabeth,  43  ;  Joseph  M.,  94  ; 

Mary,  94  ;  Thomas  J.,  94. 
Bland,  Elizabeth,  69  ;  John,  119. 
Blandford,   Ann,    43  ;    Mary,    108  ;    Mr.,    105  ; 

Thomas,  107. 
Blankley  or  Blanckley,  Alice,  43  ;   Jane,  10,  11 

(4),    111  ;     John,    11,    43  ;     Mary,    10,    11  ; 

Samuel,  10,  11  (4),  111. 
Blayne,  Sarah,  78. 

Blenkarne,  Rev.  James  (M.A.),  35,  91,  92,  93, 
Blincow,  Elizabeth,  87  ;  John,  87. 
Bliss,  Rebecca,  58. 

Blizard,  Elizabeth,  74  ;  William.  74. 
Blofeilde,  John,  2,  4  (2),  104  ;   Mr.  John,  105  ; 

Mary,  2,  4  (2),  104  ;  Richard,  4. 
Bloxham,  Mary,  53  ;  Richard,  53. 
Blundell,  Caroline  A,,   27  ;    Elizabeth  M.,  24, 

127  ;   Ellen,  27  ;    Emily,  24  ;   George,  24  (2), 

26  (2),  27  (3),  28,  87, 127  ;  George  H.,  26  ;  Har- 
riet, 129,  131  ;  Henry  E.,  26,  127  ;  Mary,  27  ; 
Sara  S.,  28,  129,  130  ;   Sarah,  24  (2),  26  (2), 

27  (3),  28,  87,  127  ;  Sarah  E.,  26. 

Blunt,  Ann,  11;   Edward,  11,  112;    Mary,  11, 

112  ;  Rev.  William,  92,  94,  134,  135. 
Boag,  Mary,  72. 

Boane,  Elizabeth,  48  ;  Henry,  48. 
Board,  Mary,  130,  131. 
Boaz,  Elizabeth,  105. 
Bodenham,  Elizabeth,  21;   Mary,  21,  78,  128; 

Thomas,  21,  78,  123. 
Bodken,  Mary  A.,  117. 
Boll,  Edward,  1 13. 

Bolt,  Felysia,  5  ;  Patient,  5  ;  Samuel,  5. 
Bolton,  Mary,  51. 
Bond,  Deborah,  11  ;  John,  11. 
Bonhoste,  Daniel,  66  ;  Elizabeth,  ^%  ;   Henry  F., 

65  ;  Mary,  65. 
Bonsey,  Richard,  43  ;  Sarah,  43. 
Boom  or  Boome,  Gerrard,  85  ;  Susanna,  107. 
Boot,  Susanna,  119. 
Booth,  Edward,  100  ;   Jacob,  78  ;   Joseph,  100  ; 

Lydia,  17. 
Borester,  George,  109. 
Borraston,  Mary,  63. 
Borton,  John,  100  ;  Thomas,  100. 
Boskell,  Jeremiah,  120  ;  Martha,  120. 
Bosley,  Mary,  58. 
Bostall,  Isabell,  42  ;  William,  42. 
Bosworth.  Elizabeth,  48  ;  John,  109. 
Bott,  Ann,  73. 
Bottley  or  Botley,  Elizabeth,  43;  Richard,  80  (2); 

Sarah,  80 ;  Thomas,  43. 



Bottrell,  Elizabeth,  76. 

Bough,  Mary,  50  ;  Michael,  50. 

Boughton,  Henry,  58  ;  Mary,  58, 

Boulter,  Elizabeth,  49. 

Boulton,  EKzabeth,  8  ;  George,  8,  109  (2). 

Bourne  or  Bourn,  Bridget,  10,  11  ;  Elizabeth, 
45;  John,  10,  11,  111  (2);  Nicholas,  45;  Sa- 
muel, 90. 

Bowden,  Elizabeth,  66. 

Bowles,  Mary,  63  ;  Norton,  63. 

Bowyer,  Elizabeth,  43  ;  Hannah,  52  ;  James,  43. 

Boxall,  Ann,  67. 

Boyd,  Rev.  James,  90 ;  Jane,  90 ;  John,  64 ; 
Sarah,  64. 

Boyle,  Elizabeth,  127  ;  James,  127  ;  William,  127. 

Boynton,  Elizabeth,  101  ;  Mary,  101  ;  William. 

Boyon,  Mary  A.,  87, 

Boyston,  John,  104. 

Bozely,  Mary,  68. 

Bracken,  Ann,  10;  Francis,  10,  111  (2)  ;  John, 
111  ;  Sarah,  10,  111. 

Bradburn,  Sarah,  67. 

Bradford,  — ,  113. 

Bradley,  Ann,  53. 

Bradshaigh,  Elizabeth,  49. 

Brady,  Elizabeth,  122. 

Brampton,  James,  10;  Mary,  10. 

Bramston,  Ann,  60  ;  William,  60, 

Brand,  Ann  E.,  95  ;  David,  94  ;  David  J.,  95  ; 
Frances,  56  ;  Jacob,  42  ;  Jane  E.,  94  ;  Jona- 
than, 56  ;  Judith,  42. 

Brandon,  James  W.,  84  ;  Lucy,  84, 

Branson,  Elizabeth,  91  ;  Sarah,  48  ;  William,  91, 

Brasbridge,  Joseph,  88, 

Brasnor,  Elizabeth,  64  ;  Randell,  64. 

Brathwaite,  Mary,  61, 

Bratt,  Ellener,  47, 

Bray,  Elizabeth,  77  ;  John,  77  ;  Susanna,  56  ; 
Thomas,  56, 

Breach,  Benjamin  B.,  94  ;  Caroline,  94  ;  J.  G,, 
94  ;  Walter  G.,  94, 

Breamer.  Mary,  58. 

BrearclifE,  Mark,  116. 

Brent,  Ann,  70  ;  Edward,  70, 

Brereton,  Elizabeth,  44. 

Brett,  John,  78  ;  Mary,  90  ;  Michaell-,  10. 

Brewer,  Ann,  20  ;  Elizabeth,  19  ;  John,  19  (3), 
20  (2)  ;  Mary,  19  (3).  20  (2),  121  ;  William, 
90  ;  William  B.,  20. 

Briden,  Lydia,  85  ;  William,  85, 

Bridge,  Elizabeth,  43,  56, 

Bridger,  George,  55  ;  Mary,  55. 

Bridges,  Ann,  92.  103;  Dilitia,  103;  Eichard, 
103  (2). 

Brigand,  Jane,  115, 

Briggs,  Ann,  40  ;  Elizabeth,  57. 

Brigham,  Bridget.  65. 

Bright,  Priscilla,  58  ;  Sarah,  41, 

Bringfield,  Clemens,  51. 

Bringherst,  Mary,  44, 

Bristow, Bridget, 58:  ElizabethM.,  18(3),  19(3), 
71,  74  ;  Elizabeth  R.,  18.  81  ;  George,  18  (3), 
19  (3),  71,  75,  81,  120  ;  Henry,  74  ;  Isabella, 
19;  John,  58;  Maria,  19,  121;  Mercy,  74; 
Robert,  19  ;  Susanna  A.,  18. 

Britt,  Woolliston,  103. 

Brittan  or  Britten.  .James,  97  ;  Thomas,  114. 

Broad w.ay,  Elizabeth,  52, 

Brock,  Mary,  84  ;  Thomas,  84, 

Brocklesby,  Ann,  71  ;  Maskall,  71. 

Brocksbank,  John,  54  ;  Sarah,  54. 

Brompton,  Jacob,  47  ;  Mary,  47. 

Broncorst,  Charles,  61  ;  Mary,  61. 

Bronsdon,  Leader,  63. 

Brooks,  Ann,  50  ;    Elizabeth,  71  ;    George,  50, 

111  ;  William,  71, 

Broughton,  Eliza  M,,  77  ;  Esther,  20  ;  James, 
20  ;  Thomas,  20. 

Brown  or  Browne,  A.,  30  ;  Ann,  76  ;  Catherine, 
59  ;  Cornelya,  6,  43  ;  Daniel,  40  ;  Elizabeth, 
5,  27  (2),  28,  32  (2),  48,  52.  105  ;  Frances, 
32  (2)  ;  Harriet,  32  ;  James,  32  (4)  ;  Jane,  6, 
41,  46,  49  ;  John,  4,  27  (2),  28,  41,  49,  104  ; 
Jone,  105  :  Judith.  43  ;  Katharine,  42  ;  Mar- 
garet, 72  ;  Mary,  4,  5  (3),  61,  104,  105,  106  ; 
Nicholas,  72  ;  Richard,  5  ;  Robert,  4,  5  (3),  6, 
43,  104,  105,  132  ;  Robert  P.,  27  ;  R,  H.,  97  ; 
Sarah,  8,  32,  41,  52,  61  ;  Susanna,  40 ;  Tho- 
mas, 8,  42,  48,  61,  109  ;  Thomas  K,,  28 ;  Wil- 
liam C,  27, 

Browninge,  Edward,  100, 

Brownsmith,  George,  11, 112  ;  Hester,  10,  11  (3), 
12,  48,  112  ;   John,  10,  11  (3),  12,  48,  111  (2), 

112  (3),  116  ;  Mary,  10  ;  Richard,  11,  111, 
Broxholme,  John,  59  ;  Mary,  59, 
Brumley,  George,  9  ;  Mary,  9, 

Brune,  Catherine,  86  ;  John  H.,  86. 

Brunt,  Frances,  98, 

Brunton,  Eleanor,  95 ;  Emma,  95  ;  William, 

Brusinghem,  Mr.  John,  100, 

Bryan.  Elizabeth,  8  ;  Mary.  8  ;  Richard,  8. 

Bryant,  Amelia,  32  (2),  33  (4),  34  (3),  35  ;  Sarah, 
70  ;  William,  70. 

Buckeridge,  Elizabeth,  117  ;  Mary,  63  ;  Wil- 
liam, 63. 

Buckingham,  Ann,  52  ;  Frances,  54,  58  ;  Sarah, 
57  ;  William,  54. 

Buckland.  John,  62  ;  Sarah,  62. 

Buckle,  Mary,  69. 

Bucknell,  John,  100. 

Budd,  Ann,  71, 

BufEham,  Mary,  35, 

Bull,  Rev.  A.,  78  ;  J.,  85, 

BuUer,  Sarah,  42, 

Bullman,  Rebecca,  60. 

Bullock,  Elizabeth,  76  ;  John,  76, 

Bumpstead,  Anna,  69. 

Bunce,  Ann,  24  (2),  25,  26,  27  ;  Isabella;  133. 

Bunker,  Charles.  91. 

Bunn,  Ann.  13,  114  ;  Charlotte.  129,  131  ;  Eliza- 
beth, 13,  114  ;  Ellen  L.,  131  ;  Robert,  13, 114  ; 
William,  114. 

Bunny,  Ann,  13  ;  Mary,  115  ;  Robert,  13,  115  ; 
William,  13. 

Bunting,  Mary,  26. 

Burbet,  Mary,  113  ;  Mrs.,  101. 

Burbidge,  Elizabeth,  50  ;  Isaac,  50. 

Burchwood,  Ann.  51. 

Burcombe.  Mary,  50. 

Burdett,  Ann,  42. 

Burford,  George,  47  ;  Mary,  47. 

Burgess  or  Burges,  Albertina,  22  ;  Ann,  89 ; 
Charlotte,  22  (2).  23  ;  George,  22  (2),  23  ; 
Hellen,  56  ;  Hilkiah,  89  ;  James,  128  ;  John, 
69;  Margaret.  69;  Maria,  89;  Sarah,  132; 
Susanna,  23,  125. 

Burman.  Henry,  41  ;  Rebecca,  41. 

Burmester  or  Burmaster,  Alfred,  22  ;  Charles, 
23  ;  Edward,  22  ;  Fanny,  23,  125  ;  Frederick, 
21 ;  George,  24  ;  Henry,  21  (4),  22  (3),  23  (3), 



24  (2)  ;  John  W.,  22  ;  Louisa,  23  ;  Marian  C, 

21  ;    Mary,  21   (1),  22  (3),   23   (3),    21  (2)  ; 

Sophia,  24  ;  Thomas,  21,  123. 
Bum,  Martha,  90. 

Burnand,  Abraham  D.,  75  ;  Elizabeth,  75. 
Burnett,    John,    60  ;     Roberta.    60  ;    William 

(M.D.),  109. 
Burrell,   Isabella,   9,   109  ;    Merrick,   9  ;    Rev. 

Nathaniel,  40  ;  Peter,  9. 
Burrow,  Susanna,  60. 
Burrows  nr  Burroug'hs,  Bridget,  83  ;    Eleanor, 

24  (2)  ;  Eleanor  H.,  24,  83  ;  James,  24  (2),  83  ; 

Mary,  27,  41  ;    Rebecca,  54  ;    Samuel,  24,  54, 

83  ;  Susan,  91  ;  Thomas,  80. 
Burt,  Ann,  53  ;  John.  53. 
Burton,  Edith,  42  ;    Hannah,   111  ;    Jane,  75  ; 

Mary,  66  ;  Thomas,  42. 
Burwell,  Isabella,  7,  8  (2),  108  ;    Peter,  7,  8  (2), 

108  ;  Walter,  7,  108. 
Bury,  Mary,  23  ;  Samuel,  23  ;  William  B.,  23. 
Busfeild,  Ann,  43  ;  John,  43. 
Bush,  Abigal,  103  ;  Mrs.,  100,  102  ;  — ,  100. 
Bushman,  Andrew,  66  ;  Catherine,  66. 
Buss,  Sarah,  92. 

Butcher,  Cornelius,  47  ;  Mary,  47. 
Butler,  Cornelius.  96  ;   Eliza,  31  ;   Jane  E.,  89  ; 

Mary  A.,  31  ;  Phinehas,  89  ;  Robert,  31. 
Butt,  Ann,  70  ;  John.  70,  106. 
Button,  C,  88  ;  Sarah,  88  ;  Susan,  88. 
Byles,  Josihas,  5  ;  Sarah,  5. 


Calamy  oi-  Calamie,  Mr.,  2,  3. 

Caldicott,  E.,  84. 

Callhown.  Ann,  50  ;  James,  50. 

Callis,  Alee,  43  ;  M.  Mantio,  43. 

Calmady,  Mr.  Shilston,  105. 

Calverly,  Catherine,  59  ;  Edmund.  51  ;  Eliza- 
beth, 51  ;  Samuel,  59. 

Gamble,  D.,  89. 

Camper,  Peter  E.,  83. 

Canham,  Hester,  60  ;  John,  60  ;  Rev.  Mr.,  70. 

Canning,  Nathaniel,  46  ;  Susanna,  46. 

Cannon,  Ann,  119  ;  Bridget,  119. 

Cansdell.  Argent,  35  ;  Elizabeth  B.,  34  ;  Eliza- 
beth C,  34,  35  (2),  36  (2)  ;  Ellen,  36  ;  Henri- 
etta, 133  ;  Henry,  35  ;  Henry  W..  34,  35  (2), 
36  (2)  ;  John  A.,  36. 

Cantrell,  Mary,  52. 

Card,  Andrew,  60,  56  ;  Ann,  50  ;  Dorothy,  56. 

Care,  Katherine,  40. 

Careless,  Andrew,  104. 

Carfrae,  Jessie,  90. 

Carlwood,  Ann,  55  ;  Thomas,  55. 

Carnall,  Eleanor,  52. 

Carnley,  Margaret,  81  ;  Robert,  81. 

Carpenter,  Elizabeth,  13  (3),  14  (2).  40, 112,  114, 
115  ;  James,  12,  13  (3),  14  (2),  114,  115  (2)  ; 
John,  12,  13  ;  Margaret,  118  ;  Martha,  12, 14  ; 
Mary  A.,  92  ;  Sarah.  14,  24  (2).  26  (2),  27  (3), 
28,  115,  120  ;  Thomas,  40.  117. 

Carr,  Bedford,  8,  109  ;  Dorothea,  43  :  Edward, 
7,  44  ;  Elizabeth,  7,  8.  44,  50,  109,  111  ;  Fran- 
cis, 39  ;  Joseph,  50  ;  Mary,  111  ;  Thomas,  43. 

Carrier,  Elizabeth,  65. 

Carson,  Sarah,  52  ;  Walter,  52. 

Carter,  Benjamin  (Rector),  14, 15,  55,  56,  57,  58, 
59,  60,115,  116  ;  Catherine,  41  ;  Elizabeth,  37, 
42,  59,  61,  108,  109  (2)  ;  George,  42  ;   Hester, 

60  ;  James,  62  ;  Mary,  62  ;  Richard,  82  ;  Ruth, 
47  ;  Sarah,  80,  92  ;  William,  92,  108,  109. 

Cartwright.  Ann,  59;  Mary,  59;  Peter,  59; 
William,  59. 

Carver,  Mercia,  55. 

Casement,  Ann,  15,  115  ;  John.  14,  15,  115  (2)  ; 
Mary,  14,  15,  115  (2). 

Cassell.  Emma,  95  ;  Thomas,  95. 

Casson  or  Cason,  Dorothy,  10 ;  Elizabeth,  10  (2)  ; 
Mary,  10  ;  Thomas,  10  (2). 

Castens,  Hennings,  119. 

Castle  i>r  Castell,  Abraham,  57  ;  Ann.  57  ;  Mr., 
2,  39,  101,  102. 

Castor,  Peter,  109. 

Castwood,  Eliza,  93  ;  Emily,  93  ;  James,  93. 

Caswall,  Frances,  57  ;  John,  57. 

Cater,  Sarah,  18. 

Caterson,  Thomas,  110. 

Catling,  Hannah,  46  ;  Jeremiah,  46. 

Causton.  John,  63  ;  Ruhamah,  63. 

Cave,  William,  66  ;  — ,  66. 

Chadwick,  Catherine,  103. 

Chalener,  Richard,  76  ;  Sarah.  76. 

Chalkley.  Ann,  41  ;  Dorothy,  62. 

Chamberlaine,  Mr.,  103. 

Chambers,  Elizabeth,  13  (2)  ;  Sarah.  13  ;  Wil- 
liam, 13  (2). 

Champars,  Henrietta,  11  ;  John,  11,  111  ;  Peter, 
11  ;  Peter  A.,  111. 

Champion,  Alexander,  77,  78  (2)  ;  Ann,  78 ; 
Benjamin,  77;  Mary,  81 ;  Melicent,  81 ;  Sarah, 

Chandler,  John,  87. 

Chapman,  Elizabeth,  122  ;  Gertrude  S.,  126 ; 
John,  44  ;  John  G.,  126  ;  Mary,  44  ;  Robert, 
18  ;  Sarah,  39  ;  Stephen,  18  :  Susanna,  18  ; 
William,  39  ;  William  M..  126  ;  — ,  126. 

Charlesworth,  Elizabeth.  27  (2),  28  ;  Frances, 
98  ;  John, 98. 

Charman,  Elizabeth,  42  ;  Stephen,  42. 

Chase,  Anne,  119  ;  Benjamin,  118. 

Chater,  Margaret,  54  ;  Robert,  54. 

Cheek,  Hannah,  8,  108  ;  John,  8  ;  Robert,  8. 

Cheney,  Elizabeth,  62. 

Cheshire,  Martha.  92. 

Chick,  John,  92. 

Childe  ())•  Child,  Alwine.  5  ;  Charles.  5  ;  Han- 
nah, 58  ;  Mary,  5  ;  V.  K.  (M.A.),  92,  134. 

Children,  Ann,  80  ;  John  D..  80. 

Chinery.  Charles,  95  ;  Harriet,  95  ;  Robert,  95, 
96  ;  Sarah,  95  ;  Thomas,  95. 

Chipp  or  Chip,  John,  120  ;  Lucy,  98, 

Cholmeley.  Christiana,  45. 

Chowne,  Elizabeth,  53  ;  William,  53. 

Christian,  Ann,  124  ;  John,  82  ;  Sarah,  82. 

Christie,  James,  85  (2)  ;  Ruth,  85. 

Church,  Paul,  112  ;  Sarah.  57. 

Churchill,  Ann,  113. 

Clapham,  Anthony,  116;  Sarah,  73,  122. 

Clare,  John,  55  ;  Margaret,  76  ;  Thomas,  83  ; 
Virtue,  55. 

Claridge,  Elenor,  10  ;  John,  10  ;  Jonathan,  10. 

Clark  (Clarke  or  Gierke),  Alice,  61  ;  Ann,  14,  21, 
32.  33  (2).  34,  40,  41,  62.  88,  115  ;  Ann  E.,  95, 
123  ;  Bridget,  58  ;  Edward,  20,  21  (2)  ;  Ed- 
ward W.,  21  ;  Elizabeth,  42  (2),  46,  69,  70,  75 
(2)  ;  Ellen  A.,  37  ;  Emily  M.,  37  ;  Freelove,  47  ; 
Harry,  20  (2)  ;  Hester,  60  ;  Isaac.  75  ;  James, 
37  (3)  ;  Jasper,  70  ;  John,  1,  2,  14,  60,  67,  69, 
96, 115  (2)  ;  Jonathan,  62  ;  Judith,  88  ;  Mari- 
anne, 37  (3)  ;  Marianne  K.,  37  ;  Martha,  89  ; 



Mary,  20  (2),  21  (2),  43,  56,  67,  84,  123  ;  Mr. 
40;  Nicholas.  40:  Peter,  41  ;  Rebecca,  1,  2 
Richard,  14,  9.5  ;  Richard  J.  W.  H..  95  ;  Ro 
bert,  114  ;  Robert  W.,  21  ;  Sir  Robert  (.Bart.) 
75  ;  Sarah,  20, 122  ;  Susanna,  46  ;  Thomas  W. 
123  ;  Rev.  Wilfred,  73,  74. 

Clarkson,  Daniel,  43  ;   Louisa,  92  ;   Robert,  92 
Sarah,  43. 

Clay,  Letitia,  64  ;  Prudence,  74. 

Clayton,   Ann,   22 ;    Caroline,    22 ;    John,    22 
Sarah, 56. 

Cleaver,  Mary,  68  ;  William,  68. 

Clemmea,  Elizabeth,  68  ;  Theophilus,  68. 

Clarke,  nee  Clark. 

Cleve,  Constance,  42  ;  Isaac,  42. 

Cliff  or  Cliffe,  Elizabeth,  46,  66  ;  Thomas,  66. 

Clisby,  Caroline  S.,  37  ;  Henry,  37  ;  Mary  A.,  37. 

Cloath,  Ann,  43  ;  John,  43. 

Close,  Giles,  115. 

Clotterbook  or  Clotterbooke,  mc  Clutterbuck. 

Cloudsley,  Mary,  17  ;  Richard,  17  ;  Susanna,  17. 

Clovell.  -Mary,  52  ;  William.  52. 

Clover,  Mary,  88. 

Clutterbuck  (Clotterbook  or  Clotterbooke),  Ann, 

5,  120;  Elizabeth,  6,  118;  Giles,  116;  Jane, 

6,  118  ;  Jasper,  2  (2),  3,  4  (3),  5  (2),  6  (3),  7, 
101,  104,  109.  Ill,  112;  Lawrence,  6.  7,  117; 
Margaret.  7,  108;  Mary,  4.  7,  120;  Richard, 
4.  7,  112;  Robert,  5,  104:  Stephen,  2,  101: 
Thomas,  4.  113;  Thomazin.  2  (2),  3,  4  (3), 
5  (2),  6  (3j,  7,  101,  104,  111,  113. 

Cobham.  Sarah,  69. 

Cock,   Ann,    50  ;     Elizabeth,   50  ;     Mary,   68  ; 

Thomas,  50. 
Cockerell  or  Cockerill,  Elizabeth,  110  ;  J.  P.,  25. 
Coe,  Charles,  62  ;  Rachel,  62. 
Coggel,  Alexander,  74  ;  Christiana.  74  ;  James,  74. 
Coggins,  Elizabeth,  130.  131  :    George,  32,  90, 

91,  93,  133  ;  Henry,  32  ;  Maria,  32,  90. 
Coke,  John,  Esq.,  119. 
Colby,  Harrison,  61  ;  Mary,  61. 
Colcombe,  Elizabeth,  92  ;  James,  92. 
Cole,  Dorothea,  42  ;  Edward.  42  ;  Elizabeth,  17 

(2),  39,  42  ;  John,  57  ;  Judith.  17  ;  Lydia,  39  ; 

Martha.    57  ;     Mary,    54 ;     Robert    M.,    88  ; 

Thomas,  17  (2),  118  ;  William,  39. 
Coleby,  John,  15,  116  ;  Rebecca,  15,  116. 
Colegrave,  Margaret,  10  ;  Richard,  10. 
Coleman,  Elizabeth,  79  ;  Jane,  49. 
Coles,  Ann,  50. 
Collett,  Ann,  78  ;  Dorothy,  64  ;  Joseph,  64,  67  ; 

Mary,  63  ;  Sarah,  67. 
Collier  or  Collyer,  Ann,  122  ;    Catherine,   60  ; 

Elizabeth,  38,  44,  81  ;    Hanameel.  44  ;   James 

D.,  122  ;   John,  60 ;    Mary  A.,  38  ;    Michael, 

81  ;  Mr.,  122  ;  Susanna,  57  ;  Thomas  G.,  38. 
Collingridge,  Ann,  86  ;  Joseph,  86.  j 

Collings,  Ann,  40  ;    Elizabeth,  43  ;    James,  88  ; 

Jane,  88  ;  John,  40  ;  Joseph,  43  ;  Mary,  40. 
Collis,  the  widow,  104. 
Collyer,  see  Collier. 

Colton,  Mr.,  46.  } 

Colwell,  Ann,  55. 

Comarque,  David,  63  ;  Henrietta,  63. 
Combes  or  Combs,  Elizabeth,   103  ;   John,  41  ; 

Katherine,   41  ;    Sarah,   57  ;    Thomas,   103  ; 

Willisim,  57. 
Combes  (?  Comber),  Elizabeth,  43. 
Come,  Mr.,  104. 

Comes,  Elizabeth,  3,  4  ;  Mary,  44  ;  Thomas,  3,  4. 
Coming,  Elizabeth,  54. 

Comins,  William,  82  ;  see  also  Cummins. 

Compere,  Mary,  60. 

Complin,  E.,  84  ;  Elizabeth,  84. 

Compton,  John,  88  ;  Mary,  88. 

Condley,  Elizabeth,  2  ;   John.  2,  3  ;    Mary,  2,  3  ; 

Mr.,  102  ;  — ,  102. 
Conen,  Edward,  37  (2)  ;    George,  37  ;    Matilda, 

37  (2)  ;  Susanna,  36. 
Coney,  Mary,  67. 

Coningham,  Frances  A.,  82  ;  William,  82. 
Connett,  Elizabeth,  46. 

Conyers,  Isabel,  20  ;  Robert,  20  ;  Walter,  20. 
Cook  or  Cooke,  Ann,  117  ;  Ed.,  85  ;  Frances,  81  ; 

George,  56  ;  Harriet,  87  ;  Hellen,  56  ;  Henry, 

10(3),  110,  111;   John,  10,  87;    Joseph,  67; 

Katherine,  67  ;    Lucy,  67  ;    Mary,  41  ;    Mrs., 

127,  129;    Sarah,   10(3),  111,  116.  130,  131; 

Susanna,  93  ;  Thomas,  10,  111 ;  William,  81, 93. 
Cookry,  Mary,  63. 
Cooper,  Abel,  19  ;  Abigal,  101  :  Alice,  53  ;  Ann, 

41,  90  ;  Catherine,  18  (2),  19.  122  ;  Elizabeth, 

35  (2),  60,  91 ;  Francis,  78  ;  James,  76  ;  John, 

41;    Joseph,  18,  101  ;    Lucy,  78;    Mary,  43; 

Thomas,  18  (2),  19  ;  William,  53,  120. 
Cope,  Emma  E.,  32  ;    James,  17  ;    Mary  A.,  32, 

91  ;   Peter,  17  ;  William,  32. 
Copland.  Elizabeth,  69  ;  Henry,  69. 
Coppock,  Josh.,  88. 
Corbett,  Martha,  40. 
Cordel,  Mary,  45. 

Corfeild,  Richard,  62  ;  Susanna,  62. 
Corkett,  George,  37  ;  James,  37  ;  Sarah,  37. 
Cormell,  Ann,  43  ;  John,  43. 
Cormie,  Ann,  134  ;  John,  134. 
Cornford,  Ann,  79. 

Cornish,  Maria,  27,  86;  Mary,  27  ;  Robertson,  27. 
Cornock,  Mary,  59. 
Cornwallis,  Mary,  69. 

Cornwell.  Elizabeth,  15  ;  James,  15  ;  John,  15. 
Cory,  Mrs.  Jane,  108. 
Cotes,  Mary,  59. 
Cotton,  George,  22  ;  Mary,  21,  22  ;  Richard,  21, 

22  ;  iSarah,  85  ;  Sophia,  85  ;  Thomas,  85. 
Coulson,  Margaret,  53. 
Coulton,  James,  84  ;  Sophia,  84. 
Court.  Dorothy,  59  ;  Hannah,  58. 
Courthop,  Annie,  43  ;  William,  43. 
Courtney,  Ann,  65  ;  William,  65. 
Cowen,  Ann,  81. 

Cowling,  Elizabeth,  69  ;  Henry,  69. 
Cowly,  Samuel.  111. 

Cowslade,  Joseph,  46  ;  Mrs.  Margaret,  46. 
Cox.  Charles,  76  ;    Elizabeth,  41  ;   John  E.,  97  ; 

Mary,  28,  62,  91  ;    Mary  J.,  76 ;   Samuel,  28  ; 

Sarah,  98  ;  Thomas,  122. 
Crabb,  Ann.  13,  14,  17,  114,  116;    Charles,  13, 

14,  16,  17  (2),  114,  119  ;    Dorothy,  16,  17  (2)  ; 

Frances,  13 ;    George,  16  ;   John,  13  ;    Mary, 

13  ;  Sarah,  17. 
Crabtree,  Sarah,  99. 
Cramont,  P.,  84. 
Cramphome,  Sarah,  41. 

Crane,  Ann,  84  (2)  ;  Mary,  53,  59  ;  Thomas,  53. 
Crasha,  Mary,  108. 
Crathern.  Martha,  79. 
Crawford,  R.  M.,  90. 
Crayford,  Susanna,  49. 
Crayle,  Frances,  42. 
Creamer,  Charles,  92  ;    Elizabeth,  89  ;    George, 

89  ;  Mary  A.,  92  ;  Rebecca,  89. 
Crew,  Edward,  54  ;  Mary,  54. 



Crimen.  Ann,  57. 

Crisp,  Ann.  18,  120  (2)  :  Elizabeth,  74  ;  John, 
18,  74  ;  John  A.,  18. 

Critchett.  Elizabeth.  32  ;  George,  32  ;  Richard 
feent.),  32. 

Crocker,  Elizabeth,  33  (2),  34.  36  ;  Frances,  81  ; 
Mary,  43. 

Crockford,  Mary,  53. 

Croker,  Hanna,  43. 

Crombie,  John,  90. 

Crone.  Ann.  81  ;  Nancy  S.,  80  ;  Ralph.  81. 

Crook.  John,  13,  114  ;  Sarah,  13  ;  William,  13. 

Crooks,  Elizabeth,  59  :  Thomas,  59. 

Croot,  Alfred,  95  ;  Benjamin,  95  ;  Maria,  95. 

Cropley,  Marg-aret.  109. 

Crosby,  Rev.  Robert,  89,  131  ;  Sarah,  87. 

Crosea,  Hannah.  113. 

Cross  or  Crosse,  Ann,  22  (2),  23  (3),  125 ;  Edward, 
127  ;  Elizabeth,  25,  26,  29,  30,  63,  84,  127  ; 
George,  24, 127  ;  Hammond,  63  ;  James,  26, 127  ; 
Jane,  22,  124 :  John,  23  (2),  25,  125,  127,  129  ; 
Mary,  24  ;  Sarah.  23,  125  ;  Susanna,  127;  Tho- 
mas, 29,  30,  112  ;  Thomas  X..  29,  30  ;  William, 
22  (2),  23  (3),  24,  25,  26,  84,  127  (3),  128,  129. 

Crow,  James,  80. 

Crowcher,  Mary,  47. 

Crowchfield.  Jonathan,  48  ;  Sarah,  48. 

Croxell,  Relief,  61. 

Crundell.  Ann,  8  ;  Elizabeth,  6.  7.  107  (2).  109 
John,  6,  7  (2),  8  (3),  9,  107  (2),  108,  109^  110 
Mary,  6,  7  (2).  8  (3),  9.  107  (2).  108,  109,  110 
Richard,  9,  109  ;  Sarah,  8  ;  — ,  107. 

Crussell,  Ann,  96  ;  James,  96  ;  James  W.,  96. 

Cubbidge,  Margaret,  58. 

Cuer,  Elizabeth,  51. 

Cullimore.  Eleanor,  83  ;  Mary,  79. 

Culverwell,  George.  130  ;  Grace,  129,  130,  131. 

Cumberbage.  Mary.  51. 

Cummins  or  Cummings,  Elizabeth,  126;  Henry 
J.,  97  ;  stee  also  Comins. 

Cuningham  or  Cunningham,  Ann.  9,  109  ; 
Eleanor,  89  ;  Robert,  89. 

Cuperlow,  Francis,  1 22. 

Curchod,  Ann,  22  ;  Ann  C,  22,  124  ;  James,  22  ; 
John  F.,  123. 

Cureton,  Rev.  William,  135. 

Curl,  Ann,  48  :  Edmund,  48. 

Curtis,  Betsy,  96  ;  Charles,  92  ;  Elizabeth,  14 
Henry,  105  ;  Martha,  18  ;  Mary,  18  (2) 
Mary  A.,  92  ;  Rebecca,  105  ;  Robert,  96 
Samuel.  14  ;  Thomas,  18  ;  William,  18  (2). 

Cutler.  Gilbert,  47,  51,  110,  112;  James,  111  ; 
Jane,  51  ;  Joyce,  110;  Margaret,  50  ;  Mary, 
47,  112  ;  Sarah,  57. 

Cutts.  Elizabeth,  2.  3,  4,  103.  104  :  Joseph,  2,  3, 
4, 103, 104, 106  ;  Margaret,  43 ;  Martha,  3, 103. 


Dabemoun,  Elizabeth.  102  ;  John.  102  ;  — ,  102. 
Dakins,  Dr.  (Rector),  89. 
Dalley,  Elizabeth,  16  ;  William,  16. 
Dallinson,  Ann,  56. 

dal  Pozzo,  Count  Ferdinand,  91  ;  Mary,  91. 
Danby,  Elizabeth,  74. 
Dance.  Hester,  60. 

Daniell,  Etheldred,  102  ;  Stephen,  102. 
Dann,  Henry,  52  ;  Sarah.  52. 
Darby  or  Darbey,   Catherine,   54  :    Elizabeth, 
122  ;  Margaret,  124  ;  Samuel,  54  ;  Thomas,  121. 

Dare,  John,  6  (2)  ;  Mary,  6  (2)  ;  WilUam,  6. 

Darey,  Elizabeth,  51. 

Daubryan,  Daniel,  114  ;  see  also  Dunbryon. 

Daubuz,  Mary  A.,  63. 

Davee,  Catherine.  49  ;  gee  also  Davy. 

David,  Marianne,  67. 

Davies,  Anna  M.,  27;  Connop  A.,  27  (3).  134  ; 
Elizabeth,  53.  64  ;  Elizabeth  E.,  94  ;  Hannah, 
80  ;  Henry  P.,  27,  127  ;  John,  27  (3).  85,  128  ; 
John  W.,  129,  131  ;  Mary.  70  ;  Sarah.  80  (2)  ; 
Thomas,  94  ;  Thompson  B.,  27,  128  ;  William, 
64,  80  ;  William  F.,  94. 

Davis.  Abraham  H.,  88  ;  Ann,  80  ;  Daniel,  13, 
114;  Edward,  54,  65;  Hannah,  65  ;  Henry, 
128 ;  James.  73  ;  John,  60, 84, 88, 105  ;  Martha, 
88;  Mary,  13,  44,  54,  88,  114;  Rachel,  60; 
Sarah,  84  ;  Susanna,  54  ;  Thomas,  13,  114, 120. 

Davy,  Edmund,  105  ;  see  aUo  Davee. 

Dawes,  Ann,  41  ;  Dame  Christian,  41  ;  Eliza- 
beth, 43  ;  see  also  Dawyes. 

Dawkes,  Alice,  27,  85  ;  Mary  A.,  27  ;  William, 
27,  85. 

:   Dawson,  Elizabeth,  8  ;  John,  67  ;   Mary,  57.  67  ; 
Robert,  8  ;  Sarah,  8  ;  William.  77,  112. 

Dawtrey,  Sarah,  41  ;  Thomas,  41. 

Dawyes,  Hatton.  44  ;  Judith,  44  ;  see alsoT>a,yies. 

Day,  Ann,  80  ;  David,  80  ;  Elizabeth,  41  ;  Fran- 
cis, 54  ;  John.  89  ;  Martha.  48 ;  Mary,  50  ; 
Richard,  41,  80  :  Sarah,  80  ;  Stephen,  50. 

Dayton,  John,  105  ;  Thomas,  105. 

Deacle,  John,  Esq.,  115. 

De  Agar,  Abraham,  53  ;  Susanna  J.,  53. 

Dean  or  Deane,  Ann,  56  ;  Sir  Anthony,  41  ; 
Christian,  50,  81  ;  Dame  Christian,  41  ;  Cla- 
rissa E..  32  ;  Edward.  46  ;  Elizabeth,  43  ; 
Emma  R.,  29,  30  ;  Frederick  C,  34  :  George 
A.  H..  31  ;  Hannah.  46  ;  Jane,  47  ;  J.  B.  (Rec- 
tor), 37,  38,  96,  97,  99,  134  ;  Lucking,  56  ; 
Margaret,  SI  ;  Mary,  34  ;  Mary  A.,  29  (2),  30, 
31  (2),  32:  Rebecca.  53;  Sarah  A.,  29,  31; 
Thomas,  29  (2),  30,  31  (2),  32,  34. 

Debarfre,  Maria,  123. 

De  Berdt,  Susanna,  52. 

De  Cadignan  or  De  Cadigran,  Anne  G.  G.  C.  D.. 
83  ;  Catherine,  83  ;  Vtc.  83. 

De  Croiiv.  Frances,  53  ;  Samuel.  53  ;  Susanna  J., 

Dee  (.'  Doe),  Elizabeth.  80. 

Delabath.  Peter,  107. 

Delacourt  (Dellicourt  or  Dellico),  Ann,  115  ; 
Anthony.  12.  13,  115  ;  Henry,  13;  Jane.  12, 
13,  115  :  John,  117  :  Mary,  115  ;  Robert,  117  ; 
William,  117. 

Delafield,  Hannah,  61  ;  Joseph,  61. 

Delahay  or  Delehaye.  Benjamin,  17  ;  Bridget, 
64  ;  Francis,  64  ;  Mary,  17. 

Delaholaer  (Delaholier  or  Delaholyer),  Abraham, 
106  :  Elizabeth,  110  ;  Maddam,  7. 

Delayfrell.  Thomas,  113. 

Delillers,  Ellen.  43  ;  Jacob.  43. 

Dell,  John.  49  ;  Phoebe,  49. 

Dellico,  see  Delacourt. 

Dellicourt,  see  Delacourt. 

Deluze.  Sarah,  117. 

De  Modys,  Jane,  48  ;  Peter,  48. 

De  Mole,  Elizabeth,  35  ;  Emilie  L.,  35  ;  Er- 
nest M.,  36  :  Fanny  E..  35  ;  Frederic  V.,  33  ; 
George  E.,  35  :  Harriet  J.,  36  ;  Henry  W.,  33  ; 
Isabel,  33  (2).  34  (2),  35  (3),  36  (2)  ;  Isabel  H., 
34,  133  ;  John  B..  33  (2),  34  (2),  35  (4),  36  (2)  ; 
Stephen.  35,  134  ;  Thomas,  34,  133, 



Demons,  Isaac,  108. 

Demountier  or  Demontee.  James.  104  ^2),  110  ; 
Jane,  104  ;  Judith,  104  (2),  lio';  Mary,  104. 

Denliam,  Elizabeth,  66  ;  Thomas,  66. 

Dennadrye,  Ann,  115  ;  John  C,  il5. 

Dennet,  Mary,  59. 

Dennis,  Eliza!  94  ;  Jeffery.  94  ;  John  C,  94  ; 
Mary,  94 ;  Mary  A.,  94  :  Rachel.  122. 

Denny,  Ann,  45  ;  Elizabeth,  47. 

De  Ponthien,  Elizabeth.  71. 

Derrett.  Elizabeth  M..  28,  30.  86  ;  Richard  J., 
28,  30,  86. 

Derrington,  Elizabeth,  92. 

Descelec,  Mary,  4'5. 

Dessenbury,  J.  G..  85. 

Dethick.  the  Lady  Ann,  106. 

Dettmar.  Godley  P..  124. 

Devanfree,  Joseph,  21  ;  Maria,  21  :  Mary  21. 

Devis,  Elizabeth,  27  ;  Henry,  27. 

Devonshire,  Richard,  133. 

Dewe,  Jane,  44  ;  John,  44. 

Dewy  (Dewey  or  Dewee),  Jane,  8  ;  John,  8  ; 
Richard,  109  ;  Sophia,  86  ;  Susanna,  109. 

Diaper,  Johanna.  61  ;  John,  61. 

Dicer  alias  Harvey,  Dorothy,  42. 

Dickens,  Aon.  89. 

Dickenson,  Elizabeth,  68  ;  Martha,  65;  Mary,  6G. 

Dickerson,  John,  18  ;  Mary,  18. 

Dickeson,  Elizabeth,  42. 

Dickons,  Martha  F.  C,  29,  31, 

Dicks,  Christopher,  7  ;  Mary.  7  ;  Susanna,  7. 

Dillingham,  Elizabeth,  120. 

Dimley,  Thomas,  74. 

Dines.  Elizabeth.  5  ;  John.  5  (3),  105  ;  Mary,  5 
(3),  105. 

Dismore,  Thomas  S.,  94. 

Ditchfield,  Sarah.  79. 

Dix,  Mary  A.,  96  ;  Thomas,  96. 

Dixon.  Bridget,  46  ;  Richard,  46  ;  T.,  90  ;  Wil- 
liam. 124. 

Dobbins,  Hannah,  45. 

Dobson  or  Dodson.  Ann,  18,  120  ;  Benjamin,  18, 
120  ;  Charles  A.,  19.  121  ;  Elizabeth,  18,  43,  48  ; 
John,  17  (2),  18  (6),  19  (3),  74,  120  ;  Joseph, 
18  ;  Mary,  17  ;  Susan,  74  ;  Susanna,  17(2).  18 
(6),  19  (3),  121  ;  Thomas,  18,  48  ;  William,  18. 

Doby,  Esther,  44  ;  William,  44. 

Dochester  or  Dodcester,  Daniel,  14  ;  John,  14  ; 
Mary,  14  (2)  ;  William.  14  (2). 

Dodd.  Elizabeth,  63  ;  Jane,  65. 

Dodson,  see  Dobson. 

Dodsworth,  Elizabeth.  42  ;  Jonathan,  42. 

Doe  (.'  Dee),  Elizabeth,  80. 

Dominy.  Robert.  90. 

Done,  Griffith.  106  ;  Jane,  4,  5.  41,  105.  106  ; 
Sarah.  117;  Thomas,  4,  5,  41,  104,  106; 
Mr.  Thomas.  106  ;  — ,  6  ;  see  also  Dunn. 

Donkley.  John,  121. 

Donne,  John,  82. 

Donovan.  Martha.  89. 

Dore.  Frederick  J..  34  ;  Frederick  W.  H.,  34  ; 
Mary  G.,  34. 

Douglas,  Ann,  84  ;  Elizabeth,  86  ;  George,  84  ; 
John,  86. 

Doussen,  Joseph,  103. 

Douxsaint,  Mary,  52. 

Down,  Emily  E.  A..  135  ;  James  S.,  134  ;  Stew- 
art F.,  134. 

Downs,  Ann,  91  ;  Dinah,  91  ;  Maria  S.,  31,  32 
(2)  ;  William,  91. 

Dowse,  Elizabeth,  51 ;  John,  51. 

Drake,  Jamei,  88  ;  Maria,  88. 

Draper,  Elizabeth,  7  ;  Thomas,  7. 

Draught.  Hannah.  52. 

Drayton.  Ann.  7.  Ill  ;  Edmond.  6,  7  (2),  106; 
Elizabeth,  6,  7  (2),  106  ;  EUennor,  7  ;  Tho- 
mas, 7,  44,  110. 

Dreaton,  Ann,  4  (2)  ;  John,  4  ;  Thomas,  4  (2). 

Dresser  (.'  Prosser),  Walter,  79. 

Drew,  Ann,  95  ;  Daniel.  95  ;  Emma,  95  ;  James, 
95  ;  Jane,  68.  115  ;  Jonathan.  115  (2)  ;  Mary, 
75,  109. 

Drewry,  Elizabeth,  82  ;  John,  82. 

Drinkwater,  Mrs.  Sarah,  104  ;  Mr.  William,  106, 

Drummond.  Ann.  78. 

Drury,  D.,  76  ;  William,  76, 

Drye,  Sarah,  44. 

Drysdale,  Abigail,  78  ;  James,  78. 

Du  Boulay.  Benjamin  F.  H.,  74  ;  Louisa,  74. 

Dudsbury,  Lydia.  39. 

DufEeilde,  Sarah,  40. 

Duge,  Elizabeth,  125  ;  Isaac,  125,  133. 

Dun.  set  Dunn. 

Dunbar,  John  W.,  83. 

Dunbryon,  Elizabeth,  10,  11  ;  James,  10, 11,  111, 
112  ;  Joseph,  11  ;  see  also  Daubryan. 

Dunce,  Mary,  66. 

Dunch,  Dorothea,  42. 

Duncomb,  Elenor,  52  ;  Thomas,  52. 

Dunkin.  Mary,  46  ;  Richard,  46. 

Dunkley,  Dorothy,  124. 

Dunn  /';•  Dun,  Ann,  110  ;  Charlotte,  88  ;  Eliza- 
beth, 88  ;  Margaret,  88 ;  Thomas,  125  ;  see 
also  Done. 

Dupont,  Andrew  P.,  119,  122  ;  Joanna  F.,  121, 

Durance,  Mabel,  49. 

Durand,  Ann,  18  ;  Ana  E.,  18  ;  Rev.  Henry  D., 
128  ;  John  B..  18. 

Durham,  Mr..  46,  47. 

Durrant  or  Durant.  Charles  D..  96  ;  John,  79  ; 
Mary,  79. 

Dutton,  Ann,  75  ;  Mary,  75. 

Dyons,  Elizabeth,  49. 


Eade,  Ann.  64  ;  Jonathan.  64. 

Eagleton,  Augustine  G.,  22  ;  Etiward.  21.  22  (4), 
23  (2)  ;  Elizabeth,  21,  22  (4),  23  (2)  ;  Eliza- 
beth G.,  125  ;  John,  22  ;  Sarah,  22  ;  Susanna 
G.,  23  (2),  125. 

Earle,  Elizabeth,  45  ;   Mary,  41. 

Easson.  John.  69  ;  Mary.  69. 

East.  Edward.  12  (2),  14.  115  ;  Eliza.  14  ;  Eliza- 
beth, 12  (2),  13  (3).  14,  15,  114;  Henry,  1.5, 
115  ;  James  12,  13  (3),  14  (2),  15,  114  ;  John, 
12,  113  ;  Lydia,  13,  114;  Mary,  13;  Richard, 
113  ;  Solomon.  14. 

Eastling,  Elizabeth.  51. 

Eastly.  Mary,  48  ;  Yard,  48. 

Eastman,  John.  49  ;  Mary,  49. 

Eaton,  Edward,  10,  114,  115;  Elizabeth,  56; 
Jane,  64  ;  John.  89  ;  Joseph,  56  ;  Loetitia,  10. 
114;  Thomas,  64. 

Eden,  Alfred  F.,  38  ;  Angelina  F.  C,  37  ;  Ange- 
lina M.,  37  (2)  ;  Charles  E.,  37  ;  Edward, 
37  (2)  ;  Francis  E.,  38  ;  Maria  H.  J.,  38. 

Ederingane,  George,  49  ;  Mary,  49. 

Edes,  Sarah,  56. 

Edge,  Henry,  48  ;  Mary,  48. 

Edlin,  Abraham,  17 ;  Elizabeth,  17  ;  Martha,  17, 



Edmeades,  Eliza,  92 ;  John,  92  ;  ^arah  A.,  92,  93. 
Edmonds  or  Edmunds,  Anna,  39  ;   Joseph,  63  ; 

Martha,  132;  Sarah,  63. 
Edwards,  Anna  M.,  14  ;  Catherine,  90  ;  Charles, 
131;  Edward.  128  ;  Elizabeth,  9. 13(2),  14  (2), 
48,  68, 114  (2),  121  ;  Hannah,  46  ;  Harriet  C, 
127;    Jane.  110;    John,   13    (2),  14    (2),  47, 
114  (2),  128,  129  ;  Mary,  9,  47,  128  ;    Rachel, 
54  ;   Rebecca,  66  ;    Richard,  9  ;    Samuel,  13, 
110,    llo.    116;     Sarah,    116;    Thomas,   46: 
William,  14,  89.  114. 
Egerton,  Sarah,  26  (2). 
Eherenstrom,  Ann,  77  ;  Benjamin,  77. 
Eier,  Ann,  63  ;  Isaac,  63. 
Eillisson,  Dr.,  1. 
Eldridj^e,  Margaret,  54. 
Ellen,  Richard,  108. 
Ellicott,  Sarah,  121. 
Elliff,  Mary  A.,  98  ;  William,  98. 
Elliot,  John.  112;    Mary,  91;    Parkhurst,  91; 

Philippa,  49. 
Ellis,  Ann,  56  ;  Anthony,  113,  114  ;  Barbara  F., 
36  (5).  37,  92  ;    Catherine  F.,  36,  134  ;  Eliza- 
beth, 35,  36,  90,  92,  114,  134  ;   Esquier,  101  ; 
George  S.,  36  (5),  37,  56,  92,  94  ;  Georgina  E.. 
36  ;    G.  E.,  94  ;    Hannah,  64  ;    Hellen  B.,  37 ; 
Henrietta  J.,  36  ;   John,  90,  113  ;   Rev.  J.  J. 
(Rector),  31,  32,  33,  34,  35.  36,  37,  84,  89.  90, 
91,  92,  93,  94,  9.5,  97.  98,  99,  131,  132,  133.  134, 
1.35;    Robert   S.,    92;    R.  S.   (B.A.).  91,  92; 
Thomas  W,.  90  ;  W.  H.,  90. 
Ellistone,  Elizabeth.  40  ;  Isaac,  40. 
Ellitt,  Margaret,  44. 

Elmes   or   Elmms,    Elizabeth,    74  ;    John,   41  ; 
Mary,  51  ;  Nicholas,  51  ;  Sarah,  40,  41,  44,  61. 
Eloss,  Jane,  51. 
Elsdon,  Ann,  76  ;  Eleanor,  76. 
Elsom.  Benjamin,  89  ;  Mary,  89. 
Elworthy,  Elizabeth,  51  ;  William  R.,  51. 
Embry,  Lucy,  51. 

Emerton,  Aunis,  15  ;  Deborah,  14  ;  Eliza,  14  (2)  ; 
Elizabeth,  14,  15  (4),  116.  122;   Francis,  14 
(2),    15  (4),   43,    116  (2),   120;    Hanna,    43; 
John,  15,  116. 
Emly  (?  Brby),  Ann,  73  ;  Joseph,  73. 
Emms,  Mary,  6  ;  Samuel,  6. 
England,  Elizabeth,  86  ;  Jane  A.,  86. 
Ensco,  David,  91  ;  Sarah  A.,  91. 
Erby,  see  Emly. 

Escourt,  Mary,  41  ;  Thomas,  41. 
Esdaile,  Mary,  76  ;  Peter,  76. 
Essington,  Hannah,  45. 
Eston,  Katherine,  46. 
Etheridge,  Margaret,  49  ;  Roland,  49. 
Eustache,  Antoine  J.,  123. 
Evans,  Agnes,  34,  133  ;    Ann,   32,   33  (2),   34, 
133  ;    Bridget.  64  ;    Eleanor,  32  ;    Eliza,  32 
Elizabeth,  12  ;  Evan,  32,  33  (2),  34,  133  (2) 
James,  31,  32  (2),  134  ;  John,  58  ;  Lewis,  32 
33  ;    Maria,  91  ;    Maria  S.,  31,  32  (2),  132 
Mary,  12,  58;    Stephen,  33;    Susanna,  132 
William,  31,  132. 
Everest,  Mildred,  63  ;  William,  63. 
Everih,  Ann,  51  ;  Edmund,  51. 
Evison,  Francis,  129,  131. 
Evitt,  Mary,  60  ;  Thomas,  60. 
Ewart,  Agnes,  90. 
Ewer,  Edward.  104. 
Exall,  Elizabeth,  108  ;  John,  108,  109. 
Exton,  Mary,  43  ;  Robert,  43. 
Eyma,  Elizabeth,  29  (3),  31  (3),  87  (2) ;    Henry 

Fitz  J.,  29,  31  ;  John,  29,  31  ;  John  A.,  87  (2)  ; 
John  A.,  29   (3),  31   (3)  ;    John  J.   A.,  86  ; 
Marion,  29,  31  ;  Sarah  A,,  86. 
Eyre,  Ann,  76  ;  Benjamin,  76  ;  Rev.  William,  89. 


Facey,  Elizabeth,  64. 

Facon,  Elizabeth,  75  ;  Peter  W.  J.,  75. 

Faesch,  John  W.,  121. 

Fagg,   Harbett,    100 ;    James,  105 ;   Sir   John, 

Knt.,  100  ;  Susanna,  104. 
Fairman,  Ann,  59. 
Falconnet,  Anna  De  P.,  23  (3)  ;  Anna  H.,  23  ; 

Anne,  S3  ;  A.  F.,  83  ;  Eliza  A.,  23  ;  John  L., 

23  ;  John  L.  De  P.,  125  ;  John  L.  T.,  23  (3)  ; 

Jn.  W.  Th.,  83. 
Falcutt,  Elizabeth,  43. 
Faldo,  Elizabeth,  53  ;  John,  53. 
Falkingham,  Ann,  99  ;  William  H.,  99. 
Falkner,  Alice,  74  ;  Thomas,  123  ;  sec  also  Faul- 

Farley,  John  26  (2)  ;  Mary.  26  ;  Sarah,  26  (2) ; 

Sarah  B.,  26. 
Farmer,  Sarah,  41. 
Farmestone,  Mary,  49. 
Farr,  Mary,  46. 
Farrant,  Catherine,  35  (2)  ;  James,  35  ;   Sarah 

H.,  35  ;  William,  35  (2). 
Barren  or  Farrin,  Ann,  60 ;  George,  28,  29,  30, 
31  ;  Mary,  28,  29,  30,  31  ;  Mary  A.  R.,  130; 
Mary  J.,  29,  31  ;  Mary  R.,  28,  30,  129  ;  Tho- 
mas, 60. 
Farrington,  Margaret,  109  ;  Mary,  62  ;  Samuel, 

Farrow  (.'  Barrow),  S.,  77. 
Faster,  Susanna,  106. 
Faulkener,  Ann,  63  ;  see  also  Falkner. 
Faure,  Elizabeth,  71. 
Fawdery,  Martha,  46  ;  Robert,  46. 
Fayting,  Elizabeth,  70,  121  ;  George,  70,  122  ; 
Mary,  119  ;  Rev.  Nicholas  (Rector),  17, 18,  19, 
20,  21,  22,  69,  70,  71,  72,  73,  74,  75,  76,  77,  78, 
81,  119,  121,  122,  123,  124. 
Fearing,  Constance,  42. 
Fearn,  James,  72  ;  Mary,  72. 
Fearnley,  George,  78. 

Felton,  Ann,  69  ;  Hannah,  109  ;  John,  109. 
Fenner,  Frances,  86  ;  James,  86. 
Fenton,  Sarah,  41. 
Ferer,  William,  110. 
Field,  Benjamin,  98  ;    George,  90  ;   John,  90  ; 

Martha,  90  ;  Sarah,  98. 
Figh,  Mary,  44. 
Fillison,  Dr.,  39. 
Finch,  Ann,  57  ;  John,  57. 
Fish,  Elizabeth,  89  ;  James,  89  ;  Margaret,  12, 
112  ;    Martha,  11,  12  ;  Mary,  11,  112  ;  Rich- 
ard, 11,  12,  112  (2). 
Fisher,    Ann,   50 ;    Elizabeth,   42,    43,   54,   69  ; 
Hannah,  82  ;  Rev.  John,  69  ;  Joseph,  42  ;  Mr. 
Peter,  43  ;  Sarah,  40  ;  Thomas,  50  ;  William, 
Fitz  Patrick,  Dorothy,  118. 
Flancell  or  Flanssell,  Ann,  102  ;  Elizabeth,  105, 
Flanders,  Jacob,  44  ;  Margaret,  44. 
Flatman,  Elizabeth,  53  ;  Peter,  53. 
Fletcher,  Ann,  44  ;    Ebenezer,  65  ;    Eliza,    96  ; 
Elizabeth,  60  ;  Martha,  65  ;  Philis,  64  ;  Wil- 
liam, 96  J  William,  sen.,  96. 




Fleuret,  John  L.,  20,  21  ;  Sarah,  20.  21  ;  Sophia, 

20,  123. 
riintfc,  Mary,  40. 
Flockton,  A.  M..  96  :  Francis  S.,  96  ;  Isabel  M., 

96  ;  Squire.  96  ;  Stephen,  96  ;  T.  C,  96  ;  Web- 

sted,  96. 
Fludyer,  Sarah,  43. 
Fog'g-e,  Judith,  119. 
Folkes,  Elizabeth,  5.5  ;  William,  55. 
Folkingham,  Elizabeth,  47  ;  Thomas,  47. 
Ford,  Ann,  62  ;  Dr.,  100  ;  Elizabeth,  47. 
Foresee,  Abraham,  60  ;  Elizabeth,  60. 
Forfar,  David,  67  ;  Elizabeth,  67. 
Forster,  Ann,  25,  27  (2),  48  ;  John,  48  ;  Susanna, 

22  ;  Thomas,  22  ;  see  nhu  Foster. 
Fortune,  Joseph.  86, 
Fortyn,  Marg-aret,  44  ;  Thomas,  44. 
Foster,  Aretaphile,  52  ;  Hannah,  43  ;  John,  43  ; 

Lucretia,  110;    Marji'aret,  53;    Mary,  42,  114, 

123  ;  Mrs.,  100;  Rachel.  43  :  Roger,  52  ;  Simon. 

110;    Thomas,  42;  William,  90,  103,  123;   see 

aUfl  Forster. 
Foulis,  Catherine,  44. 
Fowle,  Maria.  85  ;  Sarah,  60. 
Fowler.  Fanny,  75  ;    George,  60  ;    Rebecca.  60  ; 

Sophia,  118. 
Fox,  Ruth,  89. 
Foxcroft,  Elizabeth,  48. 
Foy,  Sarah,  80. 

France,  Charlotte,  35  ;  Harold,  35  ;  Louisa  W.,  35. 
Francis.  Edward,  119  ;  James,  78  :  Mary,  78. 
Franck,  Christopher,  39  ;  Mary,  39. 
Francklow,  Christopher,  81 ;  John  P.,  81 ;  Sarah, 

Franklin,  Sarah,  79. 
Franks,  Catherine,  53. 
Frean,  Mary  A.,  83. 
Freeman,  Mr.  Ambros,  105;    Elizabeth,  51,  55, 

60  ;  Joanna,  69  ;  Mary,  69. 
Frehnlicque,  John  J.,  83. 
French,  Mary,  47,  58  ;  William,  58. 
Frewen,  Mary,  44. 
Frith,  Rev.  John  (M.A.),  84. 
Froggatt,  Lucy.  67. 

Frost,  George,  18  ;  Mary,  18,  40,  81  ;  William,  40. 
Froy,  Caroline,  90  ;   Nathaniel,  83  ;   Sarah,  83  ; 

William,  90. 
Frue,  Margaret,  40. 
Fry,  Mary,  55. 
Fryer,  Ann,  49. 

Fryse,  Abigal,  42  ;  Samuel,  42. 
Fullagar,  John,  102  ;  Mary.  102. 
Fuller,  Denham,  108  ;  Mr.  (Chaplin),  42 ;  Sarah, 

Furly,  Benjohan,  50  ;  ]\Ia,rtha,  50. 
Furmage,  Mary,  26,  27  ;  Thomas,  85. 
Furner,  Georgina,  95  ;  Samuel,  95. 


Gabb,  Winifred  M.,  86. 

Gaddsden,   Elizabeth,  21  ;   Henry,  21  ;   James, 

123  ;  John,  21. 
Gadson,  Ann,  81  ;  James,  81. 
Galley  or  Gaily,  Anne,  121  ;  Richard,  119, 
Galton,  John,  54  ;  Mary,  64,  68. 
Gamblee,  Ann,  57  ;  William,  57. 
Gammage,  Dorothy,  110. 
Gammon.  Grace,  121. 
Gandon,  Isaac,  95  ;  Isabel,  95  ;  Peter,  95. 

Gandy,  Hannah,  41  ;  Thomas,  41. 

Gane,  iSreorge,  89  ;  Rebecca,  89. 

Gape,  Mary.  110  ;  Mychaell,  105. 

Gardener  (Gardiner  or  Gardner),  Ann,  91  ; 
Bridget,  47  ;  Jane,  45  ;  Maria,  32,  90  ;  Mary, 
42  ;  Patient,  62  ;  Sarah  A.,  91. 

Garland,  Alice,  128  ;  Charles,  125, 

Garlington,  Mary,  50. 

Garner,  Jane,  89  ;  William,  89. 

Garnet.  Rev.  R.,  98. 

Garnons,  Rev.  John,  79,  80,  81,  82. 

Garrard,  Isaac,  9  ;  Margaret,  9 ;  Martha,  9  ; 
Millisent,  7  ;  Robert,  7  ;  see  also  Garrett. 

Garraway,  Anna,  107  ;  Henry,  107  ;  William, 

Garreat,  Ann,  82. 

Garres,  Arthur,  9  ;  Thomas,  9. 

Garrett  or  Garrat,  Ann,  8,  59,  108  ;  Edmond,  4  ; 
Edward.  75  :  Elizabeth,  45  ;  John,  8  ;  Mar- 
garet, 106  ;  Mary.  75  ;  MelHcent.  8  (2),  108  ; 
Robert,  8  (2)  ;  Samuel,  4  ;  William,  45  ;  — , 
4  ;  see  also  Garrard. 

Garton,  Richard,  117. 

Garvell,  Hannah,  46. 

Garway,  Annah,  7  ;   Elizabeth,  7 ;   William,  7. 

Gasson.  Ann.  89  ;  Henry,  t;9. 

Gaswell,  Salley,  81. 

Gatward.  Mary,  43. 

Gawler,  JIargaret  S.  J.,  97. 

Gay,  Jane.  71  ;  John,  74,  120;  Martha,  74. 

Gearing  or  Geering,  Ann,  15,  118  ;  Jane  F.,  15  ; 
Judith,  15  (3),  116. 122  ;  Mary,  123  ;  Peter  W., 
15,  116  ;  William,  15  (3),  116. 

Gebher,  Catherine,  74. 

Gee,  Alice,  5 1 . 

Gentry.  Fanny,  92  ;  Thomas  J..  92. 

George,  Anthony  H.,  19,  120;  Barbara  S.,  19, 
121  ;  Edward,  18  (3),  19  (6),  20  (3).  75.  77,  79 
Eleanor,  60  ;  George  C,  18  ;  Henry  M.,  20 
Juliana  M..  19  ;  King.  84  ;  Louisa.  19,  121 
Margaret.  18  (3),  19  (6)  ;  Martha  M.  K.,  18 
Mary,  20  (3),  77,  79  ;  Nathaniel  W.,  20 
Peggy,  18  ;  Rebecca,  20  ;  Thomas  B.,  19,  121. 

Gerrard,  Isaac,  9  (2)  ;  Jane,  9  ;  Martha,  9  (2). 

Ghisling  or  Gislin,  David.  16  (2)  ;  Magdalen, 
16  ;  Ralph,  16,  117  ;  Susanna,  16  (2). 

Gibb,  Frances,  52,  54  ;  Henry,  52. 

Gibbs,  Jane,  42. 

Gibson,  Anna  M.,  20;  Elizabeth.  11,  55,  65; 
George,  122;  George  H.,  21  ;  John,  11,  19, 
20  (4).  21  (2),  76.  124  ;  Joseph,  21  ;  Martha, 
11  (2)  ;  Mary,  19,  20  (4),  21  (2),  76  ;  Robert  B. 
(Rector).  38,  96  ;  Samuel,  81  ;  Sarah,  81  ; 
Thomas,  20,  122  ;  William,  11  (2),  20. 

Gifford,  Catherine,  122  ;  Susanna  M.,  128. 

Gilbert,  Ann  M..  95  ;  Elizabeth,  13,  84  ;  Thomas, 

Gilbourn,  Hester,  48. 

Gill,  Mary  A.,  89  ;   Susan,  50  ;  William,  50. 

Gillaway,  Ann,  50. 

Gilling.  Rev.  J.  J.,  133. 

Gills,  Margaret.  26  :  Thomas,  26. 

Giltrow,  Elizabeth,  89  ;  William.  89. 

Gislin,  see  Ghisling. 

Gladman,  Ann,  46. 

Goadby,  Elizabeth,  132. 

Goafe  or  Goaf,  Elizabeth,  2,  3  (2),  102  (2),  103  ; 
John,  3,  102  ;  William,  2,  3  (2),  102  (2),  103, 

Goddard,  Ann,  40. 

Godfrey,  Annie,  43  ;  Elizabeth,  45,  64  ;  Samuel, 
64  ;  William,  45. 



Godsall,  Elizabeth,  85  ;  James,  85. 

Godwin,  Ann,  8  ;  Charity,  72  ;  Elizabeth,  8  ; 
Francis,  8  ;  John,  72. 

Goldfinch,  Ann,  99  ;  Henry,  96  ;  Jane  E.,  96  ; 
Sarah  A.,  96. 

Golling,  Ann,  7  ;  Francis,  7  ;  John,  7. 

Golty,  Rebecca,  41. 

Gombault,  Diana,  44  ;  Sebastian,  44. 

Gompertz,  Elizabeth,  88  ;  Henry,  29,  31,  88. 

Good,  Grace,  50. 

Goodburn,  Robert,  81  ;  Sarah,  81. 

Goodchild,  David,  131  ;  Elizabeth,  75. 

Goodenough,  Ann,  42. 

Goodhue,  Eleanor,  67. 

Goodman,  Anna,  69;  Charles,  11,  12.111,113 
(2),  116;  Hannah.  11  ;  John,  69  ;  Mary,  12, 
113;   Stanly,  11,  111. 

Goodwin,  Elizabeth.  109;  John,  109 ;  Julia  M.,  91; 
Nicholas.  109  ;   W.,  23,  24,  82,  83. 

Goodyer,  Fanny  M.,  94. 

Gordon,  Elizabeth,  75. 

Gore,  Ann,  16  ;  Eliza,  84  ;  Elizabeth.  15,  44  ; 
Hannah,  15  (2),  16  (3)  ;  Jane,  114  :  John,  15 
(2),  16  (3),  44  ;  Katherine.  16  ;  Samuel  V., 
87  ;  Sophia,  87  ;  Susanna.  l(i. 

Gorrard,  Ann,  31,  32. 

Gosling,  Frances,  70. 

Gostwyke,  Elizabeth,  42. 

Gotfry,  Esther,  44  ;  Henry,  44. 

Gothall,  Margaret,  56  ;  Thomas,  56. 

Gouge.  Thomazin,  120. 

Gough,  Elizabeth,  64. 

Gould,  Henry,  58  ;  Mary,  58  ;  Rebecca,  63. 

Gourley,  Ann,  88. 

Gourney,  Anne,  8  ;  Edward,  8  ;  Judith,  8. 

Gowers,  Elizabeth,  65  ;  Robert,  65. 

Gowrley,  -h-c  Gourley. 

Grabbham,  Alfred  J.,  33  ;  Arthur  M.,  35  ;  Ed- 
win J.,  33  ;  John,  33  (2),  35  ;  Mary,  33  (2),  35. 

Grace,  Charles,  115  :  James,  13 ;  John,  13,  14  ; 
Judith,  13,  14.  115. 

Graff,  Elizabeth,  97. 

Granger.  Jane,  75  ;  Thomas.  75. 

Grant,  Elizabeth  A.,  29,  30 ;  Lieut.-Col.  J.  C. 

Grantham,  John,  19  (2)  ;  Maria,  85;  Mary  S., 
19  ;  Sarah,  19  (2)  ;  Thomas  A.  (Curate),  85. 

Gratwich,  Moses,  59  ;  Sarah,  59. 

Graves,  Ann,  114. 

Gray,  Elizabeth.  125  ;  see  also  Grey. 

Greaves,  Catherine,  35  (2). 

Green  or  Greene,  Ann,  96  ;  Eleanor,  107  ;  Eliza- 
beth, 67,  70  ;  Henry,  21  :  Jane,  44  ;  John,  96  ; 
Katherine,  41  ;  Margaret,  29,  31  (2),  32  (2),  33 
(2),  34  (2).  35.  36  (2)  ;  Martha  K.,  21  ;  Mrs., 
106;  Relief,  61  ;  Susanna,  21,  44.  Ill  :  Tho- 
mas, 61,  105  ;  Mr.  Tbomas,  104, 108  ;  William. 
Ill  ;  Mr.  Wilmott,  107. 

Greenfield,  Henry.  91  ;  Rebecca,  91. 

Greengrass,  Mary,  68. 

Greenhill,  Ann,  43. 

Greenhow,  Mary,  61  ;  William,  61. 

Gregory,  Elizabeth,  88 :  Hannah,  43 ;  John, 
51  ;  Joseph,  77  ;  Mary,  51,  77,  91, 114  ;  Philip, 
100  ;  Ricbard,  88  ;  Robert,  43  ;  William, 

Gresham.  John  H..  65,  66  ;  Prudence,  65  ;  Sus- 
anna, 66. 

Grew,  Jonathan,  ]  14  ;  Mary,  113;  Susanna,  114. 

Grey,  Ann,  76  ;  Henry,  76  ;  see  also  Gray. 

Griffin   or  Grifine,   Ann,    17  ;    Elizabeth,   72  ; 

Joseph,  17  ;  Katherine,  46  ;  Mary,  17  ;  Robert, 

72  ;  Thomas,  46,  103. 
Griffith  or   Grifith,   Charls,  5  ;    Eleanor,  106  ; 

Elizabeth,  7,  42,  77,  78,  79,  80,  81,  82,  124; 

Helleenor,  6  ;  Jane,  41  ;  John,  4,  5  (3),  6  (2), 

7  (2),  106,  107  ;    Joseph.  7  ;    Mary.  4.  5  (3). 

6  (2),  7  (2),  41,  106,  107  ;  Robert,  5  ;  Susanna 

(Lady),  112  ;  Mr.  Thomas,  5  ;  William.  6. 107. 
Griffiths,  Edmund   L.,  29,  31  ;   Granville.'  31  ; 

Hannah,  72  ;  John  31,  72  ;  John  G.,  29  ;  Mr.. 

Grigs,  Frances,  58  ;  John,  58. 
Grimes  or  Grymes,  Ann,  12  (2),  13,  48.  52,  56, 

114;    Elizabeth,  73  ;   John,  12  (2),  13,  52,  73 

(2),  113  ;  Robert,  12,  114  ;  Thomas,  12,  113. 
Groom,  Alfred,  97  ;  Eunces.  97  ;  Jane.  97  ;  Paul, 

Grose  or   Grosse.   Charles.    17,  119;    Edward. 

16  (2),  17  (3),  75,  117, 122  ;  Elizabeth.  16  (2)i 

17  (3),  117,  123  ;  John.  17,  85  ;    Mary.  16,  75  ; 
Nash,  75  ;  Rebecca.  17. 

Grove,  Ann,    78  ;    Benjamin,  71  ;    Henry,  21  ; 

Isabella,  21  ;  Leslie  J.,  21  ;  Margery,  71. 
Groves,  Edward,  94  ;    Joseph  T.,  94  ;    Rachel, 

94  :   Sophia  L.  E.,  94. 
Grubb,  Elizabeth,  57  ;  John,  57. 
Grundy,  Elizabeth,  48. 
Grunwin,  Mary,  46. 
Grymes,  sec  Grimes. 
Gubbs,  Jane.  59. 
Guest.  Elizabeth,  76. 
Guichenet,  Catherine.  20  ;  Kitty  W..  20  ;  Peter, 

Guillot,  Jane,  48. 
Guinan,  John,  114  ;  Mary,  114. 
Guinand,  Elizabeth  M.,  117. 
Gundry,  Ann,  85. 
Gunman,  Mary,  45. 
Gunmun,  Lydia,  43. 
Gunning,  Elizabeth,  86  ;  Jeremiah,  86. 
Gurdon,  Mrs.  Lucy,  45  ;  Philip,  Esq.,  45. 
Gutridge,  Dyna,  41. 
Gutteridge,  Elizabeth,  92  ;  James.  92. 
Guy,  Anna   M.,  17;   Elizabeth,  42;   Jane,  61; 

Mary,  17  (6),  18  (2),  39,  119  (3);    Melmoth, 

17;    Richard,   17   (6),   18   (2),   119  (3),   120; 

Sarah,  17,  39  ;  Walpole,  17,  119. 
Guyon,  Ann,  48. 
Gwilliams,  Elizabeth,  40. 
Gwillim,  Henry,  16,  73,  74,  75.  76. 122  ;  John.  16, 

122  ;  Martha,  12  ;  Sarah,  16  ;  Thomas,  12, 113. 

Hace,  Ann,  54. 

Hacker,  Mary,  79  ;  Thomas,  79,  83. 

Hackett,  George,  128  ;   Mary,  85. 

Hackshaw.  Ann,  65  ;  George,  65. 

Haegan.  Ann,  127. 

Haffa,  Jane,  97  ;  John,  97  ;  Tobias.  97. 

Haggard,  Mary,  62. 

Haines,  see  Haynes. 

Hale,  Ann,  83  ;  Eleanor,  24. 

Haler.  Ann,  id  ;  Bridget,  9,  10,  110  ;  Elizabeth, 

9  ;  John,  9,  10  (2),  110  ;  Mary,  10. 
Halford,  Elizabeth,  16  (3),  117  ;    John,  16,  117  ; 

Samuel,  16  ;  Simon,  16  (3),  117. 
Hall,  Ann,  31  (2),  32  (3),   95  ;    Benjamin,  20, 

128  ;    Charles,  62  ;    Dorothy,  62  ;    Elizabeth, 

45,  59;   George,  31,  32;   Grace,  123;  James, 



32  ;  Jane.  19,  20  (3),  21,  31,  79  ;  Jane  E.,  89  ; 
John,  19,  20  (3),  21,  31,  32  (3),  72,  73,  76,  77, 
78,  79,  80,  81,  82,  83,  84  ;  John  T.,  32  ;  Mar- 
graret,  116;  Mary,  19,  32,  54.  65,  122.  132; 
Mary  E.,  21,  123  ;  Michael,  65  ;  Phebe,  119  ; 
Purbeck,117;  Sarah,  31,  32,  98, 132  ;  Thomas, 
95  ;  William,  20,  59,  87  ;  — ,  126, 
Hallan,  Adam,  68  ;  Isabella,  68. 
Hallett  or  Hallet,  Amelia,  126  ;  Ann,  33.;  Lucy 

E.,  33  ;  Stephen,  33. 
Halsey,  Ann,  55  ;  Martha,  61. 
Hamilton,  Ann,  78  ;  Elizabeth,  84  ;  Francis,  84  ; 

John,  78. 
Hammond  or  Hamond,  Ann,  83  ;   Edward,  62  ; 
Elizabeth,  37  ;    Elizabeth  A.,  37  ;    Isaac  R., 
37 ;    James,  83  (2)  ;   Joanna,  69  ;    Mary,  62  ; 
Matthew,  69  ;    Sarah,  44,  69  ;    Thomas,  44  ; 
William.  69. 
Hampshire.  Ann,  20  ;  Mary,  20  ;  William,  20. 
Hamton,  Mrs.  Ann,  40. 
Hancock,  Ann,  58  ;   Elizabeth,  44  ;   James,  44  ; 

William,  58. 
Hancook,  Dorcas,  41. 
Hane,  are  Hayne. 

Hankey,  Elizabeth,  76  ;  John,  76  ;  Thomas,  76. 
Hanks.  Mary.  118. 

Hanneford,  Sarah  E.,  88  ;  William  B.,  88, 
Hanney,  Martha,  57. 
Hanscomb,  Margaret,  53. 
Hanson,  Elizabeth,  56  ;   Rebecca,  88  ;   William, 

Harber,  Martha.  92  ;  Thomas,  92. 
Harbert,  Bridgret,  47  ;  George,  47. 
Harcourt,  Mary,  63. 
Hardcaatle,  Anna  S.,  18  ;  Honor,  18  ;  Nathaniel, 

Hardiman,  Emma,  134  ;  Hannah,  35  ;  John,  35, 
185  ;   Mary,  35,  51,  58  ;  Sarah,  134  ;  Thomas, 
51  ;  Walter,  58. 
Hardine,  George,  107. 
Harding.  Margaret,  44  ;  Mary,  119. 
Hard  wick,  Edward,  114. 
Hardy.   Ann.   53  ;    James,   96  ;    Jonathan,  81  ; 

Mary  A.,  96  ;  Richard,  84. 
Hare,  Ann,  49  ;  Mary,  48  ;  Richard,  49. 
Harlow,  Elizabeth.  40. 
Harman.  Elizabeth,  39  ;  William,  39. 
Harmer,  Susanna,  41. 
Haron,  Mary,  46. 
Harper  or  Harpur,  Jane,  39 ;  Joseph,  97  ;  Mary, 

123  ;  Sophia,  97  ;  Thomas,  39. 
Harrington.  William,  96. 

Harris,  Bridget.  65  ;  Emma,  28  ;  George,  65  ; 
Henrietta,  121  ;  James,  28,  75,  95  ;  John,  28 
(3)  :  Letitia.  40 ;  Martha,  79  ;  Mary,  64  ; 
Matilda,  28  (3)  ;  Philip,  40  ;  Rebecca,  58  ; 
Rees,  79  ;  Sarah,  40  ;  William,  58. 
Harrison,  Ann,  5'J  ;  Eleanor,  67  ;  Elizabeth.  20, 
43,  54,  55,  121  ;  Fardo.,  75  ;  Ferdinando,  73, 
122;  Frances,  63;  George.  63;  Jane,  73,  121  ; 
John,  44  ;  Lester,  67  ;  Mary,  20,  44,  62  ;  Re- 
becca. 21  ;  Richard,  55,  120  ;  Samuel  H.,  20  ; 
Sarah.  21.  44  ;  Thomas,  21.  43,  44  ;  William, 
Harrit,  Grace,  55. 

Harrow.  Margaret,  50  ;  Richard,  50. 
Hart,  Cornelius,  91  :    Emma,  91  :    Marian,  133  ; 

Mary,  51.  122  ;  Thomas.  91  ;  William,  91. 
Hartford,  Henry,  43  ;  Mary,  43, 
Hartley.  Rebecca,  45. 
Hartwell,  Joseph,  116. 

Harvey,  Agnis,  6  ;  B.  (Curate),  34  ;  Dorotiy,  6, 
42  ;    Edward,  6  ;    Elizabeth,  81  ;    Frances,  6  ; 
William,  6,  42. 
Harvey  alias  Dicer,  Dorothy,  42, 
Harward,  Elizabeth,  56. 
Harwood,  Bartholomew,  54  ;  Sarah,  54. 
Hased,  Sarah,  68. 

Haselbom,  Elizabeth,  43  ;  Jacob,  43. 
Hasling,  Mary,  28. 
Hassard,  Mr.  Happ,  102  ;  Sarah,  40. 
Hassel,  James,  58  ;  Sarah,  58. 
Hasted,  Eleanor,  90  ;    Maria,  90  :    Mary,   131  ; 

Thomas,  90  (2)  ;  William  H.,  90. 
Hatch,  Ann,  41  ;  Brandon,  57  ;  Mary,  57. 
Hatchett,  Elizabeth,  65. 
Hather,  Mary,  82. 
Hatley,  James,  69  ;  Mary,  69. 
Hatters,   Elizabeth,    126;     Elizabeth   L.,    126; 

William,  126. 
Hatton,  Ann,  45  ;  Judith,  65  ;  Thomas,  65. 
Hauch,  Christopher,  47  ;  Thomazine,  47. 
Hauger,  Elizabeth,  87  ;    Millicent,  87  ;  Thomas, 

Havard,  Letitia,  64  ;  Philip,  64. 
Haward,  .sv/?  Hayward. 
Hawding,  Stephen,  76. 
Hawes,  sec  Haws. 

Hawkins,   Furley,  58 ;    Hannah,  52 ;    Isabella, 
134;    James,    134;    Joseph,  52;    Mary,  52; 
Rebecca,  58. 
Hawks.  Emily,  36  (2). 
Hawley,  Mary,  49, 
Haws  ('/■  Hawes,  Isabella,  45  ;  John,  45  ;    Mary, 

Hay,  Ann,  14,  104  ;    Christiana,  74  ;   John,  14  ; 

Robert.  14  ;  William,  104, 
Haycock,  Ann,  128, 
Hayden,  Emma,  78  ;  xee  alio  Heydon, 
Hayes,  Elizabeth.  48.  104  ;    Mr.,  43  ;    William, 

Haygaitb,  Jane,  46  ;  Thomas,  46. 
Hayne  or  Hane,  Jane,  55  ;  John,  61 ;  Katherine, 

61  ;  Phillis,  121. 
Haynes  or  Haines,  Ann,  64  ;    Betsy,  94  ;  Cathe- 
rine. 94  :  George.  64  ;   George  J,,  20  ;    James, 
11,  20,  112  ;  Margaret,  53  ;  Mary,  11,  20,  114  ; 
Nicholas,    11  ;    Richard,    53  ;    Thomas,   94  ; 
William.  117, 
Hayward  or  Haward,  Ann,  53,  66  ;    Elizabeth, 
53,  60,  66,  84  ;  Frances,  64  ;  John,  60 ;  Joseph, 
Haywood,  Elizabeth,  55, 
Hazelgrove,  Jemima,  82  ;  William,  78,  82. 
Hazell.  Elizabeth.  41,  65:    Samuel,  65;    Sarah, 

40  ;  Thomas,  40. 
Head,  Ann.  41  ;  John,  41  ;    Mary,  11  ;  William, 

Heaford,  Eleanor,  50  ;  John,  50. 
Heans,  Elizabeth.  80. 
Heape.  Elizabeth,  42, 
Heard,  Ann,  41. 
Hearle  or  Herle,  Charles,   41,  42;    Elizabeth, 

41 ;  Sarah,  42, 
Heasler,  Deal,  17  ;  William,  17, 
Heath,  John,  44  ;  Mary,  44. 
Heather,  Ann,  82  ;  Daniel.  82  ;  Giles,  102. 
Heaviside  or  Heavyside,  Elizabeth,  22  (3),  23 ; 
Harriet  E..  22  ;  John,  17  :  Martha,  17, 18  (4), 
19.  22,   124:    Mary  A.,  124;    Richard,  17,  18 
(4),  19,  22  (3),  23  ;  Robert,  18  ;  Samuel,  18  ; 
Sarah,  19  ;  Susanna,  18,  22. 



Sebditch,  Mary,  81. 
Hechstetter,  Ann,  42  ;  Benjamin,  42. 
Hedges,  Sarah,  110  ;  William,  111. 
Hemmingway,  Rebecca.  126. 
Hencle,  Ann,  47  ;  Jacob,  47. 
Henderson,  Amelia,  93. 
Henly,  Margaret,  49. 
Hennell,  John,  78. 

Henoulhett,  James  F.,  4(5 ;  Maria  M.,  4G. 
Henstridge,  John,  47  ;  Mary,  47. 
Hepworth.  Peter,  124  ;  Sarah,  81. 
Herbert,  Edward,  108. 
Heritage,  Ann,  24  ;  William,  24. 
Herklots,  Gerrard  A.,  85  ;  Gertruida,  85. 
Hermitage,  Jane,  20. 
Heme,  Lady  Judith,  42. 

Herring,  Ann.  118  ;    Caroline  E.,  36  ;    Charles 
G.,  36;  Emily,  36  (2)  ;  George,  36  (2)  :  Mary 
A.,  98. 
Hertzell  or  Phertzell,  William  P.,  97  (2). 
Hesketh,  Kev.  Roberta  8.5,  88. 
Heskett,  Grace,  69. 
Hester,  Sarah,  56  ;  William,  56. 
Hetheridge,  James,  53  ;  Joan,  53. 
Hewes,  Elizabeth,  50  ;  !<ee  also  Hughes. 
Hewitt,  Elizabeth,  70  ;  Mary,  58. 
Hewlet,  Ann.  68  ;  James,  68. 
Heydon,  Richard,  61  ;  Thomazine,  61  ;  aee  also 

Hibbard,  Jane,  44. 
Hibben,  James,  59  ;  Jane,  59. 
Hibbirt,  Mary,  57. 
Hicklin,  Dorothy,  15  ;  John,  15. 
Hicks,  Ann,  43  ;  Elizabeth,  39. 
Hickson,  Elizabeth,  12  ;  Harriet,  24  ;  John,  12  ; 

Mathew,  12. 
Higgins,  Mr.  Harbett,  102;  John.   1,  2  (2),  3, 
100,  102  (2),  103  ;  Judith,  1,  2  (2).  3.  100,  102 
(2),  103  ;  Mathew.  2,  102  ;  William,  3. 
Higgs,  Edward,  70  ;  Mary,  70. 
Hignell,  Barbara,  111. 

Hill,  Ann,  53  ;  Catherine,  120  ;  Christian,  67, 
104  ;  Dorothy,  14  ;  Elenor,  48  ;  Elizabeth,  13, 
14  ;  Johanna,  61  ;  John,  13,  14,  53,  128  ;  Jo- 
seph,  67;   Langley.   118;    Mary.   72;    Moses, 
112;    Sarah,    13,    44.    67,   122  ;  ^Susanna.  59; 
Thomas,  13,  44  ;  William,  104. 
Hilliard,  Elizabeth.  44. 
Hillman,  Alice,  42  ;  Thomas,  42. 
Hills,  Dorothy,  5  ;  Gilham,  5  ;  Henry,  5  ;  John, 

3  ;  Mary,  3. 
Hinchman,  Alee,  2, 3  (2).  5, 104  ;  Esther.  3  ;  Mr., 
102,  103  ;  Sarah,  2,  5,' 104  ;  Solomon,  2.  3  (2), 
5,  104,  106  ;  Susanna,  3  ;  — ,  102  (2). 
Hinde  ov  Hynde,  Edmund,   131  ;   Emma,  131  ; 
Isabella,  31,  130,131  ;  Joseph,  31  ;  Thomas  S., 
31,  132;  Ursula,  116. 
Hinleside,  Martha,  55  ;  William,  55. 
Hinton,  Jane,  123. 

Hinton  (?  Stinton),  Rebecca,  66  ;  Samuel,  66. 
Hirons,  Ann,  87. 
Hirtsson,  Martha.  101. 
Hitchcock,  Elizabeth,  ^*3  ;  Joanna.  56. 
Hoare,  Ann,  41  ;  Jasper,  116, 
Hobbs,  W.,  96. 
Hobson,  Christian,   62  ;   John,  58  ;   Mary,  58  ; 

Nathaniel,  62. 
Hockaday,  Eugenia  M.,  90. 
Hodder,  Mary  G.,  34. 

Hodge,  Mary,  11  ;  Sarah,  11  ;  W'illiam,  11. 
Hodges,  James,  76  ;  Sarah,  115. 

Hodgkin,  Martha  A.,  19  ;  Mary,  19,  44  ;  Samuel, 

19  ;  Sarah,  43. 
Hodgkins,  Martha,  11  ;  Thomas,  11. 
Hodgson,  Caroline  E.,  90. 
Hodsdon,  Mary,  82. 

Hoffman.  Harriet,  24  ;  John,  24  ;  Mary  A.,  24. 
Hogg,  Esther,  1 33  ;  Thomas,  89. 
Holden,  Hannah,  56. 
Holder,  Elizabeth,  42. 
Holdred,  Ann,  49. 
Holford,  Elizabeth,  122. 
Hollamby,  Frances  M.,  128. 

Holland,  Barbara,  16  ;  Hannah,  44  ;  John,  16, 
44,  53  ;  Jonathan,  61  ;  Matilda,  53  ;  Sarah, 
61  ;  Susanna,  16. 

Hollingshead,  Mrs.  Ann,  40  ;  Mr.  Francis.  40. 

Hollingsworth,  Rev.  Mr.,  1,  2.  39,  40,  100,  101. 

Holloway,  Mr.  James,  101  ;  Mrs.  Margaret,  101. 

Holly,  Elizabeth.  75. 

Holman,  Betsy,  89. 

Holmes,  Elizabeth,  51  ;  Mary,  69. 

Holt  or  Holtt,  Amelia,  32  (2),  33  (4),  34  (3), 
35  ;  Amelia  L..  33  ;  Benjamin,  27  ;  Catherine, 
89  ;  Eleanor,  33  ;  Eliza,  28,  29  (3),  30,  31  (2) ; 
Elizabeth,  8,  4,  33  ;  George,  89  ;  Henrietta  E., 
33  ;  Isabella,  34  ;  Marianne,  35  ;  Mary,  4  ; 
Mr.,  107  (2)  ;  Richard.  3,  4,  32.  34, 132  ;  Sarah. 
27,  133  ;  Sophia,  89  :  William,  27.  32  (.2),  33 
(4),  34  (3),  35,  89,  132  (2),  133  (2). 

Hone,  Elizabeth,  68. 

Honeysett.  sec  Hxinest. 

Honor,  Mrs.  Margaret.  46. 

Honywood,  Mary,  49  ;  Thomas,  49. 

Hooke,  Elizabeth,  45. 

Hookes.  Lady  Judith,  42  ;  Robert,  42, 

Hoole,  Robert,  108. 

Hooles,  Mr.,  8.  9. 

Hooper,  Elizabeth,  43  ;  George,  124  ;  Philip,  43  ; 
Sarah, 118. 

Hope,  Elizabeth,  60,  63,  114  ;  Mr.  John,  102  ; 
Mary,  107  ;  Mr.  William,  103. 

Hopgood,  Elizabeth.  8.  109  ;  John,  8  ;  Rebecca, 

Hopkins,  Mary,  77. 

Hoppe,  Mary,  24,  26. 

Hopwood,  Ann,  116. 

Hords.  John,  105. 

Horlock,  Eliza  A.,  92. 

Home.  Rose,  46. 

Horneck,  Elizabeth,  46. 

Hornsby,  James,  123  ;  Ruth,  79. 

Horsfall.  A.,  82  ;  Christopher,  Esq.,  82  ;  Fran- 
ces A..  82. 

Hoston,  Daniel,  43  ;  Mary,  43. 

Hotchkiss,  Ann,  98  ;  George,  98. 

Hothersall,  Birch,  Esiq.,  119. 

Hottinguer.  M.  E.,  S3. 

Hougham,  Mildred,  45  ;  Soloman,  45. 

House.  Elizabeth.  54. 

Houseman.  Ann.  84.  86 ;  Catherine.  84,  86 ; 
Jane.  84.  85:  John.  1,  84,  85,  86,  129.  130; 
Mrs.,  130,  131  ;  Susanna,  85,  86. 

How,  see  Howe. 

Howard.  Croswell.  15:  Elizabeth.  Ill;  James, 
16;  John.  16,  135;  Mary.  92,  134;  Philadel- 
phia, 15.  16  (2) ;  Thomas,  15,  16  (2). 

Howarth,  Elizabeth,  71. 

Howe  or  How,  Jane.  41  ;  Joseph,  39  ;  Mary,  42  ; 
Mr.,  46.  47  ;  Sarah,  39,  72  ;  Thomas,  42, 

Howell,  Alice,  37.  97  (2)  ;  John,  37,  97  ;  Lydia. 
37  ;  Mary  A.,  97. 



Howes.  Margraret,  72. 

Howlet,  Maria.  89  ;  Thomas.  107. 

Hoxen.  Mr..  100. 

Hoxton.  Mrs.,  102  ;    Sarah,  44  :    Thomas,  102, 

Hubbard.  Frances,  86  ;  Mary  A..  32. 
Hubbold,  Elizabeth,  4.3  ;  William,  43. 
Hubner,  Ann  E.,  95  ;  Elizabeth  A.,  9.5  ;  John  F., 

9.5  ;  Sophia  M.,  95. 
Huckle,  Ann,  43  ;  Robert,  43. 
Hudson,   Barbra.  81  ;   Elizabeth,  45  ;    Frances, 

50  ;    Hannah,  56  ;    Isabella,   45  ;    John,    56  ; 

Sarah,  49. 
Huggins,  Edward,  89  ;  Maria,  89. 
Hughes  or  Hughs,  Alee,  43  ;   Ann,  73  ;  David, 

81;    Delicia,    119;    Henry,    80;    John,    15: 

Lydia,  43  ;  Mary.  81  ;    Obediah  (D.D.).    120  ; 

Robert,  43  ;   Sarah.  15  ;  nee  alsn  Hewes. 
Hull,  Edward.  77  ;   Elizabeth.  77  ;  Mary,  54. 
Hulstone.  Mary,  55. 
Humberstone.  Richard,  68  ;  Sarah.  68. 
Humby,  Henry  J.,  99  ;  Sarah,  99. 
Hummerstone.  James,  74. 
Humphrys  or  Humfrys,  Ann,  57  :    Catherine. 

49  ;  Henry.  49  ;   William,  82. 
Hunest.  Mary,  88. 
Hunt   or    Huntt,   Alice.   45.  54 ;    Barbara,  21 

Deborah.    106  ;    Eliza,    91  ;    Elizabeth,    46 

Henry,  83.  91  :  John,  45.  86;  Margaret,  43 

Martha.    28  ;    Sarah.    63.    83  :    Thomas.   83 

107:  Mr.  Thomas.  106  :  WilUam.  21.  46,  83 

Mr.  William.  102  ;  Winifred  31.,  S6. 
Hunter.  Catherine,  83  :  Christian,  67  ;  Deborah, 

83  ;  Eleanor.  89  ;  Peter,  89. 
Hurst,  Jane,  (i6  ;  Joseph,  66. 
Hussey  or  Husey.  Barbara.  46  :  Elizabeth.  21, 

48  ;  Henry.  48  :  Jane,  21  ;  William,  21. 
Hutcher.  Ann.  78. 
Hutchingson.  Daniel.  78  ;  Elizabeth,  60  ;   Mary, 

72.  78  ;  Richard,  72. 
Hutchins,  John.  129.  131. 
Hutchison,  A.  K.,  90  ;  Jane,  90  ;  John.  90. 
Hutt,  Elizabeth,  49  ;  John,  49. 
Huttson.   Elizabeth,   49 ;    Jane.    78 ;    William. 

Huxley.  George.  117  :  Susanna.  117. 
Hyatt  or  Hyat,  Charles.  14  (2),  15, 115  :  Edward, 

15,  115  ;  Mary,  14  (2),  15,  115  ;  Sarah,  14  (2). 
Hyland,  Mary,  58. 

I'Anson.  A.  M.  E.,  94  :    CaroUne.  94  ;  H.  N.,  95  ; 

Leonard,  95  ;  W.  H.,  94. 
Ibbott.  Benjamin.  53  ;  Susan.  53. 
Iden,  Eleanor.   12  (3),  13  :   Frederick.  12,  13  ; 

Isaac,  12  (3).  13  ;  Thomas  D..  12. 
Ince,  Ann,  42. 
Inns,  Edward.  4,  5.  106  ;  Elizabeth,  5  ;  Martha, 

4,   104  ;  Susan,  4  ;   Susanna.  5  ;  Mr.  Symon. 

Inwood.  Charles.  14  ;  Rebecca,  14. 
Ireson.  Daniel,  56  ;   Elizabeth,  56  ;  Hannah,  57. 
Ironmonger.  Delicia,  119. 
Irvin.  Elizabeth.  89. 
Irving.    Ann.   24  ;    Catherine.    24    (2),   26.    89. 

126  (2)  ;  Elizabeth  A..  87  ;  John,  24  (2).  26, 

87  (2),  88,  89,  126  (2)  ;  Leonora,  24,  126. 
Israeli.  Daniell.  6  :  David.  6  ;  Katherine.  6. 
Ives,  Mary,  17  ;  William,  17;  William  R.,  17. 

Jackson,  Ann,  7  (2).  8  (2).  52,  108,  113  ;  Eliza- 
beth, 7,  80,  108;  Isaac,  41;  Jane.  8,  108; 
Margaret.  41  ;  Robert,  7  (2).  8  (2).  i08,  114  ; 
Samuel,  80  ;  Thomas,  7,  115  ;  William,  119, 

Jacobs,  James,  45  ;  Jane,  45. 

James,  Ann,  57  ;  Diana,  44  ;  Elizabeth,  27,  40 
Hannah,  64  ;  Henry,  27,  48  ;  John,  2,  64,  101 
Lewis.  2,  101  ;  Margaret.  48 ;  Martha,  42 
Mary,  42,  52  ;  Sarah,  2,  101,  116  ;  William,  27. 

Jameson,  William,  81. 

Janney,  May,  73. 

Jaques,  John,  91. 

Jarman,  Ann,  44  ;  Sarah,  88  ;  Thomas,  44. 

Jarrat  or  Jarratt,  Charles,  95  ;  James,  95  ; 
ilaria,  94,  95. 

Jarvis,  Henry,  6,  106  ;  Sarah,  6,  106  ;  Thomas, 
6,  106. 

Jefferson  or  Jeaferson.  Edward.  83  ;  Mark,  83  ; 
Mr.,  105  ;  Mrs.,  101  ;  Sarah,  83. 

Jeffery,  Ann,  71. 

Jeffreys  (Jeffres  or  Jeffereys),  Ann,  16  (3) ; 
Henry,  16  (3),  117;  Philip,  16;  Sarah,  81; 
Thomas.  16. 

Jenkes,  Alice,  12  ;  Margaret,  42  ;  Thomas,  12. 

Jenkins,  Elizabeth,  45.  52.  69  ;  John,  45,  52. 

Jenkinson,  Ann,  77  :  Richard,  77  ;  Thomas  A., 

Jenning  or  Jennings,  Ann,  14  ;  Grace.  14  (2)  ; 
Isabel,  42  :  Mary.  67  ;  Richard,  14,  103  ;  Ro- 
bert. 14  (2). 

Jenny,  Isaac,  43  ;  Sarah,  43. 

Jepson,  Hannah,  80. 

Jervice,  Elizabeth,  51. 

Jewson,  Charles.  70  ;  Frances,  70,  122. 

.Teyne,  Ann,  102  :  Francis,  102. 

Joachim.  John.  88  ;  Mary.  83. 

Johannot.  Josias.  62  :  Mary,  62. 

Johnson,  Ann,  3  ;  Benjamin,  17  ;  Caroline,  95 
Elizabeth,  12,  17,  49 ;  Francis,  95  ;  James 
81  ;  Jane,  55  ;  John.  78  ;  Mary,  3,  53,  74 
Matthias.  12  ;  Richard.  53  ;  Sarah,  17.  36.  37 
49.  94. 95, 135  ;  Sarah  E..  37  ;  Stephen,  12,  113 
Thomas.  3.  36.  37,  55.  94,  95  :  Thomas  P..  36 
William.  74.  94,  95  (2). 

Jolley,  John,  100  (2)  ;  Margaret,  41,  88  ;  Penel- 
lowpy,  100  ;  Rebecca,  100  ;  Stephen,  88  ; 
William.  41. 

Jollife  or  JoUiff,  Ann,  3,  44  :  Elizabeth,  41  ; 
George.  100;  John,  3,  100,104;  Mrs.,  102  ; 
Rebecca.  39,  100  ;  Squier,  103  ;  Thomas,  3. 

Jomas.  Elizabeth.  69. 

Jones  or  Jons,  Ann.  2  (2),  .50,  78,  82,  101  ;  Bur- 
ley,  74  ;  Capt..  104  ;  Charles,  127  ;  Charlotte, 
19 ;  David.  19  (4),  20  (3)  :  Edward.  79  (2)  ; 
Eleanor,  128  ;  Eliza.  85  ;  Elizabeth.  2.  19  (4), 

20  (3).  44,  .52,  63,  87.  93  ;   Flora.  26  :   George. 

21  ;  Henry  L.,  38  ;  Isabella,  46  ;  Isabella  B., 
27  ;  James.  123  ;  Jane,  19  :  Jesse.  127  ;  John, 
63,  127  ;  John.  Esq.,  26  ;  John  G.,  20  ;  Jona- 
than, 50  ;  Katherine,  81  ;  Lodowicke,  40  : 
M..  82,  83  ;  Margaret.  21  (2),  27, 128  :  Martha, 
60 :  Mary.  40.  59,  84,  85,  127  ;  Mary  A.,  27. 
38  (2).  89  :  Mr..  48  ;  Philip.  2  (2),  59.  101  ; 
Robert  L..  20 ;  Samuel.  82  ;  Sarah.  56,  79  ; 
Seth.  56  ;  Susanna.  104  ;  Thomas.  21  (2).  27, 
79,  128  ;  Thomas  C,  20  ;  William,  20,  52,  81, 
112  ;  William  E..  38  (2)  ;  WilUam  T.,  38. 

Jons,  see  Jones. 
Jordain,  Mary,  108. 



Jordan  nr  Jorden,  Ann,  6,  7,  9,  43,  110  ;   John, 

6.  7  ;  Mary,  7  ;  Thomas,  6,  9,  43. 
Jordis,  Mary.  61  ;  Paul,  61. 
Joyce  or  Juyce.  Ellen,  43  ;  John,  12  ;  Mary,  12  ; 

William,  12. 
Juyce,  sec  Joyce. 

Kaly,  Christopher,  41  ;  Sarah,  41. 

Karrig-an,  Luke,  127. 

Keate,  Sir  Jonathan,  40  ;  Mrs.  Susan,  40. 

Keates,  Martha,  89  ;  William,  89. 
Kedwards,  Mary,  67  ;  Thomas,  67. 
Keen  or  Keene.  Abraham,  42  ;  B.,  21,  22,  80.  81, 
123, 124  ;  Joseph,  89  ;  Mary,  42  ;  Mary  A.,  89. 

Keightly  (Keigfhley,  Keitley,  Keitly,  or  Kiteley), 
Caleb,  14,  IH  ;  Cassandra,  10  (2),  11  (2),  12  (4). 
13  (3J,  14,  112,  113,  114  (3);  Cassandra  M., 
13.  114;  Mary.  11,  12,  112,113:  Mary  M.,  13; 
Samuel.  10  (2),  11  (2),  12  (4),  13  (3),  14, 
112  (4),  113,  114  (3).  115;  Theophilus,  11; 
Thomas,  13. 

Keltridge,  John,  r>2  ;  Mary,  52. 

Kemp,  Abraham,  45  ;  Charles,  11,  13,  112  ;  Eli- 
zabeth, 11,  13  ;  Fanny,  92  ;  Hannah,  45  ; 
Henry,  95  ;  Jane,  42  ;  Mary.  13  ;  Mary  A.,  95  ; 
Robert,  11,112;  Thomas,  42  ;  William,  92,  95. 

Kenneir,  Abigcal,  59  ;  George,  59. 

Kennerwell,  Ann,  10  ;  Robert,  10. 

Kenshaw.  William.  82. 

Kent.  Anna,  67  ;  Charles.  114  (2)  ;  Elizabeth, 
114;  Mary  A.,  92,  114. 

Kenvell,  Margaret,  43  ;  William,  43. 

Kerns,  Margaret,  48. 

Key,  Hannah,  39. 

Kich.  Ann,  56. 

Kidd.  James,  79  ;  Ruth,  79. 

Kidder,  Alice,  44  ;  Ann,  6  ;  Elizabeth,  4,  5,  6, 
42,  44  ;  John,  5,  105  ;  Katherine,  4,  104  ;  Mr., 
2,  3,  4,  5  ;  Paule,  104  ;  Richard.  4  (2),  5  (2).  6, 
7,  104  ;  Mr.  Richard  (Rector).  5,  6.  40,  41.  42. 
43,44,  102,  103,  104  (4),  105,  106,  108;  Wil- 
liam, 44. 

Kier,  Elizabeth,  69  ;  James,  69. 

Kiggell,  Susanna,  65. 

Kilgour,  George,  24  ;  Sophia,  24  ;  Sophia  A.,  24. 

Kilham,  Mary,  67. 

Killerby.  Elizabeth,  48  ;  Stephen,  48. 

Killick,  Amy,  51  ;  Elizabeth,  24,  26  (2),  27. 

Killingworth,  Elizabeth,  91. 

Kimpton,  Margaret,  27;  Martha  L.,  27;  Robert, 

Kindred,  Sarah,  87. 

King,  Ann,  41;  Elizabeth,  120;  Frances,  56; 
George,  114  ;  Henry.  120  ;  Isaac,  112  ;  James, 
112  (2),  113,  114;  Mary,  44;  Susanna,  112, 
113,  114;  Thomas,  44. 

Kingsbury,  Daniel,  63  ;  Mary,  63, 

Kirk,  Jane,  66. 

Kirton,  Mr.,  106  ;  Mr.  Thomas,  105. 

Kitchin,  Ada  M.,  35  ;  George,  35  (2),  91  ;  Har- 
riot. 35  (2)  ;  James  H.,  35, 

Kite,  Henry,  117. 

Kitely,  -see  Keightly. 

Knapp,  Elizabeth,  89  ;  Elinor,  48  ;  James,  89  ; 
John.  48. 

Knight,  Dorothy,  9,  110  (2)  ;  Elizabeth,  2  (2), 
17  (2).  101  ;  Faustine,  2,  101  :  George.  2  (2), 
12,  101,  118  ;  Gualtero,  45  ;  James,  17;  John, 

9,  10,  11  (2),  12,  13,  14, 17  (2),  71,  110  (2),  111, 
112,  118  ;  Mary,  2,  9,  10,  11  (2),  12,  13,  14, 17, 
110  (2),  111,  118  ;  Naomia,  45  ;  Rebecca,  65  ; 
Sarah,  71,  87  ;  Susanna,  11  ;  Thomas.  10.  13, 
110,  112. 

Knightsbridge,  Elizabeth,  40. 

Knipe,  Martha,  57  ;  Stephen,  57. 

Knowles,  Elizabeth,  15  ;  John,  15  ;  Mary,  15  (3); 
William,  15  (3). 

Knowlton,  John,  81  ;  Sarah,  81. 

Koufber,  Mrs.  Margaret,  107. 

Kyniston,  Elizabeth,  75. 

Lacey  or  Lacy,  Ann,  79  ;  Elizabeth,  116  ;  Gil- 
bert, 79. 
Lade,  Ann,  52. 

Lady  man.  Elizabeth,  118  (2)  ;  John,  118. 

Laing,  Jane.  85. 

Lake,  Elizabeth,  44,  49  ;  Leonard,  49. 

Lalonde,  Frances,  53. 

Lambe  or  Lamb.  Hannah,  64  ;  John,  131  ;  Tho- 
mas, 64. 

Lambert,  David,  92  ;  Mary  E.,  92. 

Lambeth,  Catherine.  24  (2),  26. 

Laming,  Eliza,  28,  29  (3),  30,  31  (2)  ;  Harriet 
M.,  29,  30  ;  John,  130,  131  ;  John  G.,  28,  29  (3), 
30,  31  (2)  ;  William,  29,  31. 

Lamm,  Elizabeth.  3  ;  Francis,  3  ;  Rebecca,  3. 

Lamotte,  Anna  M.,  119  ;  John  L.,  17, 74  ;  Joshua 
C,  17  ;  Louisa,  17,  74. 

Lampard.  Elizabeth,  43  ;  John,  43. 

Lampson,  Elizabeth,  48  ;  Joseph,  48. 

Lancaster,  Samuel,  83,  119  ;  Sarah,  83. 

Landon,  see  Loudon. 

Lane,  Abigail,  59 ;  Bray,  47 ;  Dorothy,  128  ; 
Hannah,  47;  Mary,  53  ;  Sarah,  43  ;  Thomas,  53. 

Langcake,  Sarah  A.,  90  ;  Thomas  H.,  90. 

Langdon,  Elizabeth.  41. 

Langford,  Sarah,  48  ;  William,  48. 

Langham,  Madame  Ellinore,  109  ;  Mrs.,  106  ; 
Rebecca,  42  ;  Thomas,  Esq.,  110. 

Langley,  Hannah,  64. 

Langton,  Christian,  62. 

Lanyon,  Samuel,  116. 

Larcher,  Andrew,  93  ;  Susanna,  93. 

Larchevesque,  Judith,  45. 

Larder,  Elizabeth,  108. 

Lardner.  Elizabeth,  76  ;  Lucy,  71  ;  Margaret, 
70  ;   William,  71,  76. 

Larkin,  Sarah,  48. 

Lasceles  (Lascells,  Lassell,  Lassells,  or  Lassals), 
Abigaile,  1,  2,  3,  4,  108;  Edward.  1,  2,  3,4, 
101  (2),  104,  110  ;  Mary,  1,  101  (2)  ;  Phillipe, 
4,  104  ;  Rebecca,  2. 

Laurens,  Elizabeth,  69. 

Lavand,  Peter,  121. 

La  Verge,  Daniel,  73  ;  Jane,  73. 

Law  ('/•  Lawe,  Ann,  104  ;  Elizabeth.  56,  67 ; 
Frances,  45  ;  John,  45. 

Lawes,  Elizabeth,  66  ;  Nathaniel,  66. 

Lawford,  Mary,  61  ;  Thomas,  61. 

Lawndy,  Elizabeth,  55. 

Lawrence  or  Laurence,  Ann,  58;  Mark,  111; 
Richard,  59  ;  Ruth,  59. 

Lawson.  Anna,  41. 

Lea,  see  Lee. 

Leat.  Mrs.,  101. 

Leaver.  Elizabeth,  125. 



Lecount,  Peter.  112. 

Lee  or  Lea,  Ann,  2,  3,  4,  5  :  Avice,  49  ;  Elizabeth, 

40,  48,  105  ;    Grace,  4  ;    Hannah,  67  ;    Henry, 

41,  48  ;  Jane,  73  ;  John.  2,  49  ;  Lusea,  5  ; 
Mabel,  49  ;  Margaret,  41  ;  Ralph,  2,  3,  4,  5  ; 
Mr.  Ralph,  109  ;  Robert,  49  ;  Samuel,  40  ; 
Simon,  3. 

Leeds.  Joseph,  75. 

Leek  or  Leeke,  Mrs.  Judith,  100  ;  Margaret,  81. 

Legge  or  Legg,  Elizabeth,  106  ;  Mr?..  106  :  Tho- 
mas, 5,  43,  106  (2),  107. 

Legger,  Alice,  71. 

Legget.  Elizabeth,  17  ;  William,  17. 

Legrand.  Catherine,  51  ;  James,  51. 

Leland,  William,  85. 

Leman,  Catherine,  41  ;  Phillipp,  41. 

Lempriere,  the  Rev.  F.  D.,  91,  98. 

Lendon,  Rev.  Richard,  133. 

Lenfesty,  Ann,  67  ;  Hellier,  67. 

Lenteii,  Heritage,  43;  Prudence.  43. 

Lernould,  Maria  M.,  40. 

Lester,  George,  122;  Mary,  54. 

Letham,  Carolina,  7  (3),  8  ;  Elianor,  8,  108  ; 
Elizabeth,  7,  107  ;  Mary,  7  ;  William,  7  (3),  8. 

Letsome.  John,  106. 

Letts,  the  Rev.  John  D.,  37,  95. 

Levett  (Levetts  or  Levet),  Ann,  2,  6,  102, 
117;  Charles.  5, 105  ;  Elizabeth,  4,  10  ;  James, 
4.  103  ;  John,  1  (2),  2,  3,  4  (2).  5  (2),  6  (2),  7 
(2),  43,  102  (2;,  103,  104  (2),  105  (3),  109  ; 
Mary,  1,  2,  3,  4  (2;,  5  (2),  0  (2),  7  (2),  10,  43, 
102(2),  103,  104(2),  105(3),  113,  118;  Re- 
beckah.  7  ;  Richard,  4,  103 ;  Sarah.  7.  120  ; 
Thomas,  3,  104  ;  — ,  104,  105. 

Lewen  ur  Lewin,  Alice  S.,  45  ;  Judith,  65. 

Lewis,  Ceesar,  66  ;  E..  79  ;  John,  57, 115  ;  Mary, 
8,  42,  66  ;  Rev.  Mr.,  70  ;  Susanna,  57  ;  Tho- 
mas, 8  ;  William,  8. 

Lewthwaite,  Daniel,  91  ;  Elizabeth,  91  ;  Mary, 

Leycroft,  Susanna,  lol. 

Lezeune,  Salome  R..  81. 

Lieverard,  Tonetone,  109. 

Light,  Ann,  50 ;  Daniel,  91  ;  Dinah,  91  ;  James, 
107  ;  Thomas,  50. 

Ligo  or  Lygo,  Ann,  41  (2)  ;  Francis,  41  ;  Re- 
becca. 66  ;  William.  66. 

Liles,  Francis  E..  123. 

Lilley.  Mary,  39.' 

Lilwall.  James,  83. 

Limman,  Elizabeth,  60  ;  John,  60. 

Lincoln,  Amy,  60  ;  Thomas,  60. 

Linton  or  Lynton.  Elizabeth,  75 ;  Mary,  68 ; 
M.  v.,  95. 

Lipscombe,  John,  46  ;  Martha,  46. 

Lipton,  Ann.  119. 

Little,  Elizabeth,  75. 

Littleiord,  Sarah,  89. 

Littleton.  Charles,  1  :  Henry,  1.  100  ;  Zutphania, 
1,  100.  ■ 

Liveing,  Mary,  42. 

Lloyd  or  Loyd,  Bathsheba,  74  ;  Diana,  88  ;  Ed- 
ward, 40  ;  Elizabeth,  40,  51,  120  ;  Hanna,  42  ; 
Harriet,  91;  James,  120  ;  John,  42,  91  ;  Mary, 
65  ;  Rebecca,  91  ;  Sophia,  86  ;  Thomas,  86 ; 
William,  88.  89,  132. 

Loader,  Richard,  108. 

Loadman,  John,  53  ;  Margaret,  53. 

Loaves.  John,  105  ;  Martha,  104. 

Lock,  William,  78. 

Lockington,  Mary,  105  ;  William,  105. 

Loft,  Jane,  51. 

Logett,  Rachel,  43. 

Lomax,  Lawrence,  40  ;  Letitia,  40. 

London,  Beilby,  Lord  Bishop  of,  25  ;  Edward, 

68  ;  Mary,  68. 
Long,  Ann,  44  :    Beeston,  17  (2),  18  (4),  19  (5), 

22  (3),  23  (3)  ;  Beeston  R.,  22  ;  Catherine,  22  ; 

Charles.  18.  19;    Charles  T..  23  :   Frances  L., 

22  (3),  23  (3)  ;  George,  19  ;  Harriet,  23  ;  Jane, 

18  ;  Richard.  18  ;  Samuel.  17  ;  Samuel  H..  23  ; 

Sarah,  17  (2).  18  (4),  19  (.5);    Susanna.' 19  ; 

William,  19;  —&  Co.,  27. 
Longford,  Margaret,  60. 
Looker.  John,  16  ;  Mary,  16  (4)  ;    Phillis,  16  ; 

Robert.  16  ;  Rosamond,  16,  117  ;  William,  16 

(4),  117. 
Loton,  Mary,  53. 
Louch,  Eleanor,  65. 
Loudon.  Elizabeth.  22 ;  James.  127  ;  John,  22, 

125  ;  P.  L.,  Esq.,  127  ;  William,  22. 
Louth  or  Lowth,  Elizabeth,  76,  124  ;  Henry,  76, 

Love,  John,  26. 
Lovell,  Abigail,  78. 
Low,  Elizabeth,  121. 
Lowen,  Jane,  51  (2). 
Lower,  Mary,  44. 
Lowndes  or   Lownds,  Anna,  89  ;    Martha,  94  ; 

Thomas,  94  ;  William,  89. 
Lowth,  ^iee  Louth. 
Loyd,  ste  Lloyd. 
Lucas,  Elizabeth,  1,  2,  101  ;  Henry,  1,2, 101  (2)  ; 

Jemima.  2. 
Lufi.  Sarah,  98  ;  William,  98. 
Luke,  Mr.,  39,  100,  101. 
Lunn,  Mary,  55. 
Lupart,  Catherine,  54. 
Luring  or  Lurring,  Ellen,  97  ;  Mary  A.,  97. 
Lutman,  Elizabeth,  45 ;  Isaac,  45  ;  Sarah,  108. 
Luton,   Elizabeth,  23  (2),  24   (2)  :    James,  23  ; 

Maria,  24  :  Sophia.  34  :  Thomas,  23,  125  ;  Wil- 
liam, 23  (2),  24  (2). 
Luxon,  Ann,  80  ;  Simon,  80. 
Lye,  Mr.,  2,  3. 
Lygo,  see  Ligo. 
Lyle,  Mary,  52. 
Lyly,  Mary,  58  ;  Thomas,  58. 
Lynes,  Mary,  62. 
Lynton,  see  Linton. 
Lyon,  Eleanor,  97  ;  William,  97. 


Mabbott,  Elizabeth,  33  ;  Mary,  33  (2),  35. 

Maberly,  Hannah,  65  ;  Robert,  65. 

Macdonald,  Peter,  83  ;  Sarah,  83. 

Mace,  Alice,  61  ;  Joseph,  61. 

Machan,  Mary,  57  ;  Thomas,  57. 

Mackelean,  Hannah,  57  ;  John,  57. 

MacKenzie,  the  Rev.  Charles,  94. 

Mackneal,  John,  79  ;  Sarah,  79. 

Maddison,  Margaret,  49  ;  Robert,  49. 

Maddock,  the  Rev.  Henry  W.,  92. 

Maddox,  Elizabeth,  39  ;  John,  39. 

Maile,  James,  71  ;  Mary,  71. 

Maire,  Elizabeth,  10  ;  Robert,  10  ;  Susanna,  10. 

Majendie,  Rev.  J.  J.,  75. 

Maiden,  G-race,  55  ;  William,  55. 

Male.  Ann,  78  ;  John,  78. 

Malins,  Harriet,  95, 



Mallett,  Thomas,  75. 

Mallison,  Lucy,  84. 

Malone.  Georgre,  87  ;  Peggy,  87. 

Malpas,  M..  92. 

Man.  Ann,  41  ;  Edward,  41 ;  Hester.  46  ;  James, 

Manby,  Ann,  33. 

Manders.  Ann,  79. 

Manjrey,  Catherine,  .57. 

Manning'  or  Mannin.  Elizabeth,  44  ;  Henry,  44  ; 
Jemima.  19  (2),  121  ;  Minerva,  19  ;  Peggy, 
19,  121  ;  W.,  86  ;  William.  19  (2),  121. 

Mansell.  Benjamin,  66  ;  Elizabeth,  59  ;  Mary, 
66  ;  William.  7o. 

Mansfield,  Edward,  16  (2).  117  ;  Elizabeth,  16  (2), 
17.  117  ;  John.  36  ;  John  P.,  36  ;  Maria,  36  ; 
Richard.  16  (2).  17,  117. 

Manship,  Anne,  8  ;  Samuell.  8. 

Manwaring.  Annabella,  1 14  ;  Arabella,  13  :  Big- 
lay.  12;  Bignel,  113;  Elizabeth.  10,11,12, 
13  (2),  114  ;  John.  10,  11,  12,  13  (2),  111,  113 
(2),  114  ;  Samuel,  11. 

Manzy.  Samuel,  74. 

Mapp.  Elizabeth  86. 

March.  Elizabeth,  65  ;  Thomas,  65. 

Mardell.  John,  22  ;  Susanna.  22. 

Margetts  or  Margets,  Mrs.  Bridget,  40  ;  Mr. 
Henry,  40  ;  Mr.,  3. 

Maripal,  Ann,  70. 

Marishall,  Susanna,  62. 

Markham,  Elizabeth,  55  ;  John,  55. 

Markland,  Elizabeth,  52. 

Marleton,  Elizabeth.  57. 

Marriott,  Ann,  41  ;  Elizabeth,  60  ;  Isabella,  68  ; 
Richard,  60  :  Samuel,  68. 

Marsden,  Catherine.  119  ;  Joseph.  119. 

Marsh.  Elizabeth.  122;  John,  116,  122,  123; 
Robert  S.,  121  ;  William.  120. 

Marshall.  Edward,  119;  Elizabeth,  76,  116; 
Henry,  119  ;  J.,  89  ;  John,  76,  89,  92  ;  Mary 
A.,  89  ;  Richard,  120. 

Marsingall,  Elizabeth.  47  ;  Samuel,  47. 

Marston,  Anne.  10  ;  Elizabeth.  80  ;  James,  10  ; 
Jarvis.  9:  Joseph.  9  (3),  10(3),  11,  118; 
Katherine,  9  (3),  10  (3).  11,  62  ;  Rebecca,  10  ; 
Thomas.  11.  80,  123. 

Martin  (Martine  or  Martyn),  Ann.  14.  15,  59, 
116;  Benjamin.  113;  Cassandra.  14.  115; 
Crispine,  13;  Elizabeth.  13,  14,  16,  106,  108, 
114,115,117;  Elleanor,27;  George.  14 ;  Hes- 
ter, 9 ;  Hope.  44  ;  James.  7,  107  :  John,  9,  14 
(3),  15  (4),  110.  112  (2),  115  ;  Johnathan,  4  ; 
Joseph.  15,  117  ;  Katherine,  14  (2),  15  (2), 
115  ;  Louisia,  92  ;  Mary.  9,  17,  104,  107,  110, 
115.  118  ;  Richard,  12,  112  ;  Robert,  74  ; 
Sarah,  108;  Susanna,  56,  113;  Thomas,  15, 
112;  William,  13,  14,  114(2). 

Marwick,  Hannah,  82. 

Maryon,  John,  40  ;  Rose,  40. 

Mascall,  Martha.  64. 

Masham,  Mrs.  Margaret.  45. 

Mason  or  Masonn,  Doctor.  2  ;  Mary,  69  ;  Sus- 
anna, 45  ;  Thomas,  69  ;  William,  45. 

Massingham,  James,  72  ;  Mary,  72. 

Matthew,  Olive.  57. 
Matthewman.  Harriet,  91. 

Matthews  or  Mathews,  Ann.  2.  45, 102  ;  Charles, 
45  ;    Henry,  2  (2),  3,  102  ;   John,  2,  102,  130, 
131  ;    Margaret,  115  ;   Mary,  2,  34  ;  Sarah,  2 
(2),  3,  102. 
Matthie,  Phillis,  83, 

Maudslay,  Isabel,  33  (2),  34,  35  (3),  36  (2). 

Maughan,  Sarah,  129,  131. 

Maundrell,  Clemens,  51  ;  Nicholas  L.,  51. 

Maurer.  Frederick,  75  ;  Susanna,  75. 

Maxfield,  William,  74. 

May,  Baptist,  3  ;  Charles,  3  ;  George,  63  ;  John, 

97  ;  Mary,  3 ;  Mary  A.,  97  ;  Sarah,  63  ;   Sus- 
anna, 63  ;  William,  63  ;  William  J.,  97. 
3Iaybank,  Jacosa,  52. 
Mayer,  Robert,  117. 
May  ho.  Thomas,  106. 
Maynard,   Avice,   49  ;    Elizabeth,   74  ;    Honor, 

117  ;  Mary,  24. 
Mayo,  J.,  77  ;  Mary,  64,  122. 
Mayor,  Robert,  7  (2),  8.  108  ;  Susanna,  7  (2),  8  ; 

AVilliam,  108. 
Mayres,  Susanna,  46. 
McCombe.  Elizabeth,  75. 
McDonald.   Adam,  37,  38  (6)  ;    Catherine,  38  ; 

Elizabeth,   38  ;    George,   38  ;    James  J.,  38  ; 

John,  37  ;    Sarah,  37,  38  (6)  ;    Sarah  A.,  38  ; 

William  R.,  38. 
McEnen  {!  McEuen).  Elizabeth,  51  ;  James,  51. 
McGachen.  James,  120  ;  John,  18  ;  Priscilla,  18, 

70,  121  ;  Robert,  18,  70  ;  Thomas,  121. 
McKenna.  Ann,  82  ;  Edmund,  82. 
McLean,  Eleanor,  90. 
McPherson,  John,  91. 
Mead.  Sarah,  86. 
Meadors,  Jane,  44  ;  John,  44. 
Meadows,  Elizabeth,  60  ;  John,  60. 
Meagle,  Eliza.  29,  31  ;   Frances,  28,  29  (3),  30 

(3),  31  ;    Frances  E.,  28.  30  ;  Robert,  28,  29 

(3),  30  (3),  31  ;    Robert  W.,  29,  30  ;  William 

H.,  29,  30. 
Mearis.  Ann,  94  ;  James,  94. 
Meeks,  Elizabeth,  86  ;  Thomas,  86. 
Meller.  Ann,  77. 
Mellish,  Joseph,  19  ;   Katherine,  19  ;    Mr.,  129, 

131  ;  William,  128. 
Menuret,  Elizabeth,  71  ;  John  A.,  71. 
Mercer,  Ann,  6,   107  ;    John,  67  ;    Mary,  6  (2), 

7  (2),    107  ;    Nathaniel,  7,   107  ;    Sarah,  67  ; 

Susanna.  7  ;  Thomas,  6  (2),  7  (2).  107. 
Merchant,  Elizabeth,  49  ;    Mary,  73  ;   Thomas, 

Mercier,  Elizabeth,  75  ;  Peter,  75. 
Meriam  or  Miriam.  Henry,  117  ;  Sarah,  116. 
Meridant,  Dr.,  100. 
Merrick,  John.  67  ;  Marianne.  67. 
Merriman,  Margaret.  48  ;  WilUam,  48. 
Merry  or  Merrey,  Amy,  72  ;  John,  76  ;  Joseph, 

72  ;  Mr.,  20. 
Meryet,  John,  53  ;  Mary,  53. 
Messenger,  Frances,  124. 
Metcales,  Temperance,  80. 
Metcalf.  Ann,  16,  53  ;  Elizabeth,  88  ;  Henrietta, 

16,  117  ;  Henry,  15, 122  ;  John,  15  (3),  16  (2), 

17,  116.  117,  118, 124  ;  Mary,  16  ;  Mary  C,  17, 
128;  Rosetta,  28  (2),  29,  31;  Sarah,  15(3), 
16  (2).  17,  86. 116, 117,  118,  125  ;  Thomas,  16  ; 
William,  15,  116. 

Mew,  Susanna,  48  ;  Thomas,  48. 

Mickloe,  Charles,  76. 

Middleton.   Eleanor,   65  :    Elizabeth,   43,  124 ; 
Murdock.  65  ;  Susanna,  43  ;  Thomas,  43, 

Mildmav,  Francis,  39  ;  William,  39. 

Millardj  Hannah,  56  ;  John,  56. 

Miller,  Ann.  85  ;  Eleanor,  125  ;  Eph.,  77;  Fran- 
cis, 81,  125  ;  Henry,  85  ;  Mary,  80,  123. 

Millett.  Katherine,  41  ;  Samuel,  41. 




Mills  nr  Milles,  Edward,  89  ;  Elizabeth,  43,  45  ; 
John,  44  ;  Martha,  44  ;  Mildred,  45  ;  Temper- 
ance, 80  ;  Thomas,  80. 

Milman,  Rev.  William  H.,  97. 

Milner  «?•  Milluer,  Ann.  2,  42,101;   Mrs.  Ann, 

103  ;  Charles,  5.  104  ;  Emanuel.  104  ;  George, 
2  ;  Hannah,  58  ;  John,  2,  4,  5,  58,  101,  104  ; 
Joseph,  42 ;  Mary,  4,  5,  52,  104 ;  Sarah, 

Mines,  Amicia,  51. 

Minor,  Esther.  79. 

Minott,  Michaell,  101. 

Minton,  Henry,  109. 

Mintorne,  Mrs.,  109. 

Miriam,  see  Meriam. 

Mitchell.  Ann,  85  ;  Mary.  107. 

Mitchenen.  Margaret,  58  :  Thomas.  58. 

Mittall,  Ann,  98. 

Moayer,  Mr.,  102. 

Modlin.  James.  34  (2)  ;  Mary  A..  34  ;  Sarah. 
34  (2)  ;  William,  34. 

Modys  (De),  nee  De  Modys. 

Mole  (De),  see  De  Mole. 

Moless,  Martha,  47. 

Molyneux,  John,  9  ;   Mary,  9  ;  Thomas,  Esq..  9. 

Mompesson.  Edward,  45  ;  Jane,  45. 

Monck,  see  Monk. 

Monday,  sec  Mundy. 

Monds,  Thomas,  81. 

Moneyman,  Richard.  73. 

Monk  or  Monck,  Elizabeth.  17.  G3. 119  ;  George, 
17,  119  ;  Jonathan.  03  ;  William  R..  17,  119. 

Monument.  Charles  J.  H..  91  ;  Sally  S.,  91. 

Moodey,  Margaret,  39  ;  William,  39. 

Moon,  Frances,  52. 

Moore  or  Moor,  Ann,  58,  lOH  ;  Elizabeth,  41  ; 
Hanna,  43  ;  Jemima.  72  ;  John.  1.  72  ;  Joseph. 
42  ;  Margaret.  43,  110  ;  Mary,  44,  47  ;  Sarah, 
1,  42  ;  William,  1,  91  :   Mr.  \Villiam.  102. 

Morgan,  Charles,  74  ;  Elizabeth,  7  ;  Mrs.  Fran- 
ces, 104  ;  James,  95  ;  Mary,  80  ;  Sarah,  95  ; 
Susanna,  7  ;  Thomas,  7,  95. 

Morley,  Ann,  78. 

Morrell,  Ann,  92. 

Morris,  Ann,  93  ;  Elizabeth,  4  (2),  5,  6,  104  (2)  ; 
James,  5  ;    Jane,  73  ;    John,  4   (2),  5,  6,  59. 

104  (2)  ;  Mr.  John,  107 ;  Mary.  44,  50,  59,  62  ; 
Michael,  93  ;  Thomas,  84  ;  Mr.  Thomas.  102  ; 
W.,  77  ;  William,  44. 

Morrison,  Ann.  58  ;  Elizabeth,  29  (.3),  31  (3),  87; 

Sophia,  87  ;  Thomas,  58. 
Morse,  Ann,   116;    Elizabeth,   13;    Robert,   13, 

115  ;  Sarah,  13. 
Morson.  Elizabeth.  62  ;  Henrietta,  57;  Margaret, 

76 ;    Richard,  76  ;    Sarah,    67  ;    Thomas.  57. 

Mortimer,  Ann,  93  ;  James,  93  ;  Mary,  50. 
Morton,  Ann,  55. 
Moseley,  Ann,  40  ;    Mary,  41  ;    Morris,  5,  40  ; 

Richard,  41. 
Moss,    Elizabeth,    114;     Robert,    114;     Sarah, 

Mott,  Charlotte  F.,  32  ;    Elizabeth  E..  32,  94  ; 

Mary,  41  ;  Nathaniel,  41  ;  Pierce  H.,  32,  94  ; 

S.  E.  M.,  94, 
Mottershead  or  Mottershed,  Elizabeth,  16  (2), 

17  ;  John,  118  ;  Katherine,  16  ;  Thomas.  16  ; 

William,  16  (2),  17,  118. 
Motteux,  Francis,  112;  Timothy,  112. 
Mounier,  Elizabeth,  17;  Henry.  17  ;  John,  17. 
Mountague,  Robert,  123. 

Mountcastle,  Alexander,  96. 

Mowyer,  Rebecca,  39  ;  Samewell,  39. 

Moxon,  George,  87  ;  Harriet,  87  ;  Mary  A.,  87 ; 
Rebecca.  87. 

Moyer  or  Moyere,  Rebecca,  1  ;  Samuel,  1,  101  ; 
Mr.  Samuel,  101. 

Mucklebury,  Martha,  47. 

Muclegoe,  Tobias,  5. 

Mullineaux,  John,  9  ;  Mary^  9. 

Mumby,  Catherine,  92  ;  Elizabeth,  74  ;  Frances, 
88  ;  Francis,  86,  88  ;  Joseph,  74  ;  Leah,  94, 
134 ;  Maria,  135 ;  Richard,  91  ;  Sarah,  86, 

Mumford,  Ann,  62  ;  John,  62. 

Mundy  (Monday  or  Munday).  Anna  M.,  28  (3), 
29  (3),  30  (4),  31  (2),  33  ;  Anne.  67,  79,  123  ; 
Charles  F.,  33  ;  Eliza  J.,  29,  31  ;  Elizabeth, 
16  ;  Henry  J.,  29,  31  ;  James,  79,  117  ;  Jane, 
125  ;  John,  17,  28  ;  Lancelot,  118  ;  Mary  A.. 
29,30;  Sarah.  16.  17  (2).  118:  Thomas,  28 
(3).  29  (3).  30  (31  31  (2),  .33;  William,  16.  17 
(2),  28,  30  (2).  67.  118  ;  William  B.,  17,  118. 

Munn,  Elizabeth,  58. 

Murray,  John,  88  ;  Mary,  88  ;  Susanna,  113. 

Murrell,  Ann,  20  (2),  21  ;  John,  20  (2),  21  ; 
Joseph,  20  ;  Mai-y,  21. 

Murton,  Ann,  54  ;   Frances,  54. 

Myers,  Elizabeth,  51  ;   William,  51. 

Mylne,  Isabella,  121. 


Nabours  or  Nay  Buors,  Alfred,  88  ;  Sarah,  88. 

Narraway,  Ann.  85  ;  William,  85. 

Nash.  Ann,  68  ;'  Arthur,  5  (2),  7  (2),  12.  45,  106, 
108  (2),  112,  113  (2),  114;  Elizabeth.  12: 
Hannah,  66  ;  John.  12  (2),  13  (3),  14,  113  (2), 
114  (3),  118.  120  :  Judith.  13,  114  ;  Margaret, 
41  ;  Mr.,  9,  108;  Rebecca,  12  (2),  13  (3),  14, 
114  (3),  118;  Richard,  .5.  112;  Samuel,  7,  108  ; 
Susan.  108  :  Susanna,  5  (2),  7  (2),  12,  113  (2)  ; 
Thomas,  7,  66,  105  ;  William,  13,  68,  114. 

Nay  Buors,  see  Nabours. 

Naylor,  John,  127. 

Neal  or  Neale,  Ann,  60;  Grace,  110;  Mary, 

Neat.  Eliza.  91  ;  Naomi,  91. 

Neave,  Mary,  63  ;  Richard,  63. 

Needs,  John,  83. 

Neilson.  Ann.  59  ;  William,  .59. 

Nelmes,  Elizabeth,  9.  10,  110:  Mary,  9  ;  Robert, 
9,  10,  110;  William,  10,  110. 

Nelson,  Ann,  71  ;  Delicia.  Ill  ;  Elizabeth,  49  ; 
John,  71  ;  Mr.,  47  ;  William,  49. 

Netherclift,  Martha,  60  ;  William,  60. 

Newbolt.  Hieronimo,  42  ;  Sarah,  42. 

Newby,  Isabella,  46  ;  John,  46. 

Newcome,  Mr.,  42. 

Newham,  Sarah,  84  ;  William,  84. 

Newland,  Jemima,  72  ;  Mary,  42  ;  Thomas,  42. 

Newman.  Mary,  21  ;  Mary  A..  21  :  Sarah,  84  ; 
Thomas,  21  ;   William,  84. 

Newson,  Ann,  54  ;  Edward.  54. 

Newton,  Edward,  113  ;  Jane.  42  ;  Mary,  42. 

Niblock,  Joseph  W.  (D.D.),  36. 

Nicholas,  Mercy,  74. 

Nicholls  (Nicholds,  Nichols.  Nickolds,  or  Nick- 
coels),  Alice,  13, 113  ;  Caleb,  117  ;  Caroline  S., 
86  ;  Catherine,  2  ;  Elizabeth,  10,  12,  13,  113  ; 
Jane,  10,  11  (2),  12,  13  (3),  115  ;  Jane  A.,  86 



John,  111  ;  Martha,  45;  Mary.  15,  78,  117; 
Philip,  10,  11  (2),  12,  13  (3),  U,  15,  113  (2), 
115  ;  Samuel.  2  ;  Sarah.  13.  61,  111  ;  Susanna, 
14,  l.i,  116  ;  Thomas,  11,  45  ;  Toilet,  11  ;  Wil- 
liam A.  A.,  86. 

Nicholson,  Christiana,  45;  Hannah,  13,  114; 
James,  82  ;  Josias,  45  :  Samuel,  13,  114 ; 
Wargfent,  13,  114. 

Nieuwveen,  Gertruida,  85. 

Nind,  P.  H.,  77. 

Nisbett,  William,  82. 

Nixon,  Robert  (B.D.),  88  ;  R.,  30,  131, 

Noble,  Elizabeth,  122. 

Noel,  Mary,  14  ;  William,  14. 

Nokes,  Elizabeth,  68  ;  Joseph,  68. 

Noldrett,  Mary,  54  ;  Thomas,  54. 

Norcott.  Charles.  125  ;  Mary,  127  ;  Mary  A., 

Norfolk,  Elizabeth,  55. 

Norrington,  Susanna.  40  ;  William,  46. 

Norris.  Ann,  68  ;  Asher,  132  ;  Elizabeth,  55, 
65  ;  Hugh,  103  ;  Jane,  90,  133  ;  John,  55  (2), 
115 ;  Robert.  65  ;  Sarah,  55  ;  Susanna  B., 

North,  Amy.  15  :  Ann,  60,  71  ;  Anna,  17,  67  ; 
Anna  M.,  13  ;  Annabella,  17  ;  Arthur,  13, 118  ; 
Edward.  116  ;  Edwin,  16,  117  ;  Eliza  M.,  71  ; 
Elizabeth,  12  (2),  13  (3).  ]4  (2),  15,  114  (2), 
115,  116;  GeofRe,  12  (2),  13(2),  14  (2),  15, 
16  (2),  17,  67.  112,  114  (2),  115,  116.  117; 
Mr.  George.  116  ;  Hester.  16;  Hothersill,  13, 
114;  Isabella,  16(2),  112.  117;  Isabella  R., 
67  ;  James.  14,  115  ;  Mary,  14,  114;  Richard, 
120;  Samuel,  116;  William.  120. 

Northey,  Ann.  44  ;  Edward,  44. 

Northleigh,  Elizabeth,  54. 

Noyes,  Catherine  F.,  123. 

Nunn,  Elizabeth.  76  ;  Elizabeth  A.,  93  ;  John, 
93  ;  William,  76. 

Nurse,  Elizabeth,  44  ;  William,  44. 

Nutt,  Catherine,  59. 


Oakley,  Mary  J.,  76  ;  Thomas,  76. 

Oatridge,  Mary,  70. 

Ockley,  Anna  M.,  26  ;  Elizabeth,  24.  26  (3),  27  ; 

Emma,  26.  91  ;  Harriet  A..  24  ;  John,  24,  26 

(3),  27,  91  ;  Mary,  42  ;  Mary  A.,  32  ;  Peter  T., 

Odell,  Capt.  John.  105. 
Offwood,  Mary,  84. 

Ogburn  or  Ogbourn,  John,  112  ;  Mary,  118. 
Ogilvie,  Elizabeth,  56. 
Ogle,  Katherine,  44. 
Ogleby,  Richard,  128. 
Oldaker,  Charles.  133  ;  Maria,  36. 
Old'^o,  John,  40. 
Oldfield,  Ruharmah,  63. 
Oldham,   Elizabeth,  77  :   Mary  A.,  95  ;  Richard, 

95  ;  William,  95. 
Oliver,  Catherine,  67  ;  Mary,  65,  74  ;  Thomas,  67. 
Onyon,  Ann,  76. 
Orlebar,  Mrs.  Susan,  40. 
Ormston,  Elizabeth,  15. 
Orton,  John.  15, 116  ;  Margaret,  15, 1 16 ;  Samuel, 

15,  116. 
Orwell,  Elizabeth,  89. 
Osborne  or  Osborn,  Elizabeth,  58  ;  Frances,  117  ; 

Mathew,  40  ;  Richard,  58  ;  Sarah,  40. 

Osland,  Catherine,  84  ;  Margaret,  84. 

Outwich,  Aaron  M.,  110  ;  Ann,  106  ;  Anne  M.. 
9;  Crispin  M.,  114;  Elizabeth  M.,  10,  111  ; 
George  M..  114  ;  Hester  M.,  Ill  ;  Jemima  M., 
17  :  John  M.,  12  ;  Joseph  M.,  Ill  ;  Margaret 
M..  13;  Martin,  18;  Mary  M.,  110;  Moses 
8  ;  Rachel  M.,  110  ;  Richard  M.,  9.  110 
Thomas  M.,  9,  10,  11,  110  (2);  Vere  M.,  10 
William  M.,  11,  12,  111. 

Oxley,  Catherine,  66  ;  William,  66. 

Packe,  Hannah,  41  ;  John,  41. 
Packemah,  Mary,  41. 

Packer,  James,  85  ;  Mary,  85  ;  Sarah,  85  ;  Wil- 
liam, 85. 
Packman,  Thomas,  113. 
Padbury,  Ann,  53. 
Paddison,  Ann,  80. 
Page,  Ann.   21  ;    Hannah,  20  (2),  21  (2),  79  ; 

Henry,  54  ;  James  B.,  20, 122  ;  John,  20,  122  ; 

Rachel,  54  ;  William,  20  (2),  21  (2)  ;  see  also 

Paget,  Daniel,  70  ;  Rebecca,  70. 
Paickham,  Elizabeth,  68  ;  Joseph,  68. 
Paige,  Charnock,  6  ;   Edward,  6  ;    Rebecca,  6  ; 

>tee  also  Page. 
Pain,  see  Payne. 
Painter.  John.  124  ;  Thomas.  124  ;  William  E., 

Pakeman,  Hannah,  8  (2),  115  ;  John,  111  ;  Mrs. 

Mary,  108  ;  Mr.  Thomas,  104,  108  (2)  ;  Timo- 
thy, 8  (3),  113. 
Paley,  Elizabeth,  124  ;  John,  81, 127  ;  Mary,  129. 
Palin,  Richard,  81. 
Pall,  Nicholas,  111  ;  see  also  Paul. 
Pallister,  Elizabeth,  54. 
Palmer,  Anna,  89  ;  Jane,  58  ;  Mary,  70  ;  Phoebe, 

43  ;    Rebecca,  62  ;    Sophia,  97  ;   Thomas,  62, 

70  :  William.  104. 
Pank,  Hester,  59  ;  William,  59. 
Pannonville,  Francis,  125. 
Paradise,  Mary,  56  ;  William,  56. 
Pardee,  Ann,  47. 
Pardon,  Hannah,  80. 
Pardwick,  AHce,  43. 
Parish,  see  Parrish. 
Parker,  Ann  E.,  95  ;  Aron,  97  ;  Elizabeth,  43  ; 

Ex.,  95  ;  Grace,  9  ;  John,  9  ;  Joseph,  38,  97  ; 

Joseph  B.,  38  ;  Mark,  9  ;  Mary,  53  ;  Mary  A., 

38,  97. 
Parnal,  Elizabeth,  45  ;  Thomas,  45. 
Parr,  Sarah.  87  ;  William,  87. 
Parrish  or  Parish,  Elizabeth  0.,  93  ;  Frances  0., 

93  ;  John,  93  ;  Lydia,  37. 
Parrott  or  Parrot,  Edward,   115:    James,  19; 

Mary,  19. 
Parsons,  Anthony,  3  ;  Edward,  42  ;  Elizabeth, 

3,  42  ;  John,  3  ;  Margaret,  39. 
Partridge  or  Patridge,  Margaret,  71  ;  Mary,  120  ; 

Walter,  121. 
Pass,  Jane,  65  ;  Richard,  65. 
Passemer,  Susan,  50.  ,  „    , ,  o 

Pate,  Ann,  12;    George,  100;   John,   12,   113; 

Martha,  12,  113  ;  Susan,  100. 
Pateman,  Robert,  79  ;  Sarah,  79. 
Pateshall,  Phineas,  75  ;  see  also  Pattishall. 
Patience,  Alexander,  85  ;  Elizabeth,  85. 
Pattenden,  Ann,  59. 



Pattishall,   Mary    48  ;    William,  48 ;    see  also 

Paul,  Susanna,  56  ;  see  also  Pall. 
Paulfreman  or  Paulfreeman,  Elizabeth,  5,  105 

Johanna,  5  (2),  6  (2),  105,  109  ;  John,  5,  112 

Mary,   6,   112;    Richard,  6;    Susanna,  112 

Thomas,  5  (2),  6  (2),  105,  110  (2). 
Pawlett.  Sarah,  4'J. 

Paybody,  Isabella,  39,  114  ;  Samuel,  39,  105. 
Payler,  Elizabeth,  80. 
Payne  (Payn  or  Pain),  Ann,  76 ;  Catherine,  56  : 

Cornelius,  76  ;   Elizabeth,  49  ;  Frederick,  267 

John.  82  ;  Joshua,  26  ;  Mary,  111 ;    Mary  M., 

26  :  Mrs.,  126  ;  Sophia,  84. 
Payton,  Ann,  52  ;  James,  52. 
Peach,  Ann,  86  ;  Sarah,  86. 
Peachey,  Elizabeth,  43  ;  John,  43. 
Peacock.  Edward,  65;    Elizabeth,  15,  65,  116; 

Mary,  15,  116  ;   William,  15,  116  (3). 
Peake,  Margaret,  61. 
Pearce,  Edith,  5 1  ;  see  also  Pierce. 
I'earse,  Hannah,  61. 
Pearson,  Ann,  44  ;  Jos.,  84  ;  Mary,  69 ;  Phoebe, 

92  ;  Robert,  69  ;  William,  92  ;  see  also  Peirson. 
Peat  (Peet  vr  Peete),  Ann,  116.  117  ;  John,  116  ; 

John  G.,  88  ;  Mary,  88  (2). 
Peck,  Ann,  60  (2)  ;  Edward,  60. 
Peckham,  Elizabeth,  51,  52  ;  Henry,  51,  52. 
Peel,  Deborah,  64  ;  James,  64. 
Peet,  see  Peat. 
Peeto,  Mary,  83. 
Peirce,  see  Pierce. 
Peirson,  Edmond,  2.  101  ;    Elizabeth,  42  ;    El- 

lenor,  3  ;    Martha,  1,  2  (2),  3,  46,  101  ;    Mr., 

102  ;  Paul,  1,  2  (2),  3,  101  ;  William,  2  ;   — , 

102  ;  see  also  Pearson. 
Peisley,  J..  79  ;  Sarah,  79. 
Pellum,  Mr..  2. 
Pemble,  Elizabeth,  48. 
Pembrok,  Jane,  51  ;  Joshua,  51. 
Penkethan.  Sarah,  70. 

Penny,  Mary  A.,  32 ;  William,  32  ;  William  H.,  32, 
Pepper,  Ann,  55  ;  John,  55. 
Pepys  or  Pepeys,  Eliza,  14,  115  (2),  116  ;   Eliza- 
beth. 14  (3),  15,  115,  116,  119  ;   Frances,  41  ; 

George,  14  (4),  15,  115  (2),  116,  118  ;  Richard, 

14  ;  Sarah, 14,  15, 115. 
Perfect,  Elizabeth,  84  ;  Thomas  W.  C,  84. 
Perins,  Ann,  74  ;  Francis,  74. 
Perkins,  Elizabeth,  97  ;   James,  97  ;  Judith  F., 

55  ;  Mary,  44  ;  William,  55. 
Perny,  I.  A.,  85. 
Perring,  Rev.  P.,  131. 
Perry,   Ann,   19    (2)  ;    Ann    M.,   19  ;    Francis, 

19  (2)  ;  Lucy  J.,  19  ;   Mary,  43  ;   Samuel,  43  ; 

Sarah,  32. 
Pessler,  Franz  E.,  97  ;  Henriette  E.,  97. 
Peters,  Ann,  43  ;  Elizabeth,  133. 
Peterson,  Elizabeth,  44. 
Petken,  Ann,  68  ;  Thomas,  68. 
Petor,  Ann,  71  ;  John,  71. 
Petrold,  George,  119. 
Pharough,  Isabella,  39. 
Phertzell,  see  Hertzell. 
Phillips,  Ann,  95  ;    Frances,  62  ;   John,  60,  62  ; 

Margaret,    49,   60;    Mr.,    106;    Offley,    113; 

Samuel,  5  ;  Sarah,  114. 
Phillipson,  William,  90. 
Pickard,  Ann,  62  ;  Rebecca,  62. 
Pickaxe,  Ann,  60. 
Pickering,  Ann,  46  ;  Susanna,  42  ;  William,  46. 

Pickett,  Mary,  77. 

Pickton,  Martha,  48  ;  Richard,  48. 

Ridding,  Bridget,  21  ;  Jane,  21  ;  John,  21. 

Pidsum  (.'  Pidgeon),  Peter,  86. 

Pierce  or  Peirce,  Ann,  42  ;  Michael  R.,  11,  111  ; 

Richard,  42  ;  Robert,  11  ;  Sarah,  11,  83. 
Pigg.  Ann,  1,  100  ;    Henry,  1,  100;   Richard,  1, 

Piggott,  Ann,  59  ;    Elizabeth,  45  ;    Isaac,  59  ; 

William,  45. 
Pignei,  Jacques,  45  ;  Judith,  45. 
Pile,  Elizabeth,  86  ;  George,  86  ;  Hannah,  86. 
Pinckard,  Ann,  62  ;   John,  54  ;    Rebecca,   62  ; 

Susanna,  54. 
Pinnock,  Laura  S.,  98. 
Pitcher,  Ann,  49  ;  Thomas,  49. 
Pitt,  Elizabeth,  55  ;  George,  55  ;  Vertue,  55. 
Pittam,  William.  97. 
Pitts.  Edward,  108  ;  Hannah,  65. 
Place,  Ann,  80  (2)  ;  John,  80  (2). 
Plastow,  Hannah,  109. 
Plater,  Avis,  47. 
Piatt,  Ann,  78  ;  John,  78  ;   Mary,  114,  115,  116  ; 

Nathaniel,  115,  117. 
Player,  Elizabeth,  113;  John,  111. 
Playford,  Sarah,  32. 
Plee.  Ann,  40. 
Plintoflf,  Mary  M..  26. 
Plott,   Ralph   S.,  9  ;    Rebecca,   8  (2),   9,   109  ; 

Robert,  8  (2)  ;  Dr.  Robert,  8,  9. 
Plowman,  Mary,  62  ;  William,  62. 
Plume,  Rebecca,  108. 
Pocock,  Ann,  9  (2),  10  (4),  11  (3),  12,  110,  111, 

117;    Catherine,  11,  112;    Edward,  11,  116; 

Elizabeth,  10,  116;    Giles,  11  ;    Joell,  9  (2), 

10  (4),  11  (3),  12,  110,  111,  112,  114  ;   Martha, 

10,111  ;  Sarah,  12;  Susanna,  9, 110  ;  Thomas, 

Poland,  Hannah,  18. 
PoUett,  John,  59  ;  Mary,  59. 
Pomeroy.  I'artholomew,  62  ;   Elizabeth,  62. 
Ponthieu  (De),  see  De  Ponthieu. 
Poole,  Ann,  29,  31  ;  Edward  T.,  29,  31,  129,  131 ; 

Elizabeth,    129,   131  ;    Harriet    S.,   129,   131  ; 

Rev.  Henry,  80 ;   Mary,  80,  105  ;    Sarah,  66  ; 

Thomas,  29,  31  ;  Thomas  E.,  133. 
Pope,  Amy,  58  ;   Ann,  70  ;   George,  44  ;   John, 

58  ;  Mary,  44;  Rose,  46  ;  Stephen,  46. 
Porter,  Amy,  58,  72  ;  Benjamin,  ()9  ;   Elizabeth, 

69  ;    Francis,  58  ;  Hannah,  58  ;  John,  58,  65  ; 

Martha,  58  ;  Mary,  65. 
Potter,  Caroline,  91  ;  Maria,  86  ;  Mary,  50  ;  Ro- 
bert, 50,  86  ;  Sarah,  92  ;  William  J.,  92. 
Potts,  Bathsheba.  74  ;  Cuthbert,  82  ;  John,  131  ; 

Richard,  74  ;  William,  85. 
Poulter,  Ann,  43  ;  Elizabeth,  42. 
Powell  or  Powel,  Charls,  92  ;  John.  73  ;   Mary, 

12;   Phoebe,  92;   Rebecca,  70;  Samuel.  104  ; 

Susan,  53  ;  Susanna,  12  ;  William,  12,  117. 
Powles,  Alfred  W..  23  ;     Deliana,  23   (3),  24  ; 

Edmund  D.,  23,  125  ;  John  D.,  23  ;    Richard, 

23  (3),  24  ;  Samuel  C,  24. 
Poyner,  Elizabeth,  42. 
Pozzo  (dal),  see  dal  Pozzo. 
Pratt,  Grace.  106  :  Margaret.  42  ;  William,  42. 
Prefifeth,  Joseph,  108. 
Prentice,  Mary  A.,  91. 
Prestick.  Thomas,  100. 
Preston,  Ann,  21  ;  Robert,  21,  123. 
Pretty,  Mary,  52. 
Priaulx,  Mary,  42. 



Price,  Ann,  78,  83  ;    Elizabeth,  9  ;   Emma,  99  ; 

Francis,    9 ;    Mr.    Francis,   103 ;    Grace,    85 ; 

Jeremiah,  9  ;    John,  43,  78  ;    Mary,  57,  108  ; 

Rebecca,  127;  Robert,  85  ;  Rev.  Rt.,  127;  Sarah, 

36,  37,  94  ;  Susanna,  43  ;  William.  57,  94. 
Prichett   or   Frichert,   Ann,   1  ;    Bridget,   103  ; 

James.  103  ;  John,  1. 
Prigeott,  Ann,  100  ;  John,  100. 
Prince,  Adam,  40  ;  Ann,  64  ;  Sarah,  4('. 
Prior  or  Pryor,  Mary.  51  ;    Sarah.  57  ;    Thomas, 

Pritchard,  Dorothy,  56  ;   Elizabeth,  27  ;  John, 

71  ;  Margaret,  71. 
Prokeby,  we  Rokeby. 
Prosser  (.'  Dresser),  Walter,  79. 
Pryor,  see  Prior. 
Puchie,  Ruth,  85. 
Pugh,  Charlotte,  134 :    Edward,   85 ;    Eleanor, 

85  ;  Elizabeth,  52  ;  Joseph,  80,  132. 
Pulman,  Elizabeth,  80  ;  John,  80. 
Purser,  Hannah,  82  ;  Joseph,  82. 
Pursill,  Lucy,  51  ;  William,  51. 
Purslow,  Elizabeth,  4  ;  John,  3.  4  (2),  102  ;  Mr., 

103  ;  Sarah,  3,  4  (2),  102  ;  William,  3,  4,  102. 
Putchin,  Frances,  12  ;  Greorge,  12  ;  Thomas.  12. 
Pye,  Mary,  62  ;  Samuel,  62. 
Pygeon,  Mr.,  5. 
Pyke,  Ann,  55  ;  Edward,  55. 


Quanteck,  Ann,  43  ;  Henry,  43. 

Quantito,  Elizabeth,  119. 

Quartermain,  Ann,  59. 

Quartly,  John,  86. 

Quessenbrough,  Mary,  45  ;  Samuel,  45. 


Rabald,  Elizabeth,  69. 

Radford.  Daniel,  64  ;  Mary,  64. 

Radley,  Susan,  50  ;  Thomas,  50. 

Raine,  Ann,  57. 

Rainor,  sec  Rayner. 

Rains,  Jacob.  94. 

Railing,  Elizabeth.  118. 

Ranardson,  Nicholas,  Esq..  107. 

Randell  or  Randal,  Ann,  40  ;  Edward,  56 ;  Eliza- 
beth, 128  (2),  129,  130;  Henry,  129,  130; 
John,  133,  134  ;  Mary,  56,  132  ;  Mary  A..  127, 
132  ;  Sarah,  50,  129,  130  ;  William  H.,  133. 

Randolph,  John,  118  ;  Rebecca,  119. 

Rands,  Margaret,  40  ;  Thomas,  40. 

Ranger,  Joseph.  72  ;  Mary,  72. 

Ranson,  Hannah,  91  ;  Mary,  91. 

Rapiat,  Magdalena,  116. 

Rashdall,  Joanna,  77  ;  William.  77. 

Ratcliff,  Richard,  125. 

Raven,  Elizabeth,  16;  John,  41;  Sarah,  41; 
William,  16. 

Rawlings,  E.,  92  ;  John,  92  ;  Sarah.  92. 

Rawll,  Elizabeth,  93  ;  George,  93  ;  Hannah.  93. 

Raymond  or  Raymund,  Elizabeth,  83  ;  Jane,  64. 

Rayner  (Rainer  or  Raynor),  Edward,  78  ;  Eliza- 
beth. 12,  13.  113;  Hannah,  78;  Maria,  90; 
Mary,  114  ;  Sarah,  12,  13  ;  Thomas,  115  ;  Wil- 
liam, 12,  13. 

Rayney,  Elizabeth,  54. 

Raynhiam,  Rachel,  62. 

Read,  Ann,  121  ;  Charles,  14.  115  ;  Elizabeth, 
14,  115,  122  ;  Frances,  123  ;  Jane,  128  ;  John, 
14,  115,  121  ;  Mr.,  121  ;  Priscilla,  70  ;  see  also 

Reay,  Rev.  Mr.,  70. 

Redding  or  Reading,  Caroline,  96  ;  Sarah,  95  ; 
Thomas,  96  ;  William,  95,  96. 

Redfearne.  Sarah,  67  ;  William.  67. 

Redman,  Jane,  129. 

Redmayne,  John,  41  ;  Mary,  41. 

Reed,  Elizabeth,  84 ;  Jane,  84 ;  Sarah,  90 ; 
Sarah  A.,  90  ;  see  also  Read. 

Reeve  or  Reve,  Barbara,  20  :  Gilson,  20  ;  John 
R..  20  ;  Lucretia,  9  ;  Martha,  50  ;  Susanna,  9 ; 
William,  9. 

Reeves  or  Reaves,  Amelia,  18,  120  ;  Charlotte, 
77;  Elizabeth,  18;  James,  73;  Joane.  106; 
Mary,  73  ;  William,  18. 

Renardson,  -see  Reynardson. 

Renell,  Henrietta,  63. 

Renen  or  Reueu,  Elizabeth,  41  ;  Peter,  41. 

Resbury  or  Resberry,  Mary,  45  ;  Mr.,  42  ;  Natha- 
niel, 45. 

Revbar,  Charlotte  A.,  22  ;  Elizabeth.  22  ;  John 
U.,  22. 

Reynardson  or  Renardson,  Abraham,  25  ;  Fran- 
cis, 118;  Dr.  Francis,  116;  Priscilla,  113; 
Sarah,  118. 

Reynolds,  Ann,  91, 104 ;  Hannah,  56 ;  Sophia,  91. 

Reynoldson,  The  Lady,  102. 

Rhodo,  Amicia,  51  ;  Daniel,  51. 

Riall,  see  Ryall. 

Richards,  Catherine,  44  ;  Daniel,  44  ;  Elizabeth, 
57,  63  ;  Messrs.,  &  Co.,  132  ;  Phoebe,  43  ; 
Thomas,  43. 

Richardson  (Richerdson  or  Richesson),  Ann,  5 
(2),  37  ;  E.,  91  ;  Elizabeth,  106  ;  Frances  0., 
93;  Hannah,  41  ;  Isabella,  31  ;  Rev.  John, 
83;  Joseph  J.,  37  ;  Mary,  91,  133  ;  Mr.,  8  ; 
Mrs..  4  ;  Sarah.  5  ;  Thomas,  5  (2)  ;  William. 
37  ;  William  T.,  93. 

Ride,  Mary,  49  ;  iSarah,  69. 

Rider.  Elizabeth,  54  ;  .lohn,  54. 

Ridge.  Margaret.  17  ;  Sarah,  17. 

Rigal,T.,  82,  84. 

Rigaud.  —  (R.A.),  25. 

Rigby,  Edward,  Esq.,  39  ;  Mrs.  Sarah,  39. 

Rigden,  Elizabeth,  41  ;  John,  41. 

Right,  Elizabeth,  54  ;  Robert,  54. 

Riley,  Mary,  92. 

Rivers,  Elizabeth,  74  ;  George,  74. 

Roads,  John,  44  ;  Mary,  44. 

Roane,  Elizabeth.  45  ;  Robert,  45. 

Robb,  Margaret,  33,  34  (2),  36. 

Roberts,  Ann,  101  ;  Bridget,  46  ;  Mrs.  Delitia, 
104  ;  Eleanor,  83;  Elizabeth,  55;  Emma,  99; 
Gabriell,  106,110  ;  Sir  Gabriell,  106,  112.  113  ; 
James.  55  ;  John,  82,  83,  106  ;  Mary,  77,  82, 
106;  Dame  Mary.  112  ;  Sarah,  85  ;  Thomas, 
109;  William,  99.  103. 

Robertson,  Maria  C..  27;  Mary,  27;  Mr..  9; 
Thomas,  123  ;  — .  27. 

Robins,  John.  94  ;  Mary.  94  ;  Sarah,  94. 

Robinson.  Catherine.  20  (4)  ;  Elizabeth,  44,  56 
(2)  ;  James.  98  ;  John  P.,  20 ;  Lucy,  98 ; 
Luke,  20  ;  Mary,  52  ;  Nathaniel,  52  ;  Phillis, 
64  ;  Sarah.  21  ;  Thomas,  21,  56,  64  ;  Vevers, 
20  ;  William,  20  (4)  ;  William  T.,  20. 

Robottom,  Georgina,  95  ;  John,  95. 

Robuck.  Elizabeth,  54  ;  John,  54. 

Roche,  Edward,  9,  110 ;  Frances,  9,  110. 



Rockstand,  Samuel  B.,  94, 

Roe.  John.  ()8  :  Mary,  68  ;  aec  also  Row. 

Rogers  ar  Rodger-s.  Ann,  57  ;  Dorothy,  62  ; 
Elizabeth.  21,  79(2),  8.j  ;  Elizabeth  E.,  84; 
James,  66  ;  John,  .57,  79  :  Justina,  34  ;  Mar- 
garet, S3,  84  (2),  36  ;  Margaret  J.,  86  :  Mary, 
21.  8.5,  66,  78  :  Richard.  128 ;  Thomas,  21,  79; 
William,  83,  34  (2),  36  ;   William  E.,  38,  62. 

Rokeby  (Rookeby  or  Rooksby),  Benjamin,  8, 
42;  Elizabeth,  68,  119;  Langham,  8;  Re- 
becca, 8,  42, 119;  Mrs.  Rebecca,  108  ;  Thomas, 

Rokes,  Alice,  74  ;  James,  74. 

Roll,  Beevor,  34  ;  Mary,  34. 

Rolls  (Roals,  Roales,  Roules,  or  Rowles),  Ann, 
3,  108  ;  Gertrude,  113  :  Jane,  3,  44  :  John.  2, 
110  ;  Mary,  4  ;  Michael.  1,  2  (2),  8  (2),  4  (2), 
6,112;  Mr.,  6;  Sancta,  1,  2  (2),  3  (2).  4  (2), 
6  ;  Sarah.  6  :  William,  4. 

Rook,  Mary  E.,  92  ;  Thomas,  92. 

Rookeby,  nee  Rokeby. 

Rootcliff,  Ann,  47. 

Roots.  Elizabeth.  86. 

Rose,  Ann,  24  (2),  25,  26,  27,  126,  129,  180  (2), 
131  ;  Charles  P.,  24;  Elizabeth  A.,  38  (2); 
Emma.  25  ;  Ethelbert  B.,  27  ;  Isabella  D.,  134  ; 
Jane.  45  ;  Rev.  John  (Rector),  24  (4),  25  (8), 
26  (.5).  27  (6),  28,  29,  30,  31,  84,  85,  86,  87,  88. 
89,  126  (7).  127,  128,  129,  130,  131  ;  Louisa, 
26  ;  Mary,  126  ;  Mary  A.,  38  ;  Robert,  24, 126  ; 
William  W..  38  (2). 

Rosemary,  Hannah,  46. 

Ross,  Alexander.  28  (2).  26  (2),  27,  85, 180,  131  ; 
Ann,  28  ;  Francis,  127  ;  Grace,  85  ;  Jessie, 
94  ;  John.  28  ;  Margaret,  27,  53,  86  ;  Mary, 
23  (2).  26.  27,  85  :  Mr.,  25  ;  Thomas.  28  ; 
William.  53  ;   V\  illiam  M.,  23. 

Rothera,  Ann,  79. 

Round,  Jane,  59. 

Rouse  or  Rowse,  Elizabeth,  43,  45  ;  Simon,  43. 

Routledge,  William,  76  ;  see  also  Rutledge. 

Rovalld,  Edward,  47  ;   Philadelphia,  47. 

Row  ('/•  Rowe,  Ann,  90  ;  Mary  A.,  90  ;  Sarah, 
78  ;  M-e  also  Roe. 

Rowden,  Johanna,  56  ;  John,  56. 

Rowell  or  Rowel,  Ann,  48;  Elizabeth,  17;  Mar- 
garet, 17  ;  Nathan.  17. 

Rowlands  or  Rowland,  Eliza,  91  ;  Elizabeth.  6 
(2),  7  (2),  8,  9  (2),  42,  .52,  107,  110  ;  Hannah. 
8  ;  Jane,  6.  107  :  John,  7,  52,  108  ;  Joseph,  9  ; 
Mary,  7  ;  Thomas,  6  (2),  7  (2),  8,  9  (2).  42, 
107,  108,  110. 

Rowles.  see  Rolls. 

Rowley,  Elizabeth,  56  ;  George  (M.D.),  84. 

Roynor,  Deborah,  64. 

Ruddiman,  Anna  C,  35  ;  Elizabeth,  35  (2),  91, 
93  ;  John,  35  (2),  91,  93. 

Ruddock,  Rev.  Richard,  92. 

Rudge,  Dorothy,  118. 

Ruegg.  Mary  A.,  88  ;  Sarah,  82  ;  Sarah  E.,  88  ; 
Ulrich.  82,  83,  88. 

Rumsey,  James,  86. 

Rusbatch,  Ann.  18;  Elizabeth,  18;  Mr.,  45; 
Samuel,  18. 

Russell,  Ann,  16  ;  Elizabeth.  21,  66,  72,  123.  132  ; 
Hannah,  59  ;  Henry,  21  ;  Hilary.  123  :  John. 
16  ;  Mary.  42  :  Samuel,  21  (3),  123  :  Sarah. 
21  (8).  65  ;  Stephen,  109  ;  William,  16. 

Ruth.  Elizabeth,  67  ;  John,  67. 

Rutland,  Ann,  19,  83  ;  Elizabeth,  21,  123  ; 
George,  20;    Jane,  19.  20  (3).  21  (3).   124; 

John,  123  ;  Mary,  20,  123  ;  Matilda,  21  ;  Wil- 
liam, 19,  20  (8),  21  (.3),  122  ;  W.,  79,  83. 

Rutledge,  Ann,  73  ;  John,  73  ;  see  also  Routledge. 

Ryall  or  Riall,  John,  108  ;  Thomas,  118. 

Ryley,  Ann,  40  ;  Elizabeth,  65  ;  Thomas,  40. 

Rymer,  Frances,  42  ;  William,  42. 

Ryon,  Mrs.,  109. 


Saben,  Christopher,  117. 

Sabine  or  Sabin.  John,  118  ;  Mary,  116, 

Sacheverell,  Samuel,  75. 

Sackett,  Mary,  72. 

Sackfield,  Mary,  77. 

Sadlar  or  Sadlor,  Elizabeth,  1  ;    Samewell,   1  ; 

William,  105. 
Sage,  Jeremiah,  91  ;  Sophia,  91. 
Sale.  Mary,  67. 
Salisbury,  Cornelia.  43. 

Salsbury,  Mrs.  Frances,  42  ;  James,  Earl  of,  42, 
Salter,  Katherine,  41  ;  Mary,  41. 
Salvin,  James,  47  ;  Ruth,  47. 
Sambache,  Bridget,  41. 
Sambome,  Elizabeth,  42  ;  William,  42. 
Sambrook,  Peter,  121. 
Sammie.  Elizabeth,  79. 
Samond,  Patience,  125. 
Samwell.  Ann,  44. 
Sandell,  John,  53  ;  Sarah,  53. 
Sanders,  Letitia,  55  ;  Martha,  60  ;  William,  60, 

Sandford,  Ann,  45  ;  John,  45. 
Sands  or  Sandes,  Ann,  110;   John,    100,    113; 

William,  111. 
Sandsbury,  Hanna,  42. 
Sandys,    Ann,    117  ;    Elizabeth,   52  ;    Margaret, 

Sangster,  A.,  83. 
Sare.  Sarah,  11 7  (2). 
Sarrige  or  Sarrage.  Elizabeth,  11  ;  George,  11  ; 

Joseph,  10,  11   (2),   111;    Mary,  10,   11   (2); 

Shrowley.  10,  111. 
Satchwell.  Barbara,  46  ;  John.  46. 
Saul,  Mary,  67. 
Saunder,  Sarah,  82. 
Saunders,  Elizabeth,  50,  63  ;  Frans.,  90  ;  Jane, 

44  ;   Rebecca,  71  ;  Thomas,  44. 
Savage.  Margaret,  41. 
Sayer.  Angelina  M..  37  (2). 
Say  well,  Elizabeth,  118. 
Saywer  (.'  Sawyer),  Sarah,  55. 
Scarborough.  Sarah.  48. 
Scargell,  Dudley,  109,  111. 
Scargen,  Dudley,  108. 
Scholey,  Sarah,  76. 
Sclater,  Rev.  Bartholomew  L.,  81  ;  Elizabeth  R.. 

Scoones,  Maria,  93  ;  Richard,  93. 
Scott  or  Scot,  Alice,  54  ;  Ann,  54  ;  Catherine, 

84;  Charles,  108;  Eleanor,  7, 108  ;  Elizabeth, 

8,  .56,  67,  68,  114;  George,  84  ;  Hannah,  7,  8 

(2)  ;    I.,  26  ;   James.  67  ;   Jemima,  59  ;  John, 

56,  119;   Mr.,  25;  Peter,  54;  Prudence,  65; 

Rebecca.  66;  Richard.  54  ;  Robert.  59;  Samuel, 

7,  107  ;  Sarah,  66  ;  Thomas.  66  ;  William,  7, 

8  (2),  109,  114. 
Scale,  Elizabeth,  49  ;  Robert,  49. 
Seamer  or  Seamor,  Edward,  53  ;  Elizabeth,  86  ; 

Rebecca.  52. 



Seares  o?' Sears,  Jane,  21,  78;  Samuel,  21,  78; 

Samuel  M.,  21  ;  Sarah,  86. 
Searle,  Bridg-et,  47  ;  Dorothy,  62  ;  Edward,  47  ; 

Margaret.  61  ;   Mary,  68  ;  William,  61. 
Seath,  Elizabeth,  73. 
Seaton,  Ann,  44  ;  Samuel.  44. 
Sedofewick,  Bridget,  62. 
Segar,  Rebecca.  131. 
Segus.  Mary.  60. 
Seigniore,  Elizabeth,  116. 
Selby.  Eleanor,  50. 
Sell,  Elizabeth,  43. 
Selling.  Ann,  17;    John,  119:    Mary,   17  (2); 

William,  17  (2),  119. 
Sellom,  Ann,  73. 
Severne,  Mary,  54. 
Sevren.  Henry,  133. 

Sewell,  Lydia,  18  ;  Philip,  18,  121  ;  Sarah,  18. 
Seymar,  see  Seymour. 
Seymour  or  Seymor.  Elizabeth,  43  ;  Esther.  44  ; 

Hannah,  41  :  William,  116. 
Shady,  Elizabeth,  126. 
Shall,  Edmund.  61  ;  Hannah,  61. 
Shanks.  Anna,  110  ;  Anne,  10  :  Craford,  10, 110  ; 

John.  10,  110. 
Shardlow,  Elizabeth,  43  ;  Sarah.  44. 
Sharpe,  Ann,  21  (2)  ;  Charles  H.,  21  ;  Mr.  Dean. 

5  :  George,  21  (2)  ;  Lancelot.  134. 
Shaw.  Ann,  85  ;    Ann  F..  33.  34  ;    Charles,  122  ; 

Edmund,  33.  34  ;   William  M.,  33. 
Shelley,  Catherine,  66  ;  Hannah,  39  ;  Henry,  39. 
Shepherd  (Sheppard  or  Shepheard).  Elizabeth, 

8,  42,  108  ;  John,  18,  42  ;  Joseph.  7,  8  (3),  18  ; 

Joshuah.  7  ;  Mary.  7.  8  (3).  18  ;  Philadelphia, 

47  ;    Rachel,  63  ;    Richard,    65  :    Robert,  8  ; 

Sarah.  65,  79. 
Sherborne.  Elizabeth,  48. 
Sherbrooke,  Rebecca.  40. 
Sherloe,  Mary,  43. 
Sherring,  Mary.  69  ;  Thomas,  73. 
Sherwill,  Sarah.  43  ;  William.  43. 
Sherwoode  or  Sherwood.  Ann.   1 04  ;    John.  3. 

103  ;   Margaret.  3.  103  :    Mary.  3  (2),  103  (2)  ; 

Ralph.  3  (2),  103  (2)  ;  Rebecca,  41. 
Shettleworth,  Abraham,  57  ;  Mary,  57. 
Shieres,  Abigail.  42. 
Shippv,  Sarah.  62. 
Shipside,    Dorothy,    2,    3   (2)  ;    Elizabeth,   3  ; 

George,  2.  3  (2)  ;  Mary,  2. 
Short,  Samuel,  115. 
Shorthose,  James.  56  ;  Susanna,  56. 
Show,  Margaret,  82. 

Shuckburgh,  Richard,  45  ;  Susanna,  45. 
Siekes,  Mary,  106. 
Silberschildt,  Jacob  F.,  132. 
Siler.  Wincop.  109. 
Silk,  Samuel,  117. 
Silvester.  Daniel.  69  ;  Sarah,  69. 
Simeon,  Daniel.  90  ;  Mary,  90. 
Simmonds,  -lee  Simmons. 
Simmons  (Simons  or  Simmonds).  Daniel.  6.  42. 

105;  Elizabeth,  93;  John,  4,  93;  Mary,  93  ; 

Peregrine,  4  ;  Rebecca,  65,  91  ;  William,  65. 
Simond,  L.,  76. 
Simpson  or  Simson,  Barbara  F..  36  (5),  37,  92  ; 

Barbara  G..  132  :  Edward.  94  ;  Elizabeth,  37, 

.50.   92.   94  ;    Jane,    1  ;    John.  94  ;   Julia.  92  : 

Mary.  65  ;  Mr..  102  ;  N.,  92  :  Nathaniel.  135  ; 

Nicholas.    9.  44.  109  :    Sarah,  1.  2,  3.  9,  44, 

100,  109  ;  Thomas,  1,  2,  3.  9,  100,  109  ;  W.,  87  : 

Wm.,  92. 

Singleton,  Laurence,  52  ;  Mary,  52;  Thomas,  75. 

Sise.  Hannah,  64. 

Skeen,  Ursula.  75  ;  William,  75. 

Skinner,    John.    16    (2),    117;    Katherine,   16; 

Mr.,  133  ;  Sarah,  16  (2)  ;  Thomas,  79. 
Skippwith.  Dorothy,  3,  5,  105  ;  Jane,  3  ;  John, 

3,  5,  105  ;  William,  5,  105. 
Skuse.  Mary  A..  134. 

Slack,  Elizabeth,  32,  66  ;  John.  66, 

Slade.  Elizabeth,  57  :  James.  57. 

Slater,  John,  22,  123,  124  ;  Mary,  21.  22  :  Mat- 
thew, 21,  22,  124,  127  ;  Rachel.  123  ;  Thomas. 

Slaughter,  Ann.  60  ;  Anna,  66  ;  George,  60,  66. 

Sloper.  Elizabeth,  57. 

Sly.  Elizabeth,  33  ;  John.  33  ;  John  W.,  33. 

Small,  Daniel.  42  ;  Elizabeth.  42.  82  ;  Mary,  58. 

Smallwood.  Mr.  Dean,  1,  2,  39,  100,  101  ;  Mrs. 
Theophania,  103. 

Smalshaw.  Hannah.  52  ;  Joshua,  52. 

Smart,  Elizabeth.  45  :  Sarah.  84. 

Smerdon,  E.,  79. 

Smith.  Aaron,  103  ;  Alice,  104  ;  Ann,  20.  21  (3), 
22  (2).  48  :  Arabella,  50  ;  Benjamin.  20  ;  Boyle, 
50  ;  Charlotte  F.,  32  ;  Christopher,  7,  8  (3)  ; 
Elizabeth,  8,  41,  50,  75,  122  ;  Frances,  54  ; 
Francis.  60 ;  George,  22,  124 ;  Grace.  69 ; 
Hannah.  66  :  James.  21;  Jane.  23;  John,  1, 
21  (3).  22  (2),  100,  108,  121,  122  ;  Judith,  40; 
Margaret  E.,  23  :  Maria,  34,  35  ;  Mary,  4,  7, 
8  (3).  41,  43  (2),  44,  67,  75.  108,  113.  128,  129, 
131  :  Mary  A.,  22  ;  Rachil.  1.  100  ;  Rebecca, 

47  ;  Rh 122  ;    Richard,  40  ;    Robert,  23, 

43.  48  ;  Samuel,  74.  75  ;  Sarah.  48,  60,  SI  ; 
Simon.  8  ;  Thomas.  1.  47. 50,  69. 100  ;  William, 

4,  7,  21,  41,  54,  67  ;  Mr.  William,  44. 
Smithes  (>/•  Smithys,  Rev.  Mr.,  40,  43,  45. 
Snailhouse,  Jane,  21  ;  William,  21. 
Snelins,  sec  Snellins. 

Snell,  Elizabeth,  14  ;  Frances,  15  ;  Mary,  14  (2), 

115  :  Sarah,  14,  15  ;  Thomas,  14  (2),  15. 
Snelling.  Charles.  96  ;  Emma,  96  ;  Hannah,  71  ; 

Henry.  96. 
Snellins  or  Snelins,  Charles.  22  ;    George,  21  ; 

Jane.  21.  22  (3),  23,  124,  125;  Jane  E.,  23  ; 

Jane  S.,  22  ;  William,  21,  22  (3),  23,  85. 
Snow,  Mary,  66  ;  Rebecca,  41  ;  Robert,  41. 
Snowden.  Elizabeth.  77. 
Soames  (Soame  or  Somes),  Ann,  9  ;  Elizabeth, 

6  ;  Frances.  6  ;  Gervass.  8  ;  Henry,  6  (4),  7 
(2).  8  (3),  9  (2),  110  ;  Jarvis.  8  ;  Jeremiah, 
111:  Jeremy.  7  ;  John,  8  ;  Katherine.  6  (4), 

7  (2).  8  (3).  9  (2)  ;  Mary,  7  ;  Mr.,  103  :  WilUam, 
9,  109. 

Sone,  John,  52  ;  Mary,  52. 

Sorrell,  Ann,  41  ;  John.  41. 

South,  Amie.  51  ;  the  Rev.  Robert,  38, 

Southen.  Adam,  4,  103  ;  Alee,  4,  106  ;  Ann,  5  ; 

Elizabeth.  4  (2).  5  (2).  103,  105  ;  Frances,  6  ; 

William.  4  (2),  5  (2),  6,  103,  105. 
Southwell.  Elizabeth,  59  ;  Francis,  55  ;  Letitia, 

55  ;  William,  59. 
Spackman.  Mary,  53. 
Spalding,  Abraham,   19;    Charles  G.,  19,   121; 

Margaretha,  19. 
Sparhawke,  Elizabeth,  40. 
Sparrow,  Agnes,  21  ;  Alicia,  34  ;  John,  21. 
Speary,  Elizabeth.  56  ;  John,  56  ;  Sarah,  57. 
Speller,  Jacob,  55  ;  Mary,  55. 
Spicer,  Eleanor,  47  ;  John.  47  ;  Mary,  47, 
Spiller,  Sarah,  64. 



Spratt.  Caroline.  38  (2)  :  Edward,  38  :  George  S.. 

38  ;  Samuel,  38  (2). 
Spriggs,  Sarah.  .53. 

Spring,  Catherine,  56  ;  Pendlebury.  56. 
Springall  or  Springal.  Richard,  75  ;  Sarah, 75, 83. 
Springher,  Sarah.  111. 
Spurgeon.  Elizabeth.  66. 
Squire.  Bethia.  17.  18  (2)  :  Daniel.  13  ;  Grace,  13  ; 

Thomas.    18:    William.  13.  17.  18:    William 

G..  18(2). 
Stables.  Alice,  71  ;    Edward,  52;    Richard,  71  ; 

Susanna,  52. 
Stace.  Mary,  38  ;  Stephen.  88. 
Stafferton.  Anne.  9  ;   Richard,  9. 
Stanbara.  Andrew,  79  ;  Sarah,  79. 
Stanbridge,  Mary,  58. 
Stanly,  Sarah.  44. 
Stanton.  Elizabeth.  64  ;    Esther,  102  ;  Frances, 

2,  102  ;  John.  2.  102  :  Mary,  68,  102. 
Stapleton.  Alice,  15;    John,  15;    Richard,  15; 

Thomas.  15. 
Starbuck,  F.   S..  85  ;   Joseph,  89  ;    Maria,  89 ; 

Sarah,  128. 
Starkey.  John.  52  ;  Mary.  52. 
Starling,  Elizabeth,  80  ;  John,  80. 
Stavely.  Elizabeth,  42. 
Staverton.  Mary.  61. 
Stedman.  Hannah.  91  ;    Harriot.  35  (2)  ;   John, 

91;    Margaret,  22;    Richard  S.,  124:    Sarah. 

22  ;  William.  22. 
Steel.  Charles.  79  ;  Mary,  79. 
Steers)?'  Steare,Hannah,64  ;  Mary,68 ;  William,68. 
St«llme.  Martha.  47. 
Stennett.  Charles,  94  ;  Eliza.  94. 
Stephens.  Alberta,  38  ;   Ann,  37,  96  :    Betsy,  38 

(2),  96  ;  Elizabeth.  36.  96  (2)  ;  Joseph.  38  (2) 

96  ;    Joseph  C.  38  ;    Nathaniel,  36,  37,  93,  96 

(3)  ;  N..  95,  96,  97  ;  Roberta,  60  ;  Sarah,  96 

Susanna,  36. 
Stephenson,  Alice,  85  ;    Ann,  70  ;    John,  107 

Susanna,  85. 
St«vens,  Anna.  66,  71  ;   James,  91  ;   Naomi,  91 

William.  71. 
Stevenson.  Alice,  27  ;    Elizabeth,  1.  2  (2),  3  (2), 

103  ;   E lienor,  3  :  George,  3  :  John.  2  :  Mary, 

1  ;    Richard.  58  ;    Robert,  1,  2  (2),  3  (2)  ;    Mr. 

Robert,  107  ;  Sarah.  58. 
Steward.  James.  85  ;  Mary,  85. 
Stewart.  Mrs.  Lucy.  45  :  — ,  25. 
Stidilph,  Ann.  80. ' 
Stileman,  Mary,  43. 
Stiles.  Ann.  68  ;    Lazarus,  44  ;    Mary,  44  ;   see 

aho  Styles. 
Still,  John.  79  ;  Mary,  79. 
Stilton,  Frainces,  2  ;  George,  2  :  Jane,  2. 
Stinton  (?  Hinton),  Rebecca,  66  ;  Samuel,  66. 
Stocker.  Amos,  18  (2)  ;    Katherine.  18  (2)  ;   So- 
phia. 18  ;  William,  18. 
Stoddart,  EUzabeth,  83. 
Stoe.  Harry.  81. 
Stokely.  Ann,  50. 
Stokes,  Mary.  43  ;  Neh'',  77. 
Stone.  Ann,  119  ;  Christopher,  5  ;   Edward,  79  ; 

Mary,  5,  81. 
Stonehouse,  Dorothy,  40. 
Storton,  Sarah,  43. 
Story.  Freelove.  47  :  George,  47. 
Stovin,  Elizabeth.  120. 
Strachey.  John.  80. 
Stracy,   Ann.    12  ;    Edward.    10,    11,    12.    118  ; 

George,  11  ;  Mary,  10,  11,  12  :  Rachel,  10. 

Strange,  Sophia,  87. 

Straw,  Mary,  54  ;  Matilda,  53. 

Streaton.  Elizabeth,  112. 

Street,  Elizabeth.  58  ;  William,  58. 

Streetton,  William,  118. 

Stringer.  Jemima,  82. 

Strong,  Benjamin.  4(5  :  Mary.  46. 

Strutt,  Elizabeth.  40  ;  Richard.  40. 

Stubbing,  Dorothea,  42  ;  John,  42. 

Studwell.  Elizabeth.  47  ;  James,  47. 

Sturges.  Sarah.  46. 

Style,  Joseph,  54  ;  Mary.  54. 

Styles.  Caroline.  96  ;  Richard,  96  ;  see  also  Stiles. 

Summers,  Diana.  88  ;  William,  88. 

Sumner.  Ann.  54. 

Surr,  Maiy,  92. 

Surridge.  Judith.  40. 

SutclifEe.  Elizabeth.  52. 

Swan.  Andrew,  122  ;  Mary  A  .  132. 

Sweetaple,  John.  43  ;  Mary.  43. 

Sweeting,  Eliza.  14;    Elizabeth,  15;  Nicholas, 

14.  15  :  Richard,  14.  115  ;  — ,  15. 
Swettingham.  Kleanora,  55. 
Swift,  Ajin.  17  ;  James,  17  ;  Robert,  115  ;  Sarah, 

Swinbourn.  Ann.  31,  32  (2). 
Swinney.  Martha,  47  ;  Owen,  47. 
Swinscow,  David,  81  ;  Mary,  81. 
Sydenham.  Ann.  60  ;  Philip,  60. 
Syke.  Mary,  123. 
Syle,  Joan.  129,  131. 
Symkin,  John,  42  ;  Susanna,  42. 

Tabrot,  Ann,  116  ;  Peter.  117. 

Taileworth,  Henry,  64  ;  Martha,  64. 

Tamkins.  see  Tomkins. 

Tanner,  Ann.  96  ;  Charlotte,  96  ;  Elizabeth,  12  ; 
Joseph.  96  ;  Mary,  12,  96,  113;  Samuel,  12  ; 
Sarah,  96  ;  Thomas,  96. 

Tarbox,Edward,82(2)  ;  Margaret,  82  ;  Robert,82. 

Tarrant,  Mary,  61. 

Tasker.  Jane.  17  ;  Joseph.  17  ;  Lydia,  17. 

Tatum.  Mary,  28  ;  William,  28. 

Taylor,  Amy.  51  :  Edward.  18.  39;  Eleanor.  60; 
Elizabeth.  20,  54.  55,  64.  83  ;  Henry,  96  ; 
Isabella.  19,  68  ;  James,  20,  83;  John.  19; 
Joseph,  59.  96  ;  Mr.  .loseph,  101  ;  Martha,  45, 
103  :  Mary,  28,  39  (2)  ;  Rebecca,  40  ;  Robert, 
64  ;  Ruth.  75  :  Sarah.  18  :  Sarahi  A.,  96  ;  Sus- 
anna, 59  ;  Thomas,  51  ;  William,  18,  40,  60,  75. 

Teasdale.  Mary.  27.  127,  128  ;  Richard,  27, 

Teasher.  David,  100. 

Teeme.  Susanna.  66. 

Tempest,  Sir  Henry.  69  ;  Mary,  69. 

Temple,  Elizabeth,  54  ;  Jacob.  54. 

Templeman.  Fanny.  92. 

Tennant.  Emma.  95  ;  Frederick  W.,  95  ;  Henry 

D.,  95  ;  Mary  A.,  95. 
Terrel,  Deborah,  55  ;  Isaac,  55. 
Terrey,  see  Terry. 
Terrill.  Mary,  47. 
Terry  or  Terrey,  Anna  M.,  22  ;  Edward.  22,  23 

(2)  ;  Elizabeth.  22,  23  (2),  53  ;  Henrietta,  23  ; 

John,  .50;  John  E..  23  ;  Mary.  50. 
Thomas  or  Tommas,  Ann.  59  :  Elizabeth,  16,  42  ; 

Esther,  79.  82  ;    Frances,  134  ;    Hannah.  82  ; 

Jabez,  135  ;  John,  41,  59,  80;  Joseph,  15,  16, 



117  ;  Martha,  15,  16,  117;  Mary,  41,  .76,  79; 
Mary  A.,  77  ;  Robert,  134  ;  Severn,  135  ;  Wil- 
liam, 79. 

Thomlinson,  Robert,  77  ;  gee  aho  Tomlinson. 

Thompson  or  Thomson.  And.,  76  ;  Ann,  89  ;  Ann 
F.,  33,  34  ;  Benjamin,  123;  Christopher,  36 
Dr.,  47;  Elizabeth,  19  (2),  76, 122  ;  Frances,  36 
Francis,  19  (2).  121  ;  James.  84,  92,  110,  123 
Jane,  19  (2),  121  ;  John,  123;  Margaret,  84 
Maria,  88;  Mary,  63,  65,  92,  116;  Mildred 
63  ;  Natty,  121  ;  Richard,  123  ;  Sarah,  49 
Severn.  135;  Susanna,  115;  Thomas,  49 
Turner,  123  ;  William,  63. 

Thorn,  John.  120  ;  Mary,  58,  83  ;  Richard.  58 
Sarah,  83,  88  ;  Thomas,  88. 

Thornborrow,  Sophia.  24. 

Thornton,  Dorothy,  19  ;  Edward,  121  ;  Eliza- 
beth. 19, 120  ;  Frances,  82  ;  Jane.  120  ;  Kathe- 
rine,  41  ;  Mary,  62  ;  Sarah.  82  ;  Sophia  M., 
84  ;  Thomas,  62  ;  William,  19,  84,  121. 

Thorowg-ood,  Henry,  19  ;  Mary,  19  ;  Thomas,  19. 

Thorpe,  Joanna,  77. 

Threlkeld.  Judith,  65. 

Thresher,  John.  90. 

Thristell,  Elizabeth,  100  ;  Mary,  100  ;  Thomas, 
100  (2). 

Thristenie,  Elizabeth,  102. 

Throgmorton,  Rachel,  60. 

Throsby,  John,  128, 

Throughton,  Sarah,  43. 

Thursbee,  Mrs.  Mary,  103. 

Thursfield,  Edith,  51  ;  Edward,  51. 

Tibby,  Edmund,  46  ;  Elizabeth,  46. 

Tiddswell.  Ann,  24,  25,  27  (2),  126,  132  ;  Ann  F., 
25  ;  Charlotte,  27  ;  James,  24,  25,  27  (2),  126, 
129,  132  ;  James  S.,  24,  125  ;  Robert  F.,  27; 
Robert  S.,  126. 

Tihurst,  Elizabeth,  64. 

Tilbury,  Mary,  74. 

Tillerton,  Mary  A.,  124. 

Tillingson,  Dr.,  39. 

Tilbon,  Frances,  36. 

Tim  or  Timme,  Ann,  110;  Anna,  39;  Edward, 
110  ;  Hannah,  110  ;  see  also  Tims. 

Tims  (Timmes  or  Timms),  Ann,  6,  7,  107  ;  Ed- 
ward, 6  (3),  7  (3),  8  (3),  107  (2).  109  ;  Eliza- 
beth, 8,  108  ;  Hannah,  6  (3),  7  (3),  8  (3),  46, 
107  (2),  108  ;  Samuell.  6. 

Tinley,  Edward,  78,  80. 

Tipp,  John,  128. 

Tippler,  Elizabeth,  27. 

Tipton,  Hannah,  44. 

Titterton,  George,  22,  125  ;  Mary,  22  ;  William, 
22,  125. 

Tobin,  Elizabeth,  61 ;  James,  61. 

Tockfield,  Mary,  56. 

Todd,  Aretaphile,  52. 

Tody,  Henry,  107. 

Tofts,  Elizabeth,  88  ;  Johnson,  88. 

Tolet,  John,  75  ;  Susanna,  75. 

ToUemach  or  Tallemach,  Mary,  28,  29,  30,  31. 

Tomes,  Alice,  42. 

Tomkins,  John,  92  ;  Mary,  92. 

Tomlin,  John,  120. 

Tomlinson,  Rev.  George,  132  ;  see  also  Thomlin- 

Toms  or  Tomms,  Ann,  41 ;  Christopher,  41  ; 
Mary,  81. 

Tonge,  Elizabeth,  45. 

Toother,  Ann,  47  ;  John,  47. 

Tothill,  Olive,  57;  Robert,  57. 

Totton,  Catherine,  74  ;  Stevens,  74  ;  William,  74. 
Towne  or  Town,  Dr.,  31,  131  ;  Frances,  57. 
Townley,  Mary,  83  ;  Thomas,  83. 
Townseud,  Alicia,  34  ;  Elizabeth,  16  (5)  ;  George, 

16  (5)  ;  Meredith  W.,  34  ;  Sarah,  95  ;  Susanna, 

16  ;  Thomas,  95  ;  Veiney  M.,  16  ;  William  T., 

Trapan'd.  Mary,  123. 
Trary,  David,  32  ;  James,  32  ;  Sarah,  32. 
Travell,  Frances,  45  ;  John,  45. 
Tredway,  Mary,  61. 
Tregea,  Mary,  50  ;  William,  50. 
Treleven,  Elizabeth,  124  ;  Mary,  106. 
Trenchard,  Elizabeth,  44  ;  John,  44. 
Trevelyan,  Sir  John,  20  ;   Lady  Louisa  M.,  20  ; 

Peter  H.,  20. 
Trevise,  Mary,  106. 
Trevor,  Margaret,  79. 
Trowsdale.  Eliza,  90  ;  Richard,  90. 
Truman,  Margaret,  110  ;  Mary,  15  ;  Robert,  15. 
Truscott,  Maria,  87  ;  Peggy,  87. 
Tuck,  Jane,  68  ;  Robert,  68. 
Tucker,  Andrew.  7  ;  Ann,  7  :  Elhanan,  7  ;  Mary, 

Tuckfield,  Elizabeth,  54  ;  Roger,  54. 
Tudway,  Susanna,  45. 
Tuffnall  or  Tufnaile,  Elizabeth,  5  (3),  6,  41, 

106  ;   Mrs.  Elizabeth,  107  ;  John,  5  (3),  6,  41, 

106,  110  ;  Rebecca,  5  ;  Samuel,  5. 
Tunnicliff,  Thomas.  86. 
Turnbull,  Easton,  89. 
Turner.  Ann,  111  ;   Charity,  72  ;   Mrs.  Coecilia, 

108  ;    Dorothy,  41,  64  ;    Elizabeth,  9  (2),  12, 

58  ;  Henry,  44  ;  James,  105  ;  Jane,  47  ;  John, 

9  (2),  12  ;   Joseph,  106  ;    Joshua,  40  ;   Kathe- 

rine,  40,  42  ;    Mary,  43,  44,  56  ;   Mary  A.,  97  ; 

Nicholas,  43  ;    Rachael,  58  ;   Rebecca,  47,  58  ; 

Richard,  41.  58  ;    Samuel,  12  ;    Thomas,  47  ; 

William,  105. 
Tuttie  or  Tutte,  Mr.,  2  ;  Mr.  John,  108. 
Twitty,  Bridget,  47. 
Twyman.  John,  67  ;  Mary,  67. 
Twyne,  Anne,  43  ;  Anthony,  43. 


Underwood,  Emily,  93  ;  James  A.,  93. 
Upjohn,  Edward,  80  ;  Mary,  80  ;  Thomas,  80. 
Upton,  Ambrose,  8  ;  Jane,  8  ;  Richard,  8. 
Usher,  James,  62  ;  Patient,  62. 

Valley,  John,  55  ;  Mary,  55. 
Vandallum,  Elizabeth,  74. 
Vanderstegen,  William,  78. 
Vandeuren,  Elizabeth,  51  ;  Henry,  51. 
Vanhack  w  Vanhicke,  Heaster.  1, 100  ;  Isack,  1  ; 

John,  1,  100  ;  Sarah,  100. 
Van  Neck.  Joshua,  63  ;  Mary  A.,  63. 
Vanwike,  Margaret,  51. 
Varlet,  Joachim  L.  P.,  98  ;  Laura  S.,  98. 
Vaugham,  EUzabeth,  39  ;  Thomas,  39. 
Vaughan,  Ann,  48  ;  Anne  B.,  17  ;  Catherine,  17  ; 

James,  17;  John,  127. 
Veal,  Joseph,  105  ;  Lewes,  105. 
Veisey,  John,  63  ;  Rachel,  63. 
Venner,  Elizabeth,  81  ;   John,  81  (2)  ;    Sarah, 




Verchild,  Sarah,  71. 

Verdier,  Catherine,  51. 

Verffe  (La),  sec  La  Verge. 

Vernon,  Edward,  119;    Elizabeth,  14,  16,  118; 

James,  121  ;  Mary,  14  ;  Samuel,  14,  16,  17,  119, 

121  ;  Sarah,  118,  128  ;  William,  17. 
Vertue,  Ann,  77. 
Vickers    or    Viccars,    Elizabeth,    17.    18,    119; 

Samuel,  17,  18,  119,  120;    Sarah  E.  R.,  17; 

Thomas,  119  ;  Thomas  S.,  18. 
Vickery,  Catherine  I.,  21 ,  22  ;  Francis  W.  J.,  22  ; 

William,  21,  22.  79. 
Villeneau,  Esther,  59. 
Vincent,  Ann,  101  ;    Hannah,  61  ;   James,  129, 

130  ;  Judith,  42  ;  Lady  Rebecca,  100. 


Wadman.  Rebecca,  89. 

Waikrill,  Mary,  61  ;  Thomas.  61. 

Wakeford,  Katherine,  61. 

Walcot,  Rebecca,  03  ;  Robert,  63. 

Walden,  Elizabeth,  52  ;  Henry,  52. 

Waldron,  Ann,  55. 

Walker.  Ann.  .50  ;  Dr.  Anthony,  45  ;  Archibald, 

97  :  Beckett.  9  ;  Elizabeth.  40. 119  ;  Henriette 

E.,  97  ;   James  T.,  97  ;    Jane,  9  ;    Lydia,  121  ; 

Margaret,  45  ;   Mary,  9  (2)  ;    Robert,  9  (2)  ; 

Sarah.  42  ;  Thomas,  40. 
Wall,  Elizabeth.  60  ;  William.  00. 
Walley.  John,  50  ;  Sarah.  50. 
Wallis  <»•  Wallas,  Mary  A.,  132  :  Mr.,  103. 
Walter,  Edward,  41  ;  Priscilla,  41. 
Walthoe.  John,  70  ;  Sarah,  70. 
Walton,  Mrs.  Ann,  102  ;  Benjamin,  54  ;  Frances, 

45  ;  Mary,  54. 
Waluenidge.  Ruth,  88. 
Wandell,  Ann,  52  ;  Thomas,  52. 
Ward,   Abel   E.,    126;    Albert.  134;    Ann,  77 

Ann  B..  19  (2)  ;   Bridget,  62  :    Charles,  16 

Elizabeth,  42,  59  ;    George,  57  ;   James,   89 

Jesse,  125  ;  John,  19  (2)  ;  Mary,  89  ;  Mary  A. 

134  ;  Mary  J.,  130,  131  ;  Olive,  16  ;  Rebecca 

71  ;  Richard,  134  ;  Robert.  77  ;  Sarah.  57,  58 

84  ;    Seth,  19,  83,  125  ;    Susanna,    16,    127 

Thomas.  62  ;  William,  71,  135. 
Warden,  Mary,  116,  120. 
Warden,  Ann,  82. 
Wardman,   Grace,   5  (2),   6,    105  ;    Hellen,   6  ; 

Roger,  5  (2),  6,  105  :  Thomas,  5. 
Wardroper,  Elizabeth,  52  ;  Thomas.  52. 
Ware,  Elizabeth.  58. 
Warford,  Thomas,  121. 
Warkman,  Sarah,  63  ;  Susanna,  63. 
Warley,  Anna.  39  ;  Edward.  39. 
Warner,   Ann,  69;    Benjamin,  49;    Mary,  51; 

Matthew,  69  ;  Susanna,  49. 
Warrand,  Alexr.,  77. 
Warren,  Alice,  44  ;  Bridget,  41  ;  Henrietta,  55  ; 

John,  41  ;  Judith  F.,  55  ;  Lydia.  105  ;  Sarah, 

Warter,  Ann,  53  ;  Francis,  53. 
Warwick,  James  J.,  34  ;  John  G.,  34  ;   Sophia, 

Washington,  Margaret,  41. 
Wastell,  Audrey,  74  ;  Catherine,  74. 
Wastfeild,  Sarah,  41  ;  William,  41. 
Waterhouse,  Mrs.  Bridget,  40. 
Waters,  Catherine,  60  ;  Elizabeth,  61  ;  Jane,  3  ; 

Mary,  3,  44  ;  William,  3, 

Watkins,  Ann,  23,  24  ;  Ann  E.,  23  ;  Emma,  24  ; 
Robert,  107  ;  Thomas,  23,  24. 

Watlington,  Thomas,  116. 

Watson,  Agnes,  85  ;  Ann,  70,  92  ;  Connop  A., 
27  (3)  ;  Dorothy,  55  ;  Edward,  92  ;  Elizabeth  A., 
85  ;  Emma  S.,  33  ;  Isaac,  55  ;  Mary  A.,  33, 
34,  90.  92  ;  Rebecca.  13  ;  Richard,  33,  34,  90, 
91  ;  Sarah,  90  ;  William,  34  :  William  D.,  85. 

Watts,  Dorothea,  41  ;  Elizabeth,  58  :  Sir  Nicho- 
las, 45  ;  Rachel,  54,  58  ;  Rebecca,  45  ;  Robert, 
85,  88  ;  Rev.  R.,  130  ;  Stephen.  54  ;  William, 

Way,  John,  44  ;  Katherine,  44. 

Wayland,  Ann,  55  ;  John,  55. 

Weaver.  Michael,  73. 

Webb  or  Web,  Ann,  77  ;  Elizabeth,  8,  9  (4), 
10(4),  11,  109,  110,  111  (2),  114,  115  ;  George, 
9.  109  ;  Henry.  1.  10,  110;  Humphrey,  70.  77  ; 
James.  8,  9  (4).  10  (4).  11,  109.  110.  Ill  (2), 
112  (2),  114  ;  Joseph,  11,  112.  115  ;  Margaret, 
70;  Maria,  1  ;  Martha,  47  ;  Mary,  9,  10,  110, 
112;  Mary  A..  92;  Mrs..  100;  Noah,  47; 
Philip  C,  16,  17;  Richard,  8;  Sarah,  1,  83, 
100:  Susanna.  Ki,  17,  117  ;  Thomas,  10,  111 
Thomas  L..  92  ;  William,  9.  77. 

Webblin,  Esther,  44. 

Webster,  Benjamin.  46  ;  Isabella.  46. 

Weed,  Phoebe,  49. 

Weeks  or  Weekes,  Ann.  81  ;  John,  47  ;  Martha, 
47  ;  Sarah,  44  ;  Thomas,  44. 

Welbank,  Mary,  76  ;  William,  76. 
;  Joseph,  41  ; 
George,  5 1 . 
59  ;  Ann,  90 

Susanna,  40. 
Hannah,  59  ; 

Welch,  Frances,  41 

Welham,  Alice,  51  ; 

Waller,  Alexander, 
Stephen,  90. 

Welley,  Ann.  125. 

Wells,  Mary.  63. 

Wentrige,  Elizabeth,  39. 

Wentworth,  Catherine,  56. 

Wernicke,  Mary,  91. 

West,  Avis.  47  ;  Edward,  3  ;  Harriot.  84  ;  John, 
3  ;  Martha.  3  ;  Thomas,  47. 

Westbrooke,  Elizabeth,  44. 

Weston,  Ann,  44,  60  ;  Elizabeth,  42  ;  Francis, 
42  ;  James  93  ;  Sarah  A..  93  ;  Thomas,  44. 

Westwood,  Sarah,  27. 

Wetherell  ('/•  Wetherel,  Anna  M.,  129,  130  ; 
Benjamin.  128  ;  Joanna.  128  ;  John  R.,  126  ; 
Mr.,  127,  128  ;  Sarah,  127  ;  William  G.,  125. 

Wetherley.  Ann,  46  ;  James,  46. 

Weyman,  Margaret,  41. 

Whaley,  Charles.  77  ;  Eleanor,  77  ;  Sarah,  88  ; 
William,  88. 

Wharton.  Ann,  56,  80,  116  ;  Dorothy,  55  ;  Eliza- 
beth, 68;  John.  115;  Mary.  64,  68,  82,  118, 
120;  Nancy  S.,  80;  Robert,  56,  64.  68, 
118  ;  Samuel.  80  (2).  81  ;  Sarah,  81  ;  William, 

Whatley  or  Whately,  Henrietta,  55  ;  Josiah,  13, 
55  ;  Richard  K.,  Esq.,  125  ;  William,  55. 

Wheat,  Francis.  116. 

Wheatle,  Ann,  74. 

Wheatley,  Ann.  65  ;  Catherine,  20 ;  Francis,  66 ; 
Hannah.  61  ;  Martha.  55  ;  Mary,  66  ;  Rhodey, 
20  (2)  :  Sarah,  58  ;  Thomas,  20  ;  William,  20 

\\  heeler,  Ann,  53  ;  Martha,  90  ;  Mary,  71  ; 
William,  53. 

Whetter.  see  Whitter. 

Whiffin,  Rebecca,  90. 

Whitaker,  Ann,  57  ;    Edward  W.,  18  ;   Isabella 



R.,  17,  18  (2),  67,  120  ;  John,  57  ;  Joyce,  17  ; 
Mary,  53  ;  William,  17,  18  (2),  67.  119. 

White,  Ann,  46  ;  Annamaria,  3  ;  Catherine,  66  ; 
Edward,  3  ;  Frances.  62  ;  George,  89  ;  Jane, 
81  ;  Lucy,  71  ;  Marian.  3  ;  Martha.  106  ; 
Mary.  89,  103:  Mr..  101  ;  Robert.  86 :  Sarah. 
39  ;  Susanna.  118  ;  William,  8-1 ;  — ,  101. 

Whitehead,  Emma.  96  ;  Isabel,  95  ;  John  W., 
96  :  Susanna.  121 ;  Thomas,  95,  96. 

Whitehorn,  Eobert,  109. 

Whitehouse,  Edward,  56  ;  Mary,  56. 

Whitfield.  Margaret.  48. 

Whiting.  Elizabeth,  60. 

Whitland,  Margaret,  111. 

Whittenstall.  William,  76. 

Whitter  (Whetter  or  Witter).  Elizabeth,  100  ; 
John.  1,  2,  100,  101  (2);  Justinion.  1,  100; 
Mary.  1,  2,  101. 

Whittington,  Rev.  Richard,  37,  96. 

Whynant,  John.  2i). 

Wick.  Hester,  46. 

Wickett,  Elizabeth,  S3  ;  Luke,  83. 

Widdowes.  Thomas.  110. 

Widowson,  Margaret,  51  ;  Samuel,  51. 

Wiggen,  Ann,  88  ;  William,  88. 

Wiggens.  Elizabeth.  45. 

Wightman,  John,  44  :  Sarah.  44  (2). 

Wilcox,  Hope,  44  :  Joseph,  44. 

Wild,  Christopher,  83  ;  Henry,  125  ;  Mary,  83  ; 
Thomas.  83  ;  see  also  Wilds. 

Wildbore.  Rebecca.  54. 

Wilder,  Ann.  48  ;  Edward,  48. 

Wilding.  A.,  96. 

Wilds  or  Wiles.  Adonijah,  42,  101,  105,  106; 
Jacob,  106  ;  Laban,  101  :  Margaret,  101. 

Wilkins,  John,  62,  120,  122;  Katherine,  62, 
121  ;  Rachel,  105. 

Wilkinson,  Abraham,  68;  Ann,  41,  44,  122; 
Edward,  43  ;  Eleanor,  77  ;  Elizabeth,  45,  68  ; 
James,  19  ;  Jane.  84  ;  John.  41  ;  Lucretia.  17, 
18,  19  (2),  119,  124  ;  Margery.  71  :  Sarah,  19, 
43,  127  ;  Thomas,  18  ;  William.  17,  18,  19  (2), 
45.  122  :  — ,  25. 

Wilks  or  Wilkes.  Anthony,  42  :  Elizabeth,  42, 
63,  71,  88  ;  Israel.  71  ;  Nathaniel.  63. 

Willborougham,  Elizabeth.  41. 

Williams,  Ann,  3,  73,  103,  118,  120  :  Betsy.  24  ; 
Charles.  4  ;  David.  24  ;  Deborah,  55  ;  Delia, 
24;  Edward.  13;  Elizabeth,  13.  68,  116; 
Francis,  13  ;  Henry,  3  (2),  4,  5,  6,  102,  103, 
106  ;  Jane.  121  ;  Jeremiah,  5  ;  John.  39,  43, 
119  ;  Lumley.  106  ;  Margaret,  43  ;  Mary.  4, 
88,  106.  110,  115.  119;  Mrs.,  109;  Nicholas, 
117  ;  Rebecca.  45  ;  Sarah,  3  (3),  4  (2),  5,  6, 
39. 102, 103  (2).  106  ;  Mrs.  Sarah.  45  ;  Thomas, 

3,  4,  24,  103,  113  ;  William.  73.  102. 
Williamson,  Catherine,  59  ;   Delia.  135  ;   Eliza- 
beth, 4,  103  ;  James.  59  ;   Jane.  39  ;    Mary,  3, 

4.  102,  103  ;  Mrs..  102  ;  Ralph,  3,  4,  102,  103  ; 
Susanna.  48  ;  William.  3.  102. 

Willis,  Ann,  90,  92  ;  Dorothy,  59  ;  George,  90  ; 
John,  59. 

Willoughby,  John,  135. 

Wills,  Mr.,  106. 

Wilmot,  Sarah,  83. 

Wilsher,  Ann,  19.  20.  75;  John.  19,  20,  75; 
Mary  A.,  19  ;  Richard,  20. 

Wilson  or  Willson.  Ann.  41,  59  :  Edward,  42  : 
Effingham  W.,  28  ;  Elizabeth,  42,  86,  101, 
122;  Frances,  5,28,  29  (2).  30  (3),  31  ;  Francjs, 
109  ;    Hannah.  44  ;    Harriet,  124  ;    Isaac,  77  ; 

Isabella,  46  ;  James,  125  ;  Jane,  42,  78  ;  John, 
64  ;  Joseph.  5,  41  ;  Lewis.  101  ;  Martha,  28. 
64  ;    Mary,  9,  77  ;  Mary  A,,  28  ;    Mychael,  5^ 

9,  111  ;  Richard,  59  :  Roland,  25  ;  Sarah,  41  ; 
Thomas.  86,  113;  William,  78. 

Wilton,  Antonio,  55  ;  Mercia,  55, 

Wily,  Thomazin,  47, 

Wimbush,  Henry,  70  ;  Mary,  70. 

Winch,  Ann,  29,  31  ;  Lucy,  118. 

Windemught,  George,  15;  James,  15;  Susanna, 

Winder,  Elizabeth,  2  ;  John,  2  ;  Sarah,  2. 
Wingham,  Martha,  64. 
Wingood  or  Wingod,  Ann,  9,  54  ;    Joseph,  9  ; 

Margaret,  9  (4),   10,   110;    Martha,   10,  57 ; 

Thomas,  9.  llo  ;  William,  9  (4).  10,  110,  112, 
Winter,  Joshua.  63  ;  Leader,  63  ;  Thomas,  76. 
Winteringham,  Henry,  59  ;  Jane,  59, 
Wise.  Ann.  57. 
Wiseman,  Arabella,  50. 
Witham.  Hannah,  43  ;  Thomas,  43. 
Wivell.  Catherine,  45  ;  Francis,  45, 
Wolveridge,  Ann  M.,  93  ;  Jane,  90. 
Wood,  Amy,  51.  60  ;  Ann,  28,  84,  86  ;  Catherine, 

74  ;    Elizabeth.  66  ;    Henry,  11  ;   James,  67  ; 

-John,  28,  34, 35.  86  ;  Joseph,  28  (2).  29. 31 ,  86. 88. 

89.  90.  92,  133  ;  Joseph  S.,  34  :  Margaret.  84  ; 

Maria.  34,  35  ;    Martha.  60  ;    Mary,  1 1  (3),  42, 

67,  77,  111  ;  Matilda,  90  ;  Michael,  42  ;  Ralph, 

11  (3),  111,  112,  113;  Rebecca,  11;   Rosetta, 

28  (2),  29,  31,  88, 134  ;  Sarah,  34  (2),  56.  89,  90  ; 

Sarah  A.,  35;   Thomas,  66,  77;   William,  11, 

51,. 56,  111,  112;  — ,  28. 
Wood  alias  Card,  Ann,  50. 
Woodbourn,  George,  9,  10,  110,  HI  ;   Sarah.  9, 

10.  110,  111. 

Woodburn,  Sarah,  48  ;  William,  48. 

Woodcock,  Elizabeth,  57  ;  Mary,  89  ;  William,  57. 

Woodgate.  Francis,  65  ;  Mary,  65. 

Woodlev,  Elizabeth.  42  ;  Jane,  105  :  Priscilla, 
41  :  Thomas.  104.  107  ;   Mr.  Thomas,  105. 

Woodman.  Jane.  12  (2),  13  (2),  114  ;  John,  12  (2), 
13  (2).  112.  113.  114  ;  Martha.  13;  Robert,  12. 
112;  Thomas,  13,  114. 

Woodroffe.  Dr.  Benjamin.  40  ;   Dorothy,  40. 

Woodward.  Francis,  56  ;  Gartwright.  56  ;  Mary, 

Woodworth.  Mary,  35  ;  William,  35  ;  William R., 

Woodyer,  Susanna,  45, 

Wooley.  Elizabeth,  45  ;  William,  45, 

Wools,  Mary,  70. 

Wooster,  Aaron,  91  ;  Elizabeth,  91. 

Workefeild,  Martha,  44. 

Worral,  Mary  A.,  92. 

Worseley,  Thomazine,  61. 

Worts.  Clement,  87. 

Wrench.  Rev.  Thomas  W.,  37,  96. 

Wright,  Abraham,  61  ;  Ann.  14,  43,  59,  85,  88  ; 
Benjamin,  85;  Betsy,  94;  Charles,  117: 
Dorothea,  42  ;  Edward,  14,  15,  115;  Eleanora, 
55  ;  Elizabeth,  14,  15,  49,  62,  65,  69,  94,  103, 
119,  125  ;  Ezechiell,  41  :  Gartwright,  56  ; 
Hannah,  61  :  James,  89,  92,  119  ;  John,  78, 
94,  101,  102,  103,  104  (2),  119,  125;  Mar- 
garet. 102,  103,  104  ;  Martha,  40,  50  ;  Mary, 
41,  51,  62,  70,  78,  88,  102:  Mary  A.,  15; 
Matthew,  55  ;  Rachel,  54  ;  Rebecca,  89,  92  ; 
Richard,  51  ;  Robert.  94  ;  Thomas.  40,  90  ; 
William,  42,  59,  62,  70. 

Wyatt  ur  Wyat,  Ann,  14  (2),  15,  115  ;  Elizabeth, 



47,  68  ;    Francis,  14  (2),  15,  115  ;    Mary,  14 

Richard,  68;  Sarah.  15. 115. 
Wybert,  Mary,  67. 
Wyllie,  George,  74  ;  Mary,  74. 
Wyne.  Mary,  50  ;  William,  50. 
Wynn.  Elizabeth,  134. 
WyreU,  the  Widow,  103. 

Yalden,  Mary,  53. 

Yarrow.  Cornelius  B..  91  ;  Julia  M.,  91. 

Yate,  Elizabeth.  49  :  Job,  49. 

Yates,  Francis.  42  :  Lucy,  78  ;  Mary,  42. 

Yeates,  Hannah,  67  :   Thomas.  67. 

Yerbury.  Clara  W..  99. 

Yield,  Ann,  64. 

Young.   Bartholomew,   41 ;    Elizabeth,   84  (2)  ; 

George,  42  :    Katherine.  41  ;    Mary,  82  ;    Mrs. 

Sarah,  39  ;  Susanna.  42. 
Yule,  Jane,  78  ;  William,  78. 

Zinzan.  Rev.  Nicholas  (Rector).  10.  11,  12,  13, 
48,  49,  50,  51,  52,  53,  54,  111,  112. 

—  Alexander.  120. 

—  Eleanor.  103. 

—  Elizabeth,  4,  6. 

—  Grace.  7. 

—  John,  9,  109. 

—  Mary,  7. 

—  Mr.,  2. 

—  Sarah.  7. 

—  Thomas,  9. 

A  parish  girl,  116. 
A  stranger,  115,  121. 
A  woman,  119. 
A  strange  woman,  121. 

l^oodon :  Mitcbell  Huglws  uid  CUrkt,  Printers,  140  Wardour  Street,  W. 

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